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// Use the right jQuery source on the test page (and iframes)
( function() {
/* global loadTests: false */
var config, src,
FILEPATH = "/test/jquery.js",
activeScript = [].slice.call( document.getElementsByTagName( "script" ), -1 )[ 0 ],
parentUrl = activeScript && activeScript.src ?
activeScript.src.replace( /[?#].*/, "" ) + FILEPATH.replace( /[^/]+/g, ".." ) + "/" :
QUnit = window.QUnit,
require = window.require;
function getQUnitConfig() {
var config = Object.create( null );
// Default to unminified jQuery for directly-opened iframes
if ( !QUnit ) {
config.dev = true;
} else {
// QUnit.config is populated from QUnit.urlParams but only at the beginning
// of the test run. We need to read both.
QUnit.config.urlConfig.forEach( function( entry ) {
config[ entry.id ] = QUnit.config[ entry.id ] != null ?
QUnit.config[ entry.id ] :
QUnit.urlParams[ entry.id ];
} );
return config;
// Define configuration parameters controlling how jQuery is loaded
if ( QUnit ) {
QUnit.config.urlConfig.push( {
id: "amd",
label: "Load with AMD",
tooltip: "Load the AMD jQuery file (and its dependencies)"
}, {
id: "dev",
label: "Load unminified",
tooltip: "Load the development (unminified) jQuery file"
} );
config = getQUnitConfig();
src = config.dev ?
"dist/jquery.js" :
// Honor AMD loading on the main window (detected by seeing QUnit on it).
// This doesn't apply to iframes because they synchronously expect jQuery to be there.
if ( config.amd && QUnit ) {
require.config( {
baseUrl: parentUrl
} );
src = "src/jquery";
// Include tests if specified
if ( typeof loadTests !== "undefined" ) {
require( [ src ], loadTests );
} else {
require( [ src ] );
// Otherwise, load synchronously
} else {
document.write( "<script id='jquery-js' nonce='jquery+hardcoded+nonce' src='" + parentUrl + src + "'><\x2Fscript>" );
} )();