Updated tasks include:
- lint
- npmcopy
- build, minify, and process for distribution.
- new custom build command using yargs
- compare size of minified/gzip built files
- pretest scripts, including qunit-fixture, babel transpilation, and npmcopy
- node smoke tests
- promises aplus tests
- new watch task using `rollup.watch` directly
- upgraded husky and added the new lint command
- updated lint config to use new "flat" config format. See https://eslint.org/docs/latest/use/configure/configuration-files-new
- Temporarily disabled one lint rule until flat config is supported by eslint-plugin-import. See https://github.com/import-js/eslint-plugin-import/issues/2556
- committed package-lock.json
- updated all test scripts to use the new build
- added an express test server that uses middleware-mockserver (this can be used to run tests without karma)
- build-all-variants is now build:all
Close gh-5318
Introduces a new test API, `includesModule`. The method returns whether
a particular module like "ajax" or "deprecated" is included in the current
jQuery build; it handles the slim build as well. The util was created so that
we don't treat presence of particular APIs to decide whether to run a test as
then if we accidentally remove an API, the tests would still not fail.
Fixes gh-5069
Closes gh-5046
The GitHub UI treats `#NUMBER` as referring to its own issues which is confusing
when in jQuery source it's usually referring to the old deprecated Trac instance
at https://bugs.jquery.com. This change replaces all such Trac references with
A few of the references came with the Sizzle integration and referred to the
Sizzle GitHub bug tracker. Those have been replaced with full links instead.
A new entry describing issue reference conventions has been added to README.
Closes gh-4993
This commit fixes unit tests for the following builds:
1. The no-deprecated build: `custom:-deprecated`
2. The current slim build: `custom:-ajax,-effects`
3. The future (#4553) slim build: `custom:-ajax,-callbacks,-deferred,-effects`
It also adds separate Travis jobs for the no-deprecated & slim builds.
Closes gh-4577
Also, run `grunt npmcopy` to sync the "external" directory with dependencies
from package.json. For example, the Sinon library version didn't match.
Ref gh-4234
Closes gh-4297