QUnit.module( "deprecated", { afterEach: moduleTeardown } ); if ( includesModule( "deprecated" ) ) { QUnit.test( "bind/unbind", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 4 ); var markup = jQuery( "


" ); markup .find( "b" ) .bind( "click", { bindData: 19 }, function( e, trig ) { assert.equal( e.type, "click", "correct event type" ); assert.equal( e.data.bindData, 19, "correct trigger data" ); assert.equal( trig, 42, "correct bind data" ); assert.equal( e.target.nodeName.toLowerCase(), "b", "correct element" ); } ) .trigger( "click", [ 42 ] ) .unbind( "click" ) .trigger( "click" ) .remove(); } ); QUnit.test( "delegate/undelegate", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 2 ); var markup = jQuery( "


" ); markup .delegate( "b", "click", function( e ) { assert.equal( e.type, "click", "correct event type" ); assert.equal( e.target.nodeName.toLowerCase(), "b", "correct element" ); } ) .find( "b" ) .trigger( "click" ) .end() .undelegate( "b", "click" ) .remove(); } ); QUnit.test( "hover() mouseenter mouseleave", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 1 ); var times = 0, handler1 = function() { ++times; }, handler2 = function() { ++times; }; jQuery( "#firstp" ) .hover( handler1, handler2 ) .mouseenter().mouseleave() .off( "mouseenter", handler1 ) .off( "mouseleave", handler2 ) .hover( handler1 ) .mouseenter().mouseleave() .off( "mouseenter mouseleave", handler1 ) .mouseenter().mouseleave(); assert.equal( times, 4, "hover handlers fired" ); } ); QUnit.test( "trigger() shortcuts", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 5 ); var counter, clickCounter, elem = jQuery( "
  • Change location
  • " ).prependTo( "#firstUL" ); elem.find( "a" ).on( "click", function() { var close = jQuery( "spanx", this ); // same with jQuery(this).find("span"); assert.equal( close.length, 0, "Context element does not exist, length must be zero" ); assert.ok( !close[ 0 ], "Context element does not exist, direct access to element must return undefined" ); return false; } ).click(); // manually clean up detached elements elem.remove(); jQuery( "#check1" ).click( function() { assert.ok( true, "click event handler for checkbox gets fired twice, see trac-815" ); } ).click(); counter = 0; jQuery( "#firstp" )[ 0 ].onclick = function() { counter++; }; jQuery( "#firstp" ).click(); assert.equal( counter, 1, "Check that click, triggers onclick event handler also" ); clickCounter = 0; jQuery( "#john1" )[ 0 ].onclick = function() { clickCounter++; }; jQuery( "#john1" ).click(); assert.equal( clickCounter, 1, "Check that click, triggers onclick event handler on an a tag also" ); } ); if ( includesModule( "ajax" ) ) { ajaxTest( "Ajax events aliases (with context)", 12, function( assert ) { var context = document.createElement( "div" ); function event( e ) { assert.equal( this, context, e.type ); } function callback( msg ) { return function() { assert.equal( this, context, "context is preserved on callback " + msg ); }; } return { setup: function() { jQuery( context ).appendTo( "#foo" ) .ajaxSend( event ) .ajaxComplete( event ) .ajaxError( event ) .ajaxSuccess( event ); }, requests: [ { url: url( "name.html" ), context: context, beforeSend: callback( "beforeSend" ), success: callback( "success" ), complete: callback( "complete" ) }, { url: url( "404.txt" ), context: context, beforeSend: callback( "beforeSend" ), error: callback( "error" ), complete: callback( "complete" ) } ] }; } ); } QUnit.test( "Event aliases", function( assert ) { // Explicitly skipping focus/blur events due to their flakiness var $elem = jQuery( "
    " ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ), aliases = ( "resize scroll click dblclick mousedown mouseup " + "mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave change " + "select submit keydown keypress keyup contextmenu" ).split( " " ); assert.expect( aliases.length ); jQuery.each( aliases, function( i, name ) { // e.g. $(elem).click(...).click(); $elem[ name ]( function( event ) { assert.equal( event.type, name, "triggered " + name ); } )[ name ]().off( name ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( "jQuery.proxy", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 9 ); var test2, test3, test4, fn, cb, test = function() { assert.equal( this, thisObject, "Make sure that scope is set properly." ); }, thisObject = { foo: "bar", method: test }; // Make sure normal works test.call( thisObject ); // Basic scoping jQuery.proxy( test, thisObject )(); // Another take on it jQuery.proxy( thisObject, "method" )(); // Make sure it doesn't freak out assert.equal( jQuery.proxy( null, thisObject ), undefined, "Make sure no function was returned." ); // Partial application test2 = function( a ) { assert.equal( a, "pre-applied", "Ensure arguments can be pre-applied." ); }; jQuery.proxy( test2, null, "pre-applied" )(); // Partial application w/ normal arguments test3 = function( a, b ) { assert.equal( b, "normal", "Ensure arguments can be pre-applied and passed as usual." ); }; jQuery.proxy( test3, null, "pre-applied" )( "normal" ); // Test old syntax test4 = { "meth": function( a ) { assert.equal( a, "boom", "Ensure old syntax works." ); } }; jQuery.proxy( test4, "meth" )( "boom" ); // jQuery 1.9 improved currying with `this` object fn = function() { assert.equal( Array.prototype.join.call( arguments, "," ), "arg1,arg2,arg3", "args passed" ); assert.equal( this.foo, "bar", "this-object passed" ); }; cb = jQuery.proxy( fn, null, "arg1", "arg2" ); cb.call( thisObject, "arg3" ); } ); }