module("effects", { teardown: moduleTeardown }); test("sanity check", function() { expect(1); ok( jQuery("#dl:visible, #qunit-fixture:visible, #foo:visible").length === 3, "QUnit state is correct for testing effects" ); }); test("show()", function() { expect(28); var hiddendiv = jQuery("div.hidden"); hiddendiv.hide().show(); equals( hiddendiv.css("display"), "block", "Make sure a pre-hidden div is visible." ); var div = jQuery("
").hide().appendTo("#qunit-fixture").show(); equal( div.css("display"), "block", "Make sure pre-hidden divs show" ); QUnit.reset(); hiddendiv = jQuery("div.hidden"); equal(jQuery.css( hiddendiv[0], "display"), "none", "hiddendiv is display: none"); hiddendiv.css("display", "block"); equal(jQuery.css( hiddendiv[0], "display"), "block", "hiddendiv is display: block");; equal(jQuery.css( hiddendiv[0], "display"), "block", "hiddendiv is display: block"); hiddendiv.css("display",""); var pass = true; div = jQuery("#qunit-fixture div");{ if ( == "none" ) pass = false; }); ok( pass, "Show" ); var speeds = { "null speed": null, "undefined speed": undefined, "empty string speed": "", "false speed": false }; jQuery.each(speeds, function(name, speed) { pass = true; div.hide().show(speed).each(function() { if ( == "none" ) pass = false; }); ok( pass, "Show with " + name); }); jQuery.each(speeds, function(name, speed) { pass = true; div.hide().show(speed, function() { pass = false; }); ok( pass, "Show with " + name + " does not call animate callback" ); }); // #show-tests * is set display: none in CSS jQuery("#qunit-fixture").append("

"); var old = jQuery("#test-table").show().css("display") !== "table"; jQuery("#test-table").remove(); var test = { "div" : "block", "p" : "block", "a" : "inline", "code" : "inline", "pre" : "block", "span" : "inline", "table" : old ? "block" : "table", "thead" : old ? "block" : "table-header-group", "tbody" : old ? "block" : "table-row-group", "tr" : old ? "block" : "table-row", "th" : old ? "block" : "table-cell", "td" : old ? "block" : "table-cell", "ul" : "block", "li" : old ? "block" : "list-item" }; jQuery.each(test, function(selector, expected) { var elem = jQuery(selector, "#show-tests").show(); equals( elem.css("display"), expected, "Show using correct display type for " + selector ); }); // Make sure that showing or hiding a text node doesn't cause an error jQuery("
text test").show().remove(); jQuery("
text test").hide().remove(); }); test("show(Number) - other displays", function() { expect(15); QUnit.reset(); stop(); // #show-tests * is set display: none in CSS jQuery("#qunit-fixture").append("

"); var old = jQuery("#test-table").show().css("display") !== "table", num = 0; jQuery("#test-table").remove(); var test = { "div" : "block", "p" : "block", "a" : "inline", "code" : "inline", "pre" : "block", "span" : "inline", "table" : old ? "block" : "table", "thead" : old ? "block" : "table-header-group", "tbody" : old ? "block" : "table-row-group", "tr" : old ? "block" : "table-row", "th" : old ? "block" : "table-cell", "td" : old ? "block" : "table-cell", "ul" : "block", "li" : old ? "block" : "list-item" }; jQuery.each(test, function(selector, expected) { var elem = jQuery(selector, "#show-tests").show(1, function() { equals( elem.css("display"), expected, "Show using correct display type for " + selector ); if ( ++num === 15 ) { start(); } }); }); }); // Supports #7397 test("Persist correct display value", function() { expect(3); QUnit.reset(); stop(); // #show-tests * is set display: none in CSS jQuery("#qunit-fixture").append("
"); var $span = jQuery("#show-tests span"), displayNone = $span.css("display"), display = "", num = 0; $; display = $span.css("display"); $span.hide(); $span.fadeIn(100, function() { equals($span.css("display"), display, "Expecting display: " + display); $span.fadeOut(100, function () { equals($span.css("display"), displayNone, "Expecting display: " + displayNone); $span.fadeIn(100, function() { equals($span.css("display"), display, "Expecting display: " + display); start(); }); }); }); }); test("show() resolves correct default display #8099", function() { expect(7); var tt8099 = jQuery("").appendTo("body"), dfn8099 = jQuery("", { html: "foo"}).appendTo("body"); equals( tt8099.css("display"), "none", "default display override for all tt" ); equals("display"), "inline", "Correctly resolves display:inline" ); equals( jQuery("#foo").hide().show().css("display"), "block", "Correctly resolves display:block after hide/show" ); equals( tt8099.hide().css("display"), "none", "default display override for all tt" ); equals("display"), "inline", "Correctly resolves display:inline" ); equals( dfn8099.css("display"), "none", "default display override for all dfn" ); equals("display"), "inline", "Correctly resolves display:inline" ); tt8099.remove(); dfn8099.remove(); }); test("animate(Hash, Object, Function)", function() { expect(1); stop(); var hash = {opacity: "show"}; var hashCopy = jQuery.extend({}, hash); jQuery("#foo").animate(hash, 0, function() { equals( hash.opacity, hashCopy.opacity, "Check if animate changed the hash parameter" ); start(); }); }); test("animate negative height", function() { expect(1); stop(); jQuery("#foo").animate({ height: -100 }, 100, function() { equals( this.offsetHeight, 0, "Verify height." ); start(); }); }); test("animate block as inline width/height", function() { expect(3); var span = jQuery("").css("display", "inline-block").appendTo("body"), expected = span.css("display"); span.remove(); if ( || expected === "inline-block" ) { stop(); jQuery("#foo").css({ display: "inline", width: "", height: "" }).animate({ width: 42, height: 42 }, 100, function() { equals( jQuery(this).css("display"), ? "inline" : "inline-block", "inline-block was set on non-floated inline element when animating width/height" ); equals( this.offsetWidth, 42, "width was animated" ); equals( this.offsetHeight, 42, "height was animated" ); start(); }); // Browser doesn't support inline-block } else { ok( true, "Browser doesn't support inline-block" ); ok( true, "Browser doesn't support inline-block" ); ok( true, "Browser doesn't support inline-block" ); } }); test("animate native inline width/height", function() { expect(3); var span = jQuery("").css("display", "inline-block").appendTo("body"), expected = span.css("display"); span.remove(); if ( || expected === "inline-block" ) { stop(); jQuery("#foo").css({ display: "", width: "", height: "" }) .append("text") .children("span") .animate({ width: 42, height: 42 }, 100, function() { equals( jQuery(this).css("display"), "inline-block", "inline-block was set on non-floated inline element when animating width/height" ); equals( this.offsetWidth, 42, "width was animated" ); equals( this.offsetHeight, 42, "height was animated" ); start(); }); // Browser doesn't support inline-block } else { ok( true, "Browser doesn't support inline-block" ); ok( true, "Browser doesn't support inline-block" ); ok( true, "Browser doesn't support inline-block" ); } }); test("animate block width/height", function() { expect(3); stop(); jQuery("#foo").css({ display: "block", width: 20, height: 20 }).animate({ width: 42, height: 42 }, 100, function() { equals( jQuery(this).css("display"), "block", "inline-block was not set on block element when animating width/height" ); equals( this.offsetWidth, 42, "width was animated" ); equals( this.offsetHeight, 42, "height was animated" ); start(); }); }); test("animate table width/height", function() { expect(1); stop(); var displayMode = jQuery("#table").css("display") !== "table" ? "block" : "table"; jQuery("#table").animate({ width: 42, height: 42 }, 100, function() { equals( jQuery(this).css("display"), displayMode, "display mode is correct" ); start(); }); }); test("animate table-row width/height", function() { expect(3); stop(); var tr = jQuery("#table") .attr({ "cellspacing": 0, "cellpadding": 0, "border": 0 }) .html("
") .find("tr"); // IE<8 uses “block” instead of the correct display type var displayMode = tr.css("display") !== "table-row" ? "block" : "table-row"; tr.animate({ width: 10, height: 10 }, 100, function() { equals( jQuery(this).css("display"), displayMode, "display mode is correct" ); equals( this.offsetWidth, 20, "width animated to shrink wrap point" ); equals( this.offsetHeight, 20, "height animated to shrink wrap point" ); start(); }); }); test("animate table-cell width/height", function() { expect(3); stop(); var td = jQuery("#table") .attr({ "cellspacing": 0, "cellpadding": 0, "border": 0 }) .html("
") .find("td"); // IE<8 uses “block” instead of the correct display type var displayMode = td.css("display") !== "table-cell" ? "block" : "table-cell"; td.animate({ width: 10, height: 10 }, 100, function() { equals( jQuery(this).css("display"), displayMode, "display mode is correct" ); equals( this.offsetWidth, 20, "width animated to shrink wrap point" ); equals( this.offsetHeight, 20, "height animated to shrink wrap point" ); start(); }); }); test("animate resets overflow-x and overflow-y when finished", function() { expect(2); stop(); jQuery("#foo") .css({ display: "block", width: 20, height: 20, overflowX: "visible", overflowY: "auto" }) .animate({ width: 42, height: 42 }, 100, function() { equals(, "visible", "overflow-x is visible" ); equals(, "auto", "overflow-y is auto" ); start(); }); }); /* // This test ends up being flaky depending upon the CPU load test("animate option (queue === false)", function () { expect(1); stop(); var order = []; var $foo = jQuery("#foo"); $foo.animate({width:"100px"}, 3000, function () { // should finish after unqueued animation so second order.push(2); same( order, [ 1, 2 ], "Animations finished in the correct order" ); start(); }); $foo.animate({fontSize:"2em"}, {queue:false, duration:10, complete:function () { // short duration and out of queue so should finish first order.push(1); }}); }); */ test("animate with no properties", function() { expect(2); var divs = jQuery("div"), count = 0; divs.animate({}, function(){ count++; }); equals( divs.length, count, "Make sure that callback is called for each element in the set." ); stop(); var foo = jQuery("#foo"); foo.animate({}); foo.animate({top: 10}, 100, function(){ ok( true, "Animation was properly dequeued." ); start(); }); }); test("animate duration 0", function() { expect(11); stop(); var $elems = jQuery([{ a:0 },{ a:0 }]), counter = 0; equals( jQuery.timers.length, 0, "Make sure no animation was running from another test" ); $elems.eq(0).animate( {a:1}, 0, function(){ ok( true, "Animate a simple property." ); counter++; }); // Failed until [6115] equals( jQuery.timers.length, 0, "Make sure synchronic animations are not left on jQuery.timers" ); equals( counter, 1, "One synchronic animations" ); $elems.animate( { a:2 }, 0, function(){ ok( true, "Animate a second simple property." ); counter++; }); equals( counter, 3, "Multiple synchronic animations" ); $elems.eq(0).animate( {a:3}, 0, function(){ ok( true, "Animate a third simple property." ); counter++; }); $elems.eq(1).animate( {a:3}, 200, function(){ counter++; // Failed until [6115] equals( counter, 5, "One synchronic and one asynchronic" ); start(); }); var $elem = jQuery("
"); $, function(){ ok(true, "Show callback with no duration"); }); $elem.hide(0, function(){ ok(true, "Hide callback with no duration"); }); // manually clean up detached elements $elem.remove(); }); test("animate hyphenated properties", function(){ expect(1); stop(); jQuery("#foo") .css("font-size", 10) .animate({"font-size": 20}, 200, function(){ equals(, "20px", "The font-size property was animated." ); start(); }); }); test("animate non-element", function(){ expect(1); stop(); var obj = { test: 0 }; jQuery(obj).animate({test: 200}, 200, function(){ equals( obj.test, 200, "The custom property should be modified." ); start(); }); }); test("stop()", function() { expect(3); stop(); var $foo = jQuery("#foo"); var w = 0; $foo.hide().width(200).width(); $foo.animate({ width: "show" }, 1000); setTimeout(function(){ var nw = $foo.width(); notEqual( nw, w, "An animation occurred " + nw + "px " + w + "px"); $foo.stop(); nw = $foo.width(); notEqual( nw, w, "Stop didn't reset the animation " + nw + "px " + w + "px"); setTimeout(function(){ $foo.removeData(); $foo.removeData(undefined, true); equals( nw, $foo.width(), "The animation didn't continue" ); start(); }, 100); }, 100); }); test("stop() - several in queue", function() { expect(3); stop(); var $foo = jQuery("#foo"); var w = 0; $foo.hide().width(200).width(); $foo.animate({ width: "show" }, 1000); $foo.animate({ width: "hide" }, 1000); $foo.animate({ width: "show" }, 1000); setTimeout(function(){ equals( $foo.queue().length, 3, "All 3 still in the queue" ); var nw = $foo.width(); notEqual( nw, w, "An animation occurred " + nw + "px " + w + "px"); $foo.stop(); nw = $foo.width(); notEqual( nw, w, "Stop didn't reset the animation " + nw + "px " + w + "px"); $foo.stop(true); start(); }, 100); }); test("stop(clearQueue)", function() { expect(4); stop(); var $foo = jQuery("#foo"); var w = 0; $foo.hide().width(200).width(); $foo.animate({ width: "show" }, 1000); $foo.animate({ width: "hide" }, 1000); $foo.animate({ width: "show" }, 1000); setTimeout(function(){ var nw = $foo.width(); ok( nw != w, "An animation occurred " + nw + "px " + w + "px"); $foo.stop(true); nw = $foo.width(); ok( nw != w, "Stop didn't reset the animation " + nw + "px " + w + "px"); equals( $foo.queue().length, 0, "The animation queue was cleared" ); setTimeout(function(){ equals( nw, $foo.width(), "The animation didn't continue" ); start(); }, 100); }, 100); }); test("stop(clearQueue, gotoEnd)", function() { expect(1); stop(); var $foo = jQuery("#foo"); var w = 0; $foo.hide().width(200).width(); $foo.animate({ width: "show" }, 1000); $foo.animate({ width: "hide" }, 1000); $foo.animate({ width: "show" }, 1000); $foo.animate({ width: "hide" }, 1000); setTimeout(function(){ var nw = $foo.width(); ok( nw != w, "An animation occurred " + nw + "px " + w + "px"); $foo.stop(false, true); nw = $foo.width(); // Disabled, being flaky //equals( nw, 1, "Stop() reset the animation" ); setTimeout(function(){ // Disabled, being flaky //equals( $foo.queue().length, 2, "The next animation continued" ); $foo.stop(true); start(); }, 100); }, 100); }); test("toggle()", function() { expect(6); var x = jQuery("#foo"); ok(":visible"), "is visible" ); x.toggle(); ok(":hidden"), "is hidden" ); x.toggle(); ok(":visible"), "is visible again" ); x.toggle(true); ok(":visible"), "is visible" ); x.toggle(false); ok(":hidden"), "is hidden" ); x.toggle(true); ok(":visible"), "is visible again" ); }); jQuery.checkOverflowDisplay = function(){ var o = jQuery.css( this, "overflow" ); equals(o, "visible", "Overflow should be visible: " + o); equals(jQuery.css( this, "display" ), "inline", "Display shouldn't be tampered with."); start(); }; test( "jQuery.fx.prototype.cur()", 6, function() { var div = jQuery( "
" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ).css({ color: "#ABC", border: "5px solid black", left: "auto", marginBottom: "-11000px" })[0]; equals( ( new jQuery.fx( div, {}, "color" ) ).cur(), jQuery.css( div, "color" ), "Return the same value as jQuery.css for complex properties (bug #7912)" ); strictEqual( ( new jQuery.fx( div, {}, "borderLeftWidth" ) ).cur(), 5, "Return simple values parsed as Float" ); // backgroundPosition actually returns 0% 0% in most browser // this fakes a "" return jQuery.cssHooks.backgroundPosition = { get: function() { ok( true, "hook used" ); return ""; } }; strictEqual( ( new jQuery.fx( div, {}, "backgroundPosition" ) ).cur(), 0, "Return 0 when jQuery.css returns an empty string" ); delete jQuery.cssHooks.backgroundPosition; strictEqual( ( new jQuery.fx( div, {}, "left" ) ).cur(), 0, "Return 0 when jQuery.css returns 'auto'" ); equals( ( new jQuery.fx( div, {}, "marginBottom" ) ).cur(), -11000, "support negative values < -10000 (bug #7193)" ); }); test("JS Overflow and Display", function() { expect(2); stop(); jQuery.makeTest( "JS Overflow and Display" ) .addClass("widewidth") .css({ overflow: "visible", display: "inline" }) .addClass("widewidth") .text("Some sample text.") .before("text before") .after("text after") .animate({ opacity: 0.5 }, "slow", jQuery.checkOverflowDisplay); }); test("CSS Overflow and Display", function() { expect(2); stop(); jQuery.makeTest( "CSS Overflow and Display" ) .addClass("overflow inline") .addClass("widewidth") .text("Some sample text.") .before("text before") .after("text after") .animate({ opacity: 0.5 }, "slow", jQuery.checkOverflowDisplay); }); jQuery.each( { "CSS Auto": function(elem,prop){ jQuery(elem).addClass("auto" + prop) .text("This is a long string of text."); return ""; }, "JS Auto": function(elem,prop){ jQuery(elem).css(prop,"") .text("This is a long string of text."); return ""; }, "CSS 100": function(elem,prop){ jQuery(elem).addClass("large" + prop); return ""; }, "JS 100": function(elem,prop){ jQuery(elem).css(prop,prop == "opacity" ? 1 : "100px"); return prop == "opacity" ? 1 : 100; }, "CSS 50": function(elem,prop){ jQuery(elem).addClass("med" + prop); return ""; }, "JS 50": function(elem,prop){ jQuery(elem).css(prop,prop == "opacity" ? 0.50 : "50px"); return prop == "opacity" ? 0.5 : 50; }, "CSS 0": function(elem,prop){ jQuery(elem).addClass("no" + prop); return ""; }, "JS 0": function(elem,prop){ jQuery(elem).css(prop,prop == "opacity" ? 0 : "0px"); return 0; } }, function( fn, f ) { jQuery.each({ "show": function(elem,prop){ jQuery(elem).hide().addClass("wide"+prop); return "show"; }, "hide": function(elem,prop){ jQuery(elem).addClass("wide"+prop); return "hide"; }, "100": function(elem,prop){ jQuery(elem).addClass("wide"+prop); return prop == "opacity" ? 1 : 100; }, "50": function(elem,prop){ return prop == "opacity" ? 0.50 : 50; }, "0": function(elem,prop){ jQuery(elem).addClass("noback"); return 0; } }, function(tn, t){ test(fn + " to " + tn, function() { var elem = jQuery.makeTest( fn + " to " + tn ); var t_w = t( elem, "width" ); var f_w = f( elem, "width" ); var t_h = t( elem, "height" ); var f_h = f( elem, "height" ); var t_o = t( elem, "opacity" ); var f_o = f( elem, "opacity" ); var num = 0; if ( t_h == "show" ) num++; if ( t_w == "show" ) num++; if ( t_w == "hide"||t_w == "show" ) num++; if ( t_h == "hide"||t_h == "show" ) num++; if ( t_o == "hide"||t_o == "show" ) num++; if ( t_w == "hide" ) num++; if ( t_o.constructor == Number ) num += 2; if ( t_w.constructor == Number ) num += 2; if ( t_h.constructor == Number ) num +=2; expect(num); stop(); var anim = { width: t_w, height: t_h, opacity: t_o }; elem.animate(anim, 50); jQuery.when( elem ).done(function( elem ){ elem = elem[ 0 ]; if ( t_w == "show" ) equals(, "block", "Showing, display should block: " +; if ( t_w == "hide"||t_w == "show" ) ok(f_w === "" ? === f_w : === 0, "Width must be reset to " + f_w + ": " +; if ( t_h == "hide"||t_h == "show" ) ok(f_h === "" ? === f_h : === 0, "Height must be reset to " + f_h + ": " +; var cur_o =, "opacity"); if ( t_o == "hide" || t_o == "show" ) equals(cur_o, f_o, "Opacity must be reset to " + f_o + ": " + cur_o); if ( t_w == "hide" ) equals(, "none", "Hiding, display should be none: " +; if ( t_o.constructor == Number ) { equals(cur_o, t_o, "Final opacity should be " + t_o + ": " + cur_o); ok(jQuery.css(elem, "opacity") != "" || cur_o == t_o, "Opacity should be explicitly set to " + t_o + ", is instead: " + cur_o); } if ( t_w.constructor == Number ) { equals(, t_w + "px", "Final width should be " + t_w + ": " +; var cur_w = jQuery.css(elem,"width"); ok( != "" || cur_w == t_w, "Width should be explicitly set to " + t_w + ", is instead: " + cur_w); } if ( t_h.constructor == Number ) { equals(, t_h + "px", "Final height should be " + t_h + ": " +; var cur_h = jQuery.css(elem,"height"); ok( != "" || cur_h == t_h, "Height should be explicitly set to " + t_h + ", is instead: " + cur_w); } if ( t_h == "show" ) { var old_h = jQuery.css(elem, "height"); jQuery(elem).append("
Some more text
and some more..."); if ( /Auto/.test( fn ) ) { notEqual(jQuery.css(elem, "height"), old_h, "Make sure height is auto."); } else { equals(jQuery.css(elem, "height"), old_h, "Make sure height is not auto."); } } // manually remove generated element jQuery(elem).remove(); start(); }); }); }); }); jQuery.fn.saveState = function(hiddenOverflow){ var check = ["opacity", "height", "width", "display", "overflow"]; expect(check.length); stop(); return this.each(function(){ var self = this; = {}; jQuery.each(check, function(i,c){[c] = c === "overflow" && hiddenOverflow ? "hidden" :[ c ] || jQuery.css(self,c); }); }); }; jQuery.checkState = function(){ var self = this; jQuery.each(, function(c,v){ var cur =[ c ] || jQuery.css(self, c); equals( cur, v, "Make sure that " + c + " is reset (Old: " + v + " Cur: " + cur + ")"); }); // manually clean data on modified element jQuery.removeData(this, "olddisplay", true); start(); }; // Chaining Tests test("Chain fadeOut fadeIn", function() { jQuery("#fadein div").saveState().fadeOut("fast").fadeIn("fast",jQuery.checkState); }); test("Chain fadeIn fadeOut", function() { jQuery("#fadeout div").saveState().fadeIn("fast").fadeOut("fast",jQuery.checkState); }); test("Chain hide show", function() { jQuery("#show div").saveState("fast").show("fast",jQuery.checkState); }); test("Chain show hide", function() { jQuery("#hide div").saveState("fast").hide("fast",jQuery.checkState); }); test("Chain show hide with easing and callback", function() { jQuery("#hide div").saveState().show("fast").hide("fast","linear",jQuery.checkState); }); test("Chain toggle in", function() { jQuery("#togglein div").saveState("fast").toggle("fast",jQuery.checkState); }); test("Chain toggle out", function() { jQuery("#toggleout div").saveState("fast").toggle("fast",jQuery.checkState); }); test("Chain toggle out with easing and callback", function() { jQuery("#toggleout div").saveState("fast").toggle("fast","linear",jQuery.checkState); }); test("Chain slideDown slideUp", function() { jQuery("#slidedown div").saveState("fast").slideUp("fast",jQuery.checkState); }); test("Chain slideUp slideDown", function() { jQuery("#slideup div").saveState("fast").slideDown("fast",jQuery.checkState); }); test("Chain slideUp slideDown with easing and callback", function() { jQuery("#slideup div").saveState("fast").slideDown("fast","linear",jQuery.checkState); }); test("Chain slideToggle in", function() { jQuery("#slidetogglein div").saveState("fast").slideToggle("fast",jQuery.checkState); }); test("Chain slideToggle out", function() { jQuery("#slidetoggleout div").saveState("fast").slideToggle("fast",jQuery.checkState); }); test("Chain fadeToggle in", function() { jQuery("#fadetogglein div").saveState().fadeToggle("fast").fadeToggle("fast",jQuery.checkState); }); test("Chain fadeToggle out", function() { jQuery("#fadetoggleout div").saveState().fadeToggle("fast").fadeToggle("fast",jQuery.checkState); }); test("Chain fadeTo 0.5 1.0 with easing and callback)", function() { jQuery("#fadeto div").saveState().fadeTo("fast",0.5).fadeTo("fast",1.0,"linear",jQuery.checkState); }); jQuery.makeTest = function( text ){ var elem = jQuery("
") .attr("id", "test" + .addClass("box"); jQuery("

") .text( text ) .appendTo("#fx-tests") .after( elem ); return elem; }; = 1; test("'fast') doesn't clear radio buttons (bug #1095)", function () { expect(4); stop(); var $checkedtest = jQuery("#checkedtest"); // IE6 was clearing "checked" in jQuery(elem).show("fast"); $checkedtest.hide().show("fast", function() { ok( !! jQuery(":radio:first", $checkedtest).attr("checked"), "Check first radio still checked." ); ok( ! jQuery(":radio:last", $checkedtest).attr("checked"), "Check last radio still NOT checked." ); ok( !! jQuery(":checkbox:first", $checkedtest).attr("checked"), "Check first checkbox still checked." ); ok( ! jQuery(":checkbox:last", $checkedtest).attr("checked"), "Check last checkbox still NOT checked." ); start(); }); }); test("animate with per-property easing", function(){ expect(3); stop(); var data = { a:0, b:0, c:0 }, _test1_called = false, _test2_called = false, _default_test_called = false; jQuery.easing["_test1"] = function(p) { _test1_called = true; return p; }; jQuery.easing["_test2"] = function(p) { _test2_called = true; return p; }; jQuery.easing["_default_test"] = function(p) { _default_test_called = true; return p; }; jQuery(data).animate({ a: [100, "_test1"], b: [100, "_test2"], c: 100 }, 400, "_default_test", function(){ start(); ok( _test1_called, "Easing function (_test1) called" ); ok( _test2_called, "Easing function (_test2) called" ); ok( _default_test_called, "Easing function (_default) called" ); }); }); test("hide hidden elements (bug #7141)", function() { expect(3); QUnit.reset(); var div = jQuery("
").appendTo("#qunit-fixture"); equals( div.css("display"), "none", "Element is hidden by default" ); div.hide(); ok( !jQuery._data(div, "olddisplay"), "olddisplay is undefined after hiding an already-hidden element" );; equals( div.css("display"), "block", "Show a double-hidden element" ); div.remove(); }); test("hide hidden elements, with animation (bug #7141)", function() { expect(3); QUnit.reset(); stop(); var div = jQuery("
").appendTo("#qunit-fixture"); equals( div.css("display"), "none", "Element is hidden by default" ); div.hide(1, function () { ok( !jQuery._data(div, "olddisplay"), "olddisplay is undefined after hiding an already-hidden element" );, function () { equals( div.css("display"), "block", "Show a double-hidden element" ); start(); }); }); }); test("animate unit-less properties (#4966)", 2, function() { stop(); var div = jQuery( "
" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ); equal( div.css( "z-index" ), "0", "z-index is 0" ); div.animate({ zIndex: 2 }, function() { equal( div.css( "z-index" ), "2", "z-index is 2" ); start(); }); }); test( "animate properties missing px w/ opacity as last (#9074)", 2, function() { expect( 6 ); stop(); var div = jQuery( "
" ) .appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ); function cssInt( prop ) { return parseInt( div.css( prop ), 10 ); } equal( cssInt( "marginLeft" ), 0, "Margin left is 0" ); equal( cssInt( "left" ), 0, "Left is 0" ); div.animate({ left: 200, marginLeft: 200, opacity: 0 }, 1000); setTimeout(function() { var ml = cssInt( "marginLeft" ), l = cssInt( "left" ); notEqual( ml, 0, "Margin left is not 0 after partial animate" ); notEqual( ml, 200, "Margin left is not 200 after partial animate" ); notEqual( l, 0, "Left is not 0 after partial animate" ); notEqual( l, 200, "Left is not 200 after partial animate" ); div.stop().remove(); start(); }, 100); });