import { $ } from "jquery"; import { $ as $slim } from "jquery/slim"; import { jQueryFactory } from "jquery/factory"; import { jQueryFactory as jQueryFactorySlim } from "jquery/factory-slim"; console.assert( /^jQuery/.test( $.expando ), "jQuery.expando should be detected on full jQuery" ); console.assert( /^jQuery/.test( $slim.expando ), "jQuery.expando should be detected on slim jQuery" ); console.assert( !( "expando" in jQueryFactory ), "jQuery.expando should not be attached to the full factory" ); const $fromFactory = jQueryFactory( window ); console.assert( /^jQuery/.test( $fromFactory.expando ), "jQuery.expando should be detected on full jQuery from factory" ); console.assert( !( "expando" in jQueryFactorySlim ), "jQuery.expando should not be attached to the slim factory" ); const $fromFactorySlim = jQueryFactorySlim( window ); console.assert( /^jQuery/.test( $fromFactorySlim.expando ), "jQuery.expando should be detected on slim jQuery from factory" );