mirror of
synced 2025-01-10 18:24:24 +00:00
2086 lines
80 KiB
2086 lines
80 KiB
module("manipulation", { teardown: moduleTeardown });
// Ensure that an extended Array prototype doesn't break jQuery
Array.prototype.arrayProtoFn = function(arg) { throw("arrayProtoFn should not be called"); };
var manipulationBareObj = function(value) { return value; };
var manipulationFunctionReturningObj = function(value) { return (function() { return value; }); };
======== local reference =======
manipulationBareObj and manipulationFunctionReturningObj can be used to test passing functions to setters
See testVal below for an example
bareObj( value );
This function returns whatever value is passed in
functionReturningObj( value );
Returns a function that returns the value
test("text()", function() {
var expected = "This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's Weblog";
equal( jQuery("#sap").text(), expected, "Check for merged text of more then one element." );
// Check serialization of text values
equal( jQuery(document.createTextNode("foo")).text(), "foo", "Text node was retreived from .text()." );
notEqual( jQuery(document).text(), "", "Retrieving text for the document retrieves all text (#10724).");
// Retrieve from document fragments #10864
var frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
frag.appendChild( document.createTextNode("foo") );
equal( jQuery( frag ).text(), "foo", "Document Fragment Text node was retreived from .text().");
var $newLineTest = jQuery("<div>test<br/>testy</div>").appendTo("#moretests");
equal( $newLineTest.text(), "test\ntesty", "text() does not remove new lines (#11153)" );
test("text(undefined)", function() {
equal( jQuery("#foo").text("<div").text(undefined)[0].innerHTML, "<div", ".text(undefined) is chainable (#5571)" );
var testText = function(valueObj) {
var val = valueObj("<div><b>Hello</b> cruel world!</div>");
equal( jQuery("#foo").text(val)[0].innerHTML.replace(/>/g, ">"), "<div><b>Hello</b> cruel world!</div>", "Check escaped text" );
// using contents will get comments regular, text, and comment nodes
var j = jQuery("#nonnodes").contents();
equal( jQuery(j[0]).text(), "hi!", "Check node,textnode,comment with text()" );
equal( j[1].nodeValue, " there ", "Check node,textnode,comment with text()" );
// Blackberry 4.6 doesn't maintain comments in the DOM
equal( jQuery("#nonnodes")[0].childNodes.length < 3 ? 8 : j[2].nodeType, 8, "Check node,textnode,comment with text()" );
test("text(String)", function() {
test("text(Function)", function() {
test("text(Function) with incoming value", function() {
var old = "This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's Weblog";
jQuery("#sap").text(function(i, val) {
equal( val, old, "Make sure the incoming value is correct." );
return "foobar";
equal( jQuery("#sap").text(), "foobar", "Check for merged text of more then one element." );
var testWrap = function(val) {
var defaultText = "Try them out:";
var result = jQuery("#first").wrap(val( "<div class='red'><span></span></div>" )).text();
equal( defaultText, result, "Check for wrapping of on-the-fly html" );
ok( jQuery("#first").parent().parent().is(".red"), "Check if wrapper has class 'red'" );
result = jQuery("#first").wrap(val( document.getElementById("empty") )).parent();
ok( result.is("ol"), "Check for element wrapping" );
equal( result.text(), defaultText, "Check for element wrapping" );
jQuery("#check1").click(function() {
var checkbox = this;
ok( checkbox.checked, "Checkbox's state is erased after wrap() action, see #769" );
jQuery(checkbox).wrap(val( "<div id='c1' style='display:none;'></div>" ));
ok( checkbox.checked, "Checkbox's state is erased after wrap() action, see #769" );
// using contents will get comments regular, text, and comment nodes
var j = jQuery("#nonnodes").contents();
j.wrap(val( "<i></i>" ));
// Blackberry 4.6 doesn't maintain comments in the DOM
equal( jQuery("#nonnodes > i").length, jQuery("#nonnodes")[0].childNodes.length, "Check node,textnode,comment wraps ok" );
equal( jQuery("#nonnodes > i").text(), j.text(), "Check node,textnode,comment wraps doesn't hurt text" );
// Try wrapping a disconnected node
var cacheLength = 0;
for (var i in jQuery.cache) {
j = jQuery("<label/>").wrap(val( "<li/>" ));
equal( j[0].nodeName.toUpperCase(), "LABEL", "Element is a label" );
equal( j[0].parentNode.nodeName.toUpperCase(), "LI", "Element has been wrapped" );
for (i in jQuery.cache) {
equal(cacheLength, 0, "No memory leak in jQuery.cache (bug #7165)");
// Wrap an element containing a text node
j = jQuery("<span/>").wrap("<div>test</div>");
equal( j[0].previousSibling.nodeType, 3, "Make sure the previous node is a text element" );
equal( j[0].parentNode.nodeName.toUpperCase(), "DIV", "And that we're in the div element." );
// Try to wrap an element with multiple elements (should fail)
j = jQuery("<div><span></span></div>").children().wrap("<p></p><div></div>");
equal( j[0].parentNode.parentNode.childNodes.length, 1, "There should only be one element wrapping." );
equal( j.length, 1, "There should only be one element (no cloning)." );
equal( j[0].parentNode.nodeName.toUpperCase(), "P", "The span should be in the paragraph." );
// Wrap an element with a jQuery set
j = jQuery("<span/>").wrap(jQuery("<div></div>"));
equal( j[0].parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase(), "div", "Wrapping works." );
// Wrap an element with a jQuery set and event
result = jQuery("<div></div>").click(function(){
ok(true, "Event triggered.");
// Remove handlers on detached elements
j = jQuery("<span/>").wrap(result);
equal( j[0].parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase(), "div", "Wrapping works." );
// clean up attached elements
test("wrap(String|Element)", function() {
test("wrap(Function)", function() {
test("wrap(Function) with index (#10177)", function() {
var expectedIndex = 0,
targets = jQuery("#qunit-fixture p");
targets.wrap(function(i) {
equal( i, expectedIndex, "Check if the provided index (" + i + ") is as expected (" + expectedIndex + ")" );
return "<div id='wrap_index_'" + i + "'></div>";
test("wrap(String) consecutive elements (#10177)", function() {
var targets = jQuery("#qunit-fixture p");
expect(targets.length * 2);
targets.wrap("<div class='wrapper'></div>");
targets.each(function() {
var $this = jQuery(this);
ok( $this.parent().is(".wrapper"), "Check each elements parent is correct (.wrapper)" );
equal( $this.siblings().length, 0, "Each element should be wrapped individually" );
var testWrapAll = function(val) {
var prev = jQuery("#firstp")[0].previousSibling;
var p = jQuery("#firstp,#first")[0].parentNode;
var result = jQuery("#firstp,#first").wrapAll(val( "<div class='red'><div class='tmp'></div></div>" ));
equal( result.parent().length, 1, "Check for wrapping of on-the-fly html" );
ok( jQuery("#first").parent().parent().is(".red"), "Check if wrapper has class 'red'" );
ok( jQuery("#firstp").parent().parent().is(".red"), "Check if wrapper has class 'red'" );
equal( jQuery("#first").parent().parent()[0].previousSibling, prev, "Correct Previous Sibling" );
equal( jQuery("#first").parent().parent()[0].parentNode, p, "Correct Parent" );
prev = jQuery("#firstp")[0].previousSibling;
p = jQuery("#first")[0].parentNode;
result = jQuery("#firstp,#first").wrapAll(val( document.getElementById("empty") ));
equal( jQuery("#first").parent()[0], jQuery("#firstp").parent()[0], "Same Parent" );
equal( jQuery("#first").parent()[0].previousSibling, prev, "Correct Previous Sibling" );
equal( jQuery("#first").parent()[0].parentNode, p, "Correct Parent" );
test("wrapAll(String|Element)", function() {
var testWrapInner = function(val) {
var num = jQuery("#first").children().length;
var result = jQuery("#first").wrapInner(val("<div class='red'><div id='tmp'></div></div>"));
equal( jQuery("#first").children().length, 1, "Only one child" );
ok( jQuery("#first").children().is(".red"), "Verify Right Element" );
equal( jQuery("#first").children().children().children().length, num, "Verify Elements Intact" );
num = jQuery("#first").html("foo<div>test</div><div>test2</div>").children().length;
result = jQuery("#first").wrapInner(val("<div class='red'><div id='tmp'></div></div>"));
equal( jQuery("#first").children().length, 1, "Only one child" );
ok( jQuery("#first").children().is(".red"), "Verify Right Element" );
equal( jQuery("#first").children().children().children().length, num, "Verify Elements Intact" );
num = jQuery("#first").children().length;
result = jQuery("#first").wrapInner(val(document.getElementById("empty")));
equal( jQuery("#first").children().length, 1, "Only one child" );
ok( jQuery("#first").children().is("#empty"), "Verify Right Element" );
equal( jQuery("#first").children().children().length, num, "Verify Elements Intact" );
var div = jQuery("<div/>");
equal(div.children().length, 1, "The contents were wrapped.");
equal(div.children()[0].nodeName.toLowerCase(), "span", "A span was inserted.");
test("wrapInner(String|Element)", function() {
test("wrapInner(Function)", function() {
test("unwrap()", function() {
jQuery("body").append(" <div id='unwrap' style='display: none;'> <div id='unwrap1'> <span class='unwrap'>a</span> <span class='unwrap'>b</span> </div> <div id='unwrap2'> <span class='unwrap'>c</span> <span class='unwrap'>d</span> </div> <div id='unwrap3'> <b><span class='unwrap unwrap3'>e</span></b> <b><span class='unwrap unwrap3'>f</span></b> </div> </div>");
var abcd = jQuery("#unwrap1 > span, #unwrap2 > span").get(),
abcdef = jQuery("#unwrap span").get();
equal( jQuery("#unwrap1 span").add("#unwrap2 span:first").unwrap().length, 3, "make #unwrap1 and #unwrap2 go away" );
deepEqual( jQuery("#unwrap > span").get(), abcd, "all four spans should still exist" );
deepEqual( jQuery("#unwrap3 span").unwrap().get(), jQuery("#unwrap3 > span").get(), "make all b in #unwrap3 go away" );
deepEqual( jQuery("#unwrap3 span").unwrap().get(), jQuery("#unwrap > span.unwrap3").get(), "make #unwrap3 go away" );
deepEqual( jQuery("#unwrap").children().get(), abcdef, "#unwrap only contains 6 child spans" );
deepEqual( jQuery("#unwrap > span").unwrap().get(), jQuery("body > span.unwrap").get(), "make the 6 spans become children of body" );
deepEqual( jQuery("body > span.unwrap").unwrap().get(), jQuery("body > span.unwrap").get(), "can't unwrap children of body" );
deepEqual( jQuery("body > span.unwrap").unwrap().get(), abcdef, "can't unwrap children of body" );
deepEqual( jQuery("body > span.unwrap").get(), abcdef, "body contains 6 .unwrap child spans" );
jQuery("body > span.unwrap").remove();
var testAppendForObject = function(valueObj, isFragment) {
var $base,
type = isFragment ? " (DocumentFragment)" : " (Element)",
text = "This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's Weblog",
el = document.getElementById("sap").cloneNode( true ),
first = document.getElementById("first"),
yahoo = document.getElementById("yahoo");
if ( isFragment ) {
$base = document.createDocumentFragment();
jQuery( el ).contents().each(function() {
$base.appendChild( this );
$base = jQuery( $base );
} else {
$base = jQuery( el );
equal( $base.clone().append( valueObj( first.cloneNode(true) ) ).text(),
text + "Try them out:",
"Check for appending of element" + type
equal( $base.clone().append( valueObj([ first.cloneNode(true), yahoo.cloneNode(true) ]) ).text(),
text + "Try them out:Yahoo",
"Check for appending of array of elements" + type
equal( $base.clone().append( valueObj( jQuery("#yahoo, #first").clone() ) ).text(),
text + "YahooTry them out:",
"Check for appending of jQuery object" + type
equal( $base.clone().append( valueObj(5) ).text(),
text + "5",
"Check for appending a number" + type
equal( $base.clone().append( valueObj( [ jQuery("#first").clone(), jQuery("#yahoo, #google").clone() ] ) ).text(),
text + "Try them out:GoogleYahoo",
"Check for appending of array of jQuery objects"
equal( $base.clone().append( valueObj(" text with spaces ") ).text(),
text + " text with spaces ",
"Check for appending text with spaces" + type
equal( $base.clone().append( valueObj([]) ).text(),
"Check for appending an empty array" + type
equal( $base.clone().append( valueObj("") ).text(),
"Check for appending an empty string" + type
equal( $base.clone().append( valueObj( document.getElementsByTagName("foo") ) ).text(),
"Check for appending an empty nodelist" + type
equal( $base.clone().append( "<span></span>", "<span></span>", "<span></span>").children().length,
$base.children().length + 3,
"Make sure that multiple arguments works." + type
equal( $base.clone().append( valueObj( document.getElementById("form").cloneNode(true) ) ).children("form").length,
"Check for appending a form (#910)" + type
var testAppend = function(valueObj) {
testAppendForObject(valueObj, false);
testAppendForObject(valueObj, true);
var defaultText = "Try them out:";
var result = jQuery("#first").append(valueObj("<b>buga</b>"));
equal( result.text(), defaultText + "buga", "Check if text appending works" );
equal( jQuery("#select3").append(valueObj("<option value='appendTest'>Append Test</option>")).find("option:last-child").attr("value"), "appendTest", "Appending html options to select element");
jQuery("form").append(valueObj("<input name='radiotest' type='radio' checked='checked' />"));
jQuery("form input[name=radiotest]").each(function(){
ok( jQuery(this).is(":checked"), "Append checked radio");
jQuery("form").append(valueObj("<input name='radiotest2' type='radio' checked = 'checked' />"));
jQuery("form input[name=radiotest2]").each(function(){
ok( jQuery(this).is(":checked"), "Append alternately formated checked radio");
jQuery("form").append(valueObj("<input name='radiotest3' type='radio' checked />"));
jQuery("form input[name=radiotest3]").each(function(){
ok( jQuery(this).is(":checked"), "Append HTML5-formated checked radio");
jQuery("form").append(valueObj("<input type='radio' checked='checked' name='radiotest4' />"));
jQuery("form input[name=radiotest4]").each(function(){
ok( jQuery(this).is(":checked"), "Append with name attribute after checked attribute");
var message = "Test for appending a DOM node to the contents of an iframe",
iframe = jQuery("#iframe")[0],
iframeDoc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow && iframe.contentWindow.document;
try {
if ( iframeDoc && iframeDoc.body ) {
equal( jQuery( iframeDoc.body ).append( valueObj("<div id='success'>test</div>") )[0].lastChild.id, "success", message );
} else {
ok( true, message + " - can't test" );
} catch(e) {
strictEqual( e.message || e, undefined, message );
jQuery("<fieldset/>").appendTo("#form").append( valueObj("<legend id='legend'>test</legend>") );
t( "Append legend", "#legend", ["legend"] );
jQuery("#select1").append( valueObj("<OPTION>Test</OPTION>") );
equal( jQuery("#select1 option:last").text(), "Test", "Appending OPTION (all caps)" );
jQuery("#table").append( valueObj("<colgroup></colgroup>") );
equal( jQuery("#table colgroup").length, 1, "Append colgroup" );
jQuery("#table colgroup").append( valueObj("<col/>") );
equal( jQuery("#table colgroup col").length, 1, "Append col" );
jQuery("#table").append( valueObj("<caption></caption>") );
equal( jQuery("#table caption").length, 1, "Append caption" );
.append( valueObj("<select id='appendSelect1'></select>") )
.append( valueObj("<select id='appendSelect2'><option>Test</option></select>") );
t( "Append Select", "#appendSelect1, #appendSelect2", ["appendSelect1", "appendSelect2"] );
equal( "Two nodes", jQuery("<div />").append("Two", " nodes").text(), "Appending two text nodes (#4011)" );
// using contents will get comments regular, text, and comment nodes
var j = jQuery("#nonnodes").contents();
var d = jQuery("<div/>").appendTo("#nonnodes").append(j);
equal( jQuery("#nonnodes").length, 1, "Check node,textnode,comment append moved leaving just the div" );
equal( d.contents().length, 3, "Check node,textnode,comment append works" );
equal( jQuery("#nonnodes").contents().length, 3, "Check node,textnode,comment append cleanup worked" );
var $input = jQuery("<input />").attr({ "type": "checkbox", "checked": true }).appendTo("#testForm");
equal( $input[0].checked, true, "A checked checkbox that is appended stays checked" );
var $radioChecked = jQuery("input:radio[name='R1']").eq(1),
$radioParent = $radioChecked.parent(),
$radioUnchecked = jQuery("<input type='radio' name='R1' checked='checked'/>").appendTo( $radioParent );
$radioUnchecked[0].checked = false;
equal( $radioChecked[0].checked, true, "Reappending radios uphold which radio is checked" );
equal( $radioUnchecked[0].checked, false, "Reappending radios uphold not being checked" );
test("append(String|Element|Array<Element>|jQuery)", function() {
test("append(Function)", function() {
test("append(param) to object, see #11280", function() {
var objectElement = document.createElement("object"),
$objectElement = jQuery( objectElement ),
paramElement = jQuery("<param type='wmode' value='transparent'/>"),
paramElement2 = jQuery("<param name='' type='wmode2' value='transparent2' />"),
paramElement3 = jQuery("<param type='wmode' name='foo' >"),
newObject = jQuery("<object><param type='foo' ><param name='' value='foo2'/><param type='baz' name='bar'></object>");
equal( objectElement.childNodes.length, 0, "object did not have childNodes previously" );
document.body.appendChild( objectElement );
$objectElement.append( paramElement );
equal( $objectElement.children().length, 1, "param single insertion ok" );
equal( jQuery(objectElement.childNodes[0]).attr("type"), "wmode", "param.eq(0) has type=wmode" );
$objectElement.html( paramElement2 );
equal( $objectElement.children().length, 1, "param single insertion ok" );
equal( jQuery(objectElement.childNodes[0]).attr("type"), "wmode2", "param.eq(0) has type=wmode2" );
$objectElement.html( paramElement3 );
equal( $objectElement.children().length, 1, "param single insertion ok" );
equal( jQuery(objectElement.childNodes[0]).attr("name"), "foo", "param.eq(0) has name=foo" );
equal( newObject.children().length, 3, "param wrapper multiple insertion ok" );
equal( newObject.children().eq(0).attr("type"), "foo", "param.eq(0) has type=foo" );
equal( newObject.children().eq(1).attr("value"), "foo2", "param.eq(1) has value=foo2" );
equal( newObject.children().eq(2).attr("name"), "bar", "param.eq(2) has name=bar" );
test("append(Function) with incoming value", function() {
var defaultText = "Try them out:", old = jQuery("#first").html();
var result = jQuery("#first").append(function(i, val){
equal( val, old, "Make sure the incoming value is correct." );
return "<b>buga</b>";
equal( result.text(), defaultText + "buga", "Check if text appending works" );
var select = jQuery("#select3");
old = select.html();
equal( select.append(function(i, val){
equal( val, old, "Make sure the incoming value is correct." );
return "<option value='appendTest'>Append Test</option>";
}).find("option:last-child").attr("value"), "appendTest", "Appending html options to select element");
var expected = "This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's WeblogTry them out:";
old = jQuery("#sap").html();
jQuery("#sap").append(function(i, val){
equal( val, old, "Make sure the incoming value is correct." );
return document.getElementById("first");
equal( jQuery("#sap").text(), expected, "Check for appending of element" );
expected = "This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's WeblogTry them out:Yahoo";
old = jQuery("#sap").html();
jQuery("#sap").append(function(i, val){
equal( val, old, "Make sure the incoming value is correct." );
return [document.getElementById("first"), document.getElementById("yahoo")];
equal( jQuery("#sap").text(), expected, "Check for appending of array of elements" );
expected = "This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's WeblogYahooTry them out:";
old = jQuery("#sap").html();
jQuery("#sap").append(function(i, val){
equal( val, old, "Make sure the incoming value is correct." );
return jQuery("#yahoo, #first");
equal( jQuery("#sap").text(), expected, "Check for appending of jQuery object" );
old = jQuery("#sap").html();
jQuery("#sap").append(function(i, val){
equal( val, old, "Make sure the incoming value is correct." );
return 5;
ok( jQuery("#sap")[0].innerHTML.match( /5$/ ), "Check for appending a number" );
test("append the same fragment with events (Bug #6997, 5566)", function () {
var doExtra = !jQuery.support.noCloneEvent && document["fireEvent"];
expect(2 + (doExtra ? 1 : 0));
var element;
// This patch modified the way that cloning occurs in IE; we need to make sure that
// native event handlers on the original object don't get disturbed when they are
// modified on the clone
if ( doExtra ) {
element = jQuery("div:first").click(function () {
ok(true, "Event exists on original after being unbound on clone");
var clone = element.clone(true).unbind("click");
// manually clean up detached elements
element = jQuery("<a class='test6997'></a>").click(function () {
ok(true, "Append second element events work");
jQuery("#listWithTabIndex li").append(element)
element = jQuery("<li class='test6997'></li>").click(function () {
ok(true, "Before second element events work");
jQuery("#listWithTabIndex li").before(element);
jQuery("#listWithTabIndex li.test6997").eq(1).click();
test("append HTML5 sectioning elements (Bug #6485)", function () {
jQuery("#qunit-fixture").append("<article style='font-size:10px'><section><aside>HTML5 elements</aside></section></article>");
var article = jQuery("article"),
aside = jQuery("aside");
equal( article.get( 0 ).style.fontSize, "10px", "HTML5 elements are styleable");
equal( aside.length, 1, "HTML5 elements do not collapse their children");
test( "jQuery.clean, #12392", function() {
expect( 6 );
var elems = jQuery.clean([ "<div>test div</div>", "<p>test p</p>" ]);
ok( elems[ 0 ].parentNode == null || elems[ 0 ].parentNode.nodeType === 11, "parentNode should be documentFragment or null" );
ok( elems[ 1 ].parentNode == null || elems[ 1 ].parentNode.nodeType === 11, "parentNode should be documentFragment or null" );
equal( elems[ 0 ].innerHTML, "test div", "Content should be preserved" );
equal( elems[ 1 ].innerHTML, "test p", "Content should be preserved" );
equal( jQuery.clean([ "<span><span>" ]).length, 1, "Incorrect html-strings should not break anything" );
elems = jQuery.clean([ "<td><td>" ]);
ok( elems[ 1 ].parentNode == null || elems[ 1 ].parentNode.nodeType === 11, "parentNode should be documentFragment or null" );
if ( jQuery.css ) {
test("HTML5 Elements inherit styles from style rules (Bug #10501)", function () {
jQuery("#qunit-fixture").append("<article id='article'></article>");
jQuery("#article").append("<section>This section should have a pink background.</section>");
// In IE, the missing background color will claim its value is "transparent"
notEqual( jQuery("section").css("background-color"), "transparent", "HTML5 elements inherit styles");
test("html5 clone() cannot use the fragment cache in IE (#6485)", function () {
jQuery("<article><section><aside>HTML5 elements</aside></section></article>").appendTo("#qunit-fixture");
var clone = jQuery("article").clone();
jQuery("#qunit-fixture").append( clone );
equal( jQuery("aside").length, 2, "clone()ing HTML5 elems does not collapse them" );
test("html(String) with HTML5 (Bug #6485)", function() {
jQuery("#qunit-fixture").html("<article><section><aside>HTML5 elements</aside></section></article>");
equal( jQuery("#qunit-fixture").children().children().length, 1, "Make sure HTML5 article elements can hold children. innerHTML shortcut path" );
equal( jQuery("#qunit-fixture").children().children().children().length, 1, "Make sure nested HTML5 elements can hold children." );
test("IE8 serialization bug", function () {
var wrapper = jQuery("<div></div>");
equal( wrapper.children("article").length, 1, "HTML5 elements are insertable with .html()");
equal( wrapper.children("link").length, 1, "Link elements are insertable with .html()");
test("html() object element #10324", function() {
expect( 1 );
var object = jQuery("<object id='object2'><param name='object2test' value='test'></param></object>?").appendTo("#qunit-fixture"),
clone = object.clone();
equal( clone.html(), object.html(), "html() returns correct innerhtml of cloned object elements" );
test("append(xml)", function() {
expect( 1 );
function createXMLDoc() {
// Initialize DOM based upon latest installed MSXML or Netscape
var elem,
aActiveX =
[ "MSXML6.DomDocument",
"Microsoft.XmlDom" ];
if ( document.implementation && "createDocument" in document.implementation ) {
return document.implementation.createDocument( "", "", null );
} else {
// IE
for ( var n = 0, len = aActiveX.length; n < len; n++ ) {
try {
elem = new ActiveXObject( aActiveX[ n ] );
return elem;
} catch(_){}
var xmlDoc = createXMLDoc(),
xml1 = xmlDoc.createElement("head"),
xml2 = xmlDoc.createElement("test");
ok( jQuery( xml1 ).append( xml2 ), "Append an xml element to another without raising an exception." );
test("appendTo(String|Element|Array<Element>|jQuery)", function() {
expect( 16 + ( jQuery.getScript ? 1 : 0 ) );
var defaultText = "Try them out:";
equal( jQuery("#first").text(), defaultText + "buga", "Check if text appending works" );
equal( jQuery("<option value='appendTest'>Append Test</option>").appendTo("#select3").parent().find("option:last-child").attr("value"), "appendTest", "Appending html options to select element");
var l = jQuery("#first").children().length + 2;
jQuery([ jQuery("<strong>test</strong>")[0], jQuery("<strong>test</strong>")[0] ])
equal( jQuery("#first").children().length, l, "Make sure the elements were inserted." );
equal( jQuery("#first").children().last()[0].nodeName.toLowerCase(), "strong", "Verify the last element." );
var expected = "This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's WeblogTry them out:";
equal( jQuery("#sap").text(), expected, "Check for appending of element" );
expected = "This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's WeblogTry them out:Yahoo";
jQuery([document.getElementById("first"), document.getElementById("yahoo")]).appendTo("#sap");
equal( jQuery("#sap").text(), expected, "Check for appending of array of elements" );
ok( jQuery(document.createElement("script")).appendTo("body").length, "Make sure a disconnected script can be appended." );
expected = "This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's WeblogYahooTry them out:";
jQuery("#yahoo, #first").appendTo("#sap");
equal( jQuery("#sap").text(), expected, "Check for appending of jQuery object" );
t( "Append select", "#foo select", ["select1"] );
var div = jQuery("<div/>").click(function(){
ok(true, "Running a cloned click.");
div.appendTo("#qunit-fixture, #moretests");
jQuery("#qunit-fixture div:last").click();
jQuery("#moretests div:last").click();
div = jQuery("<div/>").appendTo("#qunit-fixture, #moretests");
equal( div.length, 2, "appendTo returns the inserted elements" );
ok( jQuery("#qunit-fixture div:last").hasClass("test"), "appendTo element was modified after the insertion" );
ok( jQuery("#moretests div:last").hasClass("test"), "appendTo element was modified after the insertion" );
div = jQuery("<div/>");
jQuery("<span>a</span><b>b</b>").filter("span").appendTo( div );
equal( div.children().length, 1, "Make sure the right number of children were inserted." );
div = jQuery("#moretests div");
var num = jQuery("#qunit-fixture div").length;
equal( jQuery("#qunit-fixture div").length, num, "Make sure all the removed divs were inserted." );
if ( jQuery.getScript ) {
jQuery.getScript("data/test.js", function() {
var testPrepend = function(val) {
var defaultText = "Try them out:",
result = jQuery("#first").prepend(val( "<b>buga</b>" ));
equal( result.text(), "buga" + defaultText, "Check if text prepending works" );
equal( jQuery("#select3").prepend(val( "<option value='prependTest'>Prepend Test</option>" )).find("option:first-child").attr("value"), "prependTest", "Prepending html options to select element");
var expected = "Try them out:This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's Weblog";
jQuery("#sap").prepend(val( document.getElementById("first") ));
equal( jQuery("#sap").text(), expected, "Check for prepending of element" );
expected = "Try them out:YahooThis link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's Weblog";
jQuery("#sap").prepend(val( [document.getElementById("first"), document.getElementById("yahoo")] ));
equal( jQuery("#sap").text(), expected, "Check for prepending of array of elements" );
expected = "YahooTry them out:This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's Weblog";
jQuery("#sap").prepend(val( jQuery("#yahoo, #first") ));
equal( jQuery("#sap").text(), expected, "Check for prepending of jQuery object" );
expected = "Try them out:GoogleYahooThis link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's Weblog";
jQuery("#sap").prepend( val( [ jQuery("#first"), jQuery("#yahoo, #google") ] ) );
equal( jQuery("#sap").text(), expected, "Check for prepending of array of jQuery objects" );
test("prepend(String|Element|Array<Element>|jQuery)", function() {
test("prepend(Function)", function() {
test("prepend(Function) with incoming value", function() {
var defaultText = "Try them out:", old = jQuery("#first").html();
var result = jQuery("#first").prepend(function(i, val) {
equal( val, old, "Make sure the incoming value is correct." );
return "<b>buga</b>";
equal( result.text(), "buga" + defaultText, "Check if text prepending works" );
old = jQuery("#select3").html();
equal( jQuery("#select3").prepend(function(i, val) {
equal( val, old, "Make sure the incoming value is correct." );
return "<option value='prependTest'>Prepend Test</option>";
}).find("option:first-child").attr("value"), "prependTest", "Prepending html options to select element");
var expected = "Try them out:This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's Weblog";
old = jQuery("#sap").html();
jQuery("#sap").prepend(function(i, val) {
equal( val, old, "Make sure the incoming value is correct." );
return document.getElementById("first");
equal( jQuery("#sap").text(), expected, "Check for prepending of element" );
expected = "Try them out:YahooThis link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's Weblog";
old = jQuery("#sap").html();
jQuery("#sap").prepend(function(i, val) {
equal( val, old, "Make sure the incoming value is correct." );
return [document.getElementById("first"), document.getElementById("yahoo")];
equal( jQuery("#sap").text(), expected, "Check for prepending of array of elements" );
expected = "YahooTry them out:This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's Weblog";
old = jQuery("#sap").html();
jQuery("#sap").prepend(function(i, val) {
equal( val, old, "Make sure the incoming value is correct." );
return jQuery("#yahoo, #first");
equal( jQuery("#sap").text(), expected, "Check for prepending of jQuery object" );
test("prependTo(String|Element|Array<Element>|jQuery)", function() {
var defaultText = "Try them out:";
equal( jQuery("#first").text(), "buga" + defaultText, "Check if text prepending works" );
equal( jQuery("<option value='prependTest'>Prepend Test</option>").prependTo("#select3").parent().find("option:first-child").attr("value"), "prependTest", "Prepending html options to select element");
var expected = "Try them out:This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's Weblog";
equal( jQuery("#sap").text(), expected, "Check for prepending of element" );
expected = "Try them out:YahooThis link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's Weblog";
jQuery([document.getElementById("first"), document.getElementById("yahoo")]).prependTo("#sap");
equal( jQuery("#sap").text(), expected, "Check for prepending of array of elements" );
expected = "YahooTry them out:This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's Weblog";
jQuery("#yahoo, #first").prependTo("#sap");
equal( jQuery("#sap").text(), expected, "Check for prepending of jQuery object" );
jQuery("<select id='prependSelect1'></select>").prependTo("form:last");
jQuery("<select id='prependSelect2'><option>Test</option></select>").prependTo("form:last");
t( "Prepend Select", "#prependSelect2, #prependSelect1", ["prependSelect2", "prependSelect1"] );
var testBefore = function(val) {
var expected = "This is a normal link: bugaYahoo";
jQuery("#yahoo").before(val( "<b>buga</b>" ));
equal( jQuery("#en").text(), expected, "Insert String before" );
expected = "This is a normal link: Try them out:Yahoo";
jQuery("#yahoo").before(val( document.getElementById("first") ));
equal( jQuery("#en").text(), expected, "Insert element before" );
expected = "This is a normal link: Try them out:diveintomarkYahoo";
jQuery("#yahoo").before(val( [document.getElementById("first"), document.getElementById("mark")] ));
equal( jQuery("#en").text(), expected, "Insert array of elements before" );
expected = "This is a normal link: diveintomarkTry them out:Yahoo";
jQuery("#yahoo").before(val( jQuery("#mark, #first") ));
equal( jQuery("#en").text(), expected, "Insert jQuery before" );
expected = "This is a normal link: Try them out:GooglediveintomarkYahoo";
jQuery("#yahoo").before( val( [ jQuery("#first"), jQuery("#mark, #google") ] ) );
equal( jQuery("#en").text(), expected, "Insert array of jQuery objects before" );
var set = jQuery("<div/>").before("<span>test</span>");
equal( set[0].nodeName.toLowerCase(), "div", "Insert before a disconnected node should be a no-op" );
equal( set.length, 1, "Insert the element before the disconnected node. should be a no-op" );
test("before(String|Element|Array<Element>|jQuery)", function() {
test("before(Function)", function() {
test("before and after w/ empty object (#10812)", function() {
var res = jQuery( "#notInTheDocument" ).before( "(" ).after( ")" );
equal( res.length, 0, "didn't choke on empty object" );
test("before and after on disconnected node (#10517)", function() {
var expectedBefore = "This is a normal link: bugaYahoo",
expectedAfter = "This is a normal link: Yahoobuga";
equal( jQuery("<input type='checkbox'/>").before("<div/>").length, 1, "before() on disconnected node is no-op" );
equal( jQuery("<input type='checkbox'/>").after("<div/>").length, 1, "after() on disconnected node is no-op" );
equal( jQuery("#en").text(), expectedBefore, "Insert String before with disconnected node last" );
equal( jQuery("#en").text(), expectedBefore, "Insert String before with disconnected node first" );
equal( jQuery("#en").text(), expectedAfter, "Insert String after with disconnected node last" );
equal( jQuery("#en").text(), expectedAfter, "Insert String after with disconnected node first" );
test("insertBefore(String|Element|Array<Element>|jQuery)", function() {
var expected = "This is a normal link: bugaYahoo";
equal( jQuery("#en").text(), expected, "Insert String before" );
expected = "This is a normal link: Try them out:Yahoo";
equal( jQuery("#en").text(), expected, "Insert element before" );
expected = "This is a normal link: Try them out:diveintomarkYahoo";
jQuery([document.getElementById("first"), document.getElementById("mark")]).insertBefore("#yahoo");
equal( jQuery("#en").text(), expected, "Insert array of elements before" );
expected = "This is a normal link: diveintomarkTry them out:Yahoo";
jQuery("#mark, #first").insertBefore("#yahoo");
equal( jQuery("#en").text(), expected, "Insert jQuery before" );
var testAfter = function(val) {
var expected = "This is a normal link: Yahoobuga";
jQuery("#yahoo").after(val( "<b>buga</b>" ));
equal( jQuery("#en").text(), expected, "Insert String after" );
expected = "This is a normal link: YahooTry them out:";
jQuery("#yahoo").after(val( document.getElementById("first") ));
equal( jQuery("#en").text(), expected, "Insert element after" );
expected = "This is a normal link: YahooTry them out:diveintomark";
jQuery("#yahoo").after(val( [document.getElementById("first"), document.getElementById("mark")] ));
equal( jQuery("#en").text(), expected, "Insert array of elements after" );
expected = "This is a normal link: YahoodiveintomarkTry them out:";
jQuery("#yahoo").after(val( jQuery("#mark, #first") ));
equal( jQuery("#en").text(), expected, "Insert jQuery after" );
expected = "This is a normal link: YahooTry them out:Googlediveintomark";
jQuery("#yahoo").after( val( [ jQuery("#first"), jQuery("#mark, #google") ] ) );
equal( jQuery("#en").text(), expected, "Insert array of jQuery objects after" );
var set = jQuery("<div/>").before("<span>test</span>");
equal( set[0].nodeName.toLowerCase(), "div", "Insert after a disconnected node should be a no-op" );
equal( set.length, 1, "Insert the element after the disconnected node should be a no-op" );
test("after(String|Element|Array<Element>|jQuery)", function() {
test("after(Function)", function() {
test("insertAfter(String|Element|Array<Element>|jQuery)", function() {
var expected = "This is a normal link: Yahoobuga";
equal( jQuery("#en").text(), expected, "Insert String after" );
expected = "This is a normal link: YahooTry them out:";
equal( jQuery("#en").text(), expected, "Insert element after" );
expected = "This is a normal link: YahooTry them out:diveintomark";
jQuery([document.getElementById("first"), document.getElementById("mark")]).insertAfter("#yahoo");
equal( jQuery("#en").text(), expected, "Insert array of elements after" );
expected = "This is a normal link: YahoodiveintomarkTry them out:";
jQuery("#mark, #first").insertAfter("#yahoo");
equal( jQuery("#en").text(), expected, "Insert jQuery after" );
var testReplaceWith = function(val) {
jQuery("#yahoo").replaceWith(val( "<b id='replace'>buga</b>" ));
ok( jQuery("#replace")[0], "Replace element with string" );
ok( !jQuery("#yahoo")[0], "Verify that original element is gone, after string" );
jQuery("#yahoo").replaceWith(val( document.getElementById("first") ));
ok( jQuery("#first")[0], "Replace element with element" );
ok( !jQuery("#yahoo")[0], "Verify that original element is gone, after element" );
jQuery("#qunit-fixture").append("<div id='bar'><div id='baz'</div></div>");
equal( jQuery("#bar").text(),"Baz", "Replace element with text" );
ok( !jQuery("#baz")[0], "Verify that original element is gone, after element" );
jQuery("#yahoo").replaceWith(val( [document.getElementById("first"), document.getElementById("mark")] ));
ok( jQuery("#first")[0], "Replace element with array of elements" );
ok( jQuery("#mark")[0], "Replace element with array of elements" );
ok( !jQuery("#yahoo")[0], "Verify that original element is gone, after array of elements" );
jQuery("#yahoo").replaceWith(val( jQuery("#mark, #first") ));
ok( jQuery("#first")[0], "Replace element with set of elements" );
ok( jQuery("#mark")[0], "Replace element with set of elements" );
ok( !jQuery("#yahoo")[0], "Verify that original element is gone, after set of elements" );
var tmp = jQuery("<div/>").appendTo("body").click(function(){ ok(true, "Newly bound click run." ); });
var y = jQuery("<div/>").appendTo("body").click(function(){ ok(true, "Previously bound click run." ); });
var child = y.append("<b>test</b>").find("b").click(function(){ ok(true, "Child bound click run." ); return false; });
y.replaceWith( tmp );
y.click(); // Shouldn't be run
child.click(); // Shouldn't be run
y = jQuery("<div/>").appendTo("body").click(function(){ ok(true, "Previously bound click run." ); });
var child2 = y.append("<u>test</u>").find("u").click(function(){ ok(true, "Child 2 bound click run." ); return false; });
y.replaceWith( child2 );
var set = jQuery("<div/>").replaceWith(val("<span>test</span>"));
equal( set[0].nodeName.toLowerCase(), "span", "Replace the disconnected node." );
equal( set.length, 1, "Replace the disconnected node." );
// #11338
ok( jQuery("<div>1</div>").replaceWith( val("<span/>") ).is("span"), "#11338, Make sure disconnected node with content is replaced");
var non_existant = jQuery("#does-not-exist").replaceWith( val("<b>should not throw an error</b>") );
equal( non_existant.length, 0, "Length of non existant element." );
var $div = jQuery("<div class='replacewith'></div>").appendTo("body");
// TODO: Work on jQuery(...) inline script execution
//$div.replaceWith("<div class='replacewith'></div><script>" +
//"equal(jQuery('.replacewith').length, 1, 'Check number of elements in page.');" +
equal(jQuery(".replacewith").length, 1, "Check number of elements in page.");
jQuery("#qunit-fixture").append("<div id='replaceWith'></div>");
equal( jQuery("#qunit-fixture").find("div[id=replaceWith]").length, 1, "Make sure only one div exists." );
jQuery("#replaceWith").replaceWith( val("<div id='replaceWith'></div>") );
equal( jQuery("#qunit-fixture").find("div[id=replaceWith]").length, 1, "Make sure only one div exists." );
jQuery("#replaceWith").replaceWith( val("<div id='replaceWith'></div>") );
equal( jQuery("#qunit-fixture").find("div[id=replaceWith]").length, 1, "Make sure only one div exists." );
test("replaceWith(String|Element|Array<Element>|jQuery)", function() {
test("replaceWith(Function)", function() {
var y = jQuery("#yahoo")[0];
equal( this, y, "Make sure the context is coming in correctly." );
test("replaceWith(string) for more than one element", function(){
equal(jQuery("#foo p").length, 3, "ensuring that test data has not changed");
jQuery("#foo p").replaceWith("<span>bar</span>");
equal(jQuery("#foo span").length, 3, "verify that all the three original element have been replaced");
equal(jQuery("#foo p").length, 0, "verify that all the three original element have been replaced");
test("replaceWith(string) for collection with disconnected element", function(){
var elem = jQuery("<div />"),
testSet, newSet;
testSet = jQuery("#foo p").add(elem);
equal(testSet.length, 4, "ensuring that test data has not changed");
newSet = testSet.replaceWith("<span>bar</span>");
equal(testSet.length, 4, "ensure that we still have the same number of elements");
equal(jQuery("#foo span").length, 3, "verify that all the three original elements have been replaced");
equal(jQuery("#foo p").length, 0, "verify that all the three original elements have been replaced");
equal(testSet.filter("p").length, 3, "ensure we still have the original set of attached elements");
equal(testSet.filter("div").length, 0, "ensure the detached element is not in the original set");
equal(newSet.filter("p").length, 3, "ensure we still have the original set of attached elements in new set");
equal(newSet.filter("div").length, 0, "ensure the detached element has been replaced in the new set");
equal(newSet.filter("span").length, 1, "ensure the new element is in the new set");
testSet = elem.add(jQuery("#foo p"));
equal(testSet.length, 4, "ensuring that test data has not changed");
equal(testSet.length, 4, "ensure that we still have the same number of elements");
equal(jQuery("#foo span").length, 3, "verify that all the three original elements have been replaced");
equal(jQuery("#foo p").length, 0, "verify that all the three original elements have been replaced");
equal(testSet.filter("p").length, 3, "ensure we still have the original set of attached elements");
equal(testSet.filter("div").length, 0, "ensure the detached element is not in the original set");
equal(newSet.filter("p").length, 3, "ensure we still have the original set of attached elements in new set");
equal(newSet.filter("div").length, 0, "ensure the detached element has been replaced in the new set");
equal(newSet.filter("span").length, 1, "ensure the new element is in the new set");
test("replaceAll(String|Element|Array<Element>|jQuery)", function() {
jQuery("<b id='replace'>buga</b>").replaceAll("#yahoo");
ok( jQuery("#replace")[0], "Replace element with string" );
ok( !jQuery("#yahoo")[0], "Verify that original element is gone, after string" );
ok( jQuery("#first")[0], "Replace element with element" );
ok( !jQuery("#yahoo")[0], "Verify that original element is gone, after element" );
jQuery([document.getElementById("first"), document.getElementById("mark")]).replaceAll("#yahoo");
ok( jQuery("#first")[0], "Replace element with array of elements" );
ok( jQuery("#mark")[0], "Replace element with array of elements" );
ok( !jQuery("#yahoo")[0], "Verify that original element is gone, after array of elements" );
jQuery("#mark, #first").replaceAll("#yahoo");
ok( jQuery("#first")[0], "Replace element with set of elements" );
ok( jQuery("#mark")[0], "Replace element with set of elements" );
ok( !jQuery("#yahoo")[0], "Verify that original element is gone, after set of elements" );
test("jQuery.clone() (#8017)", function() {
ok( jQuery.clone && jQuery.isFunction( jQuery.clone ) , "jQuery.clone() utility exists and is a function.");
var main = jQuery("#qunit-fixture")[0],
clone = jQuery.clone( main );
equal( main.childNodes.length, clone.childNodes.length, "Simple child length to ensure a large dom tree copies correctly" );
test("append to multiple elements (#8070)", function () {
var selects = jQuery("<select class='test8070'></select><select class='test8070'></select>").appendTo("#qunit-fixture");
equal( selects[0].childNodes.length, 2, "First select got two nodes" );
equal( selects[1].childNodes.length, 2, "Second select got two nodes" );
test("clone()", function() {
expect( 45 );
var div, clone;
equal( jQuery("#en").text(), "This is a normal link: Yahoo", "Assert text for #en" );
equal( jQuery("#first").append( jQuery("#yahoo").clone() ).text(), "Try them out:Yahoo", "Check for clone" );
equal( jQuery("#en").text(), "This is a normal link: Yahoo", "Reassert text for #en" );
jQuery.each( "table thead tbody tfoot tr td div button ul ol li select option textarea iframe".split(" "), function( i, nodeName ) {
equal( jQuery( "<" + nodeName + "/>" ).clone()[0].nodeName.toLowerCase(), nodeName, "Clone a " + nodeName );
equal( jQuery("<input type='checkbox' />").clone()[0].nodeName.toLowerCase(), "input", "Clone a <input type='checkbox' />" );
// Check cloning non-elements
equal( jQuery("#nonnodes").contents().clone().length, 3, "Check node,textnode,comment clone works (some browsers delete comments on clone)" );
// Verify that clones of clones can keep event listeners
div = jQuery("<div><ul><li>test</li></ul></div>").click(function(){
ok( true, "Bound event still exists." );
clone = div.clone(true); div.remove();
div = clone.clone(true); clone.remove();
equal( div.length, 1, "One element cloned" );
equal( div[0].nodeName.toUpperCase(), "DIV", "DIV element cloned" );
// Manually clean up detached elements
// Verify that cloned children can keep event listeners
div = jQuery("<div/>").append([ document.createElement("table"), document.createElement("table") ]);
ok( true, "Bound event still exists." );
clone = div.clone(true);
equal( clone.length, 1, "One element cloned" );
equal( clone[0].nodeName.toUpperCase(), "DIV", "DIV element cloned" );
// Manually clean up detached elements
// Make sure that doing .clone() doesn't clone event listeners
div = jQuery("<div><ul><li>test</li></ul></div>").click(function(){
ok( false, "Bound event still exists after .clone()." );
clone = div.clone();
// Manually clean up detached elements
// Test both html() and clone() for <embed> and <object> types
div = jQuery("<div/>").html("<embed height='355' width='425' src='http://www.youtube.com/v/3KANI2dpXLw&hl=en'></embed>");
clone = div.clone(true);
equal( clone.length, 1, "One element cloned" );
equal( clone.html(), div.html(), "Element contents cloned" );
equal( clone[0].nodeName.toUpperCase(), "DIV", "DIV element cloned" );
// this is technically an invalid object, but because of the special
// classid instantiation it is the only kind that IE has trouble with,
// so let's test with it too.
div = jQuery("<div/>").html("<object height='355' width='425' classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000'> <param name='movie' value='http://www.youtube.com/v/3KANI2dpXLw&hl=en'> <param name='wmode' value='transparent'> </object>");
clone = div.clone(true);
equal( clone.length, 1, "One element cloned" );
equal( clone[0].nodeName.toUpperCase(), "DIV", "DIV element cloned" );
div = div.find("object");
clone = clone.find("object");
// oldIE adds extra attributes and <param> elements, so just test for existence of the defined set
jQuery.each([ "height", "width", "classid" ], function( i, attr ) {
equal( clone.attr( attr ), div.attr( attr ), "<object> attribute cloned: " + attr );
(function() {
var params = {};
clone.find("param").each(function(index, param) {
params[ param.attributes.name.nodeValue.toLowerCase() ] =
div.find("param").each(function(index, param) {
var key = param.attributes.name.nodeValue.toLowerCase();
equal( params[ key ], param.attributes.value.nodeValue.toLowerCase(), "<param> cloned: " + key );
// and here's a valid one.
div = jQuery("<div/>").html("<object height='355' width='425' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' data='http://www.youtube.com/v/3KANI2dpXLw&hl=en'> <param name='movie' value='http://www.youtube.com/v/3KANI2dpXLw&hl=en'> <param name='wmode' value='transparent'> </object>");
clone = div.clone(true);
equal( clone.length, 1, "One element cloned" );
equal( clone.html(), div.html(), "Element contents cloned" );
equal( clone[0].nodeName.toUpperCase(), "DIV", "DIV element cloned" );
div = jQuery("<div/>").data({ "a": true });
clone = div.clone(true);
equal( clone.data("a"), true, "Data cloned." );
clone.data("a", false);
equal( clone.data("a"), false, "Ensure cloned element data object was correctly modified" );
equal( div.data("a"), true, "Ensure cloned element data object is copied, not referenced" );
// manually clean up detached elements
var form = document.createElement("form");
form.action = "/test/";
div = document.createElement("div");
div.appendChild( document.createTextNode("test") );
form.appendChild( div );
equal( jQuery(form).clone().children().length, 1, "Make sure we just get the form back." );
equal( jQuery("body").clone().children()[0].id, "qunit-header", "Make sure cloning body works" );
test("clone(script type=non-javascript) (#11359)", function() {
var src = jQuery("<script type='text/filler'>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</script><q><script type='text/filler'>consectetur adipiscing elit</script></q>");
var dest = src.clone();
equal( dest[0].text, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet", "Cloning preserves script text" );
equal( dest.last().html(), src.last().html(), "Cloning preserves nested script text" );
ok( /^\s*<scr.pt\s+type=['"]?text\/filler['"]?\s*>consectetur adipiscing elit<\/scr.pt>\s*$/i.test( dest.last().html() ), "Cloning preserves nested script text" );
test("clone(form element) (Bug #3879, #6655)", function() {
var clone,
element = jQuery("<select><option>Foo</option><option selected>Bar</option></select>");
equal( element.clone().find("option:selected").val(), element.find("option:selected").val(), "Selected option cloned correctly" );
element = jQuery("<input type='checkbox' value='foo'>").attr("checked", "checked");
clone = element.clone();
equal( clone.is(":checked"), element.is(":checked"), "Checked input cloned correctly" );
equal( clone[0].defaultValue, "foo", "Checked input defaultValue cloned correctly" );
// defaultChecked also gets set now due to setAttribute in attr, is this check still valid?
// equal( clone[0].defaultChecked, !jQuery.support.noCloneChecked, "Checked input defaultChecked cloned correctly" );
element = jQuery("<input type='text' value='foo'>");
clone = element.clone();
equal( clone[0].defaultValue, "foo", "Text input defaultValue cloned correctly" );
element = jQuery("<textarea>foo</textarea>");
clone = element.clone();
equal( clone[0].defaultValue, "foo", "Textarea defaultValue cloned correctly" );
test("clone(multiple selected options) (Bug #8129)", function() {
var element = jQuery("<select><option>Foo</option><option selected>Bar</option><option selected>Baz</option></select>");
equal( element.clone().find("option:selected").length, element.find("option:selected").length, "Multiple selected options cloned correctly" );
test("clone() on XML nodes", function() {
var xml = createDashboardXML();
var root = jQuery(xml.documentElement).clone();
var origTab = jQuery("tab", xml).eq(0);
var cloneTab = jQuery("tab", root).eq(0);
equal(origTab.text(), "origval", "Check original XML node was correctly set");
equal(cloneTab.text(), "cloneval", "Check cloned XML node was correctly set");
test("clone() on local XML nodes with html5 nodename", function() {
var $xmlDoc = jQuery( jQuery.parseXML( "<root><meter /></root>" ) ),
$meter = $xmlDoc.find( "meter" ).clone();
equal( $meter[0].nodeName, "meter", "Check if nodeName was not changed due to cloning" );
equal( $meter[0].nodeType, 1, "Check if nodeType is not changed due to cloning" );
test("html(undefined)", function() {
equal( jQuery("#foo").html("<i>test</i>").html(undefined).html().toLowerCase(), "<i>test</i>", ".html(undefined) is chainable (#5571)" );
test("html() on empty set", function() {
strictEqual( jQuery().html(), undefined, ".html() returns undefined for empty sets (#11962)" );
var testHtml = function(valueObj) {
jQuery["scriptorder"] = 0;
var div = jQuery("#qunit-fixture > div");
var pass = true;
for ( var i = 0; i < div.size(); i++ ) {
if ( div.get(i).childNodes.length != 1 ) {
pass = false;
ok( pass, "Set HTML" );
div = jQuery("<div/>").html( valueObj("<div id='parent_1'><div id='child_1'/></div><div id='parent_2'/>") );
equal( div.children().length, 2, "Make sure two child nodes exist." );
equal( div.children().children().length, 1, "Make sure that a grandchild exists." );
var space = jQuery("<div/>").html(valueObj(" "))[0].innerHTML;
ok( /^\xA0$|^ $/.test( space ), "Make sure entities are passed through correctly." );
equal( jQuery("<div/>").html(valueObj("&"))[0].innerHTML, "&", "Make sure entities are passed through correctly." );
equal( jQuery("#qunit-fixture").children().length, 1, "Make sure there is a child element." );
equal( jQuery("#qunit-fixture").children()[0].nodeName.toUpperCase(), "STYLE", "And that a style element was inserted." );
// using contents will get comments regular, text, and comment nodes
var j = jQuery("#nonnodes").contents();
// this is needed, or the expando added by jQuery unique will yield a different html
equal( j.html().replace(/ xmlns="[^"]+"/g, "").toLowerCase(), "<b>bold</b>", "Check node,textnode,comment with html()" );
jQuery("#qunit-fixture select").html(valueObj("<option>O1</option><option selected='selected'>O2</option><option>O3</option>"));
equal( jQuery("#qunit-fixture select").val(), "O2", "Selected option correct" );
var $div = jQuery("<div />");
equal( $div.html(valueObj( 5 )).html(), "5", "Setting a number as html" );
equal( $div.html(valueObj( 0 )).html(), "0", "Setting a zero as html" );
var $div2 = jQuery("<div/>"), insert = "<div>hello1</div>";
equal( $div2.html(insert).html().replace(/>/g, ">"), insert, "Verify escaped insertion." );
equal( $div2.html("x" + insert).html().replace(/>/g, ">"), "x" + insert, "Verify escaped insertion." );
equal( $div2.html(" " + insert).html().replace(/>/g, ">"), " " + insert, "Verify escaped insertion." );
var map = jQuery("<map/>").html(valueObj("<area id='map01' shape='rect' coords='50,50,150,150' href='http://www.jquery.com/' alt='jQuery'>"));
equal( map[0].childNodes.length, 1, "The area was inserted." );
equal( map[0].firstChild.nodeName.toLowerCase(), "area", "The area was inserted." );
jQuery("#qunit-fixture").html(valueObj("<script type='something/else'>ok( false, 'Non-script evaluated.' );</script><script type='text/javascript'>ok( true, 'text/javascript is evaluated.' );</script><script>ok( true, 'No type is evaluated.' );</script><div><script type='text/javascript'>ok( true, 'Inner text/javascript is evaluated.' );</script><script>ok( true, 'Inner No type is evaluated.' );</script><script type='something/else'>ok( false, 'Non-script evaluated.' );</script><script type='type/ecmascript'>ok( true, 'type/ecmascript evaluated.' );</script></div>"));
var child = jQuery("#qunit-fixture").find("script");
equal( child.length, 2, "Make sure that two non-JavaScript script tags are left." );
equal( child[0].type, "something/else", "Verify type of script tag." );
equal( child[1].type, "something/else", "Verify type of script tag." );
jQuery("#qunit-fixture").html(valueObj("<script>ok( true, 'Test repeated injection of script.' );</script>"));
jQuery("#qunit-fixture").html(valueObj("<script>ok( true, 'Test repeated injection of script.' );</script>"));
jQuery("#qunit-fixture").html(valueObj("<script>ok( true, 'Test repeated injection of script.' );</script>"));
jQuery("#qunit-fixture").html(valueObj("<script type='text/javascript'>ok( true, 'jQuery().html().evalScripts() Evals Scripts Twice in Firefox, see #975 (1)' );</script>"));
jQuery("#qunit-fixture").html(valueObj("foo <form><script type='text/javascript'>ok( true, 'jQuery().html().evalScripts() Evals Scripts Twice in Firefox, see #975 (2)' );</script></form>"));
jQuery("#qunit-fixture").html(valueObj("<script>equal(jQuery.scriptorder++, 0, 'Script is executed in order');equal(jQuery('#scriptorder').length, 1,'Execute after html (even though appears before)')<\/script><span id='scriptorder'><script>equal(jQuery.scriptorder++, 1, 'Script (nested) is executed in order');equal(jQuery('#scriptorder').length, 1,'Execute after html')<\/script></span><script>equal(jQuery.scriptorder++, 2, 'Script (unnested) is executed in order');equal(jQuery('#scriptorder').length, 1,'Execute after html')<\/script>"));
test("html(String)", function() {
test("html(Function)", function() {
return jQuery(this).text();
ok( !/</.test( jQuery("#qunit-fixture").html() ), "Replace html with text." );
ok( jQuery("#qunit-fixture").html().length > 0, "Make sure text exists." );
test("html(Function) with incoming value", function() {
var els = jQuery("#foo > p"),
actualhtml = els.map(function() { return jQuery(this).html(); });
els.html(function(i, val) {
equal( val, actualhtml[i], "Make sure the incoming value is correct." );
return "<b>test</b>";
var pass = true;
if ( this.childNodes.length !== 1 ) {
pass = false;
ok( pass, "Set HTML" );
// using contents will get comments regular, text, and comment nodes
var j = jQuery("#nonnodes").contents();
actualhtml = j.map(function(){ return jQuery(this).html(); });
j.html(function(i, val) {
equal( val, actualhtml[i], "Make sure the incoming value is correct." );
return "<b>bold</b>";
// Handle the case where no comment is in the document
if ( j.length === 2 ) {
equal( null, null, "Make sure the incoming value is correct." );
equal( j.html().replace(/ xmlns="[^"]+"/g, "").toLowerCase(), "<b>bold</b>", "Check node,textnode,comment with html()" );
var $div = jQuery("<div />");
equal( $div.html(function(i, val) {
equal( val, "", "Make sure the incoming value is correct." );
return 5;
}).html(), "5", "Setting a number as html" );
equal( $div.html(function(i, val) {
equal( val, "5", "Make sure the incoming value is correct." );
return 0;
}).html(), "0", "Setting a zero as html" );
var $div2 = jQuery("<div/>"), insert = "<div>hello1</div>";
equal( $div2.html(function(i, val) {
equal( val, "", "Make sure the incoming value is correct." );
return insert;
}).html().replace(/>/g, ">"), insert, "Verify escaped insertion." );
equal( $div2.html(function(i, val) {
equal( val.replace(/>/g, ">"), insert, "Make sure the incoming value is correct." );
return "x" + insert;
}).html().replace(/>/g, ">"), "x" + insert, "Verify escaped insertion." );
equal( $div2.html(function(i, val) {
equal( val.replace(/>/g, ">"), "x" + insert, "Make sure the incoming value is correct." );
return " " + insert;
}).html().replace(/>/g, ">"), " " + insert, "Verify escaped insertion." );
test("clone()/html() don't expose jQuery/Sizzle expandos (#12858)", function() {
var $content = jQuery("<div><b><i>text</i></b></div>").appendTo("#qunit-fixture"),
expected = /^<b><i>text<\/i><\/b>$/i;
// Attach jQuery and Sizzle data (the latter by conducting a non-qSA search)
$content.find(":nth-child(1):lt(4)").data( "test", true );
ok( expected.test( $content.clone( false )[0].innerHTML ), "clone()" );
ok( expected.test( $content.html() ), "html()" );
var testRemove = function(method) {
var first = jQuery("#ap").children(":first");
first.data("foo", "bar");
ok( jQuery("#ap").text().length > 10, "Check text is not removed" );
equal( jQuery("#ap").children().length, 0, "Check remove" );
equal( first.data("foo"), method == "remove" ? null : "bar", "first data" );
ok( jQuery("#ap").text().length > 10, "Check text is not removed" );
equal( jQuery("#ap").children().length, 1, "Check filtered remove" );
jQuery("#ap").children()[method]("a, code");
equal( jQuery("#ap").children().length, 0, "Check multi-filtered remove" );
// using contents will get comments regular, text, and comment nodes
// Handle the case where no comment is in the document
ok( jQuery("#nonnodes").contents().length >= 2, "Check node,textnode,comment remove works" );
equal( jQuery("#nonnodes").contents().length, 0, "Check node,textnode,comment remove works" );
// manually clean up detached elements
if (method === "detach") {
test("remove()", 8, function() {
test("remove() event cleaning ", 1, function() {
var count, first, cleanUp;
count = 0;
first = jQuery("#ap").children(":first");
cleanUp = first.click(function() {
strictEqual( 0, count, "Event handler has been removed" );
// Clean up detached data
test("detach()", 8, function() {
test("detach() event cleaning ", 1, function() {
var count, first, cleanUp;
count = 0;
first = jQuery("#ap").children(":first");
cleanUp = first.click(function() {
strictEqual( 1, count, "Event handler has not been removed" );
// Clean up detached data
test("empty()", function() {
equal( jQuery("#ap").children().empty().text().length, 0, "Check text is removed" );
equal( jQuery("#ap").children().length, 4, "Check elements are not removed" );
// using contents will get comments regular, text, and comment nodes
var j = jQuery("#nonnodes").contents();
equal( j.html(), "", "Check node,textnode,comment empty works" );
test("jQuery.cleanData", function() {
var type, pos, div, child;
type = "remove";
// Should trigger 4 remove event
div = getDiv().remove();
// Should both do nothing
pos = "Outer";
pos = "Inner";
type = "empty";
div = getDiv();
child = div.children();
// Should trigger 2 remove event
// Should trigger 1
pos = "Outer";
// Should do nothing
pos = "Inner";
// Should trigger 2
type = "html";
div = getDiv();
child = div.children();
// Should trigger 2 remove event
// Should trigger 1
pos = "Outer";
// Should do nothing
pos = "Inner";
// Should trigger 2
function getDiv() {
var div = jQuery("<div class='outer'><div class='inner'></div></div>").click(function(){
ok( true, type + " " + pos + " Click event fired." );
ok( true, type + " " + pos + " Focus event fired." );
ok( false, type + " " + pos + " Click event fired." );
ok( false, type + " " + pos + " Focus event fired." );
div[0].detachEvent = div[0].removeEventListener = function(t){
ok( true, type + " Outer " + t + " event unbound" );
div[0].firstChild.detachEvent = div[0].firstChild.removeEventListener = function(t){
ok( true, type + " Inner " + t + " event unbound" );
return div;
test("jQuery.buildFragment - no plain-text caching (Bug #6779)", function() {
// DOM manipulation fails if added text matches an Object method
var $f = jQuery( "<div />" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ),
bad = [ "start-", "toString", "hasOwnProperty", "append", "here&there!", "-end" ];
for ( var i=0; i < bad.length; i++ ) {
try {
$f.append( bad[i] );
catch(e) {}
equal($f.text(), bad.join(""), "Cached strings that match Object properties");
test( "jQuery.html - execute scripts escaped with html comment or CDATA (#9221)", function() {
expect( 3 );
jQuery( [
"<script type='text/javascript'>",
"ok( true, '<!-- handled' );",
].join ( "\n" ) ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
jQuery( [
"<script type='text/javascript'>",
"ok( true, '<![CDATA[ handled' );",
].join ( "\n" ) ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
jQuery( [
"<script type='text/javascript'>",
"ok( true, '<!--//--><![CDATA[//><!-- (Drupal case) handled' );",
].join ( "\n" ) ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
test("jQuery.buildFragment - plain objects are not a document #8950", function() {
try {
jQuery("<input type='hidden'>", {});
ok( true, "Does not allow attribute object to be treated like a doc object");
} catch (e) {}
test("jQuery.clone - no exceptions for object elements #9587", function() {
try {
ok( true, "cloned with no exceptions" );
} catch( e ) {
ok( false, e.message );
test("jQuery(<tag>) & wrap[Inner/All]() handle unknown elems (#10667)", function() {
var $wraptarget = jQuery( "<div id='wrap-target'>Target</div>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ),
$section = jQuery( "<section>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
$wraptarget.wrapAll("<aside style='background-color:green'></aside>");
notEqual( $wraptarget.parent("aside").get( 0 ).style.backgroundColor, "transparent", "HTML5 elements created with wrapAll inherit styles" );
notEqual( $section.get( 0 ).style.backgroundColor, "transparent", "HTML5 elements create with jQuery( string ) inherit styles" );
test("Cloned, detached HTML5 elems (#10667,10670)", function() {
var $section = jQuery( "<section>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ),
// First clone
$clone = $section.clone();
// Infer that the test is being run in IE<=8
if ( $clone[0].outerHTML && !jQuery.support.opacity ) {
// This branch tests cloning nodes by reading the outerHTML, used only in IE<=8
equal( $clone[0].outerHTML, "<section></section>", "detached clone outerHTML matches '<section></section>'" );
} else {
// This branch tests a known behaviour in modern browsers that should never fail.
// Included for expected test count symmetry (expecting 1)
equal( $clone[0].nodeName, "SECTION", "detached clone nodeName matches 'SECTION' in modern browsers" );
// Bind an event
$section.bind( "click", function( event ) {
ok( true, "clone fired event" );
// Second clone (will have an event bound)
$clone = $section.clone( true );
// Trigger an event from the first clone
$clone.trigger( "click" );
$clone.unbind( "click" );
// Add a child node with text to the original
$section.append( "<p>Hello</p>" );
// Third clone (will have child node and text)
$clone = $section.clone( true );
equal( $clone.find("p").text(), "Hello", "Assert text in child of clone" );
// Trigger an event from the third clone
$clone.trigger( "click" );
$clone.unbind( "click" );
// Add attributes to copy
"class": "foo bar baz",
"title": "This is a title"
// Fourth clone (will have newly added attributes)
$clone = $section.clone( true );
equal( $clone.attr("class"), $section.attr("class"), "clone and element have same class attribute" );
equal( $clone.attr("title"), $section.attr("title"), "clone and element have same title attribute" );
// Remove the original
// Clone the clone
$section = $clone.clone( true );
// Remove the clone
// Trigger an event from the clone of the clone
$section.trigger( "click" );
// Unbind any remaining events
$section.unbind( "click" );
$clone.unbind( "click" );
test("jQuery.fragments cache expectations", function() {
expect( 10 );
jQuery.fragments = {};
function fragmentCacheSize() {
var n = 0, c;
for ( c in jQuery.fragments ) {
return n;
equal( fragmentCacheSize(), 12, "12 entries exist in jQuery.fragments, 1" );
jQuery.each( [
], function( i, frag ) {
jQuery( frag );
equal( jQuery.fragments[ frag ].nodeType, 11, "Second call with " + frag + " creates a cached DocumentFragment, has nodeType 11" );
ok( jQuery.fragments[ frag ].childNodes.length, "Second call with " + frag + " creates a cached DocumentFragment, has childNodes with length" );
equal( fragmentCacheSize(), 12, "12 entries exist in jQuery.fragments, 2" );
test("Guard against exceptions when clearing safeChildNodes", function() {
expect( 1 );
var div;
try {
div = jQuery("<div/><hr/><code/><b/>");
} catch(e) {}
ok( div && div.jquery, "Created nodes safely, guarded against exceptions on safeChildNodes[ -1 ]" );
test("Ensure oldIE creates a new set on appendTo (#8894)", function() {
expect( 5 );
strictEqual( jQuery("<div/>").clone().addClass("test").appendTo("<div/>").end().hasClass("test"), false, "Check jQuery.fn.appendTo after jQuery.clone" );
strictEqual( jQuery("<div/>").find("p").end().addClass("test").appendTo("<div/>").end().hasClass("test"), false, "Check jQuery.fn.appendTo after jQuery.fn.find" );
strictEqual( jQuery("<div/>").text("test").addClass("test").appendTo("<div/>").end().hasClass("test"), false, "Check jQuery.fn.appendTo after jQuery.fn.text" );
strictEqual( jQuery("<bdi/>").clone().addClass("test").appendTo("<div/>").end().hasClass("test"), false, "Check jQuery.fn.appendTo after clone html5 element" );
strictEqual( jQuery("<p/>").appendTo("<div/>").end().length, jQuery("<p>test</p>").appendTo("<div/>").end().length, "Elements created with createElement and with createDocumentFragment should be treated alike" );
test("html() - script exceptions bubble (#11743)", function() {
raises(function() {
jQuery("#qunit-fixture").html("<script>undefined(); ok( false, 'error not thrown' );</script>");
ok( false, "error ignored" );
}, "exception bubbled from inline script" );
raises(function() {
jQuery("#qunit-fixture").html("<script src='data/badcall.js'></script>");
ok( false, "error ignored" );
}, "exception bubbled from remote script" );
test("checked state is cloned with clone()", function(){
var elem = jQuery.parseHTML("<input type='checkbox' checked='checked'/>")[0];
elem.checked = false;
equal( jQuery(elem).clone().attr("id","clone")[0].checked, false, "Checked false state correctly cloned" );
elem = jQuery.parseHTML("<input type='checkbox'/>")[0];
elem.checked = true;
equal( jQuery(elem).clone().attr("id","clone")[0].checked, true, "Checked true state correctly cloned" );
test( "Clearing a Cloned Element's Style Shouldn't Clear the Original Element's Style (#8908)", function() {
expect( 16 );
var baseUrl = document.location.href.replace( /([^\/]*)$/, "" );
var styles = [
{ name: "backgroundAttachment", value: [ "fixed" ], expected: [ "scroll" ] },
{ name: "backgroundColor", value: [ "rgb(255, 0, 0)", "rgb(255,0,0)", "#ff0000" ], expected: [ "transparent" ] },
{ name: "backgroundImage", value: [ "url('test.png')", "url(" + baseUrl + "test.png)", "url(\"" + baseUrl + "test.png\")" ], expected: [ "none", "url(\"http://static.jquery.com/files/rocker/images/logo_jquery_215x53.gif\")" ] }, // Firefox returns auto's value
{ name: "backgroundPosition", value: [ "5% 5%" ], expected: [ "0% 0%", "-1000px 0px", "-1000px 0%" ] },
{ name: "backgroundRepeat", value: [ "repeat-y" ], expected: [ "repeat", "no-repeat" ] }, // Firefox returns no-repeat
{ name: "backgroundClip", value: [ "padding-box" ], expected: [ "border-box" ] },
{ name: "backgroundOrigin", value: [ "content-box" ], expected: [ "padding-box" ] },
{ name: "backgroundSize", value: [ "80px 60px" ], expected: [ "auto auto" ] }
jQuery.each( styles, function(index, style) {
var $source, source, $clone;
style.expected = style.expected.concat( [ "", "auto" ] );
$source = jQuery( "<div />" );
source = $source[ 0 ];
if ( source.style[ style.name ] === undefined ) {
ok( true, style.name + ": style isn't supported and therefore not an issue" );
ok( true );
return true;
$source.css( style.name, style.value[0] );
$clone = $source.clone();
$clone.css( style.name, "" );
ok( ~jQuery.inArray( $source.css( style.name ), style.value ),
"Clearing clone.css() doesn't affect source.css(): " + style.name +
"; result: " + $source.css( style.name ) +
"; expected: " + style.value.join( "," ) );
ok( ~jQuery.inArray( $clone.css( style.name ), style.expected ),
"Cloned element was reset to its default value: " + style.name +
"; result: " + $clone.css( style.name ) +
"; expected: " + style.expected.join( "," ) );
test("manipulate mixed jQuery and text (#12384, #12346)", function() {
var div = jQuery("<div>a</div>").append( " ", jQuery("<span>b</span>"), " ", jQuery("<span>c</span>") ),
nbsp = String.fromCharCode(160);
equal( div.text(), "a" + nbsp + "b" + nbsp+ "c", "Appending mixed jQuery with text nodes" );
div = jQuery("<div><div></div></div>")
.after("<p>a</p>", "<p>b</p>" )
equal( div.find("*").length, 3, "added 2 paragraphs after inner div" );
testIframeWithCallback( "buildFragment works even if document[0] is iframe's window object in IE9/10 (#12266)", "manipulation/iframe-denied.html", function( test ) {
expect( 1 );
ok( test.status, test.description );