Felix Nagel a307992375 Calendar: Fix weekday name jumping when using numberOfMonths option
Fixes weekday name jumping when clicking the last day of the last
grid. Includes some basic tests for multiple month demo and this
specific issue.
2015-08-25 17:47:13 +02:00

352 lines
14 KiB

define( [
], function( $, testHelper ) {
module( "calendar: options" );
test("buttons", function() {
expect( 21 );
var button, i, newButtons,
buttons = {
"Ok": function( event ) {
ok(true, "button click fires callback" );
equal( this, element[ 0 ], "context of callback" );
equal( event.target, button[ 0 ], "event target" );
"Cancel": function( event ) {
ok( true, "button click fires callback" );
equal( this, element[ 0 ], "context of callback" );
equal( event.target, button[ 1 ], "event target" );
element = $( "#calendar" ).calendar({ buttons: buttons });
button = element.calendar( "widget" ).find( ".ui-calendar-buttonpane button" );
equal( button.length, 2, "number of buttons" );
i = 0;
$.each( buttons, function( key ) {
equal( button.eq( i ).text(), key, "text of button " + ( i + 1 ) );
ok( button.parent().hasClass( "ui-calendar-buttonset" ), "buttons in container" );
element.calendar( "widget" ).hasClass( "ui-calendar-buttons" ),
"calendar wrapper adds class about having buttons"
button.trigger( "click" );
newButtons = {
"Close": function( event ) {
ok( true, "button click fires callback" );
equal( this, element[ 0 ], "context of callback" );
equal( event.target, button[ 0 ], "event target" );
element.calendar( "option", "buttons" ),
".calendar('option', 'buttons') getter"
element.calendar( "option", "buttons", newButtons );
element.calendar( "option", "buttons" ),
".calendar('option', 'buttons', ...) setter"
button = element.calendar( "widget" ).find( ".ui-calendar-buttonpane button" );
equal( button.length, 1, "number of buttons after setter" );
button.trigger( "click" );
i = 0;
$.each( newButtons, function( key ) {
equal( button.eq( i ).text(), key, "text of button " + ( i + 1 ) );
i += 1;
element.calendar( "option", "buttons", null );
button = element.calendar( "widget" ).find( ".ui-calendar-buttonpane button" );
equal( button.length, 0, "all buttons have been removed" );
equal( element.find( ".ui-calendar-buttonset" ).length, 0, "buttonset has been removed" );
equal( element.hasClass( "ui-calendar-buttons" ), false, "calendar element removes class about having buttons" );
test( "buttons - advanced", function() {
expect( 7 );
var buttons,
element = $( "#calendar" ).calendar({
buttons: [{
text: "a button",
"class": "additional-class",
id: "my-button-id",
click: function() {
equal( this, element[ 0 ], "correct context" );
icons: {
primary: "ui-icon-cancel"
showText: false
buttons = element.calendar( "widget" ).find( ".ui-calendar-buttonpane button" );
equal( buttons.length, 1, "correct number of buttons" );
equal( buttons.attr( "id" ), "my-button-id", "correct id" );
equal ( buttons.text(), "a button", "correct label" );
ok( buttons.hasClass( "additional-class" ), "additional classes added" );
deepEqual( buttons.button( "option", "icons" ), { primary: "ui-icon-cancel", secondary: null } );
equal( buttons.button( "option", "text" ), false );
test( "dateFormat", function() {
expect( 2 );
var element = $( "#calendar" ).calendar();
element.calendar( "value", "1/1/14" );
element.calendar( "widget" ).find( "td[id]:first button" ).trigger( "mousedown" );
equal( element.calendar( "value" ), "1/1/14", "default formatting" );
element.calendar( "option", "dateFormat", { date: "full" } );
equal( element.calendar( "value" ), "Wednesday, January 1, 2014", "updated formatting" );
test( "eachDay", function() {
expect( 5 );
var timestamp,
input = $( "#calendar" ).calendar(),
picker = input.calendar( "widget" ),
firstCell = picker.find( "td[id]:first" );
equal( firstCell.find( "button" ).length, 1, "days are selectable by default" );
timestamp = parseInt( firstCell.find( "button" ).attr( "data-timestamp" ), 10 );
equal( new Date( timestamp ).getDate(), 1, "first available day is the 1st by default" );
// Do not render the 1st of the month
input.calendar( "option", "eachDay", function( day ) {
if ( day.date === 1 ) {
day.render = false;
firstCell = picker.find( "td[id]:first" );
timestamp = parseInt( firstCell.find( "button" ).attr( "data-timestamp" ), 10 );
equal( new Date( timestamp ).getDate(), 2, "first available day is the 2nd" );
// Display the 1st of the month but make it not selectable.
input.calendar( "option", "eachDay", function( day ) {
if ( day.date === 1 ) {
day.selectable = false;
firstCell = picker.find( "td[id]:first" );
ok( firstCell.find( "button" ).prop( "disabled" ), "the 1st is not selectable" );
input.calendar( "option", "eachDay", function( day ) {
if ( day.date === 1 ) {
day.extraClasses = "ui-custom";
ok( picker.find( "td[id]:first button" ).hasClass( "ui-custom" ), "extraClasses applied" );
input.calendar( "destroy" );
test( "showWeek", function() {
expect( 7 );
var input = $( "#calendar" ).calendar(),
container = input.calendar( "widget" );
equal( container.find( "thead th" ).length, 7, "just 7 days, no column cell" );
equal( container.find( ".ui-calendar-week-col" ).length, 0,
"no week column cells present" );
input.calendar( "destroy" );
input = $( "#calendar" ).calendar({ showWeek: true });
container = input.calendar( "widget" );
equal( container.find( "thead th" ).length, 8, "7 days + a column cell" );
ok( container.find( "thead th:first" ).is( ".ui-calendar-week-col" ),
"first cell should have ui-datepicker-week-col class name" );
equal( container.find( ".ui-calendar-week-col" ).length,
container.find( "tr" ).length, "one week cell for each week" );
input.calendar( "destroy" );
input = $( "#calendar" ).calendar();
container = input.calendar( "widget" );
equal( container.find( "thead th" ).length, 7, "no week column" );
input.calendar( "option", "showWeek", true );
equal( container.find( "thead th" ).length, 8, "supports changing option after init" );
test( "min / max", function() {
expect( 7 );
// With existing date
var element = $( "#calendar" ).calendar(),
minDate = new Date( 2008, 2 - 1, 29 ),
maxDate = new Date( 2008, 12 - 1, 7 );
.calendar( "option", { min: minDate } )
.calendar( "value", "6/4/08" );
testHelper.equalsDate( element.calendar( "valueAsDate" ), new Date( 2008, 6 - 1, 4 ), "Min/max - value > min" );
.calendar( "option", { min: minDate } )
.calendar( "value", "1/4/08" );
testHelper.equalsDate( element.calendar( "valueAsDate" ), new Date( 2008, 6 - 1, 4 ), "Min/max - value < min" );
.calendar( "option", { min: null } )
.calendar( "value", "6/4/08" )
.calendar( "option", { max: maxDate } );
testHelper.equalsDate( element.calendar( "valueAsDate" ), new Date( 2008, 6 - 1, 4 ), "Min/max - value < max" );
.calendar( "option", { max: maxDate } )
.calendar( "value", "1/4/09" );
testHelper.equalsDate( element.calendar( "valueAsDate" ), new Date( 2008, 6 - 1, 4 ), "Min/max - setDate > max" );
.calendar( "option", { min: minDate, max: maxDate } )
.calendar( "value", "1/4/08" );
testHelper.equalsDate( element.calendar( "valueAsDate" ), new Date( 2008, 6 - 1, 4 ), "Min/max - value < min" );
.calendar( "option", { min: minDate, max: maxDate } )
.calendar( "value", "6/4/08" );
testHelper.equalsDate( element.calendar( "valueAsDate" ), new Date( 2008, 6 - 1, 4 ), "Min/max - value > min, < max" );
.calendar( "option", { min: minDate, max: maxDate } )
.calendar( "value", "1/4/09" );
testHelper.equalsDate( element.calendar( "valueAsDate" ), new Date( 2008, 6 - 1, 4 ), "Min/max - value > max" );
test( "numberOfMonths", function() {
expect( 5 );
var date = new Date( 2015, 8 - 1, 1 ),
input = $( "#calendar" ).calendar({
numberOfMonths: 3,
value: date
container = input.calendar( "widget" );
equal( container.find( ".ui-calendar-group" ).length, 3, "3 calendar grids" );
container.find( "tbody:first td[id]:first" ).attr( "id" ),
"Correct id set for first day of first grid"
container.find( "tbody:last td[id]:last" ).attr( "id" ),
"Correct id set for last day of third grid"
// Test for jumping in weekday rendering after click on last day of last grid
equal( container.find( "thead:last th:last" ).text(), "Sa", "Before click: Last day is saturday" );
container.find( "tbody:last td[id]:last button" ).trigger( "mousedown" );
equal( container.find( "thead:last th:last" ).text(), "Sa", "After click: Last day is saturday" );
// TODO: Move this to $.date, Globalize or calendar widget
test( "daylightSaving", function() {
expect( 25 );
var inp = testHelper.init( "#inp" ),
dp = $( "#ui-datepicker-div" );
ok(true, "Daylight saving - " + new Date());
// Australia, Sydney - AM change, southern hemisphere
inp.val( "04/01/2008" ).calendar( "show" );
$( ".ui-calendar-calendar td:eq(6) a", dp).simulate( "click" );
equal(inp.val(), "04/05/2008", "Daylight saving - Australia 04/05/2008" );
inp.val( "04/01/2008" ).calendar( "show" );
$( ".ui-calendar-calendar td:eq(7) a", dp).simulate( "click" );
equal(inp.val(), "04/06/2008", "Daylight saving - Australia 04/06/2008" );
inp.val( "04/01/2008" ).calendar( "show" );
$( ".ui-calendar-calendar td:eq(8) a", dp).simulate( "click" );
equal(inp.val(), "04/07/2008", "Daylight saving - Australia 04/07/2008" );
inp.val( "10/01/2008" ).calendar( "show" );
$( ".ui-calendar-calendar td:eq(6) a", dp).simulate( "click" );
equal(inp.val(), "10/04/2008", "Daylight saving - Australia 10/04/2008" );
inp.val( "10/01/2008" ).calendar( "show" );
$( ".ui-calendar-calendar td:eq(7) a", dp).simulate( "click" );
equal(inp.val(), "10/05/2008", "Daylight saving - Australia 10/05/2008" );
inp.val( "10/01/2008" ).calendar( "show" );
$( ".ui-calendar-calendar td:eq(8) a", dp).simulate( "click" );
equal(inp.val(), "10/06/2008", "Daylight saving - Australia 10/06/2008" );
// Brasil, Brasilia - midnight change, southern hemisphere
inp.val( "02/01/2008" ).calendar( "show" );
$( ".ui-calendar-calendar td:eq(20) a", dp).simulate( "click" );
equal(inp.val(), "02/16/2008", "Daylight saving - Brasil 02/16/2008" );
inp.val( "02/01/2008" ).calendar( "show" );
$( ".ui-calendar-calendar td:eq(21) a", dp).simulate( "click" );
equal(inp.val(), "02/17/2008", "Daylight saving - Brasil 02/17/2008" );
inp.val( "02/01/2008" ).calendar( "show" );
$( ".ui-calendar-calendar td:eq(22) a", dp).simulate( "click" );
equal(inp.val(), "02/18/2008", "Daylight saving - Brasil 02/18/2008" );
inp.val( "10/01/2008" ).calendar( "show" );
$( ".ui-calendar-calendar td:eq(13) a", dp).simulate( "click" );
equal(inp.val(), "10/11/2008", "Daylight saving - Brasil 10/11/2008" );
inp.val( "10/01/2008" ).calendar( "show" );
$( ".ui-calendar-calendar td:eq(14) a", dp).simulate( "click" );
equal(inp.val(), "10/12/2008", "Daylight saving - Brasil 10/12/2008" );
inp.val( "10/01/2008" ).calendar( "show" );
$( ".ui-calendar-calendar td:eq(15) a", dp).simulate( "click" );
equal(inp.val(), "10/13/2008", "Daylight saving - Brasil 10/13/2008" );
// Lebanon, Beirut - midnight change, northern hemisphere
inp.val( "03/01/2008" ).calendar( "show" );
$( ".ui-calendar-calendar td:eq(34) a", dp).simulate( "click" );
equal(inp.val(), "03/29/2008", "Daylight saving - Lebanon 03/29/2008" );
inp.val( "03/01/2008" ).calendar( "show" );
$( ".ui-calendar-calendar td:eq(35) a", dp).simulate( "click" );
equal(inp.val(), "03/30/2008", "Daylight saving - Lebanon 03/30/2008" );
inp.val( "03/01/2008" ).calendar( "show" );
$( ".ui-calendar-calendar td:eq(36) a", dp).simulate( "click" );
equal(inp.val(), "03/31/2008", "Daylight saving - Lebanon 03/31/2008" );
inp.val( "10/01/2008" ).calendar( "show" );
$( ".ui-calendar-calendar td:eq(27) a", dp).simulate( "click" );
equal(inp.val(), "10/25/2008", "Daylight saving - Lebanon 10/25/2008" );
inp.val( "10/01/2008" ).calendar( "show" );
$( ".ui-calendar-calendar td:eq(28) a", dp).simulate( "click" );
equal(inp.val(), "10/26/2008", "Daylight saving - Lebanon 10/26/2008" );
inp.val( "10/01/2008" ).calendar( "show" );
$( ".ui-calendar-calendar td:eq(29) a", dp).simulate( "click" );
equal(inp.val(), "10/27/2008", "Daylight saving - Lebanon 10/27/2008" );
// US, Eastern - AM change, northern hemisphere
inp.val( "03/01/2008" ).calendar( "show" );
$( ".ui-calendar-calendar td:eq(13) a", dp).simulate( "click" );
equal(inp.val(), "03/08/2008", "Daylight saving - US 03/08/2008" );
inp.val( "03/01/2008" ).calendar( "show" );
$( ".ui-calendar-calendar td:eq(14) a", dp).simulate( "click" );
equal(inp.val(), "03/09/2008", "Daylight saving - US 03/09/2008" );
inp.val( "03/01/2008" ).calendar( "show" );
$( ".ui-calendar-calendar td:eq(15) a", dp).simulate( "click" );
equal(inp.val(), "03/10/2008", "Daylight saving - US 03/10/2008" );
inp.val( "11/01/2008" ).calendar( "show" );
$( ".ui-calendar-calendar td:eq(6) a", dp).simulate( "click" );
equal(inp.val(), "11/01/2008", "Daylight saving - US 11/01/2008" );
inp.val( "11/01/2008" ).calendar( "show" );
$( ".ui-calendar-calendar td:eq(7) a", dp).simulate( "click" );
equal(inp.val(), "11/02/2008", "Daylight saving - US 11/02/2008" );
inp.val( "11/01/2008" ).calendar( "show" );
$( ".ui-calendar-calendar td:eq(8) a", dp).simulate( "click" );
equal(inp.val(), "11/03/2008", "Daylight saving - US 11/03/2008" );
} );