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define( [
], function( QUnit, $ ) {
QUnit.module( "calendar: options", {
beforeEach: function() {
this.element = $( "#calendar" ).calendar();
this.widget = this.element.calendar( "widget" );
afterEach: function() {
this.element.calendar( "destroy" );
} );
QUnit.test( "buttons", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 21 );
var button, i, newButtons,
that = this,
buttons = {
"Ok": function( event ) {
assert.ok( true, "button click fires callback" );
assert.equal( this, that.element[ 0 ], "context of callback" );
assert.equal( event.target, button[ 0 ], "event target" );
"Cancel": function( event ) {
assert.ok( true, "button click fires callback" );
assert.equal( this, that.element[ 0 ], "context of callback" );
assert.equal( event.target, button[ 1 ], "event target" );
this.element.calendar( { buttons: buttons } );
button = this.widget.find( ".ui-calendar-buttonpane button" );
assert.equal( button.length, 2, "number of buttons" );
i = 0;
$.each( buttons, function( key ) {
assert.equal( button.eq( i ).text(), key, "text of button " + ( i + 1 ) );
} );
assert.ok( button.parent().hasClass( "ui-calendar-buttonset" ), "buttons in container" );
this.element.calendar( "widget" ).hasClass( "ui-calendar-buttons" ),
"calendar wrapper adds class about having buttons"
button.trigger( "click" );
newButtons = {
"Close": function( event ) {
assert.ok( true, "button click fires callback" );
assert.equal( this, that.element[ 0 ], "context of callback" );
assert.equal( event.target, button[ 0 ], "event target" );
this.element.calendar( "option", "buttons" ),
".calendar('option', 'buttons') getter"
this.element.calendar( "option", "buttons", newButtons );
this.element.calendar( "option", "buttons" ),
".calendar('option', 'buttons', ...) setter"
button = this.element.calendar( "widget" ).find( ".ui-calendar-buttonpane button" );
assert.equal( button.length, 1, "number of buttons after setter" );
button.trigger( "click" );
i = 0;
$.each( newButtons, function( key ) {
assert.equal( button.eq( i ).text(), key, "text of button " + ( i + 1 ) );
i += 1;
} );
this.element.calendar( "option", "buttons", null );
button = this.widget.find( ".ui-calendar-buttonpane button" );
assert.equal( button.length, 0, "all buttons have been removed" );
assert.equal( this.element.find( ".ui-calendar-buttonset" ).length, 0, "buttonset has been removed" );
assert.equal( this.element.hasClass( "ui-calendar-buttons" ), false, "calendar element removes class about having buttons" );
} );
QUnit.test( "buttons - advanced", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 7 );
var that = this,
this.element.calendar( {
buttons: [ {
text: "a button",
"class": "additional-class",
id: "my-button-id",
click: function() {
assert.equal( this, that.element[ 0 ], "correct context" );
icon: "ui-icon-cancel",
showLabel: false
} ]
} );
buttons = this.widget.find( ".ui-calendar-buttonpane button" );
assert.equal( buttons.length, 1, "correct number of buttons" );
assert.equal( buttons.attr( "id" ), "my-button-id", "correct id" );
assert.equal( $.trim( buttons.text() ), "a button", "correct label" );
assert.ok( buttons.hasClass( "additional-class" ), "additional classes added" );
assert.equal( buttons.button( "option", "icon" ), "ui-icon-cancel" );
assert.equal( buttons.button( "option", "showLabel" ), false );
} );
QUnit.test( "dateFormat", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 2 );
this.element.calendar( "value", "1/1/14" );
this.widget.find( "td[id]:first button" ).trigger( "mousedown" );
assert.equal( this.element.calendar( "value" ), "1/1/14", "default formatting" );
this.element.calendar( "option", "dateFormat", { date: "full" } );
assert.equal( this.element.calendar( "value" ), "Wednesday, January 1, 2014", "updated formatting" );
} );
QUnit.test( "eachDay", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 5 );
var timestamp,
firstCell = this.widget.find( "td[id]:first" );
assert.equal( firstCell.find( "button" ).length, 1, "days are selectable by default" );
timestamp = parseInt( firstCell.find( "button" ).attr( "data-ui-calendar-timestamp" ), 10 );
assert.equal( new Date( timestamp ).getDate(), 1, "first available day is the 1st by default" );
// Do not render the 1st of the month
this.element.calendar( "option", "eachDay", function( day ) {
if ( day.date === 1 ) {
day.render = false;
} );
firstCell = this.widget.find( "td[id]:first" );
timestamp = parseInt( firstCell.find( "button" ).attr( "data-ui-calendar-timestamp" ), 10 );
assert.equal( new Date( timestamp ).getDate(), 2, "first available day is the 2nd" );
// Display the 1st of the month but make it not selectable.
this.element.calendar( "option", "eachDay", function( day ) {
if ( day.date === 1 ) {
day.selectable = false;
} );
firstCell = this.widget.find( "td[id]:first" );
assert.ok( firstCell.find( "button" ).prop( "disabled" ), "the 1st is not selectable" );
this.element.calendar( "option", "eachDay", function( day ) {
if ( day.date === 1 ) {
day.extraClasses = "ui-custom";
} );
assert.ok( this.widget.find( "td[id]:first button" ).hasClass( "ui-custom" ), "extraClasses applied" );
} );
QUnit.test( "showWeek", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 7 );
assert.equal( this.widget.find( "thead th" ).length, 7, "just 7 days, no column cell" );
assert.equal( this.widget.find( ".ui-calendar-week-col" ).length, 0,
"no week column cells present" );
this.element.calendar( "destroy" );
this.element.calendar( { showWeek: true } );
assert.equal( this.widget.find( "thead th" ).length, 8, "7 days + a column cell" );
assert.ok( this.widget.find( "thead th:first" ).is( ".ui-calendar-week-col" ),
"first cell should have ui-datepicker-week-col class name" );
assert.equal( this.widget.find( ".ui-calendar-week-col" ).length,
this.widget.find( "tr" ).length, "one week cell for each week" );
this.element.calendar( "destroy" );
assert.equal( this.widget.find( "thead th" ).length, 7, "no week column" );
this.element.calendar( "option", "showWeek", true );
assert.equal( this.widget.find( "thead th" ).length, 8, "supports changing option after init" );
} );
QUnit.test( "min / max", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 19 );
// With existing date
var prevButton = this.widget.find( ".ui-calendar-prev" ),
nextButton = this.widget.find( ".ui-calendar-next" ),
minDate = new Date( 2008, 2 - 1, 29 ),
maxDate = new Date( 2008, 12 - 1, 7 );
.calendar( "option", { min: minDate } )
.calendar( "value", "6/4/08" );
assert.dateEqual( this.element.calendar( "valueAsDate" ), new Date( 2008, 6 - 1, 4 ), "Min/max - value > min" );
.calendar( "option", { min: minDate } )
.calendar( "value", "1/4/08" );
assert.equal( this.element.calendar( "valueAsDate" ), null, "Min/max - value < min" );
.calendar( "option", { min: null } )
.calendar( "value", "6/4/08" )
.calendar( "option", { max: maxDate } );
assert.dateEqual( this.element.calendar( "valueAsDate" ), new Date( 2008, 6 - 1, 4 ), "Min/max - value < max" );
.calendar( "option", { max: maxDate } )
.calendar( "value", "1/4/09" );
assert.equal( this.element.calendar( "valueAsDate" ), null, "Min/max - setDate > max" );
.calendar( "option", { min: minDate, max: maxDate } )
.calendar( "value", "1/4/08" );
assert.equal( this.element.calendar( "valueAsDate" ), null, "Min/max - value < min" );
.calendar( "option", { min: minDate, max: maxDate } )
.calendar( "value", "6/4/08" );
assert.dateEqual( this.element.calendar( "valueAsDate" ), new Date( 2008, 6 - 1, 4 ), "Min/max - value > min, < max" );
.calendar( "option", { min: minDate, max: maxDate } )
.calendar( "value", "1/4/09" );
assert.equal( this.element.calendar( "valueAsDate" ), null, "Min/max - value > max" );
this.element.calendar( "option", { min: minDate } );
this.element.calendar( "option", { min: "invalid" } );
assert.equal( this.element.calendar( "option", "min" ), null, "Min/max - invalid" );
this.element.calendar( "option", { min: maxDate } );
this.element.calendar( "option", { max: null } );
assert.equal( this.element.calendar( "option", "max" ), null, "Min/max - null" );
.calendar( "option", { min: minDate, max: maxDate } )
.calendar( "value", "3/4/08" );
assert.ok( !prevButton.hasClass( "ui-state-disabled" ), "Prev button enabled" );
prevButton.simulate( "click" );
assert.ok( prevButton.hasClass( "ui-state-disabled" ), "Prev button disabled" );
this.element.calendar( "value", "11/4/08" );
assert.ok( !nextButton.hasClass( "ui-state-disabled" ), "Next button enabled" );
nextButton.simulate( "click" );
assert.ok( nextButton.hasClass( "ui-state-disabled" ), "Next button disabled" );
.calendar( "option", { max: null } )
.calendar( "value", "1/4/09" )
.calendar( "option", { min: minDate, max: maxDate } );
assert.ok( nextButton.hasClass( "ui-state-disabled" ), "Other year above max: Next button disabled" );
prevButton.simulate( "click" );
assert.ok( nextButton.hasClass( "ui-state-disabled" ), "Other year above max: Next button disabled after click" );
prevButton.simulate( "click" );
assert.ok( !nextButton.hasClass( "ui-state-disabled" ), "Other year above max: Next button enabled after click" );
.calendar( "option", { min: null } )
.calendar( "value", "1/4/08" )
.calendar( "option", { min: minDate, max: maxDate } );
assert.ok( prevButton.hasClass( "ui-state-disabled" ), "Other year below min: Prev button disabled" );
nextButton.simulate( "click" );
assert.ok( prevButton.hasClass( "ui-state-disabled" ), "Other year below min: Prev button disabled after click" );
nextButton.simulate( "click" );
assert.ok( !prevButton.hasClass( "ui-state-disabled" ), "Other year below min: Prev button enabled after click" );
} );
QUnit.test( "numberOfMonths", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 6 );
var date = new Date( 2015, 8 - 1, 1 );
this.element.calendar( "option", {
numberOfMonths: 3,
value: date
} );
assert.equal( this.widget.find( ".ui-calendar-group" ).length, 3, "3 calendar grids" );
this.widget.find( "tbody:first td[id]:first" ).attr( "id" ),
"Correct id set for first day of first grid"
this.widget.find( "tbody:last td[id]:last" ).attr( "id" ),
"Correct id set for last day of third grid"
// Test for jumping in weekday rendering after click on last day of last grid
this.widget.find( "tbody:last td[id]:last button" ).trigger( "mousedown" );
assert.equal( this.widget.find( "thead:last th:last" ).text(), "Sa",
"After mousedown last month: Last day is Saturday"
this.widget.find( "button.ui-calendar-prev" ).simulate( "click" );
assert.equal( this.widget.find( ".ui-calendar-month:first" ).text(), "May",
"After move to previous month: First month is May"
this.widget.find( "tbody:last td[id]:last button" ).trigger( "mousedown" );
$( document.activeElement ).simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.RIGHT } );
assert.equal( this.widget.find( ".ui-calendar-month:last" ).text(), "October",
"After move to next month: Last month is October"
} );
QUnit.test( "value", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 4 );
var date = new Date( 2016, 5 - 1, 23 );
assert.equal( this.element.calendar( "option", "value" ), null, "Initial value" );
this.element.calendar( "option", "value", date );
assert.dateEqual( this.element.calendar( "option", "value" ), date, "Value set" );
new Date( this.widget.find( "table button.ui-state-active" ).data( "ui-calendar-timestamp" ) ),
new Date( 1463972400000 ),
"Active button timestamp"
this.element.calendar( "option", "value", "invalid" );
assert.equal( this.element.calendar( "option", "value" ), null, "Value after invalid parameter" );
} );
} );