"use strict"; const url = require( "node:url" ); const fs = require( "node:fs" ); const getRawBody = require( "raw-body" ); let cspLog = ""; /** * Keep in sync with /test/mock.php */ function cleanCallback( callback ) { return callback.replace( /[^a-z0-9_]/gi, "" ); } const mocks = { contentType: function( req, resp ) { resp.writeHead( 200, { "content-type": req.query.contentType } ); resp.end( req.query.response ); }, wait: function( req, resp ) { const wait = Number( req.query.wait ) * 1000; setTimeout( function() { if ( req.query.script ) { resp.writeHead( 200, { "content-type": "text/javascript" } ); } else { resp.writeHead( 200, { "content-type": "text/html" } ); resp.end( "ERROR " ); } }, wait ); }, name: function( req, resp, next ) { resp.writeHead( 200 ); if ( req.query.name === "foo" ) { resp.end( "bar" ); return; } getBody( req ).then( function( body ) { if ( body === "name=peter" ) { resp.end( "pan" ); } else { resp.end( "ERROR" ); } }, next ); }, xml: function( req, resp, next ) { const content = "5-23"; resp.writeHead( 200, { "content-type": "text/xml" } ); if ( req.query.cal === "5-2" ) { resp.end( content ); return; } getBody( req ).then( function( body ) { if ( body === "cal=5-2" ) { resp.end( content ); } else { resp.end( "ERROR" ); } }, next ); }, atom: function( _req, resp ) { resp.writeHead( 200, { "content-type": "atom+xml" } ); resp.end( "" ); }, script: function( req, resp ) { const headers = {}; if ( req.query.header === "ecma" ) { headers[ "content-type" ] = "application/ecmascript"; } else if ( "header" in req.query ) { headers[ "content-type" ] = "text/javascript"; } else { headers[ "content-type" ] = "text/html"; } if ( req.query.cors ) { headers[ "access-control-allow-origin" ] = "*"; } resp.writeHead( 200, headers ); if ( req.query.callback ) { resp.end( `${ cleanCallback( req.query.callback ) }(${ JSON.stringify( { headers: req.headers } ) })` ); } else { resp.end( "QUnit.assert.ok( true, \"mock executed\" );" ); } }, testbar: function( _req, resp ) { resp.writeHead( 200 ); resp.end( "this.testBar = 'bar'; " + "jQuery('#ap').html('bar'); " + "QUnit.assert.ok( true, 'mock executed');" ); }, json: function( req, resp ) { const headers = {}; if ( req.query.header ) { headers[ "content-type" ] = "application/json"; } if ( req.query.cors ) { headers[ "access-control-allow-origin" ] = "*"; } resp.writeHead( 200, headers ); if ( req.query.array ) { resp.end( JSON.stringify( [ { name: "John", age: 21 }, { name: "Peter", age: 25 } ] ) ); } else { resp.end( JSON.stringify( { data: { lang: "en", length: 25 } } ) ); } }, jsonp: function( req, resp, next ) { let callback; if ( Array.isArray( req.query.callback ) ) { callback = Promise.resolve( req.query.callback[ req.query.callback.length - 1 ] ); } else if ( req.query.callback ) { callback = Promise.resolve( req.query.callback ); } else if ( req.method === "GET" ) { callback = Promise.resolve( req.url.match( /^.+\/([^\/?]+)\?.+$/ )[ 1 ] ); } else { callback = getBody( req ).then( function( body ) { return body.trim().replace( "callback=", "" ); } ); } const json = req.query.array ? JSON.stringify( [ { name: "John", age: 21 }, { name: "Peter", age: 25 } ] ) : JSON.stringify( { data: { lang: "en", length: 25 } } ); callback.then( function( cb ) { resp.end( `${ cleanCallback( cb ) }(${ json })` ); }, next ); }, xmlOverJsonp: function( req, resp ) { const callback = req.query.callback; const body = fs.readFileSync( `${ __dirname }/data/with_fries.xml` ).toString(); resp.writeHead( 200 ); resp.end( `${ cleanCallback( callback ) }(${ JSON.stringify( body ) })\n` ); }, error: function( req, resp ) { if ( req.query.json ) { resp.writeHead( 400, { "content-type": "application/json" } ); resp.end( "{ \"code\": 40, \"message\": \"Bad Request\" }" ); } else { resp.writeHead( 400 ); resp.end( "plain text message" ); } }, headers: function( req, resp ) { const headers = { "Sample-Header": "Hello World", "Empty-Header": "", "Sample-Header2": "Hello World 2", "List-Header": "Item 1", "list-header": "Item 2", "constructor": "prototype collision (constructor)" }; // Use resp.append in express to // avoid overwriting List-Header if ( resp.append ) { for ( const key in headers ) { resp.append( key, headers[ key ] ); } } else { resp.writeHead( 200, headers ); } req.query.keys.split( "|" ).forEach( function( key ) { if ( key.toLowerCase() in req.headers ) { resp.write( `${ key }: ${ req.headers[ key.toLowerCase() ] }\n` ); } } ); resp.end(); }, echoData: function( req, resp, next ) { getBody( req ).then( function( body ) { resp.end( body ); }, next ); }, echoQuery: function( req, resp ) { resp.end( req.parsed.search.slice( 1 ) ); }, echoMethod: function( req, resp ) { resp.end( req.method ); }, echoHtml: function( req, resp, next ) { resp.writeHead( 200, { "Content-Type": "text/html" } ); resp.write( `
${ req.method }
` ); resp.write( `
${ req.parsed.search.slice( 1 ) }
` ); getBody( req ).then( function( body ) { resp.write( `
${ body }
` ); resp.end( body ); }, next ); }, etag: function( req, resp ) { const hash = Number( req.query.ts ).toString( 36 ); const etag = `W/"${ hash }"`; if ( req.headers[ "if-none-match" ] === etag ) { resp.writeHead( 304 ); resp.end(); return; } resp.writeHead( 200, { "Etag": etag } ); resp.end(); }, ims: function( req, resp ) { const ts = req.query.ts; if ( req.headers[ "if-modified-since" ] === ts ) { resp.writeHead( 304 ); resp.end(); return; } resp.writeHead( 200, { "Last-Modified": ts } ); resp.end(); }, status: function( req, resp ) { resp.writeHead( Number( req.query.code ) ); resp.end(); }, testHTML: function( req, resp ) { resp.writeHead( 200, { "Content-Type": "text/html" } ); const body = fs .readFileSync( `${ __dirname }/data/test.include.html` ) .toString() .replace( /{{baseURL}}/g, req.query.baseURL ); resp.end( body ); }, cspFrame: function( _req, resp ) { resp.writeHead( 200, { "Content-Type": "text/html", "Content-Security-Policy": "default-src 'self'; " + "report-uri /test/data/mock.php?action=cspLog" } ); const body = fs.readFileSync( `${ __dirname }/data/csp.include.html` ).toString(); resp.end( body ); }, cspNonce: function( req, resp ) { const testParam = req.query.test ? `-${ req.query.test }` : ""; resp.writeHead( 200, { "Content-Type": "text/html", "Content-Security-Policy": "script-src 'nonce-jquery+hardcoded+nonce'; " + "report-uri /test/data/mock.php?action=cspLog" } ); const body = fs.readFileSync( `${ __dirname }/data/csp-nonce${ testParam }.html` ).toString(); resp.end( body ); }, cspLog: function( _req, resp ) { cspLog = "error"; resp.writeHead( 200 ); resp.end(); }, cspClean: function( _req, resp ) { cspLog = ""; resp.writeHead( 200 ); resp.end(); }, errorWithScript: function( req, resp ) { if ( req.query.withScriptContentType ) { resp.writeHead( 404, { "Content-Type": "application/javascript" } ); } else { resp.writeHead( 404, { "Content-Type": "text/html; charset=UTF-8" } ); } if ( req.query.callback ) { resp.end( `${ cleanCallback( req.query.callback ) }( {"status": 404, "msg": "Not Found"} )` ); } else { resp.end( "QUnit.assert.ok( false, \"Mock return erroneously executed\" );" ); } } }; const handlers = { "test/data/mock.php": function( req, resp, next ) { if ( !mocks[ req.query.action ] ) { resp.writeHead( 400 ); resp.end( "Invalid action query.\n" ); console.log( "Invalid action query:", req.method, req.url ); return; } mocks[ req.query.action ]( req, resp, next ); }, "test/data/support/csp.log": function( _req, resp ) { resp.writeHead( 200 ); resp.end( cspLog ); }, "test/data/404.txt": function( _req, resp ) { resp.writeHead( 404 ); resp.end( "" ); } }; /** * Connect-compatible middleware factory for mocking server responses. * Used by Ajax unit tests when run via Karma. * * Despite Karma using Express, it uses Connect to deal with custom middleware, * which passes the raw Node Request and Response objects instead of the * Express versions of these (e.g. no req.path, req.query, resp.set). */ function MockserverMiddlewareFactory() { /** * @param {http.IncomingMessage} req * @param {http.ServerResponse} resp * @param {Function} next Continue request handling */ return function( req, resp, next ) { const parsed = url.parse( req.url, /* parseQuery */ true ); let path = parsed.pathname; const query = parsed.query; const subReq = Object.assign( Object.create( req ), { query: query, parsed: parsed } ); if ( /^\/?test\/data\/mock.php\/?/.test( path ) ) { // Support REST-like Apache PathInfo path = "test\/data\/mock.php"; } if ( !handlers[ path ] ) { next(); return; } // console.log( "Mock handling", req.method, parsed.href ); handlers[ path ]( subReq, resp, next ); }; } function getBody( req ) { return req.method !== "POST" ? Promise.resolve( "" ) : getRawBody( req, { encoding: true } ); } module.exports = MockserverMiddlewareFactory;