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#!/usr/bin/env node
* jQuery Core Release Management
// Debugging variables
var debug = false,
2012-09-21 01:12:38 +00:00
skipRemote = false;
var fs = require("fs"),
child = require("child_process"),
path = require("path"),
archiver = require("archiver");
var releaseVersion,
scpURL = "jqadmin@code.origin.jquery.com:/var/www/html/code.jquery.com/",
cdnURL = "http://code.origin.jquery.com/",
2012-12-16 23:55:42 +00:00
repoURL = "git@github.com:jquery/jquery.git",
// Windows needs the .cmd version but will find the non-.cmd
// On Windows, ensure the HOME environment variable is set
gruntCmd = process.platform === "win32" ? "grunt.cmd" : "grunt",
devFile = "dist/jquery.js",
minFile = "dist/jquery.min.js",
2012-12-29 01:47:33 +00:00
mapFile = "dist/jquery.min.map",
releaseFiles = {
"jquery-VER.js": devFile,
"jquery-VER.min.js": minFile,
2012-12-29 01:47:33 +00:00
"jquery-VER.min.map": mapFile,
"jquery.js": devFile,
"jquery.min.js": minFile,
2012-12-29 01:47:33 +00:00
"jquery.min.map": mapFile,
"jquery-latest.js": devFile,
"jquery-latest.min.js": minFile,
"jquery-latest.min.map": mapFile
jQueryFilesCDN = [],
googleFilesCDN = [
"jquery.js", "jquery.min.js", "jquery.min.map"
msFilesCDN = [
"jquery-VER.js", "jquery-VER.min.js", "jquery-VER.min.map"
function initialize( next ) {
2012-09-21 01:12:38 +00:00
if ( process.argv[2] === "-d" ) {
debug = true;
console.warn("=== DEBUG MODE ===" );
// First arg should be the version number being released
var newver, oldver,
rsemver = /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:-([\dA-Za-z\-]+(?:\.[\dA-Za-z\-]+)*))?$/,
version = ( process.argv[3] || "" ).toLowerCase().match( rsemver ) || {},
major = version[1],
minor = version[2],
patch = version[3],
xbeta = version[4];
branch = process.argv[2];
releaseVersion = process.argv[3];
isBeta = !!xbeta;
if ( !branch || !major || !minor || !patch ) {
die( "Usage: " + process.argv[1] + " branch releaseVersion" );
if ( xbeta === "pre" ) {
die( "Cannot release a 'pre' version!" );
if ( !(fs.existsSync || path.existsSync)( "package.json" ) ) {
die( "No package.json in this directory" );
pkg = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync( "package.json" ) );
console.log( "Current version is " + pkg.version + "; generating release " + releaseVersion );
version = pkg.version.match( rsemver );
oldver = ( +version[1] ) * 10000 + ( +version[2] * 100 ) + ( +version[3] );
newver = ( +major ) * 10000 + ( +minor * 100 ) + ( +patch );
if ( newver < oldver ) {
die( "Next version is older than current version!" );
nextVersion = major + "." + minor + "." + ( isBeta ? patch : +patch + 1 ) + "-pre";
2012-12-29 01:47:33 +00:00
function checkGitStatus( next ) {
git( [ "status" ], function( error, stdout ) {
var onBranch = ((stdout||"").match( /On branch (\S+)/ ) || [])[1];
if ( onBranch !== branch ) {
dieIfReal( "Branches don't match: Wanted " + branch + ", got " + onBranch );
if ( /Changes to be committed/i.test( stdout ) ) {
dieIfReal( "Please commit changed files before attempting to push a release." );
if ( /Changes not staged for commit/i.test( stdout ) ) {
dieIfReal( "Please stash files before attempting to push a release." );
2012-12-29 01:47:33 +00:00
function tagReleaseVersion( next ) {
updatePackageVersion( releaseVersion );
git( [ "commit", "-a", "-m", "Tagging the " + releaseVersion + " release." ], function(){
git( [ "tag", releaseVersion ], next, debug);
}, debug);
2012-12-29 01:47:33 +00:00
function gruntBuild( next ) {
exec( gruntCmd, [], function( error, stdout, stderr ) {
if ( error ) {
die( error + stderr );
console.log( stdout );
}, false );
2012-12-29 01:47:33 +00:00
function makeReleaseCopies( next ) {
Object.keys( releaseFiles ).forEach(function( key ) {
2012-12-29 01:47:33 +00:00
var text,
builtFile = releaseFiles[ key ],
unpathedFile = key.replace( /VER/g, releaseVersion ),
releaseFile = "dist/" + unpathedFile;
// Beta releases don't update the jquery-latest etc. copies
if ( !isBeta || key.indexOf( "VER" ) >= 0 ) {
2012-12-29 01:47:33 +00:00
if ( /\.map$/.test( releaseFile ) ) {
// Map files need to reference the new uncompressed name;
// assume that all files reside in the same directory.
// "file":"jquery.min.js","sources":["jquery.js"]
text = fs.readFileSync( builtFile, "utf8" )
.replace( /"file":"([^"]+)","sources":\["([^"]+)"\]/,
"\"file\":\"" + unpathedFile.replace( /\.min\.map/, ".min.js" ) +
"\",\"sources\":[\"" + unpathedFile.replace( /\.min\.map/, ".js" ) + "\"]" );
fs.writeFileSync( releaseFile, text );
} else if ( /\.min\.js$/.test( releaseFile ) ) {
// Remove the source map comment; it causes way too many problems.
// Keep the map file in case DevTools allow manual association.
text = fs.readFileSync( builtFile, "utf8" )
.replace( /\/\/# sourceMappingURL=\S+/, "" );
fs.writeFileSync( releaseFile, text );
} else if ( builtFile !== releaseFile ) {
copy( builtFile, releaseFile );
2012-12-29 01:47:33 +00:00
jQueryFilesCDN.push( releaseFile );
2012-12-29 01:47:33 +00:00
function setNextVersion( next ) {
updatePackageVersion( nextVersion );
git( [ "commit", "-a", "-m", "Updating the source version to " + nextVersion ], next, debug );
2012-12-29 01:47:33 +00:00
function copyTojQueryCDN( next ) {
var cmds = [];
jQueryFilesCDN.forEach(function( name ) {
cmds.push(function( nxt ){
exec( "scp", [ name, scpURL ], nxt, debug || skipRemote );
cmds.push(function( nxt ){
exec( "curl", [ cdnURL + name + "?reload" ], nxt, debug || skipRemote );
cmds.push( next );
steps.apply( this, cmds );
2012-12-29 01:47:33 +00:00
function buildGoogleCDN( next ) {
makeArchive( "googlecdn", googleFilesCDN, next );
function buildMicrosoftCDN( next ) {
makeArchive( "mscdn", msFilesCDN, next );
function pushToGithub( next ) {
git( [ "push", "--tags", repoURL, branch ], next, debug || skipRemote );
function steps() {
var cur = 0,
st = arguments;
(function next(){
2012-12-29 01:47:33 +00:00
st[ cur++ ]( next );
2012-12-29 01:47:33 +00:00
2012-12-29 01:47:33 +00:00
function updatePackageVersion( ver ) {
console.log( "Updating package.json version to " + ver );
pkg.version = ver;
if ( !debug ) {
fs.writeFileSync( "package.json", JSON.stringify( pkg, null, "\t" ) + "\n" );
2012-12-29 01:47:33 +00:00
function makeArchive( cdn, files, fn ) {
if ( isBeta ) {
console.log( "Skipping archive creation for " + cdn + "; " + releaseVersion + " is beta" );
process.nextTick( fn );
console.log( "Creating production archive for " + cdn );
var archive = archiver( "zip" ),
md5file = "dist/" + cdn + "-md5.txt",
output = fs.createWriteStream( "dist/" + cdn + "-jquery-" + releaseVersion + ".zip" );
archive.on( "error", function( err ) {
throw err;
output.on( "close", fn );
archive.pipe( output );
files = files.map(function( item ) {
return "dist/" + item.replace( /VER/g, releaseVersion );
exec( "md5sum", files, function( err, stdout ) {
fs.writeFileSync( md5file, stdout );
files.push( md5file );
files.forEach(function( file ) {
archive.append( fs.createReadStream( file ), { name: file } );
}, false );
function copy( oldFile, newFile, skip ) {
console.log( "Copying " + oldFile + " to " + newFile );
if ( !skip ) {
fs.writeFileSync( newFile, fs.readFileSync( oldFile, "utf8" ) );
2012-12-29 01:47:33 +00:00
function git( args, fn, skip ) {
exec( "git", args, fn, skip );
2012-12-29 01:47:33 +00:00
function exec( cmd, args, fn, skip ) {
if ( skip ) {
console.log( "# " + cmd + " " + args.join(" ") );
fn( "", "", "" );
} else {
console.log( cmd + " " + args.join(" ") );
child.execFile( cmd, args, { env: process.env },
function( err, stdout, stderr ) {
if ( err ) {
die( stderr || stdout || err );
fn.apply( this, arguments );
2012-12-29 01:47:33 +00:00
function dieIfReal( msg ) {
if ( debug ) {
console.log ( "DIE: " + msg );
} else {
die( msg );
function die( msg ) {
console.error( "ERROR: " + msg );
process.exit( 1 );
2012-12-29 01:47:33 +00:00
function exit() {
process.exit( 0 );