Timmy Willison 217cbb7109 AMD-ify jQuery sourcegit s! Woo! Fixes #14113, #14163.
2013-08-15 15:49:49 -04:00

326 lines
8.6 KiB

module.exports = function( grunt ) {
"use strict";
// Integrate build task
require( "./build/build" )( grunt );
var distpaths = [
gzip = require("gzip-js"),
readOptionalJSON = function( filepath ) {
var data = {};
try {
data = grunt.file.readJSON( filepath );
} catch(e) {}
return data;
fs = require( "fs" ),
srcHintOptions = readOptionalJSON( "src/.jshintrc" );
// The concatenated file won't pass onevar
// But our modules can
delete srcHintOptions.onevar;
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON("package.json"),
dst: readOptionalJSON("dist/.destination.json"),
compare_size: {
files: [ "dist/jquery.js", "dist/jquery.min.js" ],
options: {
compress: {
gz: function( contents ) {
return gzip.zip( contents, {} ).length;
cache: "dist/.sizecache.json"
build: {
all: {
dest: "dist/jquery.js",
minimum: [
removeWith: {
callbacks: [ "deferred" ],
css: [ "effects", "dimensions", "offset" ]
jsonlint: {
pkg: {
src: [ "package.json" ]
bower: {
src: [ "bower.json" ]
jshint: {
dist: {
src: [ "dist/jquery.js" ],
options: srcHintOptions
grunt: {
src: [ "Gruntfile.js", "build/build.js" ],
options: {
jshintrc: ".jshintrc"
tests: {
src: [ "test/**/*.js" ],
options: {
jshintrc: "test/.jshintrc"
testswarm: {
tests: "ajax attributes callbacks core css data deferred dimensions effects event manipulation offset queue selector serialize support traversing Sizzle".split(" ")
watch: {
files: [ "<%= jshint.grunt.src %>", "<%= jshint.tests.src %>", "src/**/*.js" ],
tasks: "dev"
"pre-uglify": {
all: {
files: {
"dist/jquery.pre-min.js": [ "dist/jquery.js" ]
options: {
banner: "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" + // banner line size must be preserved
"/*! jQuery v<%= pkg.version %> | " +
"(c) 2005, 2013 jQuery Foundation, Inc. | " +
"jquery.org/license\n" +
"//@ sourceMappingURL=jquery.min.map\n" +
uglify: {
all: {
files: {
"dist/jquery.min.js": [ "dist/jquery.pre-min.js" ]
options: {
// Keep our hard-coded banner
preserveComments: "some",
sourceMap: "dist/jquery.min.map",
sourceMappingURL: "jquery.min.map",
report: "min",
beautify: {
ascii_only: true
compress: {
hoist_funs: false,
join_vars: false,
loops: false,
unused: false
"post-uglify": {
all: {
files: {
"dist/jquery.min.map.tmp": [ "dist/jquery.min.map" ],
"dist/jquery.min.js.tmp": [ "dist/jquery.min.js" ]
options: {
tempFiles: [ "dist/jquery.min.map.tmp", "dist/jquery.min.js.tmp", "dist/jquery.pre-min.js" ]
grunt.registerTask( "testswarm", function( commit, configFile ) {
var jobName,
testswarm = require( "testswarm" ),
runs = {},
done = this.async(),
pull = /PR-(\d+)/.exec( commit ),
config = grunt.file.readJSON( configFile ).jquery,
tests = grunt.config([ this.name, "tests" ]);
if ( pull ) {
jobName = "jQuery pull <a href='https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/" +
pull[ 1 ] + "'>#" + pull[ 1 ] + "</a>";
} else {
jobName = "jQuery commit #<a href='https://github.com/jquery/jquery/commit/" +
commit + "'>" + commit.substr( 0, 10 ) + "</a>";
tests.forEach(function( test ) {
runs[test] = config.testUrl + commit + "/test/index.html?module=" + test;
testswarm.createClient( {
url: config.swarmUrl,
pollInterval: 10000,
timeout: 1000 * 60 * 30
} )
.addReporter( testswarm.reporters.cli )
.auth( {
id: config.authUsername,
token: config.authToken
name: jobName,
runs: runs,
runMax: config.runMax,
browserSets: config.browserSets
}, function( err, passed ) {
if ( err ) {
grunt.log.error( err );
done( passed );
// Process files for distribution
grunt.registerTask( "dist", function() {
var stored, flags, paths, nonascii;
// Check for stored destination paths
// ( set in dist/.destination.json )
stored = Object.keys( grunt.config( "dst" ) );
// Allow command line input as well
flags = Object.keys( this.flags );
// Combine all output target paths
paths = [].concat( stored, flags ).filter(function( path ) {
return path !== "*";
// Ensure the dist files are pure ASCII
nonascii = false;
distpaths.forEach(function( filename ) {
var i, c,
text = fs.readFileSync( filename, "utf8" );
// Ensure files use only \n for line endings, not \r\n
if ( /\x0d\x0a/.test( text ) ) {
grunt.log.writeln( filename + ": Incorrect line endings (\\r\\n)" );
nonascii = true;
// Ensure only ASCII chars so script tags don't need a charset attribute
if ( text.length !== Buffer.byteLength( text, "utf8" ) ) {
grunt.log.writeln( filename + ": Non-ASCII characters detected:" );
for ( i = 0; i < text.length; i++ ) {
c = text.charCodeAt( i );
if ( c > 127 ) {
grunt.log.writeln( "- position " + i + ": " + c );
grunt.log.writeln( "-- " + text.substring( i - 20, i + 20 ) );
nonascii = true;
// Modify map/min so that it points to files in the same folder;
// see https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2/issues/47
if ( /\.map$/.test( filename ) ) {
text = text.replace( /"dist\//g, "\"" );
fs.writeFileSync( filename, text, "utf-8" );
// Use our hard-coded sourceMap directive instead of the autogenerated one (#13274; #13776)
} else if ( /\.min\.js$/.test( filename ) ) {
i = 0;
text = text.replace( /(?:\/\*|)\n?\/\/@\s*sourceMappingURL=.*(\n\*\/|)/g,
function( match ) {
if ( i++ ) {
return "";
return match;
fs.writeFileSync( filename, text, "utf-8" );
// Optionally copy dist files to other locations
paths.forEach(function( path ) {
var created;
if ( !/\/$/.test( path ) ) {
path += "/";
created = path + filename.replace( "dist/", "" );
grunt.file.write( created, text );
grunt.log.writeln( "File '" + created + "' created." );
return !nonascii;
// Work around grunt-contrib-uglify sourceMap issues (jQuery #13776)
grunt.registerMultiTask( "pre-uglify", function() {
var banner = this.options().banner;
this.files.forEach(function( mapping ) {
// Join src
var input = mapping.src.map(function( file ) {
var contents = grunt.file.read( file );
// Strip banners
return contents
// Remove the main jQuery banner, it'll be replaced by the new banner anyway.
.replace( /^\/\*![\W\w]*?\*\/\n?/g, "" )
// Strip other banners preserving line count.
.replace( /^\/\*!(?:.|\n)*?\*\/\n?/gm, function ( match ) {
return match.replace( /[^\n]/gm, "" );
// Write temp file (with optional banner)
grunt.file.write( mapping.dest, ( banner || "" ) + input );
// Change the map file to point back to jquery.js instead of jquery.pre-min.js.
// The problem is caused by the pre-uglify task.
// Also, remove temporary files.
grunt.registerMultiTask( "post-uglify", function() {
this.files.forEach(function( mapping ) {
var mapFileName = mapping.src[ 0 ];
// Rename the file to a temporary name.
fs.renameSync( mapFileName, mapping.dest);
grunt.file.write( mapFileName, grunt.file.read( mapping.dest )
// The uglify task erroneously prepends dist/ to file names.
.replace( /"dist\//g, "\"" )
// Refer to the source jquery.js, not the temporary jquery.pre-min.js.
.replace( /\.pre-min\./g, "." )
// There's already a pragma at the beginning of the file, remove the one at the end.
.replace( /\/\/@ sourceMappingURL=jquery\.min\.map$/g, "" ));
// Remove temporary files.
this.options().tempFiles.forEach(function( fileName ) {
fs.unlink( fileName );
// Load grunt tasks from NPM packages
// Short list as a high frequency watch task
grunt.registerTask( "dev", [ "build:*:*", "jshint" ] );
// Default grunt
grunt.registerTask( "default", [ "jsonlint", "dev", "pre-uglify", "uglify", "post-uglify", "dist:*", "compare_size" ] );