import fs from "node:fs/promises"; import path from "node:path"; import swc from "@swc/core"; import processForDist from "./dist.js"; import getTimestamp from "./lib/getTimestamp.js"; const rjs = /\.js$/; export default async function minify( { filename, dir, esm } ) { const contents = await fs.readFile( path.join( dir, filename ), "utf8" ); const version = /jQuery JavaScript Library ([^\n]+)/.exec( contents )[ 1 ]; const { code, map: incompleteMap } = await swc.minify( contents, { compress: { ecma: esm ? 2015 : 5, hoist_funs: false, loops: false }, format: { ecma: esm ? 2015 : 5, asciiOnly: true, comments: false, preamble: `/*! jQuery ${ version }` + " | (c) OpenJS Foundation and other contributors" + " | */\n" }, inlineSourcesContent: false, mangle: true, module: esm, sourceMap: true } ); const minFilename = filename.replace( rjs, ".min.js" ); const mapFilename = filename.replace( rjs, "" ); // The map's `files` & `sources` property are set incorrectly, fix // them via overrides from the task config. // See const map = JSON.stringify( { ...JSON.parse( incompleteMap ), file: minFilename, sources: [ filename ] } ); await Promise.all( [ fs.writeFile( path.join( dir, minFilename ), code ), fs.writeFile( path.join( dir, mapFilename ), map ) ] ); // Always process files for dist // Doing it here avoids extra file reads processForDist( contents, filename ); processForDist( code, minFilename ); processForDist( map, mapFilename ); console.log( `[${ getTimestamp() }] ${ minFilename } ${ version } with ${ mapFilename } created.` ); }