module("support", { teardown: moduleTeardown }); test("boxModel", function() { expect( 1 ); equal(, document.compatMode === "CSS1Compat" , " is sort of tied to quirks mode but unstable since 1.8" ); }); if ( jQuery.css ) { testIframeWithCallback( "body background is not lost if set prior to loading jQuery (#9238)", "support/bodyBackground.html", function( color, support ) { expect( 2 ); var i, passed = true, okValue = { "#000000": true, "rgb(0, 0, 0)": true }; ok( okValue[ color ], "color was not reset (" + color + ")" ); for ( i in ) { if ([ i ] !== support[ i ] ) { passed = false; strictEqual([ i ], support[ i ], "Support property " + i + " is different" ); } } for ( i in support ) { if ( !( i in ) ) { passed = false; strictEqual([ i ], support[ i ], "Unexpected property: " + i ); } } ok( passed, "Same support properties" ); }); } testIframeWithCallback( "A background on the testElement does not cause IE8 to crash (#9823)", "support/testElementCrash.html", function() { expect(1); ok( true, "IE8 does not crash" ); }); testIframeWithCallback( "box-sizing does not affect", "support/shrinkWrapBlocks.html", function( shrinkWrapBlocks ) { expect( 1 ); strictEqual( shrinkWrapBlocks,, " properties are the same" ); }); (function() { var userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent, expected; // These tests do not have to stay // They are here to help with upcoming support changes for 1.8 if ( /chrome\/19\.0/i.test(userAgent) ) { expected = { "leadingWhitespace":true, "tbody":true, "htmlSerialize":true, "style":true, "hrefNormalized":true, "opacity":true, "cssFloat":true, "checkOn":true, "optSelected":true, "getSetAttribute":true, "enctype":true, "html5Clone":true, "submitBubbles":true, "changeBubbles":true, "focusinBubbles":false, "deleteExpando":true, "noCloneEvent":true, "inlineBlockNeedsLayout":false, "shrinkWrapBlocks":false, "reliableMarginRight":true, "noCloneChecked":true, "optDisabled":true, "radioValue":true, "checkClone":true, "appendChecked":true, "boxModel":true, "reliableHiddenOffsets":true, "ajax":true, "cors":true, "doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset":true }; } else if ( /msie 8\.0/i.test(userAgent) ) { expected = { "leadingWhitespace":false, "tbody":true, "htmlSerialize":false, "style":false, "hrefNormalized":true, "opacity":false, "cssFloat":false, "checkOn":true, "optSelected":false, "getSetAttribute":true, "enctype":true, "html5Clone":false, "submitBubbles":false, "changeBubbles":false, "focusinBubbles":true, "deleteExpando":false, "noCloneEvent":false, "inlineBlockNeedsLayout":false, "shrinkWrapBlocks":false, "reliableMarginRight":true, "noCloneChecked":false, "optDisabled":true, "radioValue":false, "checkClone":true, "appendChecked":true, "boxModel":true, "reliableHiddenOffsets":false, "ajax":true, "cors":false, "doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset":true }; } else if ( /msie 7\.0/i.test(userAgent) ) { expected = { "ajax": true, "appendChecked": false, "boxModel": true, "changeBubbles": false, "checkClone": false, "checkOn": true, "cors": false, "cssFloat": false, "deleteExpando": false, "doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset": true, "enctype": true, "focusinBubbles": true, "getSetAttribute": false, "hrefNormalized": false, "html5Clone": false, "htmlSerialize": false, "inlineBlockNeedsLayout": true, "leadingWhitespace": false, "noCloneChecked": false, "noCloneEvent": false, "opacity": false, "optDisabled": true, "optSelected": false, "radioValue": false, "reliableHiddenOffsets": false, "reliableMarginRight": true, "shrinkWrapBlocks": false, "submitBubbles": false, "tbody": false, "style": false }; } else if ( /msie 6\.0/i.test(userAgent) ) { expected = { "leadingWhitespace":false, "tbody":false, "htmlSerialize":false, "style":false, "hrefNormalized":false, "opacity":false, "cssFloat":false, "checkOn":true, "optSelected":false, "getSetAttribute":false, "enctype":true, "html5Clone":false, "submitBubbles":false, "changeBubbles":false, "focusinBubbles":true, "deleteExpando":false, "noCloneEvent":false, "inlineBlockNeedsLayout":true, "shrinkWrapBlocks":true, "reliableMarginRight":true, "noCloneChecked":false, "optDisabled":true, "radioValue":false, "checkClone":false, "appendChecked":false, "boxModel":true, "reliableHiddenOffsets":false, "ajax":true, "cors":false, "doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset":true }; } else if ( /5\.1\.1 safari/i.test(userAgent) ) { expected = { "leadingWhitespace":true, "tbody":true, "htmlSerialize":true, "style":true, "hrefNormalized":true, "opacity":true, "cssFloat":true, "checkOn":false, "optSelected":true, "getSetAttribute":true, "enctype":true, "html5Clone":true, "submitBubbles":true, "changeBubbles":true, "focusinBubbles":false, "deleteExpando":true, "noCloneEvent":true, "inlineBlockNeedsLayout":false, "shrinkWrapBlocks":false, "reliableMarginRight":true, "noCloneChecked":true, "optDisabled":true, "radioValue":true, "checkClone":false, "appendChecked":false, "boxModel":true, "reliableHiddenOffsets":true, "ajax":true, "cors":true, "doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset":true }; } else if ( /firefox\/3\.6/i.test(userAgent) ) { expected = { "leadingWhitespace":true, "tbody":true, "htmlSerialize":true, "style":true, "hrefNormalized":true, "opacity":true, "cssFloat":true, "checkOn":true, "optSelected":true, "getSetAttribute":true, "enctype":false, "html5Clone":true, "submitBubbles":true, "changeBubbles":true, "focusinBubbles":false, "deleteExpando":true, "noCloneEvent":true, "inlineBlockNeedsLayout":false, "shrinkWrapBlocks":false, "reliableMarginRight":true, "noCloneChecked":true, "optDisabled":true, "radioValue":true, "checkClone":true, "appendChecked":true, "boxModel":true, "reliableHiddenOffsets":true, "ajax":true, "cors":true, "doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset":true }; } if ( expected ) { test("Verify that the support tests resolve as expected per browser", function() { expect( 30 ); for ( var i in expected ) { if ( jQuery.ajax || i !== "ajax" && i !== "cors" ) { equal([i], expected[i], "['" + i + "']: " +[i] + ", expected['" + i + "']: " + expected[i]); } } }); } })();