QUnit.module( "data", { afterEach: moduleTeardown } ); QUnit.test( "expando", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 1 ); assert.equal( jQuery.expando !== undefined, true, "jQuery is exposing the expando" ); } ); QUnit.test( "jQuery.data & removeData, expected returns", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 4 ); var elem = document.body; assert.equal( jQuery.data( elem, "hello", "world" ), "world", "jQuery.data( elem, key, value ) returns value" ); assert.equal( jQuery.data( elem, "hello" ), "world", "jQuery.data( elem, key ) returns value" ); assert.deepEqual( jQuery.data( elem, { goodnight: "moon" } ), { goodnight: "moon" }, "jQuery.data( elem, obj ) returns obj" ); assert.equal( jQuery.removeData( elem, "hello" ), undefined, "jQuery.removeData( elem, key, value ) returns undefined" ); } ); QUnit.test( "jQuery._data & _removeData, expected returns", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 4 ); var elem = document.body; assert.equal( jQuery._data( elem, "hello", "world" ), "world", "jQuery._data( elem, key, value ) returns value" ); assert.equal( jQuery._data( elem, "hello" ), "world", "jQuery._data( elem, key ) returns value" ); assert.deepEqual( jQuery._data( elem, { goodnight: "moon" } ), { goodnight: "moon" }, "jQuery._data( elem, obj ) returns obj" ); assert.equal( jQuery._removeData( elem, "hello" ), undefined, "jQuery._removeData( elem, key, value ) returns undefined" ); } ); QUnit.test( "jQuery.hasData no side effects", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 1 ); var obj = {}; jQuery.hasData( obj ); assert.equal( Object.getOwnPropertyNames( obj ).length, 0, "No data expandos where added when calling jQuery.hasData(o)" ); } ); function dataTests( elem, assert ) { var dataObj, internalDataObj; assert.equal( jQuery.data( elem, "foo" ), undefined, "No data exists initially" ); assert.strictEqual( jQuery.hasData( elem ), false, "jQuery.hasData agrees no data exists initially" ); dataObj = jQuery.data( elem ); assert.equal( typeof dataObj, "object", "Calling data with no args gives us a data object reference" ); assert.strictEqual( jQuery.data( elem ), dataObj, "Calling jQuery.data returns the same data object when called multiple times" ); assert.strictEqual( jQuery.hasData( elem ), false, "jQuery.hasData agrees no data exists even when an empty data obj exists" ); dataObj[ "foo" ] = "bar"; assert.equal( jQuery.data( elem, "foo" ), "bar", "Data is readable by jQuery.data when set directly on a returned data object" ); assert.strictEqual( jQuery.hasData( elem ), true, "jQuery.hasData agrees data exists when data exists" ); jQuery.data( elem, "foo", "baz" ); assert.equal( jQuery.data( elem, "foo" ), "baz", "Data can be changed by jQuery.data" ); assert.equal( dataObj[ "foo" ], "baz", "Changes made through jQuery.data propagate to referenced data object" ); jQuery.data( elem, "foo", undefined ); assert.equal( jQuery.data( elem, "foo" ), "baz", "Data is not unset by passing undefined to jQuery.data" ); jQuery.data( elem, "foo", null ); assert.strictEqual( jQuery.data( elem, "foo" ), null, "Setting null using jQuery.data works OK" ); jQuery.data( elem, "foo", "foo1" ); jQuery.data( elem, { "bar": "baz", "boom": "bloz" } ); assert.strictEqual( jQuery.data( elem, "foo" ), "foo1", "Passing an object extends the data object instead of replacing it" ); assert.equal( jQuery.data( elem, "boom" ), "bloz", "Extending the data object works" ); jQuery._data( elem, "foo", "foo2", true ); assert.equal( jQuery._data( elem, "foo" ), "foo2", "Setting internal data works" ); assert.equal( jQuery.data( elem, "foo" ), "foo1", "Setting internal data does not override user data" ); internalDataObj = jQuery._data( elem ); assert.ok( internalDataObj, "Internal data object exists" ); assert.notStrictEqual( dataObj, internalDataObj, "Internal data object is not the same as user data object" ); assert.strictEqual( elem.boom, undefined, "Data is never stored directly on the object" ); jQuery.removeData( elem, "foo" ); assert.strictEqual( jQuery.data( elem, "foo" ), undefined, "jQuery.removeData removes single properties" ); jQuery.removeData( elem ); assert.strictEqual( jQuery._data( elem ), internalDataObj, "jQuery.removeData does not remove internal data if it exists" ); jQuery.data( elem, "foo", "foo1" ); jQuery._data( elem, "foo", "foo2" ); assert.equal( jQuery.data( elem, "foo" ), "foo1", "(sanity check) Ensure data is set in user data object" ); assert.equal( jQuery._data( elem, "foo" ), "foo2", "(sanity check) Ensure data is set in internal data object" ); assert.strictEqual( jQuery._data( elem, jQuery.expando ), undefined, "Removing the last item in internal data destroys the internal data object" ); jQuery._data( elem, "foo", "foo2" ); assert.equal( jQuery._data( elem, "foo" ), "foo2", "(sanity check) Ensure data is set in internal data object" ); jQuery.removeData( elem, "foo" ); assert.equal( jQuery._data( elem, "foo" ), "foo2", "(sanity check) jQuery.removeData for user data does not remove internal data" ); } QUnit.test( "jQuery.data(div)", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 25 ); var div = document.createElement( "div" ); dataTests( div, assert ); } ); QUnit.test( "jQuery.data({})", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 25 ); dataTests( {}, assert ); } ); QUnit.test( "jQuery.data(window)", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 25 ); // remove bound handlers from window object to stop potential false positives caused by fix for #5280 in // transports/xhr.js jQuery( window ).off( "unload" ); dataTests( window, assert ); } ); QUnit.test( "jQuery.data(document)", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 25 ); dataTests( document, assert ); } ); QUnit.test( "jQuery.data()", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 25 ); dataTests( document.createElement( "embed" ), assert ); } ); QUnit.test( "jQuery.data(object/flash)", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 25 ); var flash = document.createElement( "object" ); flash.setAttribute( "classid", "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" ); dataTests( flash, assert ); } ); // attempting to access the data of an undefined jQuery element should be undefined QUnit.test( "jQuery().data() === undefined (#14101)", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 2 ); assert.strictEqual( jQuery().data(), undefined ); assert.strictEqual( jQuery().data( "key" ), undefined ); } ); QUnit.test( ".data()", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 5 ); var div, dataObj, nodiv, obj; div = jQuery( "#foo" ); assert.strictEqual( div.data( "foo" ), undefined, "Make sure that missing result is undefined" ); div.data( "test", "success" ); dataObj = div.data(); assert.deepEqual( dataObj, { test: "success" }, "data() returns entire data object with expected properties" ); assert.strictEqual( div.data( "foo" ), undefined, "Make sure that missing result is still undefined" ); nodiv = jQuery( "#unfound" ); assert.equal( nodiv.data(), null, "data() on empty set returns null" ); obj = { foo: "bar" }; jQuery( obj ).data( "foo", "baz" ); dataObj = jQuery.extend( true, {}, jQuery( obj ).data() ); assert.deepEqual( dataObj, { "foo": "baz" }, "Retrieve data object from a wrapped JS object (#7524)" ); } ); function testDataTypes( $obj, assert ) { jQuery.each( { "null": null, "true": true, "false": false, "zero": 0, "one": 1, "empty string": "", "empty array": [], "array": [ 1 ], "empty object": {}, "object": { foo: "bar" }, "date": new Date(), "regex": /test/, "function": function() {} }, function( type, value ) { assert.strictEqual( $obj.data( "test", value ).data( "test" ), value, "Data set to " + type ); } ); } QUnit.test( "jQuery(Element).data(String, Object).data(String)", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 18 ); var parent = jQuery( "
" ), div = parent.children(); assert.strictEqual( div.data( "test" ), undefined, "No data exists initially" ); assert.strictEqual( div.data( "test", "success" ).data( "test" ), "success", "Data added" ); assert.strictEqual( div.data( "test", "overwritten" ).data( "test" ), "overwritten", "Data overwritten" ); assert.strictEqual( div.data( "test", undefined ).data( "test" ), "overwritten", ".data(key,undefined) does nothing but is chainable (#5571)" ); assert.strictEqual( div.data( "notexist" ), undefined, "No data exists for unset key" ); testDataTypes( div, assert ); parent.remove(); } ); QUnit.test( "jQuery(plain Object).data(String, Object).data(String)", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 16 ); // #3748 var $obj = jQuery( { exists: true } ); assert.strictEqual( $obj.data( "nothing" ), undefined, "Non-existent data returns undefined" ); assert.strictEqual( $obj.data( "exists" ), undefined, "Object properties are not returned as data" ); testDataTypes( $obj, assert ); // Clean up $obj.removeData(); assert.deepEqual( $obj[ 0 ], { exists: true }, "removeData does not clear the object" ); } ); QUnit.test( ".data(object) does not retain references. #13815", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 2 ); var $divs = jQuery( "
" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ); $divs.data( { "type": "foo" } ); $divs.eq( 0 ).data( "type", "bar" ); assert.equal( $divs.eq( 0 ).data( "type" ), "bar", "Correct updated value" ); assert.equal( $divs.eq( 1 ).data( "type" ), "foo", "Original value retained" ); } ); QUnit.test( "data-* attributes", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 46 ); var prop, i, l, metadata, elem, obj, obj2, check, num, num2, parseJSON = JSON.parse, div = jQuery( "
" ), child = jQuery( "
" ), dummy = jQuery( "
" ); assert.equal( div.data( "attr" ), undefined, "Check for non-existing data-attr attribute" ); div.attr( "data-attr", "exists" ); assert.equal( div.data( "attr" ), "exists", "Check for existing data-attr attribute" ); div.attr( "data-attr", "exists2" ); assert.equal( div.data( "attr" ), "exists", "Check that updates to data- don't update .data()" ); div.data( "attr", "internal" ).attr( "data-attr", "external" ); assert.equal( div.data( "attr" ), "internal", "Check for .data('attr') precedence (internal > external data-* attribute)" ); div.remove(); child.appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ); assert.equal( child.data( "myobj" ), "old data", "Value accessed from data-* attribute" ); assert.equal( child.data( "foo-42" ), "boosh", "camelCasing does not affect numbers (#1751)" ); child.data( "myobj", "replaced" ); assert.equal( child.data( "myobj" ), "replaced", "Original data overwritten" ); child.data( "ignored", "cache" ); assert.equal( child.data( "ignored" ), "cache", "Cached data used before DOM data-* fallback" ); obj = child.data(); obj2 = dummy.data(); check = [ "myobj", "ignored", "other", "foo-42" ]; num = 0; num2 = 0; dummy.remove(); for ( i = 0, l = check.length; i < l; i++ ) { assert.ok( obj[ check[ i ] ], "Make sure data- property exists when calling data-." ); assert.ok( obj2[ check[ i ] ], "Make sure data- property exists when calling data-." ); } for ( prop in obj ) { num++; } assert.equal( num, check.length, "Make sure that the right number of properties came through." ); for ( prop in obj2 ) { num2++; } assert.equal( num2, check.length, "Make sure that the right number of properties came through." ); child.attr( "data-other", "newvalue" ); assert.equal( child.data( "other" ), "test", "Make sure value was pulled in properly from a .data()." ); // attribute parsing i = 0; JSON.parse = function() { i++; return parseJSON.apply( this, arguments ); }; child .attr( "data-true", "true" ) .attr( "data-false", "false" ) .attr( "data-five", "5" ) .attr( "data-point", "5.5" ) .attr( "data-pointe", "5.5E3" ) .attr( "data-grande", "5.574E9" ) .attr( "data-hexadecimal", "0x42" ) .attr( "data-pointbad", "5..5" ) .attr( "data-pointbad2", "-." ) .attr( "data-bigassnum", "123456789123456789123456789" ) .attr( "data-badjson", "{123}" ) .attr( "data-badjson2", "[abc]" ) .attr( "data-notjson", " {}" ) .attr( "data-notjson2", "[] " ) .attr( "data-empty", "" ) .attr( "data-space", " " ) .attr( "data-null", "null" ) .attr( "data-string", "test" ); assert.strictEqual( child.data( "true" ), true, "Primitive true read from attribute" ); assert.strictEqual( child.data( "false" ), false, "Primitive false read from attribute" ); assert.strictEqual( child.data( "five" ), 5, "Integer read from attribute" ); assert.strictEqual( child.data( "point" ), 5.5, "Floating-point number read from attribute" ); assert.strictEqual( child.data( "pointe" ), "5.5E3", "Exponential-notation number read from attribute as string" ); assert.strictEqual( child.data( "grande" ), "5.574E9", "Big exponential-notation number read from attribute as string" ); assert.strictEqual( child.data( "hexadecimal" ), "0x42", "Hexadecimal number read from attribute as string" ); assert.strictEqual( child.data( "pointbad" ), "5..5", "Extra-point non-number read from attribute as string" ); assert.strictEqual( child.data( "pointbad2" ), "-.", "No-digit non-number read from attribute as string" ); assert.strictEqual( child.data( "bigassnum" ), "123456789123456789123456789", "Bad bigass number read from attribute as string" ); assert.strictEqual( child.data( "badjson" ), "{123}", "Bad JSON object read from attribute as string" ); assert.strictEqual( child.data( "badjson2" ), "[abc]", "Bad JSON array read from attribute as string" ); assert.strictEqual( child.data( "notjson" ), " {}", "JSON object with leading non-JSON read from attribute as string" ); assert.strictEqual( child.data( "notjson2" ), "[] ", "JSON array with trailing non-JSON read from attribute as string" ); assert.strictEqual( child.data( "empty" ), "", "Empty string read from attribute" ); assert.strictEqual( child.data( "space" ), " ", "Whitespace string read from attribute" ); assert.strictEqual( child.data( "null" ), null, "Primitive null read from attribute" ); assert.strictEqual( child.data( "string" ), "test", "Typical string read from attribute" ); assert.equal( i, 2, "Correct number of JSON parse attempts when reading from attributes" ); JSON.parse = parseJSON; child.remove(); // tests from metadata plugin function testData( index, elem ) { switch ( index ) { case 0: assert.equal( jQuery( elem ).data( "foo" ), "bar", "Check foo property" ); assert.equal( jQuery( elem ).data( "bar" ), "baz", "Check baz property" ); break; case 1: assert.equal( jQuery( elem ).data( "test" ), "bar", "Check test property" ); assert.equal( jQuery( elem ).data( "bar" ), "baz", "Check bar property" ); break; case 2: assert.equal( jQuery( elem ).data( "zoooo" ), "bar", "Check zoooo property" ); assert.deepEqual( jQuery( elem ).data( "bar" ), { "test":"baz" }, "Check bar property" ); break; case 3: assert.equal( jQuery( elem ).data( "number" ), true, "Check number property" ); assert.deepEqual( jQuery( elem ).data( "stuff" ), [ 2, 8 ], "Check stuff property" ); break; default: assert.ok( false, [ "Assertion failed on index ", index, ", with data" ].join( "" ) ); } } metadata = "
  1. Some stuff
  2. Some stuff
  3. Some stuff
  4. Some stuff
"; elem = jQuery( metadata ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ); elem.find( "li" ).each( testData ); elem.remove(); } ); QUnit.test( ".data(Object)", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 4 ); var obj, jqobj, div = jQuery( "
" ); div.data( { "test": "in", "test2": "in2" } ); assert.equal( div.data( "test" ), "in", "Verify setting an object in data" ); assert.equal( div.data( "test2" ), "in2", "Verify setting an object in data" ); obj = { test:"unset" }; jqobj = jQuery( obj ); jqobj.data( "test", "unset" ); jqobj.data( { "test": "in", "test2": "in2" } ); assert.equal( jQuery.data( obj )[ "test" ], "in", "Verify setting an object on an object extends the data object" ); assert.equal( obj[ "test2" ], undefined, "Verify setting an object on an object does not extend the object" ); // manually clean up detached elements div.remove(); } ); QUnit.test( "jQuery.removeData", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 10 ); var obj, div = jQuery( "#foo" )[ 0 ]; jQuery.data( div, "test", "testing" ); jQuery.removeData( div, "test" ); assert.equal( jQuery.data( div, "test" ), undefined, "Check removal of data" ); jQuery.data( div, "test2", "testing" ); jQuery.removeData( div ); assert.ok( !jQuery.data( div, "test2" ), "Make sure that the data property no longer exists." ); assert.ok( !div[ jQuery.expando ], "Make sure the expando no longer exists, as well." ); jQuery.data( div, { test3: "testing", test4: "testing" } ); jQuery.removeData( div, "test3 test4" ); assert.ok( !jQuery.data( div, "test3" ) || jQuery.data( div, "test4" ), "Multiple delete with spaces." ); jQuery.data( div, { test3: "testing", test4: "testing" } ); jQuery.removeData( div, [ "test3", "test4" ] ); assert.ok( !jQuery.data( div, "test3" ) || jQuery.data( div, "test4" ), "Multiple delete by array." ); jQuery.data( div, { "test3 test4": "testing", "test3": "testing" } ); jQuery.removeData( div, "test3 test4" ); assert.ok( !jQuery.data( div, "test3 test4" ), "Multiple delete with spaces deleted key with exact name" ); assert.ok( jQuery.data( div, "test3" ), "Left the partial matched key alone" ); obj = {}; jQuery.data( obj, "test", "testing" ); assert.equal( jQuery( obj ).data( "test" ), "testing", "verify data on plain object" ); jQuery.removeData( obj, "test" ); assert.equal( jQuery.data( obj, "test" ), undefined, "Check removal of data on plain object" ); jQuery.data( window, "BAD", true ); jQuery.removeData( window, "BAD" ); assert.ok( !jQuery.data( window, "BAD" ), "Make sure that the value was not still set." ); } ); QUnit.test( ".removeData()", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 6 ); var div = jQuery( "#foo" ); div.data( "test", "testing" ); div.removeData( "test" ); assert.equal( div.data( "test" ), undefined, "Check removal of data" ); div.data( "test", "testing" ); div.data( "test.foo", "testing2" ); div.removeData( "test.bar" ); assert.equal( div.data( "test.foo" ), "testing2", "Make sure data is intact" ); assert.equal( div.data( "test" ), "testing", "Make sure data is intact" ); div.removeData( "test" ); assert.equal( div.data( "test.foo" ), "testing2", "Make sure data is intact" ); assert.equal( div.data( "test" ), undefined, "Make sure data is intact" ); div.removeData( "test.foo" ); assert.equal( div.data( "test.foo" ), undefined, "Make sure data is intact" ); } ); QUnit.test( "JSON serialization (#8108)", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 1 ); var obj = { "foo": "bar" }; jQuery.data( obj, "hidden", true ); assert.equal( JSON.stringify( obj ), "{\"foo\":\"bar\"}", "Expando is hidden from JSON.stringify" ); } ); QUnit.test( ".data should follow html5 specification regarding camel casing", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 12 ); var div = jQuery( "
" ) .prependTo( "body" ); assert.equal( div.data()[ "wTF" ], "ftw", "Verify single letter data-* key" ); assert.equal( div.data()[ "bigALittleA" ], "bouncing-b", "Verify single letter mixed data-* key" ); assert.equal( div.data()[ "foo" ], "a", "Verify single word data-* key" ); assert.equal( div.data()[ "fooBar" ], "b", "Verify multiple word data-* key" ); assert.equal( div.data()[ "fooBarBaz" ], "c", "Verify multiple word data-* key" ); assert.equal( div.data( "foo" ), "a", "Verify single word data-* key" ); assert.equal( div.data( "fooBar" ), "b", "Verify multiple word data-* key" ); assert.equal( div.data( "fooBarBaz" ), "c", "Verify multiple word data-* key" ); div.data( "foo-bar", "d" ); assert.equal( div.data( "fooBar" ), "d", "Verify updated data-* key" ); assert.equal( div.data( "foo-bar" ), "d", "Verify updated data-* key" ); assert.equal( div.data( "fooBar" ), "d", "Verify updated data-* key (fooBar)" ); assert.equal( div.data( "foo-bar" ), "d", "Verify updated data-* key (foo-bar)" ); div.remove(); } ); QUnit.test( ".data should not miss preset data-* w/ hyphenated property names", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 2 ); var div = jQuery( "
", { id: "hyphened" } ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ), test = { "camelBar": "camelBar", "hyphen-foo": "hyphen-foo" }; div.data( test ); jQuery.each( test, function( i, k ) { assert.equal( div.data( k ), k, "data with property '" + k + "' was correctly found" ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( "jQuery.data should not miss data-* w/ hyphenated property names #14047", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 1 ); var div = jQuery( "
" ); div.data( "foo-bar", "baz" ); assert.equal( jQuery.data( div[ 0 ], "foo-bar" ), "baz", "data with property 'foo-bar' was correctly found" ); } ); QUnit.test( ".data should not miss attr() set data-* with hyphenated property names", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 2 ); var a, b; a = jQuery( "
" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ); a.attr( "data-long-param", "test" ); a.data( "long-param", { a: 2 } ); assert.deepEqual( a.data( "long-param" ), { a: 2 }, "data with property long-param was found, 1" ); b = jQuery( "
" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ); b.attr( "data-long-param", "test" ); b.data( "long-param" ); b.data( "long-param", { a: 2 } ); assert.deepEqual( b.data( "long-param" ), { a: 2 }, "data with property long-param was found, 2" ); } ); QUnit.test( ".data always sets data with the camelCased key (gh-2257)", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 18 ); var div = jQuery( "
" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ), datas = { "non-empty": { key: "nonEmpty", value: "a string" }, "empty-string": { key: "emptyString", value: "" }, "one-value": { key: "oneValue", value: 1 }, "zero-value": { key: "zeroValue", value: 0 }, "an-array": { key: "anArray", value: [] }, "an-object": { key: "anObject", value: {} }, "bool-true": { key: "boolTrue", value: true }, "bool-false": { key: "boolFalse", value: false }, // JSHint enforces double quotes, // but JSON strings need double quotes to parse // so we need escaped double quotes here "some-json": { key: "someJson", value: "{ \"foo\": \"bar\" }" } }; jQuery.each( datas, function( key, val ) { div.data( key, val.value ); var allData = div.data(); assert.equal( allData[ key ], undefined, ".data does not store with hyphenated keys" ); assert.equal( allData[ val.key ], val.value, ".data stores the camelCased key" ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( ".data should not strip more than one hyphen when camelCasing (gh-2070)", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 3 ); var div = jQuery( "
" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ), allData = div.data(); assert.equal( allData.nestedSingle, "single", "Key is correctly camelCased" ); assert.equal( allData[ "nested-Double" ], "double", "Key with double hyphens is correctly camelCased" ); assert.equal( allData[ "nested--Triple" ], "triple", "Key with triple hyphens is correctly camelCased" ); } ); QUnit.test( ".data supports interoperable hyphenated/camelCase get/set of properties with arbitrary non-null|NaN|undefined values", function( assert ) { var div = jQuery( "
", { id: "hyphened" } ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ), datas = { "non-empty": { key: "nonEmpty", value: "a string" }, "empty-string": { key: "emptyString", value: "" }, "one-value": { key: "oneValue", value: 1 }, "zero-value": { key: "zeroValue", value: 0 }, "an-array": { key: "anArray", value: [] }, "an-object": { key: "anObject", value: {} }, "bool-true": { key: "boolTrue", value: true }, "bool-false": { key: "boolFalse", value: false }, // JSHint enforces double quotes, // but JSON strings need double quotes to parse // so we need escaped double quotes here "some-json": { key: "someJson", value: "{ \"foo\": \"bar\" }" }, "num-1-middle": { key: "num-1Middle", value: true }, "num-end-2": { key: "numEnd-2", value: true }, "2-num-start": { key: "2NumStart", value: true }, // Vendor prefixes are not treated in a special way. "-ms-foo": { key: "MsFoo", value: true }, "-moz-foo": { key: "MozFoo", value: true }, "-webkit-foo": { key: "WebkitFoo", value: true }, "-fake-foo": { key: "FakeFoo", value: true } }; assert.expect( 32 ); jQuery.each( datas, function( key, val ) { div.data( key, val.value ); assert.deepEqual( div.data( key ), val.value, "get: " + key ); assert.deepEqual( div.data( val.key ), val.value, "get: " + val.key ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( ".data supports interoperable removal of hyphenated/camelCase properties", function( assert ) { var div = jQuery( "
", { id: "hyphened" } ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ), rdashAlpha = /-([a-z])/g, datas = { "non-empty": "a string", "empty-string": "", "one-value": 1, "zero-value": 0, "an-array": [], "an-object": {}, "bool-true": true, "bool-false": false, // JSHint enforces double quotes, // but JSON strings need double quotes to parse // so we need escaped double quotes here "some-json": "{ \"foo\": \"bar\" }" }; assert.expect( 27 ); function fcamelCase( all, letter ) { return letter.toUpperCase(); } jQuery.each( datas, function( key, val ) { div.data( key, val ); assert.deepEqual( div.data( key ), val, "get: " + key ); assert.deepEqual( div.data( key.replace( rdashAlpha, fcamelCase ) ), val, "get: " + key.replace( rdashAlpha, fcamelCase ) ); div.removeData( key ); assert.equal( div.data( key ), undefined, "get: " + key ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( ".data supports interoperable removal of properties SET TWICE #13850", function( assert ) { var div = jQuery( "
" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ), datas = { "non-empty": "a string", "empty-string": "", "one-value": 1, "zero-value": 0, "an-array": [], "an-object": {}, "bool-true": true, "bool-false": false, // JSHint enforces double quotes, // but JSON strings need double quotes to parse // so we need escaped double quotes here "some-json": "{ \"foo\": \"bar\" }" }; assert.expect( 9 ); jQuery.each( datas, function( key, val ) { div.data( key, val ); div.data( key, val ); div.removeData( key ); assert.equal( div.data( key ), undefined, "removal: " + key ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( ".removeData supports removal of hyphenated properties via array (#12786, gh-2257)", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 4 ); var div, plain, compare; div = jQuery( "
" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ); plain = jQuery( {} ); // Properties should always be camelCased compare = { // From batch assignment .data({ "a-a": 1 }) "aA": 1, // From property, value assignment .data( "b-b", 1 ) "bB": 1 }; // Mixed assignment div.data( { "a-a": 1 } ).data( "b-b", 1 ); plain.data( { "a-a": 1 } ).data( "b-b", 1 ); assert.deepEqual( div.data(), compare, "Data appears as expected. (div)" ); assert.deepEqual( plain.data(), compare, "Data appears as expected. (plain)" ); div.removeData( [ "a-a", "b-b" ] ); plain.removeData( [ "a-a", "b-b" ] ); assert.deepEqual( div.data(), {}, "Data is empty. (div)" ); assert.deepEqual( plain.data(), {}, "Data is empty. (plain)" ); } ); // Test originally by Moschel QUnit.test( ".removeData should not throw exceptions. (#10080)", function( assert ) { var done = assert.async(); assert.expect( 1 ); var frame = jQuery( "#loadediframe" ); jQuery( frame[ 0 ].contentWindow ).on( "unload", function() { assert.ok( true, "called unload" ); done(); } ); // change the url to trigger unload frame.attr( "src", baseURL + "iframe.html?param=true" ); } ); QUnit.test( ".data only checks element attributes once. #8909", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 2 ); var testing = { "test": "testing", "test2": "testing" }, element = jQuery( "
" ), node = element[ 0 ]; // set an attribute using attr to ensure it node.setAttribute( "data-test2", "testing" ); assert.deepEqual( element.data(), testing, "Sanity Check" ); node.setAttribute( "data-test3", "testing" ); assert.deepEqual( element.data(), testing, "The data didn't change even though the data-* attrs did" ); // clean up data cache element.remove(); } ); QUnit.test( "data-* with JSON value can have newlines", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 1 ); var x = jQuery( "
" ); assert.equal( x.data( "some" ).foo, "bar", "got a JSON data- attribute with spaces" ); x.remove(); } ); QUnit.test( ".data doesn't throw when calling selection is empty. #13551", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 1 ); try { jQuery( null ).data( "prop" ); assert.ok( true, "jQuery(null).data('prop') does not throw" ); } catch ( e ) { assert.ok( false, e.message ); } } ); QUnit.test( "acceptData", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 10 ); var flash, pdf, form; assert.equal( jQuery( document ).data( "test", 42 ).data( "test" ), 42, "document" ); assert.equal( jQuery( document.documentElement ).data( "test", 42 ).data( "test" ), 42, "documentElement" ); assert.equal( jQuery( {} ).data( "test", 42 ).data( "test" ), 42, "object" ); assert.equal( jQuery( document.createElement( "embed" ) ).data( "test", 42 ).data( "test" ), 42, "embed" ); flash = document.createElement( "object" ); flash.setAttribute( "classid", "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" ); assert.equal( jQuery( flash ).data( "test", 42 ).data( "test" ), 42, "flash" ); pdf = document.createElement( "object" ); pdf.setAttribute( "classid", "clsid:CA8A9780-280D-11CF-A24D-444553540000" ); assert.equal( jQuery( pdf ).data( "test", 42 ).data( "test" ), 42, "pdf" ); assert.strictEqual( jQuery( document.createComment( "" ) ).data( "test", 42 ).data( "test" ), undefined, "comment" ); assert.strictEqual( jQuery( document.createTextNode( "" ) ).data( "test", 42 ).data( "test" ), undefined, "text" ); assert.strictEqual( jQuery( document.createDocumentFragment() ).data( "test", 42 ).data( "test" ), undefined, "documentFragment" ); form = jQuery( "#form" ).append( "" )[ 0 ]; assert.equal( jQuery( form ) .data( "test", 42 ).data( "test" ), 42, "form with aliased DOM properties" ); } ); QUnit.test( "Check proper data removal of non-element descendants nodes (#8335)", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 1 ); var div = jQuery( "
" ), text = div.contents(); text.data( "test", "test" ); // This should be a noop. div.remove(); assert.ok( !text.data( "test" ), "Be sure data is not stored in non-element" ); } ); testIframe( "enumerate data attrs on body (#14894)", "data/dataAttrs.html", function( assert, jQuery, window, document, result ) { assert.expect( 1 ); assert.equal( result, "ok", "enumeration of data- attrs on body" ); } ); QUnit.test( "Check that the expando is removed when there's no more data", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 2 ); var key, div = jQuery( "
" ); div.data( "some", "data" ); assert.equal( div.data( "some" ), "data", "Data is added" ); div.removeData( "some" ); // Make sure the expando is gone for ( key in div[ 0 ] ) { if ( /^jQuery/.test( key ) ) { assert.strictEqual( div[ 0 ][ key ], undefined, "Expando was not removed when there was no more data" ); } } } ); QUnit.test( "Check that the expando is removed when there's no more data on non-nodes", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 1 ); var key, obj = jQuery( { key: 42 } ); obj.data( "some", "data" ); assert.equal( obj.data( "some" ), "data", "Data is added" ); obj.removeData( "some" ); // Make sure the expando is gone for ( key in obj[ 0 ] ) { if ( /^jQuery/.test( key ) ) { assert.ok( false, "Expando was not removed when there was no more data" ); } } } ); QUnit.test( ".data(prop) does not create expando", function( assert ) { assert.expect( 1 ); var key, div = jQuery( "
" ); div.data( "foo" ); assert.equal( jQuery.hasData( div[ 0 ] ), false, "No data exists after access" ); // Make sure no expando has been added for ( key in div[ 0 ] ) { if ( /^jQuery/.test( key ) ) { assert.ok( false, "Expando was created on access" ); } } } );