define(function() { // Allow subprojects to test against their own fixtures var oldStart = window.start, qunitModule = QUnit.module, qunitTest = QUnit.test, // Store the old counts so that we only assert on tests that have actually leaked, // instead of asserting every time a test has leaked sometime in the past oldCacheLength = 0, oldActive = 0, expectedDataKeys = {}, reset, splice = [].splice, ajaxSettings = jQuery.ajaxSettings; /** * QUnit configuration */ // Max time for stop() and asyncTest() until it aborts test // and start()'s the next test. QUnit.config.testTimeout = 20 * 1000; // 20 seconds // Enforce an "expect" argument or expect() call in all test bodies. QUnit.config.requireExpects = true; /** * QUnit hooks */ // Sandbox start for great justice window.start = function() { oldStart(); }; function keys(o) { var ret, key; if ( Object.keys ) { ret = Object.keys( o ); } else { ret = []; for ( key in o ) { ret.push( key ); } } ret.sort(); return ret; } /** * @param {jQuery|HTMLElement|Object|Array} elems Target (or array of targets) for * @param {string} key */ QUnit.expectJqData = function( elems, key ) { var i, elem, expando; // As of jQuery 2.0, there will be no "cache"-data is // stored and managed completely below the API surface if ( jQuery.cache ) { QUnit.current_testEnvironment.checkJqData = true; if ( elems.jquery && elems.toArray ) { elems = elems.toArray(); } if ( !supportjQuery.isArray( elems ) ) { elems = [ elems ]; } for ( i = 0; i < elems.length; i++ ) { elem = elems[i]; // only stores data for nodes in jQuery.cache, // for other data targets the data is stored in the object itself, // in that case we can't test that target for memory leaks. // But we don't have to since in that case the data will/must will // be available as long as the object is not garbage collected by // the js engine, and when it is, the data will be removed with it. if ( !elem.nodeType ) { // Fixes false positives for dataTests(window), dataTests({}). continue; } expando = elem[ jQuery.expando ]; if ( expando === undefined ) { // In this case the element exists fine, but // (or internal data) was never (in)directly // called. // Since this method was called it means some data was // expected to be found, but since there is nothing, fail early // (instead of in teardown). notStrictEqual( expando, undefined, "Target for expectJqData must have an expando, for else there can be no data to expect." ); } else { if ( expectedDataKeys[expando] ) { expectedDataKeys[expando].push( key ); } else { expectedDataKeys[expando] = [ key ]; } } } } }; QUnit.config.urlConfig.push({ id: "jqdata", label: "Always check", tooltip: "Trigger QUnit.expectJqData detection for all tests instead of just the ones that call it" }); /** * Ensures that tests have cleaned up properly after themselves. Should be passed as the * teardown function on all modules' lifecycle object. */ window.moduleTeardown = function() { var i, expectedKeys, actualKeys, cacheLength = 0; // Only look for jQuery data problems if this test actually // provided some information to compare against. if ( QUnit.urlParams.jqdata || this.checkJqData ) { for ( i in jQuery.cache ) { expectedKeys = expectedDataKeys[i]; actualKeys = jQuery.cache[i] ? keys( jQuery.cache[i] ) : jQuery.cache[i]; if ( !QUnit.equiv( expectedKeys, actualKeys ) ) { deepEqual( actualKeys, expectedKeys, "Expected keys exist in jQuery.cache" ); } delete jQuery.cache[i]; delete expectedDataKeys[i]; } // In case it was removed from cache before (or never there in the first place) for ( i in expectedDataKeys ) { deepEqual( expectedDataKeys[i], undefined, "No unexpected keys were left in jQuery.cache (#" + i + ")" ); delete expectedDataKeys[i]; } } // Reset data register expectedDataKeys = {}; // Check for (and clean up, if possible) incomplete animations/requests/etc. if ( jQuery.timers && jQuery.timers.length !== 0 ) { equal( jQuery.timers.length, 0, "No timers are still running" ); jQuery.timers, 0, jQuery.timers.length ); jQuery.fx.stop(); } if ( !== undefined && !== oldActive ) { equal(, oldActive, "No AJAX requests are still active" ); if ( ajaxTest.abort ) { ajaxTest.abort("active requests"); } oldActive =; } for ( i in jQuery.cache ) { ++cacheLength; } // Because QUnit doesn't have a mechanism for retrieving the number of expected assertions for a test, // if we unconditionally assert any of these, the test will fail with too many assertions :| if ( cacheLength !== oldCacheLength ) { equal( cacheLength, oldCacheLength, "No unit tests leak memory in jQuery.cache" ); oldCacheLength = cacheLength; } }; QUnit.done(function() { // Remove our own fixtures outside #qunit-fixture supportjQuery("#qunit ~ *").remove(); }); // jQuery-specific post-test cleanup reset = function () { // Ensure jQuery events and data on the fixture are properly removed jQuery("#qunit-fixture").empty(); // ...even if the jQuery under test has a broken .empty() supportjQuery("#qunit-fixture").empty(); // Reset internal jQuery state = {}; if ( ajaxSettings ) { jQuery.ajaxSettings = jQuery.extend( true, {}, ajaxSettings ); } else { delete jQuery.ajaxSettings; } // Cleanup globals Globals.cleanup(); jQuery("#qunit-fixture")[0].innerHTML = QUnit.config.fixture; }; QUnit.testDone(reset); // Register globals for cleanup and the cleanup code itself // Explanation at window.Globals = (function() { var globals = {}; return { register: function( name ) { globals[ name ] = true; supportjQuery.globalEval( "var " + name + " = undefined;" ); }, cleanup: function() { var name, current = globals; globals = {}; for ( name in current ) { supportjQuery.globalEval( "try { " + "delete " + ( ? "window['" + name + "']" : name ) + "; } catch( x ) {}" ); } } }; })(); /** * Test a subproject with its own fixture * @param {String} label Project name * @param {String} url Test folder location * @param {RegExp} risTests To filter script sources */ function testSubproject( label, subProjectURL, risTests, complete ) { var sub, fixture, fixtureHTML, fixtureReplaced = false; // Don't let subproject tests jump the gun QUnit.config.reorder = false; // Create module module( label ); // Duckpunch QUnit // TODO restore parent fixture on teardown to support reordering module = QUnit.module = function( name ) { var args = arguments; // Remember subproject-scoped module name sub = name; // Override args[0] = label; return qunitModule.apply( this, args ); }; test = function( name ) { var args = arguments, i = args.length - 1; // Prepend subproject-scoped module name to test name args[0] = sub + ": " + name; // Find test function and wrap to require subproject fixture for ( ; i >= 0; i-- ) { if ( supportjQuery.isFunction( args[i] ) ) { args[i] = requireFixture( args[i] ); break; } } return qunitTest.apply( this, args ); }; // Load tests and fixture from subproject // Test order matters, so we must be synchronous and throw an error on load failure supportjQuery.ajax( subProjectURL, { async: false, dataType: "html", error: function( jqXHR, status ) { throw new Error( "Could not load: " + subProjectURL + " (" + status + ")" ); }, success: function( data, status, jqXHR ) { var sources = [], page = supportjQuery.parseHTML( // replace html/head with dummy elements so they are represented in the DOM ( data || "" ).replace( /<\/?((!DOCTYPE|html|head)\b.*?)>/gi, "[$1]" ), document, true ); if ( !page || !page.length ) { this.error( jqXHR, "no data" ); } page = supportjQuery( page ); // Include subproject tests page.filter("script[src]").add( page.find("script[src]") ).map(function() { var src = supportjQuery( this ).attr("src"); if ( risTests.test( src ) ) { sources.push( src ); } }); // Ensure load order (function loadDep() { var dep = sources.shift(); if ( dep ) { require( [ subProjectURL + dep ], loadDep ); } else if ( complete ) { complete(); } })(); // Get the fixture, including content outside of #qunit-fixture fixture = page.find("[id='qunit-fixture']"); fixtureHTML = fixture.html(); fixture.empty(); while ( fixture.length && !fixture.prevAll("[id='qunit']").length ) { fixture = fixture.parent(); } fixture = fixture.add( fixture.nextAll() ); } }); function requireFixture( fn ) { return function() { if ( !fixtureReplaced ) { // Make sure that we retrieved a fixture for the subproject if ( !fixture.length ) { ok( false, "Found subproject fixture" ); return; } // Update helper function behavior baseURL = subProjectURL; // Replace the current fixture, including content outside of #qunit-fixture var oldFixture = supportjQuery("#qunit-fixture"); while ( oldFixture.length && !oldFixture.prevAll("[id='qunit']").length ) { oldFixture = oldFixture.parent(); } oldFixture.nextAll().remove(); oldFixture.replaceWith( fixture ); // WARNING: UNDOCUMENTED INTERFACE QUnit.config.fixture = fixtureHTML; reset(); if ( supportjQuery("#qunit-fixture").html() !== fixtureHTML ) { ok( false, "Copied subproject fixture" ); return; } fixtureReplaced = true; } fn.apply( this, arguments ); }; } } return testSubproject; });