
418 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

(function( jQuery ) {
var ralpha = /alpha\([^)]*\)/i,
ropacity = /opacity=([^)]*)/,
// fixed for IE9, see #8346
rupper = /([A-Z]|^ms)/g,
rnumpx = /^-?\d+(?:px)?$/i,
rnumnopx = /^-?\d+(?!px)[^\d\s]+$/i,
rrelNum = /^([\-+])=([\-+.\de]+)/,
rmargin = /^margin/,
cssShow = { position: "absolute", visibility: "hidden", display: "block" },
// order is important!
cssExpand = [ "Top", "Right", "Bottom", "Left" ],
jQuery.fn.css = function( name, value ) {
return jQuery.access( this, function( elem, name, value ) {
return value !== undefined ?
jQuery.style( elem, name, value ) :
jQuery.css( elem, name );
}, name, value, arguments.length > 1 );
// Add in style property hooks for overriding the default
// behavior of getting and setting a style property
cssHooks: {
opacity: {
get: function( elem, computed ) {
if ( computed ) {
// We should always get a number back from opacity
var ret = curCSS( elem, "opacity", "opacity" );
return ret === "" ? "1" : ret;
} else {
return elem.style.opacity;
// Exclude the following css properties to add px
cssNumber: {
"fillOpacity": true,
"fontWeight": true,
"lineHeight": true,
"opacity": true,
"orphans": true,
"widows": true,
"zIndex": true,
"zoom": true
// Add in properties whose names you wish to fix before
// setting or getting the value
cssProps: {
// normalize float css property
"float": jQuery.support.cssFloat ? "cssFloat" : "styleFloat"
// Get and set the style property on a DOM Node
style: function( elem, name, value, extra ) {
// Don't set styles on text and comment nodes
if ( !elem || elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 || !elem.style ) {
// Make sure that we're working with the right name
var ret, type, origName = jQuery.camelCase( name ),
style = elem.style, hooks = jQuery.cssHooks[ origName ];
name = jQuery.cssProps[ origName ] || origName;
// Check if we're setting a value
if ( value !== undefined ) {
type = typeof value;
// convert relative number strings (+= or -=) to relative numbers. #7345
if ( type === "string" && (ret = rrelNum.exec( value )) ) {
2011-08-16 23:25:32 +00:00
value = ( +( ret[1] + 1) * +ret[2] ) + parseFloat( jQuery.css( elem, name ) );
// Fixes bug #9237
2011-05-13 16:14:31 +00:00
type = "number";
// Make sure that NaN and null values aren't set. See: #7116
2011-08-16 23:30:20 +00:00
if ( value == null || type === "number" && isNaN( value ) ) {
// If a number was passed in, add 'px' to the (except for certain CSS properties)
if ( type === "number" && !jQuery.cssNumber[ origName ] ) {
value += "px";
// If a hook was provided, use that value, otherwise just set the specified value
if ( !hooks || !("set" in hooks) || (value = hooks.set( elem, value )) !== undefined ) {
// Wrapped to prevent IE from throwing errors when 'invalid' values are provided
// Fixes bug #5509
try {
style[ name ] = value;
} catch(e) {}
} else {
// If a hook was provided get the non-computed value from there
if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, false, extra )) !== undefined ) {
return ret;
// Otherwise just get the value from the style object
return style[ name ];
css: function( elem, name, extra ) {
2011-04-12 04:38:48 +00:00
var ret, hooks;
2011-04-11 18:33:52 +00:00
// Make sure that we're working with the right name
2011-04-11 18:33:52 +00:00
name = jQuery.camelCase( name );
hooks = jQuery.cssHooks[ name ];
name = jQuery.cssProps[ name ] || name;
2011-04-11 18:33:52 +00:00
// cssFloat needs a special treatment
2011-04-12 04:38:48 +00:00
if ( name === "cssFloat" ) {
name = "float";
2011-04-11 18:33:52 +00:00
// If a hook was provided get the computed value from there
if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, true, extra )) !== undefined ) {
return ret;
// Otherwise, if a way to get the computed value exists, use that
} else if ( curCSS ) {
2011-04-11 18:33:52 +00:00
return curCSS( elem, name );
// A method for quickly swapping in/out CSS properties to get correct calculations
swap: function( elem, options, callback ) {
var old = {},
ret, name;
// Remember the old values, and insert the new ones
for ( name in options ) {
old[ name ] = elem.style[ name ];
elem.style[ name ] = options[ name ];
ret = callback.call( elem );
// Revert the old values
for ( name in options ) {
elem.style[ name ] = old[ name ];
return ret;
// DEPRECATED, Use jQuery.css() instead
jQuery.curCSS = jQuery.css;
jQuery.each(["height", "width"], function( i, name ) {
jQuery.cssHooks[ name ] = {
get: function( elem, computed, extra ) {
if ( computed ) {
if ( elem.offsetWidth !== 0 ) {
return getWidthOrHeight( elem, name, extra );
} else {
return jQuery.swap( elem, cssShow, function() {
return getWidthOrHeight( elem, name, extra );
set: function( elem, value ) {
if ( rnumpx.test( value ) ) {
// ignore negative width and height values #1599
value = parseFloat( value );
if ( value >= 0 ) {
return value + "px";
} else {
return value;
if ( !jQuery.support.opacity ) {
jQuery.cssHooks.opacity = {
get: function( elem, computed ) {
// IE uses filters for opacity
return ropacity.test( (computed && elem.currentStyle ? elem.currentStyle.filter : elem.style.filter) || "" ) ?
( parseFloat( RegExp.$1 ) / 100 ) + "" :
computed ? "1" : "";
set: function( elem, value ) {
var style = elem.style,
currentStyle = elem.currentStyle,
opacity = jQuery.isNumeric( value ) ? "alpha(opacity=" + value * 100 + ")" : "",
filter = currentStyle && currentStyle.filter || style.filter || "";
// IE has trouble with opacity if it does not have layout
// Force it by setting the zoom level
style.zoom = 1;
// if setting opacity to 1, and no other filters exist - attempt to remove filter attribute #6652
if ( value >= 1 && jQuery.trim( filter.replace( ralpha, "" ) ) === "" ) {
// Setting style.filter to null, "" & " " still leave "filter:" in the cssText
// if "filter:" is present at all, clearType is disabled, we want to avoid this
// style.removeAttribute is IE Only, but so apparently is this code path...
style.removeAttribute( "filter" );
// if there there is no filter style applied in a css rule, we are done
if ( currentStyle && !currentStyle.filter ) {
// otherwise, set new filter values
style.filter = ralpha.test( filter ) ?
filter.replace( ralpha, opacity ) :
2011-04-11 19:44:29 +00:00
filter + " " + opacity;
jQuery(function() {
// This hook cannot be added until DOM ready because the support test
// for it is not run until after DOM ready
if ( !jQuery.support.reliableMarginRight ) {
jQuery.cssHooks.marginRight = {
get: function( elem, computed ) {
// WebKit Bug 13343 - getComputedStyle returns wrong value for margin-right
// Work around by temporarily setting element display to inline-block
return jQuery.swap( elem, { "display": "inline-block" }, function() {
if ( computed ) {
return curCSS( elem, "margin-right", "marginRight" );
} else {
return elem.style.marginRight;
2011-03-24 23:36:38 +00:00
if ( document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle ) {
2011-04-11 18:33:52 +00:00
getComputedStyle = function( elem, name ) {
var ret, defaultView, computedStyle, width, style = elem.style;
name = name.replace( rupper, "-$1" ).toLowerCase();
if ( (defaultView = elem.ownerDocument.defaultView) &&
(computedStyle = defaultView.getComputedStyle( elem, null )) ) {
ret = computedStyle.getPropertyValue( name );
if ( ret === "" && !jQuery.contains( elem.ownerDocument.documentElement, elem ) ) {
ret = jQuery.style( elem, name );
// A tribute to the "awesome hack by Dean Edwards"
// WebKit uses "computed value (percentage if specified)" instead of "used value" for margins
// which is against the CSSOM draft spec: http://dev.w3.org/csswg/cssom/#resolved-values
if ( !jQuery.support.pixelMargin && computedStyle && rmargin.test( name ) && rnumnopx.test( ret ) ) {
width = style.width;
style.width = ret;
ret = computedStyle.width;
style.width = width;
return ret;
if ( document.documentElement.currentStyle ) {
currentStyle = function( elem, name ) {
var left, rsLeft, uncomputed,
ret = elem.currentStyle && elem.currentStyle[ name ],
style = elem.style;
// Avoid setting ret to empty string here
// so we don't default to auto
if ( ret == null && style && (uncomputed = style[ name ]) ) {
ret = uncomputed;
// From the awesome hack by Dean Edwards
// http://erik.eae.net/archives/2007/07/27/18.54.15/#comment-102291
// If we're not dealing with a regular pixel number
// but a number that has a weird ending, we need to convert it to pixels
if ( rnumnopx.test( ret ) ) {
// Remember the original values
left = style.left;
rsLeft = elem.runtimeStyle && elem.runtimeStyle.left;
// Put in the new values to get a computed value out
if ( rsLeft ) {
elem.runtimeStyle.left = elem.currentStyle.left;
style.left = name === "fontSize" ? "1em" : ret;
ret = style.pixelLeft + "px";
// Revert the changed values
style.left = left;
if ( rsLeft ) {
elem.runtimeStyle.left = rsLeft;
return ret === "" ? "auto" : ret;
curCSS = getComputedStyle || currentStyle;
function getWidthOrHeight( elem, name, extra ) {
// Start with offset property
var val = name === "width" ? elem.offsetWidth : elem.offsetHeight,
i = name === "width" ? 1 : 0,
len = 4;
2011-04-14 04:30:30 +00:00
if ( val > 0 ) {
if ( extra !== "border" ) {
for ( ; i < len; i += 2 ) {
if ( !extra ) {
val -= parseFloat( jQuery.css( elem, "padding" + cssExpand[ i ] ) ) || 0;
if ( extra === "margin" ) {
val += parseFloat( jQuery.css( elem, extra + cssExpand[ i ] ) ) || 0;
} else {
val -= parseFloat( jQuery.css( elem, "border" + cssExpand[ i ] + "Width" ) ) || 0;
return val + "px";
// Fall back to computed then uncomputed css if necessary
val = curCSS( elem, name, name );
if ( val < 0 || val == null ) {
val = elem.style[ name ];
// Normalize "", auto, and prepare for extra
val = parseFloat( val ) || 0;
// Add padding, border, margin
if ( extra ) {
for ( ; i < len; i += 2 ) {
val += parseFloat( jQuery.css( elem, "padding" + cssExpand[ i ] ) ) || 0;
if ( extra !== "padding" ) {
val += parseFloat( jQuery.css( elem, "border" + cssExpand[ i ] + "Width" ) ) || 0;
if ( extra === "margin" ) {
val += parseFloat( jQuery.css( elem, extra + cssExpand[ i ]) ) || 0;
return val + "px";
if ( jQuery.expr && jQuery.expr.filters ) {
jQuery.expr.filters.hidden = function( elem ) {
var width = elem.offsetWidth,
height = elem.offsetHeight;
return ( width === 0 && height === 0 ) || (!jQuery.support.reliableHiddenOffsets && ((elem.style && elem.style.display) || jQuery.css( elem, "display" )) === "none");
jQuery.expr.filters.visible = function( elem ) {
return !jQuery.expr.filters.hidden( elem );
// These hooks are used by animate to expand properties
margin: "",
padding: "",
border: "Width"
}, function( prefix, suffix ) {
jQuery.cssHooks[ prefix + suffix ] = {
expand: function( value ) {
var i,
// assumes a single number if not a string
parts = typeof value === "string" ? value.split(" ") : [ value ],
expanded = {};
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
expanded[ prefix + cssExpand[ i ] + suffix ] =
parts[ i ] || parts[ i - 2 ] || parts[ 0 ];
return expanded;
})( jQuery );