/** * Allow the test suite to run with other libs or jQuery's. */ jQuery.noConflict(); // Expose Sizzle for Sizzle's selector tests // We remove Sizzle's globalization in jQuery var Sizzle = Sizzle || jQuery.find; // Allow subprojects to test against their own fixtures var qunitModule = QUnit.module, qunitTest = QUnit.test; function testSubproject( label, url, risTests ) { var sub, fixture, fixtureHTML, fixtureReplaced = false; // Don't let subproject tests jump the gun QUnit.config.reorder = false; // Create module module( label ); // Duckpunch QUnit module = QUnit.module = function( name ) { var args = arguments; // Remember subproject-scoped module name sub = name; // Override args[0] = label; return qunitModule.apply( this, args ); }; test = function( name ) { var args = arguments, i = args.length - 1; // Prepend subproject-scoped module name to test name args[0] = sub + ": " + name; // Find test function and wrap to require subproject fixture for ( ; i >= 0; i-- ) { if ( jQuery.isFunction( args[i] ) ) { args[i] = requireFixture( args[i] ); break; } } return qunitTest.apply( this, args ); }; // Load tests and fixture from subproject // Test order matters, so we must be synchronous and throw an error on load failure jQuery.ajax( url, { async: false, dataType: "html", error: function( jqXHR, status ) { throw new Error( "Could not load: " + url + " (" + status + ")" ); }, success: function( data, status, jqXHR ) { var page = jQuery.parseHTML( // replace html/head with dummy elements so they are represented in the DOM ( data || "" ).replace( /<\/?((!DOCTYPE|html|head)\b.*?)>/gi, "[$1]" ), document, true ); if ( !page || !page.length ) { this.error( jqXHR, "no data" ); } page = jQuery( page ); // Include subproject tests page.filter("script[src]").add( page.find("script[src]") ).each(function() { var src = jQuery( this ).attr("src"), html = ""; if ( risTests.test( src ) ) { if ( jQuery.isReady ) { jQuery("head").first().append( html ); } else { document.write( html ); } } }); // Get the fixture, including content outside of #qunit-fixture fixture = page.find("[id='qunit-fixture']"); fixtureHTML = fixture.html(); fixture.empty(); while ( fixture.length && !fixture.prevAll("[id^='qunit-']").length ) { fixture = fixture.parent(); } fixture = fixture.add( fixture.nextAll() ); } }); function requireFixture( fnTest ) { return function() { if ( !fixtureReplaced ) { // Make sure that we retrieved a fixture for the subproject if ( !fixture.length ) { ok( false, "Found subproject fixture" ); return; } // Replace the current fixture, including content outside of #qunit-fixture var oldFixture = jQuery("#qunit-fixture"); while ( oldFixture.length && !oldFixture.prevAll("[id^='qunit-']").length ) { oldFixture = oldFixture.parent(); } oldFixture.nextAll().remove(); oldFixture.replaceWith( fixture ); // WARNING: UNDOCUMENTED INTERFACE QUnit.config.fixture = fixtureHTML; QUnit.reset(); if ( jQuery("#qunit-fixture").html() !== fixtureHTML ) { ok( false, "Copied subproject fixture" ); return; } fixtureReplaced = true; } fnTest.apply( this, arguments ); }; } } /** * QUnit hooks */ (function() { // jQuery-specific QUnit.reset var reset = QUnit.reset, ajaxSettings = jQuery.ajaxSettings; QUnit.reset = function() { // Ensure jQuery events and data on the fixture are properly removed jQuery("#qunit-fixture").empty(); // Reset internal jQuery state jQuery.event.global = {}; jQuery.ajaxSettings = jQuery.extend( {}, ajaxSettings ); // Let QUnit reset the fixture reset.apply( this, arguments ); }; })(); /** * QUnit configuration */ // Max time for stop() and asyncTest() until it aborts test // and start()'s the next test. QUnit.config.testTimeout = 20 * 1000; // 20 seconds // Enforce an "expect" argument or expect() call in all test bodies. QUnit.config.requireExpects = true; /** * Load the TestSwarm listener if swarmURL is in the address. */ (function() { var url = window.location.search; url = decodeURIComponent( url.slice( url.indexOf("swarmURL=") + "swarmURL=".length ) ); if ( !url || url.indexOf("http") !== 0 ) { return; } document.write(""); })();