import chalk from "chalk"; import { getBrowserString } from "./lib/getBrowserString.js"; import { prettyMs } from "./lib/prettyMs.js"; import * as Diff from "diff"; function serializeForDiff( value ) { // Use naive serialization for everything except types with confusable values if ( typeof value === "string" ) { return JSON.stringify( value ); } if ( typeof value === "bigint" ) { return `${ value }n`; } return `${ value }`; } export function reportTest( test, reportId, { browser, headless } ) { if ( test.status === "passed" ) { // Write to console without newlines process.stdout.write( "." ); return; } let message = `${ chalk.bold( `${ test.suiteName }: ${ }` ) }`; message += `\nTest ${ test.status } on ${ chalk.yellow( getBrowserString( browser, headless ) ) } (${ chalk.bold( reportId ) }).`; // test.assertions only contains passed assertions; // test.errors contains all failed asssertions if ( test.errors.length ) { for ( const error of test.errors ) { message += "\n"; if ( error.message ) { message += `\n${ error.message }`; } message += `\n${ chalk.gray( error.stack ) }`; // Show expected and actual values // if either is defined and non-null. // error.actual is set to null for failed // assert.expect() assertions, so skip those as well. // This should be fine because error.expected would // have to also be null for this to be skipped. if ( error.expected != null || error.actual != null ) { message += `\nexpected: ${ JSON.stringify( error.expected ) ) }`; message += `\nactual: ${ JSON.stringify( error.actual ) ) }`; let diff; if ( Array.isArray( error.expected ) && Array.isArray( error.actual ) ) { // Diff arrays diff = Diff.diffArrays( error.expected, error.actual ); } else if ( typeof error.expected === "object" && typeof error.actual === "object" ) { // Diff objects diff = Diff.diffJson( error.expected, error.actual ); } else if ( typeof error.expected === "number" && typeof error.actual === "number" ) { // Diff numbers directly const value = error.actual - error.expected; if ( value > 0 ) { diff = [ { added: true, value: `+${ value }` } ]; } else { diff = [ { removed: true, value: `${ value }` } ]; } } else if ( typeof error.expected === "string" && typeof error.actual === "string" ) { // Diff the characters of strings diff = Diff.diffChars( error.expected, error.actual ); } else { // Diff everything else as words diff = Diff.diffWords( serializeForDiff( error.expected ), serializeForDiff( error.actual ) ); } if ( diff ) { message += "\n"; message += diff .map( ( part ) => { if ( part.added ) { return part.value ); } if ( part.removed ) { return part.value ); } return chalk.gray( part.value ); } ) .join( "" ); } } } } console.log( `\n\n${ message }` ); // Only return failed messages if ( test.status === "failed" ) { return message; } } export function reportEnd( result, reportId, { browser, headless, modules } ) { console.log( `\n\nTests for ${ chalk.yellow( modules.join( ", " ) ) } on ${ chalk.yellow( getBrowserString( browser, headless ) ) } finished in ${ prettyMs( result.runtime ) } (${ chalk.bold( reportId ) }).` ); console.log( ( result.status !== "passed" ? `${ result.testCounts.failed ) } failed. ` : "" ) + `${ ) } passed. ` + `${ chalk.gray( result.testCounts.skipped ) } skipped.` ); return result.testCounts; }