{ "root": true, "extends": "../.eslintrc-browser.json", "env": { // In source the browser env is not enabled but unit tests rely on them // too much and we don't run them in non-browser environments anyway. "browser": true }, "globals": { "require": false, "Promise": false, "Symbol": false, "trustedTypes": false, "QUnit": false, "ajaxTest": false, "testIframe": false, "createDashboardXML": false, "createWithFriesXML": false, "createXMLFragment": false, "includesModule": false, "moduleTeardown": false, "url": false, "q": false, "jQuery": true, "sinon": true, "amdDefined": true, "fireNative": true, "Globals": true, "hasPHP": true, "isLocal": true, "supportjQuery": true, "originaljQuery": true, "$": true, "original$": true, "baseURL": true, "externalHost": true }, "rules": { // See https://github.com/eslint/eslint/issues/2342 "no-unused-vars": "off", // Too many errors "max-len": "off", "brace-style": "off", "key-spacing": "off", "camelcase": "off", "one-var": "off", "strict": "off", // Not really too many - waiting for autofix features for these rules "lines-around-comment": "off", "dot-notation": "off" }, "overrides": [ { "files": [ "middleware-mockserver.js" ], "extends": "../.eslintrc-node.json" }, { "files": [ "data/core/jquery-iterability-transpiled-es6.js", "data/testinit-jsdom.js" ], "parserOptions": { "ecmaVersion": 2015 } }, { "files": [ "jquery.js", "data/testinit.js" ], "parserOptions": { "ecmaVersion": 2020 } } ] }