
228 lines
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"use strict";
module.exports = function( grunt ) {
const nodeV16OrNewer = !/^v1[0-5]\./.test( process.version );
const nodeV17OrNewer = !/^v1[0-6]\./.test( process.version );
const customBrowsers = process.env.BROWSERS && process.env.BROWSERS.split( "," );
// Support: Node.js <16
// Skip running tasks that dropped support for old Node.js in these Node versions.
function runIfNewNode( task ) {
return nodeV16OrNewer ? task : "print_old_node_message:" + task;
if ( nodeV16OrNewer ) {
const playwright = require( "playwright-webkit" );
process.env.WEBKIT_HEADLESS_BIN = playwright.webkit.executablePath();
if ( !grunt.option( "filename" ) ) {
grunt.option( "filename", "jquery.js" );
grunt.initConfig( {
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON( "package.json" ),
testswarm: {
tests: [
// A special module with basic tests, meant for not fully
// supported environments like jsdom. We run it everywhere,
// though, to make sure tests are not broken.
2015-05-18 21:11:21 +00:00
karma: {
options: {
customContextFile: "test/karma.context.html",
customDebugFile: "test/karma.debug.html",
customLaunchers: {
ChromeHeadlessNoSandbox: {
base: "ChromeHeadless",
flags: [ "--no-sandbox" ]
frameworks: [ "qunit" ],
middleware: [ "mockserver" ],
plugins: [
"middleware:mockserver": [
require( "./test/middleware-mockserver.cjs" )
client: {
qunit: {
// We're running `QUnit.start()` ourselves via `loadTests()`
// in test/jquery.js
autostart: false
files: [
pattern: "external/**",
included: false,
served: true,
nocache: true
pattern: "dist/jquery.*",
included: false,
served: true,
nocache: true
pattern: "src/**",
type: "module",
included: false,
served: true,
nocache: true
pattern: "test/**/*.@(js|css|jpg|html|xml|svg)",
included: false,
served: true,
nocache: true
reporters: [ "dots" ],
autoWatch: false,
// 2 minutes; has to be longer than QUnit.config.testTimeout
browserNoActivityTimeout: 120e3,
concurrency: 3,
captureTimeout: 20 * 1000,
singleRun: true
main: {
browsers: customBrowsers ||
[ "ChromeHeadless", "FirefoxHeadless", "WebkitHeadless" ]
esmodules: {
browsers: customBrowsers || [ "ChromeHeadless" ],
options: {
client: {
qunit: {
// We're running `QUnit.start()` ourselves via `loadTests()`
// in test/jquery.js
autostart: false,
esmodules: true
jsdom: {
options: {
files: [
// We don't support various loading methods like esmodules,
// choosing a version etc. for jsdom.
// A partial replacement for testinit.js#loadTests()
// jsdom only runs basic tests
pattern: "test/**/*.@(js|css|jpg|html|xml|svg)",
included: false,
served: true
browsers: [ "jsdom" ]
// To debug tests with Karma:
// 1. Run 'grunt karma:chrome-debug' or 'grunt karma:firefox-debug'
// (any karma subtask that has singleRun=false)
// 2. Press "Debug" in the opened browser window to start
// the tests. Unlike the other karma tasks, the debug task will
// keep the browser window open.
"chrome-debug": {
browsers: [ "Chrome" ],
singleRun: false
"firefox-debug": {
browsers: [ "Firefox" ],
singleRun: false
"ie-debug": {
browsers: [ "IE" ],
singleRun: false
} );
2012-04-18 20:07:35 +00:00
// Load grunt tasks from NPM packages
require( "load-grunt-tasks" )( grunt, {
pattern: [ "grunt-*" ]
} );
// Integrate jQuery specific tasks
grunt.loadTasks( "build/grunt-tasks" );
grunt.registerTask( "print_old_node_message", ( ...args ) => {
var task = args.join( ":" );
grunt.log.writeln( "Old Node.js detected, running the task \"" + task + "\" skipped..." );
} );
grunt.registerTask( "print_jsdom_message", () => {
grunt.log.writeln( "Node.js 17 or newer detected, skipping jsdom tests..." );
} );
grunt.registerTask( "test:jsdom", [
// Support: Node.js 17+
// jsdom fails to connect to the Karma server in Node 17+.
// Until we figure out a fix, skip jsdom tests there.
nodeV17OrNewer ? "print_jsdom_message" : runIfNewNode( "karma:jsdom" )
] );
grunt.registerTask( "test", [
] );
grunt.registerTask( "default", [
] );
2012-04-18 20:07:35 +00:00