"use strict"; const fs = require( "node:fs" ); const util = require( "node:util" ); const exec = util.promisify( require( "node:child_process" ).exec ); const rnewline = /\r?\n/; const rdate = /^\[(\d+)\] /; const ignore = [ /dependabot\[bot\]/ ]; function compareAuthors( a, b ) { const aName = a.replace( rdate, "" ).replace( / <.*>/, "" ); const bName = b.replace( rdate, "" ).replace( / <.*>/, "" ); return aName === bName; } function uniq( arr ) { const unique = []; for ( const item of arr ) { if ( ignore.some( re => re.test( item ) ) ) { continue; } if ( item && !unique.find( ( e ) => compareAuthors( e, item ) ) ) { unique.push( item ); } } return unique; } function cleanupSizzle() { console.log( "Cleaning up..." ); return exec( "npx rimraf .sizzle" ); } function cloneSizzle() { console.log( "Cloning Sizzle..." ); return exec( "git clone https://github.com/jquery/sizzle .sizzle" ); } async function getLastAuthor() { const authorsTxt = await fs.promises.readFile( "AUTHORS.txt", "utf8" ); return authorsTxt.trim().split( rnewline ).pop(); } async function logAuthors( preCommand ) { let command = "git log --pretty=format:\"[%at] %aN <%aE>\""; if ( preCommand ) { command = preCommand + " && " + command; } const { stdout } = await exec( command ); return uniq( stdout.trim().split( rnewline ).reverse() ); } async function getSizzleAuthors() { await cloneSizzle(); const authors = await logAuthors( "cd .sizzle" ); await cleanupSizzle(); return authors; } function sortAuthors( a, b ) { const [ , aDate ] = rdate.exec( a ); const [ , bDate ] = rdate.exec( b ); return parseInt( aDate ) - parseInt( bDate ); } function formatAuthor( author ) { return author.replace( rdate, "" ); } async function getAuthors() { console.log( "Getting authors..." ); const authors = await logAuthors(); const sizzleAuthors = await getSizzleAuthors(); return uniq( authors.concat( sizzleAuthors ) ).sort( sortAuthors ).map( formatAuthor ); } async function checkAuthors() { const authors = await getAuthors(); const lastAuthor = await getLastAuthor(); if ( authors[ authors.length - 1 ] !== lastAuthor ) { console.log( "AUTHORS.txt: ", lastAuthor ); console.log( "Last 20 in git: ", authors.slice( -20 ) ); throw new Error( "Last author in AUTHORS.txt does not match last git author" ); } console.log( "AUTHORS.txt is up to date" ); } async function updateAuthors() { const authors = await getAuthors(); const authorsTxt = "Authors ordered by first contribution.\n\n" + authors.join( "\n" ) + "\n"; await fs.promises.writeFile( "AUTHORS.txt", authorsTxt ); console.log( "AUTHORS.txt updated" ); } module.exports = { checkAuthors, getAuthors, updateAuthors };