Mike Sherov e1230997aa Build: Enable "unused" option in jshint - Remove unused variables from codebase. - Closes gh-788
Squashed commit of the following:

commit 7f19f92c64
Author: Mike Sherov <mike.sherov@gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Oct 23 10:34:28 2012 -0400

    put back in fake args for signatures that we want to keep

commit 257505a9e6
Author: Mike Sherov <mike.sherov@gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Oct 23 08:10:20 2012 -0400

    changes per @scott_gonzalez

commit 12725480cb
Author: Mike Sherov <mike.sherov@gmail.com>
Date:   Mon Oct 22 22:54:05 2012 -0400

    clean up unused vars in ui directory

commit 563595e7ae
Author: Mike Sherov <mike.sherov@gmail.com>
Date:   Mon Oct 22 22:37:42 2012 -0400

    clean up unused vars in grunt and tests
2012-10-23 09:37:46 -05:00

242 lines
7.6 KiB

module.exports = function( grunt ) {
"use strict";
var path = require( "path" ),
fs = require( "fs" );
grunt.registerTask( "manifest", "Generate jquery.json manifest files", function() {
var pkg = grunt.config( "pkg" ),
base = {
core: {
name: "ui.{plugin}",
title: "jQuery UI {Plugin}"
widget: {
name: "ui.{plugin}",
title: "jQuery UI {Plugin}",
dependencies: [ "core", "widget" ]
interaction: {
name: "ui.{plugin}",
title: "jQuery UI {Plugin}",
dependencies: [ "core", "widget", "mouse" ]
effect: {
name: "ui.effect-{plugin}",
title: "jQuery UI {Plugin} Effect",
keywords: [ "effect", "show", "hide" ],
homepage: "http://jqueryui.com/{plugin}-effect/",
demo: "http://jqueryui.com/{plugin}-effect/",
docs: "http://api.jqueryui.com/{plugin}-effect/",
dependencies: [ "effect" ]
Object.keys( base ).forEach(function( type ) {
var baseManifest = base[ type ],
plugins = grunt.file.readJSON( "build/" + type + ".json" );
Object.keys( plugins ).forEach(function( plugin ) {
var manifest,
data = plugins[ plugin ],
name = plugin.charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() + plugin.substr( 1 );
function replace( str ) {
return str.replace( "{plugin}", plugin ).replace( "{Plugin}", name );
manifest = {
name: data.name || replace( baseManifest.name ),
title: data.title || replace( baseManifest.title ),
description: data.description,
keywords: [ "ui", plugin ]
.concat( baseManifest.keywords || [] )
.concat( data.keywords || [] ),
version: pkg.version,
author: pkg.author,
maintainers: pkg.maintainers,
licenses: pkg.licenses,
bugs: pkg.bugs,
homepage: data.homepage || replace( baseManifest.homepage ||
"http://jqueryui.com/{plugin}/" ),
demo: data.demo || replace( baseManifest.demo ||
"http://jqueryui.com/{plugin}/" ),
docs: data.docs || replace( baseManifest.docs ||
"http://api.jqueryui.com/{plugin}/" ),
download: "http://jqueryui.com/download/",
dependencies: {
jquery: ">=1.6"
// custom
category: data.category || type
(baseManifest.dependencies || [])
.concat(data.dependencies || [])
.forEach(function( dependency ) {
manifest.dependencies[ "ui." + dependency ] = pkg.version;
grunt.file.write( manifest.name + ".jquery.json",
JSON.stringify( manifest, null, "\t" ) + "\n" );
grunt.registerMultiTask( "copy", "Copy files to destination folder and replace @VERSION with pkg.version", function() {
function replaceVersion( source ) {
return source.replace( /@VERSION/g, grunt.config( "pkg.version" ) );
function copyFile( src, dest ) {
if ( /(js|css)$/.test( src ) ) {
grunt.file.copy( src, dest, {
process: replaceVersion
} else {
grunt.file.copy( src, dest );
var files = grunt.file.expandFiles( this.file.src ),
target = this.file.dest + "/",
strip = this.data.strip,
renameCount = 0,
if ( typeof strip === "string" ) {
strip = new RegExp( "^" + grunt.template.process( strip, grunt.config() ).replace( /[\-\[\]{}()*+?.,\\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&" ) );
files.forEach(function( fileName ) {
var targetFile = strip ? fileName.replace( strip, "" ) : fileName;
copyFile( fileName, target + targetFile );
grunt.log.writeln( "Copied " + files.length + " files." );
for ( fileName in this.data.renames ) {
renameCount += 1;
copyFile( fileName, target + grunt.template.process( this.data.renames[ fileName ], grunt.config() ) );
if ( renameCount ) {
grunt.log.writeln( "Renamed " + renameCount + " files." );
grunt.registerMultiTask( "zip", "Create a zip file for release", function() {
// TODO switch back to adm-zip for better cross-platform compability once it actually works
// 0.1.3 works, but result can't be unzipped
// its also a lot slower then zip program, probably due to how its used...
// var files = grunt.file.expandFiles( "dist/" + this.file.src + "/**/*" );
// grunt.log.writeln( "Creating zip file " + this.file.dest );
//var AdmZip = require( "adm-zip" );
//var zip = new AdmZip();
//files.forEach(function( file ) {
// grunt.verbose.writeln( "Zipping " + file );
// // rewrite file names from dist folder (created by build), drop the /dist part
// zip.addFile(file.replace(/^dist/, "" ), fs.readFileSync( file ) );
//zip.writeZip( "dist/" + this.file.dest );
//grunt.log.writeln( "Wrote " + files.length + " files to " + this.file.dest );
var done = this.async(),
dest = this.file.dest,
src = grunt.template.process( this.file.src, grunt.config() );
cmd: "zip",
args: [ "-r", dest, src ],
opts: {
cwd: 'dist'
}, function( err ) {
if ( err ) {
grunt.log.error( err );
grunt.log.writeln( "Zipped " + dest );
grunt.registerMultiTask( "md5", "Create list of md5 hashes for CDN uploads", function() {
// remove dest file before creating it, to make sure itself is not included
if ( path.existsSync( this.file.dest ) ) {
fs.unlinkSync( this.file.dest );
var crypto = require( "crypto" ),
dir = this.file.src + "/",
hashes = [];
grunt.file.expandFiles( dir + "**/*" ).forEach(function( fileName ) {
var hash = crypto.createHash( "md5" );
hash.update( grunt.file.read( fileName, "ascii" ) );
hashes.push( fileName.replace( dir, "" ) + " " + hash.digest( "hex" ) );
grunt.file.write( this.file.dest, hashes.join( "\n" ) + "\n" );
grunt.log.writeln( "Wrote " + this.file.dest + " with " + hashes.length + " hashes" );
grunt.registerTask( "generate_themes", function() {
var download, files, done,
target = "dist/" + grunt.template.process( grunt.config( "files.themes" ), grunt.config() ) + "/",
distFolder = "dist/" + grunt.template.process( grunt.config( "files.dist" ), grunt.config() );
try {
require.resolve( "download.jqueryui.com" );
} catch( error ) {
throw new Error( "You need to manually install download.jqueryui.com for this task to work" );
// copy release files into download builder to avoid cloning again
grunt.file.expandFiles( distFolder + "/**" ).forEach(function( file ) {
grunt.file.copy( file, "node_modules/download.jqueryui.com/release/" + file.replace(/^dist/, "") );
download = new ( require( "download.jqueryui.com" ) )();
files = grunt.file.expandFiles( distFolder + "/themes/base/**/*" );
files.forEach(function( fileName ) {
grunt.file.copy( fileName, target + fileName.replace( distFolder, "" ) );
done = this.async();
grunt.utils.async.forEach( download.themeroller.gallery(), function( theme, done ) {
var folderName = theme.folderName(),
concatTarget = "css-" + folderName,
cssContent = theme.css(),
cssFolderName = target + "themes/" + folderName + "/",
cssFileName = cssFolderName + "jquery.ui.theme.css",
cssFiles = grunt.config.get( "concat.css.src" )[ 1 ].slice();
grunt.file.write( cssFileName, cssContent );
// get css components, replace the last file with the current theme
cssFiles.push( "<strip_all_banners:" + cssFileName + ">" );
grunt.config.get( "concat" )[ concatTarget ] = {
src: [ "<banner:meta.bannerCSS>", cssFiles ],
dest: cssFolderName + "jquery-ui.css"
grunt.task.run( "concat:" + concatTarget );
theme.fetchImages(function( err, files ) {
if ( err ) {
done( err );
files.forEach(function( file ) {
grunt.file.write( cssFolderName + "images/" + file.path, file.data );
}, function( err ) {
if ( err ) {
grunt.log.error( err );
done( !err );
grunt.registerTask( "clean", function() {
require( "rimraf" ).sync( "dist" );