Michał Gołębiowski-Owczarek 98b539171b All: Migrate away from deprecated/removed Core APIs
Summary of the changes:

* Build: Add jQuery 3.2.0-3.4.1 to versions UI can be tested against
* Build: Load jQuery & Migrate via HTTPS
* Build: Add package-lock.json to .gitignore
* Build: Update jQuery Migrate from 3.0.0 to 3.1.0
* Build: Allow to run tests against jQuery 3.x-git
* Build: Fix formatting according to JSCS rules
* Build: Disable JSCS for the inlined jQuery Color
* All: Switch from $.isArray to Array.isArray (jQuery.isArray will be
  removed in jQuery 4.0)
* All: Switch from `$.isFunction( x )` to `typeof x === "function"`
  (jQuery.isFunction will be removed in jQuery 4.0)
* All: Inline jQuery.isWindow as it'll be removed in jQuery 4.0
* Effects: Fix a timing issue in a variable declaration. Previously,
  a jQuery object was created, chained & assigned to a variable that
  was then accessed in a callback used inside of this chained
  definition. Due to a timing difference in when the callback fired for
  the first time in latest jQuery master, it was being called before
  the variable was defined.
* Tests: Make dialog & draggable unit tests less strict (newest jQuery
  returns fractional results in some cases, making comparisons fail when
  there's a tiny difference)
* All: Migrate from $.trim to bare String.prototype.trim (jQuery.trim
  will be deprecated in jQuery 3.5)

Closes gh-1901
2019-12-08 22:23:08 +01:00

406 lines
13 KiB

define( [
], function( QUnit, $ ) {
QUnit.module( "selectmenu: core" );
QUnit.test( "markup structure", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 7 );
var element = $( "#files" ).selectmenu(),
button = element.selectmenu( "widget" ),
icon = button.find( ".ui-icon" ),
menu = element.selectmenu( "menuWidget" ),
menuWrap = menu.parent();
assert.strictEqual( icon.length, 1, "Exactly one icon exists" );
assert.hasClasses( icon, "ui-selectmenu-icon" );
assert.hasClasses( button,
"ui-selectmenu-button ui-selectmenu-button-closed ui-widget" );
assert.lacksClasses( button, "ui-selectmenu-button-open ui-selectmenu-open" );
assert.hasClasses( menuWrap, "ui-selectmenu-menu" );
assert.lacksClasses( menuWrap, "ui-selectmenu-menu-open" );
assert.strictEqual( icon[ 0 ], button.children()[ 0 ], "Icon is first child of button" );
} );
QUnit.test( "accessibility", function( assert ) {
var ready = assert.async();
var wrappers, button, menu,
element = $( "#speed" ).attr( "title", "A demo title" );
element.find( "option" ).each( function( index ) {
$( this ).attr( "title", "A demo title #" + index );
} );
button = element.selectmenu( "widget" );
menu = element.selectmenu( "menuWidget" );
button.simulate( "focus" );
wrappers = menu.find( "li.ui-menu-item .ui-menu-item-wrapper" );
assert.expect( 13 + wrappers.length * 3 );
setTimeout( function() {
assert.equal( button.attr( "role" ), "combobox", "button role" );
assert.equal( button.attr( "aria-haspopup" ), "true", "button aria-haspopup" );
assert.equal( button.attr( "aria-expanded" ), "false", "button aria-expanded" );
assert.equal( button.attr( "aria-autocomplete" ), "list", "button aria-autocomplete" );
assert.equal( button.attr( "aria-owns" ), menu.attr( "id" ), "button aria-owns" );
button.attr( "aria-labelledby" ),
wrappers.eq( element[ 0 ].selectedIndex ).attr( "id" ),
"button link aria-labelledby"
assert.equal( button.attr( "tabindex" ), 0, "button link tabindex" );
assert.equal( button.attr( "title" ), "A demo title", "button title" );
assert.equal( menu.attr( "role" ), "listbox", "menu role" );
assert.equal( menu.attr( "aria-labelledby" ), button.attr( "id" ), "menu aria-labelledby" );
assert.equal( menu.attr( "aria-hidden" ), "true", "menu aria-hidden" );
assert.equal( menu.attr( "tabindex" ), 0, "menu tabindex" );
menu.attr( "aria-activedescendant" ),
wrappers.eq( element[ 0 ].selectedIndex ).attr( "id" ),
"menu aria-activedescendant"
$.each( wrappers, function( index ) {
var item = $( this );
assert.equal( item.attr( "role" ), "option", "menu item #" + index + " role" );
assert.equal( item.attr( "tabindex" ), -1, "menu item #" + index + " tabindex" );
assert.equal( item.attr( "title" ), "A demo title #" + index, "menu item #" + index + " title" );
} );
} );
} );
QUnit.test( "_renderButtonItem()", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 2 );
var option,
element = $( "#speed" ).selectmenu(),
instance = element.selectmenu( "instance" ),
button = element.selectmenu( "widget" ),
menu = element.selectmenu( "menuWidget" );
instance._renderButtonItem = function( item ) {
var buttonItem = $( "<span>" );
this._setText( buttonItem, item.label + item.index );
return buttonItem;
element.selectmenu( "refresh" );
option = element.find( "option:selected" );
String.prototype.trim.call( button.text() ),
option.text() + element[ 0 ].selectedIndex,
"refresh: button item text"
button.trigger( "click" );
menu.find( "li" ).last().simulate( "mouseover" ).trigger( "click" );
option = element.find( "option" ).last();
String.prototype.trim.call( button.text() ),
option.text() + element[ 0 ].selectedIndex,
"click: button item text"
} );
$.each( [
type: "default",
selector: "#speed"
type: "optgroups",
selector: "#files"
], function( i, settings ) {
QUnit.test( "state synchronization - after keydown on button - " + settings.type, function( assert ) {
var ready = assert.async();
assert.expect( 4 );
var wrappers,
element = $( settings.selector ).selectmenu(),
button = element.selectmenu( "widget" ),
menu = element.selectmenu( "menuWidget" ),
// Get the option after the currently selected option because
// we simulate pressing DOWN.
selected = element.find( "option:selected" ).next();
button.simulate( "focus" );
setTimeout( function() {
wrappers = menu.find( "li.ui-menu-item .ui-menu-item-wrapper" );
button.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.DOWN } );
menu.attr( "aria-activedescendant" ),
wrappers.eq( element[ 0 ].selectedIndex ).attr( "id" ),
"menu aria-activedescendant"
button.attr( "aria-activedescendant" ),
wrappers.eq( element[ 0 ].selectedIndex ).attr( "id" ),
"button aria-activedescendant"
element.find( "option:selected" ).val(),
"original select state"
assert.equal( String.prototype.trim.call( button.text() ), selected.text(), "button text" );
} );
} );
QUnit.test( "state synchronization - after click on item - " + settings.type, function( assert ) {
var ready = assert.async();
assert.expect( 4 );
var wrappers,
element = $( settings.selector ).selectmenu(),
button = element.selectmenu( "widget" ),
menu = element.selectmenu( "menuWidget" ),
selected = element.find( "option" ).last();
button.simulate( "focus" );
setTimeout( function() {
wrappers = menu.find( "li.ui-menu-item .ui-menu-item-wrapper" );
button.trigger( "click" );
menu.find( "li" ).last().simulate( "mouseover" ).trigger( "click" );
menu.attr( "aria-activedescendant" ),
wrappers.eq( element[ 0 ].selectedIndex ).attr( "id" ),
"menu aria-activedescendant"
button.attr( "aria-activedescendant" ),
wrappers.eq( element[ 0 ].selectedIndex ).attr( "id" ),
"button aria-activedescendant"
element.find( "option:selected" ).val(),
"original select state"
assert.equal( String.prototype.trim.call( button.text() ), selected.text(), "button text" );
}, 1 );
} );
QUnit.test( "state synchronization - " +
"after focus item and keydown on button - " + settings.type, function( assert ) {
var ready = assert.async();
assert.expect( 4 );
var wrappers,
element = $( settings.selector ).selectmenu(),
button = element.selectmenu( "widget" ),
menu = element.selectmenu( "menuWidget" ),
options = element.find( "option" );
// Init menu
button.simulate( "focus" );
setTimeout( function() {
wrappers = menu.find( "li.ui-menu-item .ui-menu-item-wrapper" );
// Open menu and click first item
button.trigger( "click" );
wrappers.first().simulate( "mouseover" ).trigger( "click" );
// Open menu again and hover item
button.trigger( "click" );
wrappers.eq( 3 ).simulate( "mouseover" );
// Close and use keyboard control on button
button.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE } );
button.simulate( "focus" );
setTimeout( function() {
button.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.DOWN } );
assert.equal( menu.attr( "aria-activedescendant" ), wrappers.eq( 1 ).attr( "id" ),
"menu aria-activedescendant" );
assert.equal( button.attr( "aria-activedescendant" ), wrappers.eq( 1 ).attr( "id" ),
"button aria-activedescendant" );
assert.equal( element.find( "option:selected" ).val(), options.eq( 1 ).val(),
"original select state" );
assert.equal( String.prototype.trim.call( button.text() ), options.eq( 1 ).text(), "button text" );
} );
} );
} );
QUnit.test( "item looping - " + settings.type, function( assert ) {
var ready = assert.async();
assert.expect( 4 );
var wrappers,
element = $( settings.selector ).selectmenu(),
button = element.selectmenu( "widget" ),
menu = element.selectmenu( "menuWidget" );
button.simulate( "focus" );
setTimeout( function() {
wrappers = menu.find( "li.ui-menu-item .ui-menu-item-wrapper" );
button.trigger( "click" );
wrappers.first().simulate( "mouseover", { clientX: 2, clientY: 2 } ).trigger( "click" );
assert.equal( element[ 0 ].selectedIndex, 0, "First item is selected" );
button.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.UP } );
assert.equal( element[ 0 ].selectedIndex, 0, "No looping beyond first item" );
button.trigger( "click" );
wrappers.last().simulate( "mouseover", { clientX: 3, clientY: 3 } ).trigger( "click" );
assert.equal( element[ 0 ].selectedIndex, wrappers.length - 1, "Last item is selected" );
button.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.DOWN } );
assert.equal( element[ 0 ].selectedIndex, wrappers.length - 1, "No looping behind last item" );
} );
} );
QUnit.test( "item focus and active state - " + settings.type, function( assert ) {
var ready = assert.async();
assert.expect( 4 );
var wrappers, focusedItem,
element = $( settings.selector ).selectmenu(),
button = element.selectmenu( "widget" ),
menu = element.selectmenu( "menuWidget" );
button.simulate( "focus" );
setTimeout( function() {
wrappers = menu.find( "li.ui-menu-item .ui-menu-item-wrapper" );
button.trigger( "click" );
setTimeout( function() {
wrappers.eq( 3 ).simulate( "mouseover" ).trigger( "click" );
button.trigger( "click" );
wrappers.eq( 2 ).simulate( "mouseover" );
$( document ).trigger( "click" );
button.trigger( "click" );
wrappers.eq( 1 ).simulate( "mouseover" );
$( document ).trigger( "click" );
button.trigger( "click" );
setTimeout( function() {
} );
} );
} );
function checkItemClasses() {
focusedItem = menu.find( ".ui-menu-item-wrapper.ui-state-active" );
assert.equal( focusedItem.length, 1, "only one item has ui-state-focus class" );
assert.equal( focusedItem.attr( "id" ), wrappers.eq( element[ 0 ].selectedIndex ).attr( "id" ),
"selected item has ui-state-focus class" );
} );
QUnit.test( "empty option - " + settings.type, function( assert ) {
var ready = assert.async();
assert.expect( 7 );
var button, menu, wrappers, wrapper,
element = $( settings.selector );
element.find( "option" ).first().text( "" );
button = element.selectmenu( "widget" );
menu = element.selectmenu( "menuWidget" );
button.simulate( "focus" );
setTimeout( function() {
wrappers = menu.find( "li:not(.ui-selectmenu-optgroup) .ui-menu-item-wrapper" );
wrapper = wrappers.first();
button.trigger( "click" );
assert.equal( wrappers.length, element.find( "option" ).length,
"correct amount of list elements" );
assert.ok( wrapper.outerHeight() > 10, "empty item seems to have reasonable height" );
assert.ok( wrapper.attr( "id" ), "empty item has id attribute" );
assert.hasClasses( wrapper.parent(), "ui-menu-item" );
assert.lacksClasses( wrapper, "ui-menu-divider" );
assert.equal( wrapper.attr( "tabindex" ), -1, "empty item has tabindex" );
assert.equal( wrapper.attr( "role" ), "option", "empty item has role option" );
} );
} );
} );
QUnit.test( "Selectmenu should reset when its parent form resets", function( assert ) {
var ready = assert.async();
assert.expect( 2 );
var element = $( "#speed" ).selectmenu(),
widget = element.selectmenu( "widget" ),
initialValue = element.val(),
form = element.closest( "form" );
element.val( "Slower" );
element.selectmenu( "refresh" );
assert.equal( String.prototype.trim.call( widget.text() ), "Slower" );
form[ 0 ].reset();
setTimeout( function() {
assert.equal( String.prototype.trim.call( widget.text() ), initialValue );
} );
} );
QUnit.test( "Number pad input should change value", function( assert ) {
var ready = assert.async();
assert.expect( 1 );
var element = $( "#number" ).selectmenu(),
button = element.selectmenu( "widget" );
button.simulate( "focus" );
button.simulate( "keydown", { keyCode: 101 } );
setTimeout( function() {
assert.equal( element.val(), 5 );
} );
} );
QUnit.test( "Options with hidden attribute should not be rendered", function( assert ) {
var ready = assert.async();
assert.expect( 1 );
var button, menu, options,
element = $( "#speed" );
element.find( "option" ).eq( 1 ).prop( "hidden", true );
button = element.selectmenu( "widget" );
menu = element.selectmenu( "menuWidget" );
button.simulate( "focus" );
setTimeout( function() {
button.trigger( "click" );
options = menu.children()
.map( function() {
return $( this ).text();
} )
assert.deepEqual( options, [ "Slower", "Medium", "Fast", "Faster" ], "correct elements" );
} );
} );
} );