// Use the right jQuery source on the test page (and iframes) ( function() { /* global loadTests: false */ var dynamicImportSource, FILEPATH = "/test/jquery.js", activeScript = [].slice.call( document.getElementsByTagName( "script" ), -1 )[ 0 ], parentUrl = activeScript && activeScript.src ? activeScript.src.replace( /[?#].*/, "" ) + FILEPATH.replace( /[^/]+/g, ".." ) + "/" : "../", QUnit = window.QUnit || parent.QUnit, require = window.require || parent.require, // Default to unminified jQuery for directly-opened iframes urlParams = QUnit ? QUnit.urlParams : { dev: true }, src = urlParams.dev ? "dist/jquery.js" : "dist/jquery.min.js"; // Define configuration parameters controlling how jQuery is loaded if ( QUnit ) { // ES modules loading is asynchronous and incompatible with synchronous // test loading in Karma. if ( !window.__karma__ ) { QUnit.config.urlConfig.push( { id: "esmodules", label: "Load as modules", tooltip: "Load a relevant jQuery module file (and its dependencies)" } ); } QUnit.config.urlConfig.push( { id: "dev", label: "Load unminified", tooltip: "Load the development (unminified) jQuery file" } ); } // Honor AMD loading on the main window (detected by seeing QUnit on it). // This doesn't apply to iframes because they synchronously expect jQuery to be there. if ( urlParams.esmodules && window.QUnit ) { // Support: IE 11+, Edge 12 - 18+ // IE/Edge don't support the dynamic import syntax so they'd crash // with a SyntaxError here. dynamicImportSource = "" + "import( `${ parentUrl }src/jquery.js` ).then( ( { default: jQuery } ) => {\n" + " window.jQuery = jQuery;\n" + " if ( typeof loadTests === \"function\" ) {\n" + " // Include tests if specified\n" + " loadTests();\n" + " }\n" + "} );"; eval( dynamicImportSource ); // Otherwise, load synchronously } else { document.write( "