" ).css( { "boxSizing": "border-box", "width": "100px", "height": "100px", "border": "10px solid white", "padding": "2px", "margin": "3px" } ),
$divChild = $divNormal.clone(),
$divUnconnected = $divNormal.clone(),
$divHiddenParent = jQuery( "
" ).css( "display", "none" ).append( $divChild ).appendTo( "body" );
$divNormal.appendTo( "body" );
// tests that child div of a hidden div works the same as a normal div
assert.equal( $divChild.width(), $divNormal.width(), "child of a hidden element width() is wrong see #10413" );
assert.equal( $divChild.innerWidth(), $divNormal.innerWidth(), "child of a hidden element innerWidth() is wrong see #10413" );
assert.equal( $divChild.outerWidth(), $divNormal.outerWidth(), "child of a hidden element outerWidth() is wrong see #10413" );
assert.equal( $divChild.outerWidth( true ), $divNormal.outerWidth( true ), "child of a hidden element outerWidth( true ) is wrong see #10413" );
// Support: IE 10-11, Edge
// Child height is not always decimal
assert.equal( $divChild.height().toFixed( 3 ), $divNormal.height().toFixed( 3 ), "child of a hidden element height() is wrong see #10413" );
assert.equal( $divChild.innerHeight().toFixed( 3 ), $divNormal.innerHeight().toFixed( 3 ), "child of a hidden element innerHeight() is wrong see #10413" );
assert.equal( $divChild.outerHeight().toFixed( 3 ), $divNormal.outerHeight().toFixed( 3 ), "child of a hidden element outerHeight() is wrong see #10413" );
assert.equal( $divChild.outerHeight( true ).toFixed( 3 ), $divNormal.outerHeight( true ).toFixed( 3 ), "child of a hidden element outerHeight( true ) is wrong see #10413" );
// tests that child div of an unconnected div works the same as a normal div
assert.equal( $divUnconnected.width(), $divNormal.width(), "unconnected element width() is wrong see #10413" );
assert.equal( $divUnconnected.innerWidth(), $divNormal.innerWidth(), "unconnected element innerWidth() is wrong see #10413" );
assert.equal( $divUnconnected.outerWidth(), $divNormal.outerWidth(), "unconnected element outerWidth() is wrong see #10413" );
assert.equal( $divUnconnected.outerWidth( true ), $divNormal.outerWidth( true ), "unconnected element outerWidth( true ) is wrong see #10413" );
// Support: IE 10-11, Edge
// Child height is not always decimal
assert.equal( $divUnconnected.height().toFixed( 3 ), $divNormal.height().toFixed( 3 ), "unconnected element height() is wrong see #10413" );
assert.equal( $divUnconnected.innerHeight().toFixed( 3 ), $divNormal.innerHeight().toFixed( 3 ), "unconnected element innerHeight() is wrong see #10413" );
assert.equal( $divUnconnected.outerHeight().toFixed( 3 ), $divNormal.outerHeight().toFixed( 3 ), "unconnected element outerHeight() is wrong see #10413" );
assert.equal( $divUnconnected.outerHeight( true ).toFixed( 3 ), $divNormal.outerHeight( true ).toFixed( 3 ), "unconnected element outerHeight( true ) is wrong see #10413" );
// teardown html
} );
QUnit.test( "passing undefined is a setter #5571", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 4 );
assert.equal( jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).height( 30 ).height( undefined ).height(), 30, ".height(undefined) is chainable (#5571)" );
assert.equal( jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).height( 30 ).innerHeight( undefined ).height(), 30, ".innerHeight(undefined) is chainable (#5571)" );
assert.equal( jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).height( 30 ).outerHeight( undefined ).height(), 30, ".outerHeight(undefined) is chainable (#5571)" );
assert.equal( jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).width( 30 ).width( undefined ).width(), 30, ".width(undefined) is chainable (#5571)" );
} );
QUnit.test( "setters with and without box-sizing:border-box", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 120 );
var parent = jQuery( "#foo" ).css({ width: "200px", height: "200px", "font-size": "16px" }),
el_bb = jQuery( "
" ).appendTo( parent ),
el = jQuery( "
" ).appendTo( parent ),
el_bb_np = jQuery( "
" ).appendTo( parent ),
el_np = jQuery( "
" ).appendTo( parent );
jQuery.each( {
"number": { set: 100, expected: 100 },
"em": { set: "10em", expected: 160 },
"percentage": { set: "50%", expected: 100 }
}, function( units, values ) {
assert.equal( el_bb.width( values.set ).width(), values.expected, "test border-box width(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_bb.innerWidth( values.set ).width(), values.expected - 2, "test border-box innerWidth(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_bb.outerWidth( values.set ).width(), values.expected - 6, "test border-box outerWidth(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_bb.outerWidth( values.set, false ).width(), values.expected - 6, "test border-box outerWidth(" + units + ", false) by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_bb.outerWidth( values.set, true ).width(), values.expected - 16, "test border-box outerWidth(" + units + ", true) by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_bb.height( values.set ).height(), values.expected, "test border-box height(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_bb.innerHeight( values.set ).height(), values.expected - 2, "test border-box innerHeight(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_bb.outerHeight( values.set ).height(), values.expected - 6, "test border-box outerHeight(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_bb.outerHeight( values.set, false ).height(), values.expected - 6, "test border-box outerHeight(" + units + ", false) by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_bb.outerHeight( values.set, true ).height(), values.expected - 16, "test border-box outerHeight(" + units + ", true) by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el.width( values.set ).width(), values.expected, "test non-border-box width(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el.innerWidth( values.set ).width(), values.expected - 2, "test non-border-box innerWidth(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el.outerWidth( values.set ).width(), values.expected - 6, "test non-border-box outerWidth(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el.outerWidth( values.set, false ).width(), values.expected - 6, "test non-border-box outerWidth(" + units + ", false) by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el.outerWidth( values.set, true ).width(), values.expected - 16, "test non-border-box outerWidth(" + units + ", true) by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el.height( values.set ).height(), values.expected, "test non-border-box height(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el.innerHeight( values.set ).height(), values.expected - 2, "test non-border-box innerHeight(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el.outerHeight( values.set ).height(), values.expected - 6, "test non-border-box outerHeight(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el.outerHeight( values.set, false ).height(), values.expected - 6, "test non-border-box outerHeight(" + units + ", false) by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el.outerHeight( values.set, true ).height(), values.expected - 16, "test non-border-box outerHeight(" + units + ", true) by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_bb_np.width( values.set ).width(), values.expected, "test border-box width and negative padding(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_bb_np.innerWidth( values.set ).width(), values.expected, "test border-box innerWidth and negative padding(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_bb_np.outerWidth( values.set ).width(), values.expected, "test border-box outerWidth and negative padding(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_bb_np.outerWidth( values.set, false ).width(), values.expected, "test border-box outerWidth and negative padding(" + units + ", false) by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_bb_np.outerWidth( values.set, true ).width(), values.expected - 10, "test border-box outerWidth and negative padding(" + units + ", true) by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_bb_np.height( values.set ).height(), values.expected, "test border-box height and negative padding(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_bb_np.innerHeight( values.set ).height(), values.expected, "test border-box innerHeight and negative padding(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_bb_np.outerHeight( values.set ).height(), values.expected, "test border-box outerHeight and negative padding(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_bb_np.outerHeight( values.set, false ).height(), values.expected, "test border-box outerHeight and negative padding(" + units + ", false) by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_bb_np.outerHeight( values.set, true ).height(), values.expected - 10, "test border-box outerHeight and negative padding(" + units + ", true) by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_np.width( values.set ).width(), values.expected, "test non-border-box width and negative padding(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_np.innerWidth( values.set ).width(), values.expected, "test non-border-box innerWidth and negative padding(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_np.outerWidth( values.set ).width(), values.expected, "test non-border-box outerWidth and negative padding(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_np.outerWidth( values.set, false ).width(), values.expected, "test non-border-box outerWidth and negative padding(" + units + ", false) by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_np.outerWidth( values.set, true ).width(), values.expected - 10, "test non-border-box outerWidth and negative padding(" + units + ", true) by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_np.height( values.set ).height(), values.expected, "test non-border-box height and negative padding(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_np.innerHeight( values.set ).height(), values.expected, "test non-border-box innerHeight and negative padding(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_np.outerHeight( values.set ).height(), values.expected, "test non-border-box outerHeight and negative padding(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_np.outerHeight( values.set, false ).height(), values.expected, "test non-border-box outerHeight and negative padding(" + units + ", false) by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_np.outerHeight( values.set, true ).height(), values.expected - 10, "test non-border-box outerHeight and negative padding(" + units + ", true) by roundtripping" );
} );
} );
"window vs. large document",
function( jQuery, window, document, assert ) {
assert.expect( 2 );
assert.ok( jQuery( document ).height() > jQuery( window ).height(), "document height is larger than window height" );
assert.ok( jQuery( document ).width() > jQuery( window ).width(), "document width is larger than window width" );
QUnit.test( "allow modification of coordinates argument (gh-1848)", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 1 );
var offsetTop,
element = jQuery( "
" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
element.offset( function( index, coords ) {
coords.top = 100;
return coords;
} );
offsetTop = element.offset().top;
assert.ok( Math.abs( offsetTop - 100 ) < 0.02,
"coordinates are modified (got offset.top: " + offsetTop + ")" );
} );
QUnit.test( "outside view position (gh-2836)", function( assert ) {
// This test ported from gh-2836 example
assert.expect( 1 );
var parent,
html = [
].join( "" ),
stop = assert.async();
parent = jQuery( html );
parent.appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
parent.one( "scroll", function() {
var pos = parent.find( "div" ).eq( 3 ).position();
assert.strictEqual(pos.top, -100);
parent.scrollTop( 400 );
} );
} )();