/** * Allow the test suite to run with other libs or jQuery's. */ jQuery.noConflict(); // Expose Sizzle for Sizzle's selector tests // We remove Sizzle's globalization in jQuery var Sizzle = Sizzle || jQuery.find; /** * QUnit hooks */ (function() { // jQuery-specific QUnit.reset var reset = QUnit.reset, ajaxSettings = jQuery.ajaxSettings; QUnit.reset = function() { reset.apply(this, arguments); jQuery.event.global = {}; jQuery.ajaxSettings = jQuery.extend({}, ajaxSettings); }; })(); /** * QUnit configuration */ // Max time for stop() and asyncTest() until it aborts test // and start()'s the next test. QUnit.config.testTimeout = 20 * 1000; // 20 seconds /** * Load the TestSwarm listener if swarmURL is in the address. */ (function() { var url = window.location.search; url = decodeURIComponent( url.slice( url.indexOf("swarmURL=") + "swarmURL=".length ) ); if ( !url || url.indexOf("http") !== 0 ) { return; } // (Temporarily) Disable Ajax tests to reduce network strain // isLocal = QUnit.isLocal = true; document.write(""); })();