Basic unit tests; This patch relies on the 51 existing clone() tests

This commit is contained in:
rwldrn 2011-01-21 11:08:15 -05:00
parent 6458885881
commit 33a67ffa9d

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@ -871,6 +871,18 @@ test("replaceAll(String|Element|Array<Element>|jQuery)", function() {
ok( !jQuery("#yahoo")[0], 'Verify that original element is gone, after set of elements' );
test("jQuery.clone() (#8017)", function() {
ok( jQuery.clone && jQuery.isFunction( jQuery.clone ) , "jQuery.clone() utility exists and is a function.");
var main = jQuery("#main")[0],
clone = jQuery.clone( main );
equals( main.children.length, clone.children.length, "Simple child length to ensure a large dom tree copies correctly" );
test("clone()", function() {
equals( 'This is a normal link: Yahoo', jQuery('#en').text(), 'Assert text for #en' );