2015-01-29 18:01:29 -05:00

236 lines
8.5 KiB

(function( $ ) {
module( "datepicker: options" );
test( "appendTo", function() {
expect( 6 );
var container,
detached = $( "<div>" ),
input = $( "#datepicker" );
container = input.datepicker( "widget" ).parent()[ 0 ];
equal( container, document.body, "defaults to body" );
input.datepicker( "destroy" );
input.datepicker({ appendTo: "#qunit-fixture" });
container = input.datepicker( "widget" ).parent()[ 0 ];
equal( container, $( "#qunit-fixture" )[ 0 ], "child of specified element" );
input.datepicker( "destroy" );
input.datepicker({ appendTo: "#does-not-exist" });
container = input.datepicker( "widget" ).parent()[ 0 ];
equal( container, document.body, "set to body if element does not exist" );
input.datepicker( "destroy" );
.datepicker( "option", "appendTo", "#qunit-fixture" );
container = input.datepicker( "widget" ).parent()[ 0 ];
equal( container, $( "#qunit-fixture" )[ 0 ], "modified after init" );
input.datepicker( "destroy" );
input.datepicker({ appendTo: detached });
container = input.datepicker( "widget" ).parent()[ 0 ];
equal( container, detached[ 0 ], "detached jQuery object" );
input.datepicker( "destroy" );
input.datepicker({ appendTo: detached[ 0 ] });
container = input.datepicker( "widget" ).parent()[ 0 ];
equal( container, detached[ 0 ], "detached DOM element" );
input.datepicker( "destroy" );
test("buttons", function() {
expect( 3 );
var button,
buttons = {
"Ok": function() {},
"Cancel": function() {}
element = $( "#datepicker" ).datepicker({ buttons: buttons });
button = element.datepicker( "widget" ).find( ".ui-calendar-buttonpane button" );
equal( button.length, 2, "number of buttons" );
ok( button.parent().hasClass( "ui-calendar-buttonset" ), "buttons in container");
ok( element.datepicker( "widget" ).hasClass( "ui-calendar-buttons" ), "calendar wrapper adds class about having buttons" );
test( "dateFormat", function() {
expect( 2 );
var input = $( "#datepicker" ).val( "1/1/14" ).datepicker(),
picker = input.datepicker( "widget" ),
firstDayLink = picker.find( "td[id]:first a" );
input.datepicker( "open" );
firstDayLink.trigger( "mousedown" );
equal( input.val(), "1/1/14", "default formatting" );
input.datepicker( "option", "dateFormat", { date: "full" } );
equal( input.val(), "Wednesday, January 1, 2014", "updated formatting" );
input.datepicker( "destroy" );
test( "eachDay", function() {
expect( 5 );
var timestamp,
input = $( "#datepicker" ).datepicker(),
picker = input.datepicker( "widget" ),
firstCell = picker.find( "td[id]:first" );
equal( firstCell.find( "a" ).length, 1, "days are selectable by default" );
timestamp = parseInt( firstCell.find( "a" ).attr( "data-timestamp" ), 10 );
equal( new Date( timestamp ).getDate(), 1, "first available day is the 1st by default" );
// Do not render the 1st of the month
input.datepicker( "option", "eachDay", function( day ) {
if ( day.date === 1 ) {
day.render = false;
firstCell = picker.find( "td[id]:first" );
timestamp = parseInt( firstCell.find( "a" ).attr( "data-timestamp" ), 10 );
equal( new Date( timestamp ).getDate(), 2, "first available day is the 2nd" );
// Display the 1st of the month but make it not selectable.
input.datepicker( "option", "eachDay", function( day ) {
if ( day.date === 1 ) {
day.selectable = false;
firstCell = picker.find( "td[id]:first" );
equal( firstCell.find( "a" ).length, 0, "the 1st is not selectable" );
input.datepicker( "option", "eachDay", function( day ) {
if ( day.date === 1 ) {
day.extraClasses = "ui-custom";
ok( picker.find( "td[id]:first a" ).hasClass( "ui-custom" ), "extraClasses applied" );
input.datepicker( "destroy" );
asyncTest( "position", function() {
expect( 3 );
var input = $( "<input>" ).datepicker().appendTo( "body" ).css({
position: "absolute",
top: 0,
left: 0
container = input.datepicker( "widget" );
input.datepicker( "open" );
setTimeout(function() {
closeEnough( input.offset().left, container.offset().left, 1, "left sides line up by default" );
closeEnough( container.offset().top, input.offset().top + input.outerHeight(), 1,
"datepicker directly under input by default" );
// Change the position option using option()
input.datepicker( "option", "position", {
my: "left top",
at: "right bottom"
closeEnough( container.offset().left, input.offset().left + input.outerWidth(), 1,
"datepicker on right hand side of input after position change" );
test( "showWeek", function() {
expect( 7 );
var input = $( "#datepicker" ).datepicker(),
container = input.datepicker( "widget" );
equal( container.find( "thead th" ).length, 7, "just 7 days, no column cell" );
equal( container.find( ".ui-calendar-week-col" ).length, 0,
"no week column cells present" );
input.datepicker( "destroy" );
input = $( "#datepicker" ).datepicker({ showWeek: true });
container = input.datepicker( "widget" );
equal( container.find( "thead th" ).length, 8, "7 days + a column cell" );
ok( container.find( "thead th:first" ).is( ".ui-calendar-week-col" ),
"first cell should have ui-calendar-week-col class name" );
equal( container.find( ".ui-calendar-week-col" ).length,
container.find( "tr" ).length, "one week cell for each week" );
input.datepicker( "destroy" );
input = $( "#datepicker" ).datepicker();
container = input.datepicker( "widget" );
equal( container.find( "thead th" ).length, 7, "no week column" );
input.datepicker( "option", "showWeek", true );
equal( container.find( "thead th" ).length, 8, "supports changing option after init" );
test( "min / max", function() {
expect( 14 );
var inp = TestHelpers.datepicker.init( "#datepicker" ),
minDate = new Date( 2008, 2 - 1, 29 ),
maxDate = new Date( 2008, 12 - 1, 7 );
inp.val( "6/4/08" ).datepicker( "option", { min: minDate } );
TestHelpers.datepicker.equalsDate( inp.datepicker( "valueAsDate" ), new Date( 2008, 6 - 1, 4 ), "Min/max - value > min" );
ok( inp.datepicker( "isValid" ) );
inp.datepicker( "option", { min: null } ).val( "1/4/08" ).datepicker( "option", { min: minDate } );
TestHelpers.datepicker.equalsDate( inp.datepicker( "valueAsDate" ), new Date( 2008, 1 - 1, 4 ), "Min/max - value < min" );
ok( !inp.datepicker( "isValid" ) );
inp.datepicker( "option", { min: null } ).val( "6/4/08" ).datepicker( "option", { max: maxDate } );
TestHelpers.datepicker.equalsDate( inp.datepicker( "valueAsDate" ), new Date( 2008, 6 - 1, 4 ), "Min/max - value < max" );
ok( inp.datepicker( "isValid" ) );
inp.datepicker( "option", { max: null } ).val( "1/4/09" ).datepicker( "option", { max: maxDate } );
TestHelpers.datepicker.equalsDate( inp.datepicker( "valueAsDate" ), new Date( 2009, 1 - 1, 4 ), "Min/max - setDate > max" );
ok( !inp.datepicker( "isValid" ) );
inp.datepicker( "option", { max: null } ).val( "1/4/08" ).datepicker( "option", { min: minDate, max: maxDate } );
TestHelpers.datepicker.equalsDate( inp.datepicker( "valueAsDate" ), new Date( 2008, 1 - 1, 4 ), "Min/max - value < min" );
ok( !inp.datepicker( "isValid" ) );
inp.datepicker( "option", { max: null } ).val( "6/4/08" ).datepicker( "option", { min: minDate, max: maxDate } );
TestHelpers.datepicker.equalsDate( inp.datepicker( "valueAsDate" ), new Date( 2008, 6 - 1, 4 ), "Min/max - value > min, < max" );
ok( inp.datepicker( "isValid" ) );
inp.datepicker( "option", { max: null } ).val( "1/4/09" ).datepicker( "option", { min: minDate, max: maxDate } );
TestHelpers.datepicker.equalsDate( inp.datepicker( "valueAsDate" ), new Date( 2009, 1 - 1, 4 ), "Min/max - value > max" );
ok( !inp.datepicker( "isValid" ) );
test( "Stop datepicker from appearing with beforeOpen event handler", function() {
expect( 3 );
var input = TestHelpers.datepicker.init( "#datepicker", {
beforeOpen: function() {}
input.datepicker( "open" );
ok( input.datepicker( "widget" ).is( ":visible" ), "beforeOpen returns nothing" );
input.datepicker( "close" ).datepicker( "destroy" );
input = TestHelpers.datepicker.init( "#datepicker", {
beforeOpen: function() {
return true;
input.datepicker( "open" );
ok( input.datepicker( "widget" ).is( ":visible" ), "beforeOpen returns true" );
input.datepicker( "close" ).datepicker( "destroy" );
input = TestHelpers.datepicker.init( "#datepicker", {
beforeOpen: function() {
return false;
input.datepicker( "open" );
ok( !input.datepicker( "widget" ).is( ":visible" ), "beforeOpen returns false" );
input.datepicker( "destroy" );