module("core", { teardown: moduleTeardown }); test("Basic requirements", function() { expect(7); ok( Array.prototype.push, "Array.push()" ); ok( Function.prototype.apply, "Function.apply()" ); ok( document.getElementById, "getElementById" ); ok( document.getElementsByTagName, "getElementsByTagName" ); ok( RegExp, "RegExp" ); ok( jQuery, "jQuery" ); ok( $, "$" ); }); test("jQuery()", function() { expect(29); // Basic constructor's behavior equals( jQuery().length, 0, "jQuery() === jQuery([])" ); equals( jQuery(undefined).length, 0, "jQuery(undefined) === jQuery([])" ); equals( jQuery(null).length, 0, "jQuery(null) === jQuery([])" ); equals( jQuery("").length, 0, "jQuery('') === jQuery([])" ); equals( jQuery("#").length, 0, "jQuery('#') === jQuery([])" ); var obj = jQuery("div"); equals( jQuery(obj).selector, "div", "jQuery(jQueryObj) == jQueryObj" ); // can actually yield more than one, when iframes are included, the window is an array as well equals( jQuery(window).length, 1, "Correct number of elements generated for jQuery(window)" ); var main = jQuery("#qunit-fixture"); same( jQuery("div p", main).get(), q("sndp", "en", "sap"), "Basic selector with jQuery object as context" ); /* // disabled since this test was doing nothing. i tried to fix it but i'm not sure // what the expected behavior should even be. FF returns "\n" for the text node // make sure this is handled var crlfContainer = jQuery('


'); var x = crlfContainer.contents().get(0).nodeValue; equals( x, what???, "Check for \\r and \\n in jQuery()" ); */ /* // Disabled until we add this functionality in var pass = true; try { jQuery("
").appendTo(document.getElementById("iframe").contentDocument.body); } catch(e){ pass = false; } ok( pass, "jQuery('<tag>') needs optional document parameter to ease cross-frame DOM wrangling, see #968" );*/ var code = jQuery(""); equals( code.length, 1, "Correct number of elements generated for code" ); equals( code.parent().length, 0, "Make sure that the generated HTML has no parent." ); var img = jQuery(""); equals( img.length, 1, "Correct number of elements generated for img" ); equals( img.parent().length, 0, "Make sure that the generated HTML has no parent." ); var div = jQuery("

"); equals( div.length, 4, "Correct number of elements generated for div hr code b" ); equals( div.parent().length, 0, "Make sure that the generated HTML has no parent." ); equals( jQuery([1,2,3]).get(1), 2, "Test passing an array to the factory" ); equals( jQuery(document.body).get(0), jQuery("body").get(0), "Test passing an html node to the factory" ); var exec = false; var elem = jQuery("
", { width: 10, css: { paddingLeft:1, paddingRight:1 }, click: function(){ ok(exec, "Click executed."); }, text: "test", "class": "test2", id: "test3" }); equals( elem[0].style.width, "10px", "jQuery() quick setter width"); equals( elem[0].style.paddingLeft, "1px", "jQuery quick setter css"); equals( elem[0].style.paddingRight, "1px", "jQuery quick setter css"); equals( elem[0].childNodes.length, 1, "jQuery quick setter text"); equals( elem[0].firstChild.nodeValue, "test", "jQuery quick setter text"); equals( elem[0].className, "test2", "jQuery() quick setter class"); equals( elem[0].id, "test3", "jQuery() quick setter id"); exec = true;; // manually clean up detached elements elem.remove(); for ( var i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) { elem = jQuery(""); } equals( elem[0].defaultValue, "TEST", "Ensure cached nodes are cloned properly (Bug #6655)" ); // manually clean up detached elements elem.remove(); equals( jQuery("
").length, 1, "Make sure whitespace is trimmed." ); equals( jQuery(" a
b ").length, 1, "Make sure whitespace and other characters are trimmed." ); var long = ""; for ( var i = 0; i < 128; i++ ) { long += "12345678"; } equals( jQuery("
" + long + "
").length, 1, "Make sure whitespace is trimmed on long strings." ); equals( jQuery(" a
" + long + "
b ").length, 1, "Make sure whitespace and other characters are trimmed on long strings." ); }); test("selector state", function() { expect(31); var test; test = jQuery(undefined); equals( test.selector, "", "Empty jQuery Selector" ); equals( test.context, undefined, "Empty jQuery Context" ); test = jQuery(document); equals( test.selector, "", "Document Selector" ); equals( test.context, document, "Document Context" ); test = jQuery(document.body); equals( test.selector, "", "Body Selector" ); equals( test.context, document.body, "Body Context" ); test = jQuery("#qunit-fixture"); equals( test.selector, "#qunit-fixture", "#qunit-fixture Selector" ); equals( test.context, document, "#qunit-fixture Context" ); test = jQuery("#notfoundnono"); equals( test.selector, "#notfoundnono", "#notfoundnono Selector" ); equals( test.context, document, "#notfoundnono Context" ); test = jQuery("#qunit-fixture", document); equals( test.selector, "#qunit-fixture", "#qunit-fixture Selector" ); equals( test.context, document, "#qunit-fixture Context" ); test = jQuery("#qunit-fixture", document.body); equals( test.selector, "#qunit-fixture", "#qunit-fixture Selector" ); equals( test.context, document.body, "#qunit-fixture Context" ); // Test cloning test = jQuery(test); equals( test.selector, "#qunit-fixture", "#qunit-fixture Selector" ); equals( test.context, document.body, "#qunit-fixture Context" ); test = jQuery(document.body).find("#qunit-fixture"); equals( test.selector, "#qunit-fixture", "#qunit-fixture find Selector" ); equals( test.context, document.body, "#qunit-fixture find Context" ); test = jQuery("#qunit-fixture").filter("div"); equals( test.selector, "#qunit-fixture.filter(div)", "#qunit-fixture filter Selector" ); equals( test.context, document, "#qunit-fixture filter Context" ); test = jQuery("#qunit-fixture").not("div"); equals( test.selector, "#qunit-fixture.not(div)", "#qunit-fixture not Selector" ); equals( test.context, document, "#qunit-fixture not Context" ); test = jQuery("#qunit-fixture").filter("div").not("div"); equals( test.selector, "#qunit-fixture.filter(div).not(div)", "#qunit-fixture filter, not Selector" ); equals( test.context, document, "#qunit-fixture filter, not Context" ); test = jQuery("#qunit-fixture").filter("div").not("div").end(); equals( test.selector, "#qunit-fixture.filter(div)", "#qunit-fixture filter, not, end Selector" ); equals( test.context, document, "#qunit-fixture filter, not, end Context" ); test = jQuery("#qunit-fixture").parent("body"); equals( test.selector, "#qunit-fixture.parent(body)", "#qunit-fixture parent Selector" ); equals( test.context, document, "#qunit-fixture parent Context" ); test = jQuery("#qunit-fixture").eq(0); equals( test.selector, "#qunit-fixture.slice(0,1)", "#qunit-fixture eq Selector" ); equals( test.context, document, "#qunit-fixture eq Context" ); var d = "
"; equals( jQuery(d).appendTo(jQuery(d)).selector, jQuery(d).appendTo(d).selector, "manipulation methods make same selector for jQuery objects" ); }); test( "globalEval", function() { expect( 3 ); jQuery.globalEval( "var globalEvalTest = true;" ); ok( window.globalEvalTest, "Test variable declarations are global" ); window.globalEvalTest = false; jQuery.globalEval( "globalEvalTest = true;" ); ok( window.globalEvalTest, "Test variable assignments are global" ); window.globalEvalTest = false; jQuery.globalEval( "this.globalEvalTest = true;" ); ok( window.globalEvalTest, "Test context (this) is the window object" ); window.globalEvalTest = undefined; }); if ( !isLocal ) { test("browser", function() { stop(); jQuery.get("data/ua.txt", function(data){ var uas = data.split("\n"); expect( (uas.length - 1) * 2 ); jQuery.each(uas, function(){ var parts = this.split("\t"); if ( parts[2] ) { var ua = jQuery.uaMatch( parts[2] ); equals( ua.browser, parts[0], "Checking browser for " + parts[2] ); equals( ua.version, parts[1], "Checking version string for " + parts[2] ); } }); start(); }); }); } test("amdModule", function() { expect(1); equals( jQuery, amdDefined, "Make sure defined module matches jQuery" ); }); test("noConflict", function() { expect(7); var $$ = jQuery; equals( jQuery, jQuery.noConflict(), "noConflict returned the jQuery object" ); equals( jQuery, $$, "Make sure jQuery wasn't touched." ); equals( $, original$, "Make sure $ was reverted." ); jQuery = $ = $$; equals( jQuery.noConflict(true), $$, "noConflict returned the jQuery object" ); equals( jQuery, originaljQuery, "Make sure jQuery was reverted." ); equals( $, original$, "Make sure $ was reverted." ); ok( $$("#qunit-fixture").html("test"), "Make sure that jQuery still works." ); jQuery = $$; }); test("trim", function() { expect(9); var nbsp = String.fromCharCode(160); equals( jQuery.trim("hello "), "hello", "trailing space" ); equals( jQuery.trim(" hello"), "hello", "leading space" ); equals( jQuery.trim(" hello "), "hello", "space on both sides" ); equals( jQuery.trim(" " + nbsp + "hello " + nbsp + " "), "hello", " " ); equals( jQuery.trim(), "", "Nothing in." ); equals( jQuery.trim( undefined ), "", "Undefined" ); equals( jQuery.trim( null ), "", "Null" ); equals( jQuery.trim( 5 ), "5", "Number" ); equals( jQuery.trim( false ), "false", "Boolean" ); }); test("type", function() { expect(23); equals( jQuery.type(null), "null", "null" ); equals( jQuery.type(undefined), "undefined", "undefined" ); equals( jQuery.type(true), "boolean", "Boolean" ); equals( jQuery.type(false), "boolean", "Boolean" ); equals( jQuery.type(Boolean(true)), "boolean", "Boolean" ); equals( jQuery.type(0), "number", "Number" ); equals( jQuery.type(1), "number", "Number" ); equals( jQuery.type(Number(1)), "number", "Number" ); equals( jQuery.type(""), "string", "String" ); equals( jQuery.type("a"), "string", "String" ); equals( jQuery.type(String("a")), "string", "String" ); equals( jQuery.type({}), "object", "Object" ); equals( jQuery.type(/foo/), "regexp", "RegExp" ); equals( jQuery.type(new RegExp("asdf")), "regexp", "RegExp" ); equals( jQuery.type([1]), "array", "Array" ); equals( jQuery.type(new Date()), "date", "Date" ); equals( jQuery.type(new Function("return;")), "function", "Function" ); equals( jQuery.type(function(){}), "function", "Function" ); equals( jQuery.type(window), "object", "Window" ); equals( jQuery.type(document), "object", "Document" ); equals( jQuery.type(document.body), "object", "Element" ); equals( jQuery.type(document.createTextNode("foo")), "object", "TextNode" ); equals( jQuery.type(document.getElementsByTagName("*")), "object", "NodeList" ); }); test("isPlainObject", function() { expect(15); stop(); // The use case that we want to match ok(jQuery.isPlainObject({}), "{}"); // Not objects shouldn't be matched ok(!jQuery.isPlainObject(""), "string"); ok(!jQuery.isPlainObject(0) && !jQuery.isPlainObject(1), "number"); ok(!jQuery.isPlainObject(true) && !jQuery.isPlainObject(false), "boolean"); ok(!jQuery.isPlainObject(null), "null"); ok(!jQuery.isPlainObject(undefined), "undefined"); // Arrays shouldn't be matched ok(!jQuery.isPlainObject([]), "array"); // Instantiated objects shouldn't be matched ok(!jQuery.isPlainObject(new Date), "new Date"); var fn = function(){}; // Functions shouldn't be matched ok(!jQuery.isPlainObject(fn), "fn"); // Again, instantiated objects shouldn't be matched ok(!jQuery.isPlainObject(new fn), "new fn (no methods)"); // Makes the function a little more realistic // (and harder to detect, incidentally) fn.prototype = {someMethod: function(){}}; // Again, instantiated objects shouldn't be matched ok(!jQuery.isPlainObject(new fn), "new fn"); // DOM Element ok(!jQuery.isPlainObject(document.createElement("div")), "DOM Element"); // Window ok(!jQuery.isPlainObject(window), "window"); try { jQuery.isPlainObject( window.location ); ok( true, "Does not throw exceptions on host objects"); } catch ( e ) { ok( false, "Does not throw exceptions on host objects -- FAIL"); } try { var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); document.body.appendChild(iframe); window.iframeDone = function(otherObject){ // Objects from other windows should be matched ok(jQuery.isPlainObject(new otherObject), "new otherObject"); document.body.removeChild( iframe ); start(); }; var doc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;; doc.write(""); doc.close(); } catch(e) { document.body.removeChild( iframe ); ok(true, "new otherObject - iframes not supported"); start(); } }); test("isFunction", function() { expect(19); // Make sure that false values return false ok( !jQuery.isFunction(), "No Value" ); ok( !jQuery.isFunction( null ), "null Value" ); ok( !jQuery.isFunction( undefined ), "undefined Value" ); ok( !jQuery.isFunction( "" ), "Empty String Value" ); ok( !jQuery.isFunction( 0 ), "0 Value" ); // Check built-ins // Safari uses "(Internal Function)" ok( jQuery.isFunction(String), "String Function("+String+")" ); ok( jQuery.isFunction(Array), "Array Function("+Array+")" ); ok( jQuery.isFunction(Object), "Object Function("+Object+")" ); ok( jQuery.isFunction(Function), "Function Function("+Function+")" ); // When stringified, this could be misinterpreted var mystr = "function"; ok( !jQuery.isFunction(mystr), "Function String" ); // When stringified, this could be misinterpreted var myarr = [ "function" ]; ok( !jQuery.isFunction(myarr), "Function Array" ); // When stringified, this could be misinterpreted var myfunction = { "function": "test" }; ok( !jQuery.isFunction(myfunction), "Function Object" ); // Make sure normal functions still work var fn = function(){}; ok( jQuery.isFunction(fn), "Normal Function" ); var obj = document.createElement("object"); // Firefox says this is a function ok( !jQuery.isFunction(obj), "Object Element" ); // IE says this is an object // Since 1.3, this isn't supported (#2968) //ok( jQuery.isFunction(obj.getAttribute), "getAttribute Function" ); var nodes = document.body.childNodes; // Safari says this is a function ok( !jQuery.isFunction(nodes), "childNodes Property" ); var first = document.body.firstChild; // Normal elements are reported ok everywhere ok( !jQuery.isFunction(first), "A normal DOM Element" ); var input = document.createElement("input"); input.type = "text"; document.body.appendChild( input ); // IE says this is an object // Since 1.3, this isn't supported (#2968) //ok( jQuery.isFunction(input.focus), "A default function property" ); document.body.removeChild( input ); var a = document.createElement("a"); a.href = "some-function"; document.body.appendChild( a ); // This serializes with the word 'function' in it ok( !jQuery.isFunction(a), "Anchor Element" ); document.body.removeChild( a ); // Recursive function calls have lengths and array-like properties function callme(callback){ function fn(response){ callback(response); } ok( jQuery.isFunction(fn), "Recursive Function Call" ); fn({ some: "data" }); }; callme(function(){ callme(function(){}); }); }); test("isXMLDoc - HTML", function() { expect(4); ok( !jQuery.isXMLDoc( document ), "HTML document" ); ok( !jQuery.isXMLDoc( document.documentElement ), "HTML documentElement" ); ok( !jQuery.isXMLDoc( document.body ), "HTML Body Element" ); var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); document.body.appendChild( iframe ); try { var body = jQuery(iframe).contents()[0]; try { ok( !jQuery.isXMLDoc( body ), "Iframe body element" ); } catch(e) { ok( false, "Iframe body element exception" ); } } catch(e) { ok( true, "Iframe body element - iframe not working correctly" ); } document.body.removeChild( iframe ); }); test("XSS via location.hash", function() { expect(1); stop(); jQuery._check9521 = function(x){ ok( x, "script called from #id-like selector with inline handler" ); jQuery("#check9521").remove(); delete jQuery._check9521; start(); }; try { // This throws an error because it's processed like an id jQuery( '#' ).appendTo("#qunit-fixture"); } catch (err) { jQuery._check9521(true); }; }); if ( !isLocal ) { test("isXMLDoc - XML", function() { expect(3); stop(); jQuery.get("data/dashboard.xml", function(xml) { ok( jQuery.isXMLDoc( xml ), "XML document" ); ok( jQuery.isXMLDoc( xml.documentElement ), "XML documentElement" ); ok( jQuery.isXMLDoc( jQuery("tab", xml)[0] ), "XML Tab Element" ); start(); }); }); } test("isWindow", function() { expect( 12 ); ok( jQuery.isWindow(window), "window" ); ok( !jQuery.isWindow(), "empty" ); ok( !jQuery.isWindow(null), "null" ); ok( !jQuery.isWindow(undefined), "undefined" ); ok( !jQuery.isWindow(document), "document" ); ok( !jQuery.isWindow(document.documentElement), "documentElement" ); ok( !jQuery.isWindow(""), "string" ); ok( !jQuery.isWindow(1), "number" ); ok( !jQuery.isWindow(true), "boolean" ); ok( !jQuery.isWindow({}), "object" ); // HMMM // ok( !jQuery.isWindow({ setInterval: function(){} }), "fake window" ); ok( !jQuery.isWindow(/window/), "regexp" ); ok( !jQuery.isWindow(function(){}), "function" ); }); test("jQuery('html')", function() { expect(18); QUnit.reset(); = false; var s = jQuery("")[0]; ok( s, "Creating a script" ); ok( !, "Make sure the script wasn't executed prematurely" ); jQuery("body").append(""); ok(, "Executing a scripts contents in the right context" ); // Test multi-line HTML var div = jQuery("
\r\nsome text\n

some p

\nmore text\r\n
")[0]; equals( div.nodeName.toUpperCase(), "DIV", "Make sure we're getting a div." ); equals( div.firstChild.nodeType, 3, "Text node." ); equals( div.lastChild.nodeType, 3, "Text node." ); equals( div.childNodes[1].nodeType, 1, "Paragraph." ); equals( div.childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeType, 3, "Paragraph text." ); QUnit.reset(); ok( jQuery("")[0], "Creating a link" ); ok( !jQuery("