QUnit.module( "selector", {
beforeEach: function() {
// Playwright WebKit on macOS doesn't expose `Safari` in its user agent
// string; use the "AppleWebKit" token. This token is also present
// in the Chromium UA, but it is locked to an older version there.
// Modern WebKit (Safari 13+) locks it to `605.1.15`.
// Since the `3.x` branch is also tested on older WebKit UAs, we
// need the `Safari` check as well. Chrome also includes the `Safari`
// token, though, so we need to explicitly exclude it.
this.safari = /\bapplewebkit\/605\.1\.15\b/i.test( navigator.userAgent ) || (
/\bsafari\b/i.test( navigator.userAgent ) &&
!/\b(?:headless)?chrome\b/i.test( navigator.userAgent )
afterEach: moduleTeardown
} );
QUnit.test( "empty", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 5 );
var form;
assert.strictEqual( jQuery.find( "" ).length, 0,
"Empty selector returns an empty array" );
assert.deepEqual( jQuery.find( "div", document.createTextNode( "" ) ), [],
"Text element as context fails silently" );
form = document.getElementById( "form" );
assert.ok( !jQuery( form ).is( "" ), "Empty string passed to .is() does not match" );
if ( QUnit.jQuerySelectors ) {
assert.equal( jQuery.find( " " ).length, 0, "Empty selector returns an empty array" );
assert.equal( jQuery.find( "\t" ).length, 0, "Empty selector returns an empty array" );
} else {
assert.ok( "skip", "whitespace-only selector not supported in selector-native" );
assert.ok( "skip", "whitespace-only selector not supported in selector-native" );
} );
QUnit.test( "star", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 2 );
var good, i,
all = jQuery.find( "*" );
assert.ok( all.length >= 30, "Select all" );
good = true;
for ( i = 0; i < all.length; i++ ) {
if ( all[ i ].nodeType === 8 ) {
good = false;
assert.ok( good, "Select all elements, no comment nodes" );
} );
QUnit.test( "element", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 37 );
var i, lengthtest, siblingTest, html,
fixture = document.getElementById( "qunit-fixture" );
assert.deepEqual( jQuery( "p", fixture ).get(), q( "firstp", "ap", "sndp", "en", "sap", "first" ), "Finding elements with a Node context." );
assert.deepEqual( jQuery( "p", "#qunit-fixture" ).get(), q( "firstp", "ap", "sndp", "en", "sap", "first" ), "Finding elements with a selector context." );
assert.deepEqual( jQuery( "p", jQuery( "#qunit-fixture" ) ).get(), q( "firstp", "ap", "sndp", "en", "sap", "first" ), "Finding elements with a jQuery object context." );
assert.deepEqual( jQuery( "#qunit-fixture" ).find( "p" ).get(), q( "firstp", "ap", "sndp", "en", "sap", "first" ), "Finding elements with a context via .find()." );
assert.ok( jQuery( "#length" ).length, " cannot be found under IE, see trac-945" );
assert.ok( jQuery( "#lengthtest input" ).length, " cannot be found under IE, see trac-945" );
// trac-7533
assert.equal( jQuery( "
" ).find( "p" ).length, 1, "Find where context root is a node and has an ID with CSS3 meta characters" );
assert.equal( jQuery.find( "" ).length, 0, "Empty selector returns an empty array" );
assert.deepEqual( jQuery.find( "div", document.createTextNode( "" ) ), [],
"Text element as context fails silently" );
assert.t( "Element Selector", "html", [ "html" ] );
assert.t( "Element Selector", "body", [ "body" ] );
assert.t( "Element Selector", "#qunit-fixture p", [ "firstp", "ap", "sndp", "en", "sap", "first" ] );
assert.t( "Leading space", " #qunit-fixture p", [ "firstp", "ap", "sndp", "en", "sap", "first" ] );
assert.t( "Leading tab", "\t#qunit-fixture p", [ "firstp", "ap", "sndp", "en", "sap", "first" ] );
assert.t( "Leading carriage return", "\r#qunit-fixture p", [ "firstp", "ap", "sndp", "en", "sap", "first" ] );
assert.t( "Leading line feed", "\n#qunit-fixture p", [ "firstp", "ap", "sndp", "en", "sap", "first" ] );
assert.t( "Leading form feed", "\f#qunit-fixture p", [ "firstp", "ap", "sndp", "en", "sap", "first" ] );
assert.t( "Trailing space", "#qunit-fixture p ", [ "firstp", "ap", "sndp", "en", "sap", "first" ] );
assert.t( "Trailing tab", "#qunit-fixture p\t", [ "firstp", "ap", "sndp", "en", "sap", "first" ] );
assert.t( "Trailing carriage return", "#qunit-fixture p\r",
[ "firstp", "ap", "sndp", "en", "sap", "first" ] );
assert.t( "Trailing line feed", "#qunit-fixture p\n", [ "firstp", "ap", "sndp", "en", "sap", "first" ] );
assert.t( "Trailing form feed", "#qunit-fixture p\f", [ "firstp", "ap", "sndp", "en", "sap", "first" ] );
jQuery( jQuery.find( "div ol" ) ).filter( "#qunit-fixture *" ).get(),
q( "empty", "listWithTabIndex" ),
"Parent Element"
jQuery( jQuery.find( "div\tol" ) ).filter( "#qunit-fixture *" ).get(),
q( "empty", "listWithTabIndex" ),
"Parent Element (non-space descendant combinator)"
// Check for unique-ness and sort order
assert.deepEqual( jQuery.find( "p, div p" ), jQuery.find( "p" ), "Check for duplicates: p, div p" );
jQuery( "" ).prependTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
assert.t( "Checking sort order", "#qunit-fixture h2, #qunit-fixture h1", [ "h1", "h2", "h2-2" ] );
if ( QUnit.jQuerySelectorsPos ) {
assert.t( "Checking sort order", "#qunit-fixture h2:first, #qunit-fixture h1:first", [ "h1", "h2" ] );
} else {
assert.ok( "skip", "Positional selectors are not supported" );
assert.t( "Checking sort order", "#qunit-fixture p, #qunit-fixture p a",
[ "firstp", "simon1", "ap", "google", "groups", "anchor1", "mark", "sndp", "en", "yahoo",
"sap", "anchor2", "simon", "first" ] );
// Test Conflict ID
lengthtest = document.getElementById( "lengthtest" );
assert.deepEqual( jQuery.find( "#idTest", lengthtest ), q( "idTest" ),
"Finding element with id of ID." );
assert.deepEqual( jQuery.find( "[name='id']", lengthtest ), q( "idTest" ),
"Finding element with id of ID." );
assert.deepEqual( jQuery.find( "input[id='idTest']", lengthtest ), q( "idTest" ),
"Finding elements with id of ID." );
if ( QUnit.jQuerySelectors ) {
siblingTest = document.getElementById( "siblingTest" );
assert.deepEqual( jQuery.find( "div em", siblingTest ), [],
"Element-rooted QSA does not select based on document context" );
assert.deepEqual( jQuery.find( "div em, div em, div em:not(div em)", siblingTest ), [],
"Element-rooted QSA does not select based on document context" );
assert.deepEqual( jQuery.find( "div em, em\\,", siblingTest ), [],
"Escaped commas do not get treated with an id in element-rooted QSA" );
} else {
assert.ok( "skip", "Element-rooted QSA behavior different in selector-native" );
assert.ok( "skip", "Element-rooted QSA behavior different in selector-native" );
assert.ok( "skip", "Element-rooted QSA behavior different in selector-native" );
html = "";
for ( i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) {
html = "
" + html + "
html = jQuery( html ).appendTo( document.body );
assert.ok( !!jQuery.find( "body div div div" ).length,
"No stack or performance problems with large amounts of descendants" );
assert.ok( !!jQuery.find( "body>div div div" ).length,
"No stack or performance problems with large amounts of descendants" );
// Real use case would be using .watch in browsers with window.watch (see Issue #157)
q( "qunit-fixture" )[ 0 ].appendChild( document.createElement( "toString" ) ).id = "toString";
assert.t( "Element name matches Object.prototype property", "toString#toString", [ "toString" ] );
} );
QUnit.test( "XML Document Selectors", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 11 );
var xml = createWithFriesXML();
assert.equal( jQuery.find( "foo_bar", xml ).length, 1, "Element Selector with underscore" );
assert.equal( jQuery.find( ".component", xml ).length, 1, "Class selector" );
assert.equal( jQuery.find( "[class*=component]", xml ).length, 1, "Attribute selector for class" );
assert.equal( jQuery.find( "property[name=prop2]", xml ).length, 1, "Attribute selector with name" );
assert.equal( jQuery.find( "[name=prop2]", xml ).length, 1, "Attribute selector with name" );
assert.equal( jQuery.find( "#seite1", xml ).length, 1, "Attribute selector with ID" );
assert.equal( jQuery.find( "component#seite1", xml ).length, 1, "Attribute selector with ID" );
assert.equal( jQuery( "component", xml ).filter( "#seite1" ).length, 1,
"Attribute selector filter with ID" );
assert.equal( jQuery.find( "meta property thing", xml ).length, 2,
"Descendent selector and dir caching" );
if ( QUnit.jQuerySelectors ) {
assert.ok( jQuery( xml.lastChild ).is( "soap\\:Envelope" ), "Check for namespaced element" );
xml = jQuery.parseXML( "" );
assert.equal( jQuery.find( "elem:not(:has(*))", xml ).length, 1,
"Non-qSA path correctly handles numeric ids (jQuery #14142)" );
} else {
assert.ok( "skip", "namespaced elements not matching correctly in selector-native" );
assert.ok( "skip", ":not(complex selector) not supported in selector-native" );
} );
QUnit.test( "broken selectors throw", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( document.documentMode === 9 ? 32 : 33 );
function broken( name, selector ) {
assert.throws( function() {
jQuery( selector );
}, name + ": " + selector );
broken( "Broken Selector", "[" );
broken( "Broken Selector", "(" );
broken( "Broken Selector", "{" );
broken( "Broken Selector", "<" );
broken( "Broken Selector", "()" );
broken( "Broken Selector", "<>" );
broken( "Broken Selector", "{}" );
broken( "Broken Selector", "," );
broken( "Broken Selector", ",a" );
broken( "Broken Selector", "a," );
broken( "Post-comma invalid selector", "*,:x" );
broken( "Identifier with bad escape", "foo\\\fbaz" );
broken( "Broken Selector", "[id=012345678901234567890123456789" );
broken( "Doesn't exist", ":visble" );
broken( "Nth-child", ":nth-child" );
// Support: IE 9 only
// IE 9 thinks this is a real selector.
// It's not super critical that we fix this case.
if ( document.documentMode !== 9 ) {
broken( "Nth-child", ":nth-child(-)" );
broken( "Nth-child", ":nth-child(asdf)", [] );
broken( "Nth-child", ":nth-child(2n+-0)" );
broken( "Nth-child", ":nth-child(2+0)" );
broken( "Nth-child", ":nth-child(- 1n)" );
broken( "Nth-child", ":nth-child(-1 n)" );
broken( "First-child", ":first-child(n)" );
broken( "Last-child", ":last-child(n)" );
broken( "Only-child", ":only-child(n)" );
broken( "Nth-last-last-child", ":nth-last-last-child(1)" );
broken( "First-last-child", ":first-last-child" );
broken( "Last-last-child", ":last-last-child" );
broken( "Only-last-child", ":only-last-child" );
// Make sure attribute value quoting works correctly. See: trac-6093
jQuery( "" +
"" )
.appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
broken( "Attribute equals non-value", "input[name=]" );
broken( "Attribute equals unquoted non-identifier", "input[name=foo.baz]" );
broken( "Attribute equals unquoted non-identifier", "input[name=foo[baz]]" );
broken( "Attribute equals bad string", "input[name=''double-quoted'']" );
broken( "Attribute equals bad string", "input[name='apostrophe'd']" );
} );
QUnit.test( "id", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 35 );
var fiddle, a, lengthtest;
assert.t( "ID Selector", "#body", [ "body" ] );
assert.t( "ID Selector w/ Element", "body#body", [ "body" ] );
assert.t( "ID Selector w/ Element", "ul#first", [] );
assert.t( "ID selector with existing ID descendant", "#firstp #simon1", [ "simon1" ] );
assert.t( "ID selector with non-existent descendant", "#firstp #foobar", [] );
assert.t( "ID selector using UTF8", "#台北Táiběi", [ "台北Táiběi" ] );
assert.t( "Multiple ID selectors using UTF8", "#台北Táiběi, #台北", [ "台北Táiběi", "台北" ] );
assert.t( "Descendant ID selector using UTF8", "div #台北", [ "台北" ] );
assert.t( "Child ID selector using UTF8", "form > #台北", [ "台北" ] );
assert.t( "Escaped ID", "#foo\\:bar", [ "foo:bar" ] );
if ( QUnit.jQuerySelectors ) {
assert.t( "Escaped ID with descendant", "#foo\\:bar span:not(:input)", [ "foo_descendant" ] );
} else {
assert.ok( "skip", ":input not supported in selector-native" );
assert.t( "Escaped ID", "#test\\.foo\\[5\\]bar", [ "test.foo[5]bar" ] );
assert.t( "Descendant escaped ID", "div #foo\\:bar", [ "foo:bar" ] );
assert.t( "Descendant escaped ID", "div #test\\.foo\\[5\\]bar", [ "test.foo[5]bar" ] );
assert.t( "Child escaped ID", "form > #foo\\:bar", [ "foo:bar" ] );
assert.t( "Child escaped ID", "form > #test\\.foo\\[5\\]bar", [ "test.foo[5]bar" ] );
fiddle = jQuery( "
" )
.appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
if ( QUnit.jQuerySelectors ) {
assert.deepEqual( jQuery.find( "> span", jQuery( "#fiddle\\\\Foo" )[ 0 ] ),
q( [ "fiddleSpan" ] ), "Escaped ID as context" );
} else {
assert.ok( "skip", "leading > not supported in selector-native" );
assert.t( "ID Selector, child ID present", "#form > #radio1", [ "radio1" ] ); // bug trac-267
assert.t( "ID Selector, not an ancestor ID", "#form #first", [] );
assert.t( "ID Selector, not a child ID", "#form > #option1a", [] );
assert.t( "All Children of ID", "#foo > *", [ "sndp", "en", "sap" ] );
assert.t( "All Children of ID with no children", "#firstUL > *", [] );
assert.equal( jQuery( "#tName1" )[ 0 ].id, "tName1",
"ID selector with same value for a name attribute" );
assert.t( "ID selector non-existing but name attribute on an A tag", "#tName2", [] );
assert.t( "Leading ID selector non-existing but name attribute on an A tag", "#tName2 span", [] );
assert.t( "Leading ID selector existing, retrieving the child", "#tName1 span", [ "tName1-span" ] );
assert.equal( jQuery( "div > div #tName1" )[ 0 ].id, jQuery( "#tName1-span" )[ 0 ].parentNode.id,
"Ending with ID" );
a = jQuery( "" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
assert.t( "ID Selector contains backslash", "#backslash\\\\foo", [ "backslash\\foo" ] );
assert.t( "ID Selector on Form with an input that has a name of 'id'", "#lengthtest", [ "lengthtest" ] );
// Run the above test again but with `jQuery.find` directly to avoid the jQuery
// quick path that avoids running the selector engine.
lengthtest = jQuery.find( "#lengthtest" );
lengthtest && lengthtest[ 0 ],
document.getElementById( "lengthtest" ),
"ID Selector on Form with an input that has a name of 'id' - no quick path (#lengthtest)"
assert.t( "ID selector with non-existent ancestor", "#asdfasdf #foobar", [] ); // bug trac-986
assert.deepEqual( jQuery.find( "div#form", document.body ), [],
"ID selector within the context of another element" );
assert.t( "Underscore ID", "#types_all", [ "types_all" ] );
assert.t( "Dash ID", "#qunit-fixture", [ "qunit-fixture" ] );
assert.t( "ID with weird characters in it", "#name\\+value", [ "name+value" ] );
} );
QUnit.test( "class", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 32 );
assert.deepEqual( jQuery( ".blog", document.getElementsByTagName( "p" ) ).get(),
q( "mark", "simon" ), "Finding elements with a context." );
assert.deepEqual( jQuery( ".blog", "p" ).get(),
q( "mark", "simon" ), "Finding elements with a context." );
assert.deepEqual( jQuery( ".blog", jQuery( "p" ) ).get(),
q( "mark", "simon" ), "Finding elements with a context." );
assert.deepEqual( jQuery( "p" ).find( ".blog" ).get(),
q( "mark", "simon" ), "Finding elements with a context." );
assert.t( "Class Selector", ".blog", [ "mark", "simon" ] );
assert.t( "Class Selector", ".GROUPS", [ "groups" ] );
assert.t( "Class Selector", ".blog.link", [ "simon" ] );
assert.t( "Class Selector w/ Element", "a.blog", [ "mark", "simon" ] );
assert.t( "Parent Class Selector", "p .blog", [ "mark", "simon" ] );
assert.t( "Class selector using UTF8", ".台北Táiběi", [ "utf8class1" ] );
assert.t( "Class selector using UTF8", ".台北", [ "utf8class1", "utf8class2" ] );
assert.t( "Class selector using UTF8", ".台北Táiběi.台北", [ "utf8class1" ] );
assert.t( "Class selector using UTF8", ".台北Táiběi, .台北", [ "utf8class1", "utf8class2" ] );
assert.t( "Descendant class selector using UTF8", "div .台北Táiběi", [ "utf8class1" ] );
assert.t( "Child class selector using UTF8", "form > .台北Táiběi", [ "utf8class1" ] );
assert.t( "Escaped Class", ".foo\\:bar", [ "foo:bar" ] );
assert.t( "Escaped Class", ".test\\.foo\\[5\\]bar", [ "test.foo[5]bar" ] );
assert.t( "Descendant escaped Class", "div .foo\\:bar", [ "foo:bar" ] );
assert.t( "Descendant escaped Class", "div .test\\.foo\\[5\\]bar", [ "test.foo[5]bar" ] );
assert.t( "Child escaped Class", "form > .foo\\:bar", [ "foo:bar" ] );
assert.t( "Child escaped Class", "form > .test\\.foo\\[5\\]bar", [ "test.foo[5]bar" ] );
var div = document.createElement( "div" );
div.innerHTML = "";
assert.deepEqual( jQuery.find( ".e", div ), [ div.firstChild ], "Finding a second class." );
div.lastChild.className = "e";
assert.ok( !jQuery( div ).is( ".null" ),
".null does not match an element with no class" );
assert.ok( !jQuery( div.firstChild ).is( ".null div" ),
".null does not match an element with no class" );
div.className = "null";
assert.ok( jQuery( div ).is( ".null" ), ".null matches element with class 'null'" );
assert.ok( jQuery( div.firstChild ).is( ".null div" ),
"caching system respects DOM changes" );
assert.ok( !jQuery( document ).is( ".foo" ),
"testing class on document doesn't error" );
assert.ok( !jQuery( window ).is( ".foo" ), "testing class on window doesn't error" );
assert.deepEqual( jQuery.find( ".e", div ), [ div.firstChild, div.lastChild ],
"Finding a modified class." );
div.lastChild.className += " hasOwnProperty toString";
assert.deepEqual( jQuery.find( ".e.hasOwnProperty.toString", div ), [ div.lastChild ],
"Classes match Object.prototype properties" );
div = jQuery( "" )[ 0 ];
assert.equal( jQuery.find( ".foo", div ).length, 1, "Class selector against SVG container" );
assert.equal( jQuery.find( ".foo", div.firstChild ).length, 1,
"Class selector directly against SVG" );
} );
QUnit.test( "name", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 14 );
var form;
assert.t( "Name selector", "input[name=action]", [ "text1" ] );
assert.t( "Name selector with single quotes", "input[name='action']", [ "text1" ] );
assert.t( "Name selector with double quotes", "input[name=\"action\"]", [ "text1" ] );
assert.t( "Name selector non-input", "[name=example]", [ "name-is-example" ] );
assert.t( "Name selector non-input", "[name=div]", [ "name-is-div" ] );
assert.t( "Name selector non-input", "*[name=iframe]", [ "iframe" ] );
assert.t( "Name selector for grouped input", "input[name='types[]']", [ "types_all", "types_anime", "types_movie" ] );
form = document.getElementById( "form" );
assert.deepEqual( jQuery.find( "input[name=action]", form ), q( "text1" ),
"Name selector within the context of another element" );
assert.deepEqual( jQuery.find( "input[name='foo[bar]']", form ), q( "hidden2" ),
"Name selector for grouped form element within the context of another element" );
form = jQuery( "" ).appendTo( "body" );
assert.equal( jQuery.find( "input", form[ 0 ] ).length, 1,
"Make sure that rooted queries on forms (with possible expandos) work." );
assert.t( "Find elements that have similar IDs", "[name=tName1]", [ "tName1ID" ] );
assert.t( "Find elements that have similar IDs", "[name=tName2]", [ "tName2ID" ] );
assert.t( "Find elements that have similar IDs", "#tName2ID", [ "tName2ID" ] );
assert.t( "Case-sensitivity", "[name=tname1]", [] );
} );
QUnit.test( "comma-separated", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 10 );
var fixture = jQuery( "
" );
assert.equal( fixture.find( "h2, div p" ).filter( "p" ).length, 2, "has to find two
" );
assert.equal( fixture.find( "h2, div p" ).filter( "h2" ).length, 1, "has to find one
" );
assert.equal( fixture.find( "h2 , div p" ).filter( "p" ).length, 2, "has to find two
" );
assert.equal( fixture.find( "h2 , div p" ).filter( "h2" ).length, 1, "has to find one
" );
assert.equal( fixture.find( "h2 ,div p" ).filter( "p" ).length, 2, "has to find two
" );
assert.equal( fixture.find( "h2 ,div p" ).filter( "h2" ).length, 1, "has to find one
" );
assert.equal( fixture.find( "h2,div p" ).filter( "p" ).length, 2, "has to find two
" );
assert.equal( fixture.find( "h2,div p" ).filter( "h2" ).length, 1, "has to find one
" );
assert.equal( fixture.find( "h2\t,\rdiv p" ).filter( "p" ).length, 2, "has to find two
" );
assert.equal( fixture.find( "h2\t,\rdiv p" ).filter( "h2" ).length, 1, "has to find one
" );
} );
// Support: IE 9 only
// IE 9 doesn't support the `:valid` pseudo natively; skip the test there.
/msie 9\.0/i.test( window.navigator.userAgent ) ? "skip" : "test"
]( "comma-separated, only supported natively (gh-5177)", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 5 );
var fixture = jQuery( "
" );
fixture.appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
assert.equal( fixture.find( "input:valid, span" ).length, 2, "has to find two elements" );
assert.equal( fixture.find( "input:valid , span" ).length, 2, "has to find two elements" );
assert.equal( fixture.find( "input:valid ,span" ).length, 2, "has to find two elements" );
assert.equal( fixture.find( "input:valid,span" ).length, 2, "has to find two elements" );
assert.equal( fixture.find( "input:valid\t,\rspan" ).length, 2, "has to find two elements" );
} );
QUnit.test( "child and adjacent", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 43 );
var siblingFirst, en, nothiddendiv;
assert.t( "Child", "p > a", [ "simon1", "google", "groups", "mark", "yahoo", "simon" ] );
assert.t( "Child minus leading whitespace", "p> a", [ "simon1", "google", "groups", "mark", "yahoo", "simon" ] );
assert.t( "Child minus trailing whitespace", "p >a", [ "simon1", "google", "groups", "mark", "yahoo", "simon" ] );
assert.t( "Child minus whitespace", "p>a", [ "simon1", "google", "groups", "mark", "yahoo", "simon" ] );
assert.t( "Child w/ Class", "p > a.blog", [ "mark", "simon" ] );
assert.t( "All Children", "code > *", [ "anchor1", "anchor2" ] );
assert.selectInFixture( "All Grandchildren", "p > * > *", [ "anchor1", "anchor2" ] );
assert.t( "Rooted tag adjacent", "#qunit-fixture a + a", [ "groups", "tName2ID" ] );
assert.t( "Rooted tag adjacent minus whitespace", "#qunit-fixture a+a", [ "groups", "tName2ID" ] );
assert.t( "Rooted tag adjacent minus leading whitespace", "#qunit-fixture a +a",
[ "groups", "tName2ID" ] );
assert.t( "Rooted tag adjacent minus trailing whitespace", "#qunit-fixture a+ a",
[ "groups", "tName2ID" ] );
assert.t( "Tag adjacent", "p + p", [ "ap", "en", "sap" ] );
assert.t( "#id adjacent", "#firstp + p", [ "ap" ] );
assert.t( "Tag#id adjacent", "p#firstp + p", [ "ap" ] );
assert.t( "Tag[attr] adjacent", "p[lang=en] + p", [ "sap" ] );
assert.t( "Tag.class adjacent", "a.GROUPS + code + a", [ "mark" ] );
assert.t( "Comma, Child, and Adjacent", "#qunit-fixture a + a, code > a",
[ "groups", "anchor1", "anchor2", "tName2ID" ] );
assert.t( "Element Preceded By", "#qunit-fixture p ~ div",
[ "foo", "nothiddendiv", "moretests", "tabindex-tests", "liveHandlerOrder", "siblingTest", "fx-test-group" ] );
assert.t( "Element Preceded By", "#first ~ div",
[ "moretests", "tabindex-tests", "liveHandlerOrder", "siblingTest", "fx-test-group" ] );
assert.t( "Element Preceded By", "#groups ~ a", [ "mark" ] );
assert.t( "Element Preceded By", "#length ~ input", [ "idTest" ] );
assert.t( "Element Preceded By", "#siblingfirst ~ em", [ "siblingnext", "siblingthird" ] );
assert.t( "Element Preceded By (multiple)", "#siblingTest em ~ em ~ em ~ span", [ "siblingspan" ] );
siblingFirst = document.getElementById( "siblingfirst" );
if ( QUnit.jQuerySelectors ) {
assert.deepEqual( jQuery.find( "+ em", siblingFirst ), q( "siblingnext" ),
"Element Directly Preceded By with a context." );
assert.deepEqual( jQuery.find( "~ em", siblingFirst ), q( "siblingnext", "siblingthird" ),
"Element Preceded By with a context." );
} else {
assert.ok( "skip", "leading + not supported in selector-native" );
assert.ok( "skip", "leading ~ not supported in selector-native" );
if ( QUnit.jQuerySelectorsPos ) {
assert.deepEqual( jQuery.find( "~ em:first", siblingFirst ), q( "siblingnext" ),
"Element Preceded By positional with a context." );
} else {
assert.ok( "skip", "Positional selectors are not supported" );
if ( QUnit.jQuerySelectors ) {
en = document.getElementById( "en" );
assert.deepEqual( jQuery.find( "+ p, a", en ), q( "yahoo", "sap" ),
"Compound selector with context, beginning with sibling test." );
assert.deepEqual( jQuery.find( "a, + p", en ), q( "yahoo", "sap" ),
"Compound selector with context, containing sibling test." );
} else {
assert.ok( "skip", "leading + not supported in selector-native" );
assert.ok( "skip", "leading + not supported in selector-native" );
if ( QUnit.jQuerySelectors ) {
assert.t( "Element Preceded By, Containing", "#liveHandlerOrder ~ div em:contains('1')", [ "siblingfirst" ] );
assert.t( "Combinators are not skipped when mixing general and specific", "#siblingTest > em:contains('x') + em ~ span", [] );
} else {
assert.ok( "skip", ":contains not supported in selector-native" );
assert.ok( "skip", ":contains not supported in selector-native" );
if ( QUnit.jQuerySelectorsPos ) {
assert.equal( jQuery( "#listWithTabIndex li:eq(2) ~ li" ).length, 1, "Find by general sibling combinator (trac-8310)" );
nothiddendiv = document.getElementById( "nothiddendiv" );
assert.deepEqual( jQuery.find( "> :first", nothiddendiv ), q( "nothiddendivchild" ),
"Verify child context positional selector" );
assert.deepEqual( jQuery.find( "> :eq(0)", nothiddendiv ), q( "nothiddendivchild" ),
"Verify child context positional selector" );
assert.deepEqual( jQuery.find( "> *:first", nothiddendiv ), q( "nothiddendivchild" ),
"Verify child context positional selector" );
} else {
assert.ok( "skip", "Positional selectors are not supported" );
assert.ok( "skip", "Positional selectors are not supported" );
assert.ok( "skip", "Positional selectors are not supported" );
assert.ok( "skip", "Positional selectors are not supported" );
assert.t( "Multiple combinators selects all levels", "#siblingTest em *", [ "siblingchild", "siblinggrandchild", "siblinggreatgrandchild" ] );
assert.t( "Multiple combinators selects all levels", "#siblingTest > em *", [ "siblingchild", "siblinggrandchild", "siblinggreatgrandchild" ] );
assert.t( "Multiple sibling combinators doesn't miss general siblings", "#siblingTest > em:first-child + em ~ span", [ "siblingspan" ] );
assert.equal( jQuery( "#listWithTabIndex" ).length, 1, "Parent div for next test is found via ID (trac-8310)" );
assert.equal( jQuery( "#__sizzle__" ).length, 0, "Make sure the temporary id assigned by sizzle is cleared out (trac-8310)" );
assert.equal( jQuery( "#listWithTabIndex" ).length, 1, "Parent div for previous test is still found via ID (trac-8310)" );
assert.t( "Verify deep class selector", "div.blah > p > a", [] );
assert.t( "No element deep selector", "div.foo > span > a", [] );
assert.t( "Non-existent ancestors", ".fototab > .thumbnails > a", [] );
} );
QUnit.test( "attributes - existence", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 7 );
assert.t( "On element", "#qunit-fixture a[title]", [ "google" ] );
assert.t( "On element (whitespace ignored)", "#qunit-fixture a[ title ]", [ "google" ] );
assert.t( "On element (case-insensitive)", "#qunit-fixture a[TITLE]", [ "google" ] );
assert.t( "On any element", "#qunit-fixture *[title]", [ "google" ] );
assert.t( "On implicit element", "#qunit-fixture [title]", [ "google" ] );
assert.t( "Boolean", "#select2 option[selected]", [ "option2d" ] );
assert.t( "For attribute on label", "#qunit-fixture form label[for]", [ "label-for" ] );
} );
QUnit.test( "attributes - equals", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 20 );
var withScript;
assert.t( "Identifier", "#qunit-fixture a[rel=bookmark]", [ "simon1" ] );
assert.t( "Identifier with underscore", "input[id=types_all]", [ "types_all" ] );
assert.t( "String", "#qunit-fixture a[rel='bookmark']", [ "simon1" ] );
assert.t( "String (whitespace ignored)", "#qunit-fixture a[ rel = 'bookmark' ]", [ "simon1" ] );
assert.t( "Non-identifier string", "#qunit-fixture a[href='http://www.google.com/']", [ "google" ] );
assert.t( "Empty string", "#select1 option[value='']", [ "option1a" ] );
if ( QUnit.jQuerySelectors ) {
assert.t( "Number",
"#qunit-fixture option[value=1]",
[ "option1b", "option2b", "option3b", "option4b", "option5c" ] );
assert.t( "negative number",
"#qunit-fixture li[tabIndex=-1]", [ "foodWithNegativeTabIndex" ] );
} else {
assert.ok( "skip", "Number value not supported in selector-native" );
assert.ok( "skip", "Negative number value not supported in selector-native" );
assert.t( "Non-ASCII identifier", "span[lang=中文]", [ "台北" ] );
assert.t( "input[type=text]", "#form input[type=text]", [ "text1", "text2", "hidden2", "name" ] );
assert.t( "input[type=search]", "#form input[type=search]", [ "search" ] );
withScript = supportjQuery( "