module.exports = function( grunt ) { "use strict"; var fs = require( "fs" ); // Work around grunt-contrib-uglify sourceMap issues (jQuery #13776) grunt.registerMultiTask( "pre-uglify", function() { var banner = this.options().banner; this.files.forEach(function( mapping ) { // Join src var input = file ) { var contents = file ); // Strip banners return contents // Remove the main jQuery banner, it'll be replaced by the new banner anyway. .replace( /^\/\*![\W\w]*?\*\/\n?/g, "" ) // Strip other banners preserving line count. .replace( /^\/\*!(?:.|\n)*?\*\/\n?/gm, function ( match ) { return match.replace( /[^\n]/gm, "" ); }); }).join("\n"); // Write temp file (with optional banner) grunt.file.write( mapping.dest, ( banner || "" ) + input ); }); }); // Change the map file to point back to jquery.js instead of jquery.pre-min.js. // The problem is caused by the pre-uglify task. // Also, remove temporary files. grunt.registerMultiTask( "post-uglify", function() { this.files.forEach(function( mapping ) { var mapFileName = mapping.src[ 0 ]; // Rename the file to a temporary name. fs.renameSync( mapFileName, mapping.dest); grunt.file.write( mapFileName, mapping.dest ) // Refer to the source jquery.js, not the temporary jquery.pre-min.js. .replace( /\.pre-min\./g, "." )); }); // Remove temporary files. this.options().tempFiles.forEach(function( fileName ) { fs.unlink( fileName ); }); }); };