Cleans up and simplifies code shared by ajaxPrefilter and ajaxTransport. Removes chainability of ajaxSetup, ajaxPrefilter and ajaxTransport. Also makes sure context is handled properly by ajaxSetup (unit test added).

This commit is contained in:
jaubourg 2011-01-20 04:12:15 +01:00
parent 96b00a4935
commit 64e1cdbb95
4 changed files with 139 additions and 114 deletions

View File

@ -161,7 +161,9 @@ jQuery.extend({
ajaxSetup: function( settings ) {
jQuery.extend( true, jQuery.ajaxSettings, settings );
return this;
if ( settings.context ) {
jQuery.ajaxSettings.context = settings.context;
ajaxSettings: {
@ -278,6 +280,14 @@ jQuery.extend({
ajaxPrefilter: function( a , b ) {
ajaxPrefilterOrTransport( "prefilters" , a , b );
ajaxTransport: function( a , b ) {
return ajaxPrefilterOrTransport( "transports" , a , b );
// Main method
ajax: function( url , options ) {
@ -299,7 +309,11 @@ jQuery.extend({
jQuery_lastModified = jQuery.lastModified,
jQuery_etag = jQuery.etag,
// Callbacks contexts
callbackContext = options.context || s.context || s,
// We force the original context if it exists
// or take it from jQuery.ajaxSettings otherwise
// (plain objects used as context get extended)
callbackContext =
( s.context = ( "context" in options ? options : jQuery.ajaxSettings ).context ) || s,
globalEventContext = callbackContext === s ? jQuery.event : jQuery( callbackContext ),
// Deferreds
deferred = jQuery.Deferred(),
@ -373,10 +387,6 @@ jQuery.extend({
// We force the original context
// (plain objects used as context get extended)
s.context = options.context;
// Callback for when everything is done
// It is defined here because jslint complains if it is declared
// at the end of the function (which would be more logical and readable)
@ -850,126 +860,97 @@ jQuery.extend({
//Execute or select from functions in a given structure of options
function ajax_selectOrExecute( structure , s , options ) {
// Base function for both ajaxPrefilter and ajaxTransport
function ajaxPrefilterOrTransport( arg0 , arg1 , arg2 ) {
var dataTypes = s.dataTypes,
var type = jQuery.type( arg1 ),
structure = jQuery.ajaxSettings[ arg0 ],
checked = {},
noSelect = structure !== "transports";
function initSearch( dataType ) {
// We have an options map so we have to inspect the structure
if ( type === "object" ) {
flag = transportDataType !== dataType && ! checked[ dataType ];
var options = arg1,
originalOptions = arg2,
// When dealing with prefilters, we execute only
// (no selection so we never stop when a function
// returns a non-falsy, non-string value)
executeOnly = ( arg0 === "prefilters" ),
inspect = function( dataType, tested ) {
if ( flag ) {
if ( ! tested[ dataType ] ) {
checked[ dataType ] = 1;
transportDataType = dataType;
list = s[ structure ][ dataType ];
i = -1;
length = list ? list.length : 0 ;
tested[ dataType ] = true;
var list = structure[ dataType ],
for( i = 0, length = list ? list.length : 0 ; ( executeOnly || ! selected ) && i < length ; i++ ) {
selected = list[ i ]( options , originalOptions );
// If we got redirected to a different dataType,
// we add it and switch to the corresponding list
if ( typeof( selected ) === "string" && selected !== dataType ) {
options.dataTypes.unshift( selected );
selected = inspect( selected , tested );
// We always break in order not to continue
// to iterate in previous list
// If we're only executing or nothing was selected
// we try the catchall dataType
if ( executeOnly || ! selected ) {
selected = inspect( "*" , tested );
// This will be ignored by ajaxPrefilter
// so it's safe to return no matter what
return selected;
// Start inspection with current transport dataType
return inspect( options.dataTypes[ 0 ] , {} );
} else {
// We're requested to add to the structure
// Signature is ( dataTypeExpression , function )
// with dataTypeExpression being optional and
// defaulting to catchAll (*)
type = type === "function";
if ( type ) {
arg2 = arg1;
arg1 = undefined;
arg1 = arg1 || "*";
return flag;
// We control that the second argument is really a function
if ( type || jQuery.isFunction( arg2 ) ) {
initSearch( dataTypes[ 0 ] );
for ( i = 0 ; ( noSelect || ! selected ) && i <= length ; i++ ) {
if ( i === length ) {
initSearch( "*" );
} else {
selected = list[ i ]( s , options );
// If we got redirected to another dataType
// Search there (if not in progress or already tried)
if ( typeof( selected ) === "string" &&
initSearch( selected ) ) {
dataTypes.unshift( selected );
selected = 0;
return noSelect ? jQuery : selected;
// Add an element to one of the structures in ajaxSettings
function ajax_addElement( structure , args ) {
var i,
start = 0,
length = args.length,
dataTypes = [ "*" ],
dLength = 1,
functors = [],
if ( length ) {
first = jQuery.type( args[ 0 ] );
if ( first === "object" ) {
return ajax_selectOrExecute( structure , args[ 0 ] , args[ 1 ] );
structure = jQuery.ajaxSettings[ structure ];
if ( first !== "function" ) {
dataTypes = args[ 0 ].toLowerCase().split(/\s+/);
dLength = dataTypes.length;
start = 1;
if ( dLength && start < length ) {
functors = args , start );
for( i = 0 ; i < dLength ; i++ ) {
var dataTypes = arg1.split( /\s+/ ),
functor = arg2,
// For each dataType in the dataTypeExpression
for( i = 0 , length = dataTypes.length ; i < length ; i++ ) {
dataType = dataTypes[ i ];
first = /^\+/.test( dataType );
if (first) {
dataType = dataType.substr(1);
if ( dataType !== "" ) {
append = Array.prototype[ first ? "unshift" : "push" ];
list = structure[ dataType ] = structure[ dataType ] || [];
append.apply( list , functors );
// We control if we're asked to add before
// any existing element
placeBefore = /^\+/.test( dataType );
if ( placeBefore ) {
dataType = dataType.substr( 1 );
list = structure[ dataType ] = structure[ dataType ] || [];
// then we add to the structure accordingly
list[ placeBefore ? "unshift" : "push" ]( functor );
return jQuery;
// Install prefilter & transport methods
jQuery.each( [ "Prefilter" , "Transport" ] , function( _ , name ) {
_ = name.toLowerCase() + "s";
jQuery[ "ajax" + name ] = function() {
return ajax_addElement( _ , arguments );
} );
})( jQuery );

View File

@ -9,10 +9,11 @@ jQuery.ajaxSetup({
jsonpCallback: function() {
return "jsonp" + jsc++;
// Detect, normalize options and install callbacks for jsonp requests
// (dataIsString is used internally)
}).ajaxPrefilter("json jsonp", function(s, originalSettings, dataIsString) {
jQuery.ajaxPrefilter("json jsonp", function(s, originalSettings, dataIsString) {
dataIsString = ( typeof( === "string" );

View File

@ -14,9 +14,10 @@ jQuery.ajaxSetup({
converters: {
"text script": jQuery.globalEval
// Handle cache's special case and global
}).ajaxPrefilter("script", function(s) {
jQuery.ajaxPrefilter("script", function(s) {
if ( s.cache === undefined ) {
s.cache = false;
@ -26,9 +27,10 @@ jQuery.ajaxSetup({
s.type = "GET"; = false;
// Bind script tag hack transport
}).ajaxTransport("script", function(s) {
jQuery.ajaxTransport("script", function(s) {
// This transport only deals with cross domain requests
if ( s.crossDomain ) {

View File

@ -599,6 +599,47 @@ test("jQuery.ajax context modification", function() {
equals( obj.test, "foo", "Make sure the original object is maintained." );
test("jQuery.ajax context modification through ajaxSetup", function() {
var obj = {};
context: obj
strictEqual( jQuery.ajaxSettings.context, obj, "Make sure the context is properly set in ajaxSettings." );
url: url("data/name.html"),
complete: function() {
strictEqual( this, obj, "Make sure the original object is maintained." );
url: url("data/name.html"),
context: {},
complete: function() {
ok( this !== obj, "Make sure overidding context is possible." );
context: false
url: url("data/name.html"),
beforeSend: function(){
this.test = "foo2";
complete: function() {
ok( this !== obj, "Make sure unsetting context is possible." );
test("jQuery.ajax() - disabled globals", function() {
expect( 3 );