module("ajax"); // Safari 3 randomly crashes when running these tests, // but only in the full suite - you can run just the Ajax // tests and they'll pass //if ( !jQuery.browser.safari ) { test("$.ajax() - success callbacks", function() { expect( 8 ); $.ajaxSetup({ timeout: 0 }); stop(); setTimeout(function(){ $('#foo').ajaxStart(function(){ ok( true, "ajaxStart" ); }).ajaxStop(function(){ ok( true, "ajaxStop" ); start(); }).ajaxSend(function(){ ok( true, "ajaxSend" ); }).ajaxComplete(function(){ ok( true, "ajaxComplete" ); }).ajaxError(function(){ ok( false, "ajaxError" ); }).ajaxSuccess(function(){ ok( true, "ajaxSuccess" ); }); $.ajax({ url: url("data/name.html"), beforeSend: function(){ ok(true, "beforeSend"); }, success: function(){ ok(true, "success"); }, error: function(){ ok(false, "error"); }, complete: function(){ ok(true, "complete"); } }); }, 13); }); if ( !isLocal ) { test("$.ajax() - error callbacks", function() { expect( 8 ); stop(); $('#foo').ajaxStart(function(){ ok( true, "ajaxStart" ); }).ajaxStop(function(){ ok( true, "ajaxStop" ); start(); }).ajaxSend(function(){ ok( true, "ajaxSend" ); }).ajaxComplete(function(){ ok( true, "ajaxComplete" ); }).ajaxError(function(){ ok( true, "ajaxError" ); }).ajaxSuccess(function(){ ok( false, "ajaxSuccess" ); }); $.ajaxSetup({ timeout: 500 }); $.ajax({ url: url("data/name.php?wait=5"), beforeSend: function(){ ok(true, "beforeSend"); }, success: function(){ ok(false, "success"); }, error: function(){ ok(true, "error"); }, complete: function(){ ok(true, "complete"); } }); }); } test("$.ajax() - disabled globals", function() { expect( 3 ); stop(); $('#foo').ajaxStart(function(){ ok( false, "ajaxStart" ); }).ajaxStop(function(){ ok( false, "ajaxStop" ); }).ajaxSend(function(){ ok( false, "ajaxSend" ); }).ajaxComplete(function(){ ok( false, "ajaxComplete" ); }).ajaxError(function(){ ok( false, "ajaxError" ); }).ajaxSuccess(function(){ ok( false, "ajaxSuccess" ); }); $.ajax({ global: false, url: url("data/name.html"), beforeSend: function(){ ok(true, "beforeSend"); }, success: function(){ ok(true, "success"); }, error: function(){ ok(false, "error"); }, complete: function(){ ok(true, "complete"); setTimeout(function(){ start(); }, 13); } }); }); test("$.ajax - xml: non-namespace elements inside namespaced elements", function() { expect(3); stop(); $.ajax({ url: url("data/with_fries.xml"), dataType: "xml", success: function(resp) { equals( $("properties", resp).length, 1, 'properties in responseXML' ); equals( $("jsconf", resp).length, 1, 'jsconf in responseXML' ); equals( $("thing", resp).length, 2, 'things in responseXML' ); start(); } }); }); test("$.ajax - beforeSend", function() { expect(1); stop(); var check = false; $.ajaxSetup({ timeout: 0 }); $.ajax({ url: url("data/name.html"), beforeSend: function(xml) { check = true; }, success: function(data) { ok( check, "check beforeSend was executed" ); start(); } }); }); var foobar; test("$.ajax - dataType html", function() { expect(5); stop(); foobar = null; testFoo = undefined; var verifyEvaluation = function() { ok( testFoo == "foo", 'Check if script was evaluated for datatype html' ); ok( foobar == "bar", 'Check if script src was evaluated for datatype html' ); start(); }; $.ajax({ dataType: "html", url: url("data/test.html"), success: function(data) { $("#ap").html(data); ok( data.match(/^html text/), 'Check content for datatype html' ); setTimeout(verifyEvaluation, 600); } }); }); test("serialize()", function() { expect(1); // ignore button, IE takes text content as value, not relevant for this test equals( $(':input').not('button').serialize(), 'action=Test&text2=Test&radio1=on&radio2=on&check=on&=on&hidden=&foo%5Bbar%5D=&name=name&=foobar&select1=&select2=3&select3=1&test=&id=', 'Check form serialization as query string'); }); test("$.param()", function() { expect(4); var params = {foo:"bar", baz:42, quux:"All your base are belong to us"}; equals( $.param(params), "foo=bar&baz=42&quux=All%20your%20base%20are%20belong%20to%20us", "simple" ); params = {someName: [1, 2, 3], regularThing: "blah" }; equals( $.param(params), "someName=1&someName=2&someName=3®ularThing=blah", "with array" ); params = {"foo[]":["baz", 42, "All your base are belong to us"]}; equals( $.param(params), "foo%5B%5D=baz&foo%5B%5D=42&foo%5B%5D=All%20your%20base%20are%20belong%20to%20us", "more array" ); params = {"foo[bar]":"baz", "foo[beep]":42, "foo[quux]":"All your base are belong to us"}; equals( $.param(params), "foo%5Bbar%5D=baz&foo%5Bbeep%5D=42&foo%5Bquux%5D=All%20your%20base%20are%20belong%20to%20us", "even more arrays" ); }); test("synchronous request", function() { expect(1); ok( /^{ "data"/.test( $.ajax({url: url("data/json_obj.js"), async: false}).responseText ), "check returned text" ); }); test("synchronous request with callbacks", function() { expect(2); var result; $.ajax({url: url("data/json_obj.js"), async: false, success: function(data) { ok(true, "sucess callback executed"); result = data; } }); ok( /^{ "data"/.test( result ), "check returned text" ); }); test("pass-through request object", function() { expect(1); stop(true); var target = "data/name.html"; var count = 0; var success = function() { // Disabled //if(count++ == 5) start(); }; /* Test disabled, too many simultaneous requests ok( $.get(url(target), success), "get" ); ok( $.getIfModified(url(target), success), "getIfModified" ); ok( $.post(url(target), success), "post" ); ok( $.getScript(url("data/test.js"), success), "script" ); ok( $.getJSON(url("data/json_obj.js"), success), "json" ); */ ok( $.ajax({url: url(target), success: success}), "generic" ); }); test("global ajaxSettings", function() { expect(3); var tmp = jQuery.extend({}, jQuery.ajaxSettings); var orig = { url: "data/with_fries.xml", data: null }; var t; $.ajaxSetup({ data: {foo: 'bar', bar: 'BAR'} }); t = jQuery.extend({}, orig); $.ajax(t); ok( t.url.indexOf('foo') > -1 && t.url.indexOf('bar') > -1, "Check extending null" ); t = jQuery.extend({}, orig); = {}; $.ajax(t); ok( t.url.indexOf('foo') > -1 && t.url.indexOf('bar') > -1, "Check extending {}" ); t = jQuery.extend({}, orig); = { zoo: 'a', ping: 'b' }; $.ajax(t); ok( t.url.indexOf('ping') > -1 && t.url.indexOf('zoo') > -1 && t.url.indexOf('foo') > -1 && t.url.indexOf('bar') > -1, "Check extending { zoo: 'a', ping: 'b' }" ); jQuery.ajaxSettings = tmp; }); test("load(String)", function() { expect(1); stop(true); // check if load can be called with only url $('#first').load("data/name.html", start); }); test("load('url selector')", function() { expect(1); stop(true); // check if load can be called with only url $('#first').load("data/test3.html div.user", function(){ equals( $(this).children("div").length, 2, "Verify that specific elements were injected" ); start(); }); }); test("load(String, Function) - simple: inject text into DOM", function() { expect(2); stop(); $('#first').load(url("data/name.html"), function() { ok( /^ERROR/.test($('#first').text()), 'Check if content was injected into the DOM' ); start(); }); }); test("load(String, Function) - check scripts", function() { expect(7); stop(); window.testFoo = undefined; window.foobar = null; var verifyEvaluation = function() { equals( foobar, "bar", 'Check if script src was evaluated after load' ); equals( $('#ap').html(), 'bar', 'Check if script evaluation has modified DOM'); start(); }; $('#first').load(url('data/test.html'), function() { ok( $('#first').html().match(/^html text/), 'Check content after loading html' ); equals( $('#foo').html(), 'foo', 'Check if script evaluation has modified DOM'); equals( testFoo, "foo", 'Check if script was evaluated after load' ); setTimeout(verifyEvaluation, 600); }); }); test("load(String, Function) - check file with only a script tag", function() { expect(3); stop(); testFoo = undefined; $('#first').load(url('data/test2.html'), function() { ok( $('#foo').html() == 'foo', 'Check if script evaluation has modified DOM'); ok( testFoo == "foo", 'Check if script was evaluated after load' ); start(); }); }); test("$.get(String, Hash, Function) - parse xml and use text() on nodes", function() { expect(2); stop(); $.get(url('data/dashboard.xml'), function(xml) { var content = []; $('tab', xml).each(function() { content.push($(this).text()); }); equals( content[0], 'blabla', 'Check first tab'); equals( content[1], 'blublu', 'Check second tab'); start(); }); }); test("$.getIfModified(String, Hash, Function)", function() { expect(1); stop(); $.getIfModified(url("data/name.html"), function(msg) { ok( /^ERROR/.test(msg), 'Check ifModified' ); start(); }); }); test("$.getScript(String, Function) - with callback", function() { expect(2); stop(); $.getScript(url("data/test.js"), function() { equals( foobar, "bar", 'Check if script was evaluated' ); setTimeout(start, 100); }); }); test("$.getScript(String, Function) - no callback", function() { expect(1); stop(true); $.getScript(url("data/test.js"), start); }); if ( !isLocal ) { test("$.ajax() - JSONP, Local", function() { expect(7); var count = 0; function plus(){ if ( ++count == 7 ) start(); } stop(); $.ajax({ url: "data/jsonp.php", dataType: "jsonp", success: function(data){ ok(, "JSON results returned (GET, no callback)" ); plus(); } }); $.ajax({ url: "data/jsonp.php?callback=?", dataType: "jsonp", success: function(data){ ok(, "JSON results returned (GET, url callback)" ); plus(); } }); $.ajax({ url: "data/jsonp.php", dataType: "jsonp", data: "callback=?", success: function(data){ ok(, "JSON results returned (GET, data callback)" ); plus(); } }); $.ajax({ url: "data/jsonp.php", dataType: "jsonp", data: { callback: "?" }, success: function(data){ ok(, "JSON results returned (GET, data obj callback)" ); plus(); } }); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "data/jsonp.php", dataType: "jsonp", success: function(data){ ok(, "JSON results returned (POST, no callback)" ); plus(); } }); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "data/jsonp.php", data: "callback=?", dataType: "jsonp", success: function(data){ ok(, "JSON results returned (POST, data callback)" ); plus(); } }); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "data/jsonp.php", data: { callback: "?" }, dataType: "jsonp", success: function(data){ ok(, "JSON results returned (POST, data obj callback)" ); plus(); } }); }); test("$.ajax() - JSONP, Remote", function() { expect(4); var count = 0; function plus(){ if ( ++count == 4 ) start(); } var base = window.location.href.replace(/\?.*$/, ""); stop(); $.ajax({ url: base + "data/jsonp.php", dataType: "jsonp", success: function(data){ ok(, "JSON results returned (GET, no callback)" ); plus(); } }); $.ajax({ url: base + "data/jsonp.php?callback=?", dataType: "jsonp", success: function(data){ ok(, "JSON results returned (GET, url callback)" ); plus(); } }); $.ajax({ url: base + "data/jsonp.php", dataType: "jsonp", data: "callback=?", success: function(data){ ok(, "JSON results returned (GET, data callback)" ); plus(); } }); $.ajax({ url: base + "data/jsonp.php", dataType: "jsonp", data: { callback: "?" }, success: function(data){ ok(, "JSON results returned (GET, data obj callback)" ); plus(); } }); }); test("$.ajax() - script, Remote", function() { expect(2); var base = window.location.href.replace(/\?.*$/, ""); stop(); $.ajax({ url: base + "data/test.js", dataType: "script", success: function(data){ ok( foobar, "Script results returned (GET, no callback)" ); start(); } }); }); test("$.getJSON(String, Hash, Function) - JSON array", function() { expect(4); stop(); $.getJSON(url("data/json.php"), {json: "array"}, function(json) { ok( json[0].name == 'John', 'Check JSON: first, name' ); ok( json[0].age == 21, 'Check JSON: first, age' ); ok( json[1].name == 'Peter', 'Check JSON: second, name' ); ok( json[1].age == 25, 'Check JSON: second, age' ); start(); }); }); test("$.getJSON(String, Function) - JSON object", function() { expect(2); stop(); $.getJSON(url("data/json.php"), function(json) { ok( == 'en', 'Check JSON: lang' ); ok( == 25, 'Check JSON: length' ); start(); }); }); test("$.post(String, Hash, Function) - simple with xml", function() { expect(2); stop(); $.post(url("data/name.php"), {xml: "5-2"}, function(xml){ $('math', xml).each(function() { ok( $('calculation', this).text() == '5-2', 'Check for XML' ); ok( $('result', this).text() == '3', 'Check for XML' ); }); start(); }); }); test("$.ajaxTimeout(Number) - with global timeout", function() { stop(); var passed = 0; $.ajaxTimeout(1000); var pass = function() { passed++; if ( passed == 2 ) { ok( true, 'Check local and global callbacks after timeout' ); $('#main').unbind("ajaxError"); start(); } }; var fail = function(a,b,c) { ok( false, 'Check for timeout failed ' + a + ' ' + b ); start(); }; $('#main').ajaxError(pass); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url("data/name.php?wait=5"), error: pass, success: fail }); // reset timeout $.ajaxTimeout(0); }); test("$.ajaxTimeout(Number) with localtimeout", function() { stop(); $.ajaxTimeout(50); $.ajax({ type: "GET", timeout: 5000, url: url("data/name.php?wait=1"), error: function() { ok( false, 'Check for local timeout failed' ); start(); }, success: function() { ok( true, 'Check for local timeout' ); start(); } }); // reset timeout $.ajaxTimeout(0); }); test("$.ajax - simple get", function() { expect(1); stop(); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url("data/name.php?name=foo"), success: function(msg){ ok( msg == 'bar', 'Check for GET' ); start(); } }); }); test("$.ajax - simple post", function() { expect(1); stop(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url("data/name.php"), data: "name=peter", success: function(msg){ ok( msg == 'pan', 'Check for POST' ); start(); } }); }); test("ajaxSetup()", function() { expect(1); stop(); $.ajaxSetup({ url: url("data/name.php?name=foo"), success: function(msg){ ok( msg == 'bar', 'Check for GET' ); start(); } }); $.ajax(); }); test("custom timeout does not set error message when timeout occurs, see #970", function() { stop(); $.ajax({ url: "data/name.php?wait=10", timeout: 500, error: function(request, status) { ok( status != null, "status shouldn't be null in error handler" ); equals( "timeout", status ); start(); } }); }); } //}