module("support", { teardown: moduleTeardown }); function supportIFrameTest( title, url, noDisplay, func ) { if ( noDisplay !== true ) { func = noDisplay; noDisplay = false; } test( title, function() { var iframe; stop(); window.supportCallback = function() { var self = this, args = arguments; setTimeout( function() { window.supportCallback = undefined; iframe.remove(); func.apply( self, args ); start(); }, 0 ); }; iframe = jQuery( "
" ).css( "display", noDisplay ? "none" : "block" ).append( jQuery( "" ).attr( "src", "data/support/" + url + ".html" ) ).appendTo( "body" ); }); } supportIFrameTest( "proper boxModel in compatMode CSS1Compat (IE6 and IE7)", "boxModelIE", function( compatMode, boxModel ) { ok( compatMode !== "CSS1Compat" || boxModel, "boxModel properly detected" ); }); supportIFrameTest( "body background is not lost if set prior to loading jQuery (#9238)", "bodyBackground", function( color, support ) { expect( 2 ); var okValue = { "#000000": true, "rgb(0, 0, 0)": true }; ok( okValue[ color ], "color was not reset (" + color + ")" ); var i, passed = true; for ( i in ) { if ([ i ] !== support[ i ] ) { passed = false; strictEqual([ i ], support[ i ], "Support property " + i + " is different" ); } } for ( i in support ) { if ( !( i in ) ) { passed = false; strictEqual( src[ i ], dest[ i ], "Unexpected property: " + i ); } } ok( passed, "Same support properties" ); }); supportIFrameTest( "A background on the testElement does not cause IE8 to crash (#9823)", "testElementCrash", function() { expect(1); ok( true, "IE8 does not crash" ); });