import chalk from "chalk"; import fs from "node:fs"; import { promisify } from "node:util"; import zlib from "node:zlib"; import { exec as nodeExec } from "node:child_process"; import isCleanWorkingDir from "./lib/isCleanWorkingDir.js"; const VERSION = 1; const lastRunBranch = " last run"; const gzip = promisify( zlib.gzip ); const exec = promisify( nodeExec ); async function getBranchName() { const { stdout } = await exec( "git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD" ); return stdout.trim(); } async function getCommitHash() { const { stdout } = await exec( "git rev-parse HEAD" ); return stdout.trim(); } function getBranchHeader( branch, commit ) { let branchHeader = branch.trim(); if ( commit ) { branchHeader = chalk.bold( branchHeader ) + chalk.gray( ` @${ commit }` ); } else { branchHeader = chalk.italic( branchHeader ); } return branchHeader; } async function getCache( loc ) { let cache; try { const contents = await fs.promises.readFile( loc, "utf8" ); cache = JSON.parse( contents ); } catch ( err ) { return {}; } const lastRun = cache[ lastRunBranch ]; if ( !lastRun || !lastRun.meta || lastRun.meta.version !== VERSION ) { console.log( "Compare cache version mismatch. Rewriting..." ); return {}; } return cache; } function cacheResults( results ) { const files = Object.create( null ); results.forEach( function( result ) { files[ result.filename ] = { raw: result.raw, gz: result.gz }; } ); return files; } function saveCache( loc, cache ) { return fs.promises.writeFile( loc, JSON.stringify( cache ) ); } function compareSizes( existing, current, padLength ) { if ( typeof current !== "number" ) { return chalk.grey( `${ existing }`.padStart( padLength ) ); } const delta = current - existing; if ( delta > 0 ) { return `+${ delta }`.padStart( padLength ) ); } return `${ delta }`.padStart( padLength ) ); } function sortBranches( a, b ) { if ( a === lastRunBranch ) { return 1; } if ( b === lastRunBranch ) { return -1; } if ( a < b ) { return -1; } if ( a > b ) { return 1; } return 0; } export async function compareSize( { cache = ".sizecache.json", files } = {} ) { if ( !files || !files.length ) { throw new Error( "No files specified" ); } const branch = await getBranchName(); const commit = await getCommitHash(); const sizeCache = await getCache( cache ); let rawPadLength = 0; let gzPadLength = 0; const results = await Promise.all( async function( filename ) { let contents = await fs.promises.readFile( filename, "utf8" ); // Remove the short SHA and .dirty from comparisons. // The short SHA so commits can be compared against each other // and .dirty to compare with the existing branch during development. const sha = /jQuery v\d+.\d+.\d+(?:-\w+)?(?:\+|\+slim\.)?([^ \.]+(?:\.dirty)?)?/.exec( contents )[ 1 ]; contents = contents.replace( new RegExp( sha, "g" ), "" ); const size = Buffer.byteLength( contents, "utf8" ); const gzippedSize = ( await gzip( contents ) ).length; // Add one to give space for the `+` or `-` in the comparison rawPadLength = Math.max( rawPadLength, size.toString().length + 1 ); gzPadLength = Math.max( gzPadLength, gzippedSize.toString().length + 1 ); return { filename, raw: size, gz: gzippedSize }; } ) ); const sizeHeader = "raw".padStart( rawPadLength ) + "gz".padStart( gzPadLength + 1 ) + " Filename"; const sizes = function( result ) { const rawSize = result.raw.toString().padStart( rawPadLength ); const gzSize = result.gz.toString().padStart( gzPadLength ); return `${ rawSize } ${ gzSize } ${ result.filename }`; } ); const comparisons = Object.keys( sizeCache ).sort( sortBranches ).map( function( branch ) { const meta = sizeCache[ branch ].meta || {}; const commit = meta.commit; const files = sizeCache[ branch ].files; const branchSizes = Object.keys( files ).map( function( filename ) { const branchResult = files[ filename ]; const compareResult = results.find( function( result ) { return result.filename === filename; } ) || {}; const compareRaw = compareSizes( branchResult.raw, compareResult.raw, rawPadLength ); const compareGz = compareSizes( branchResult.gz, compareResult.gz, gzPadLength ); return `${ compareRaw } ${ compareGz } ${ filename }`; } ); return [ "", // New line before each branch getBranchHeader( branch, commit ), sizeHeader, ...branchSizes ].join( "\n" ); } ); const output = [ "", // Opening new line chalk.bold( "Sizes" ), sizeHeader, ...sizes, ...comparisons, "" // Closing new line ].join( "\n" ); console.log( output ); // Always save the last run // Save version under last run sizeCache[ lastRunBranch ] = { meta: { version: VERSION }, files: cacheResults( results ) }; // Only save cache for the current branch // if the working directory is clean. if ( await isCleanWorkingDir() ) { sizeCache[ branch ] = { meta: { commit }, files: cacheResults( results ) }; console.log( `Saved cache for ${ branch }.` ); } await saveCache( cache, sizeCache ); return results; }