mirror of
synced 2025-01-10 18:24:24 +00:00
- also add the ability to pass VERSION in env to test final builds - adjust sha regex to account for lack of shas - set the version on the dist package.json Close gh-5408
427 lines
11 KiB
427 lines
11 KiB
* Special build task to handle various jQuery build requirements.
* Compiles JS modules into one bundle, sets the custom AMD name,
* and includes/excludes specified modules
"use strict";
const fs = require( "fs" );
const path = require( "path" );
const util = require( "util" );
const exec = util.promisify( require( "child_process" ).exec );
const rollup = require( "rollup" );
const excludedFromSlim = require( "./lib/slim-exclude" );
const rollupFileOverrides = require( "./lib/rollup-plugin-file-overrides" );
const pkg = require( "../../package.json" );
const isCleanWorkingDir = require( "./lib/isCleanWorkingDir" );
const processForDist = require( "./dist" );
const minify = require( "./minify" );
const getTimestamp = require( "./lib/getTimestamp" );
const verifyNodeVersion = require( "./lib/verifyNodeVersion" );
const srcFolder = path.resolve( __dirname, "../../src" );
const minimum = [ "core" ];
// Exclude specified modules if the module matching the key is removed
const removeWith = {
ajax: [ "manipulation/_evalUrl", "deprecated/ajax-event-alias" ],
callbacks: [ "deferred" ],
css: [ "effects", "dimensions", "offset" ],
"css/showHide": [ "effects" ],
deferred: {
remove: [ "ajax", "effects", "queue", "core/ready" ],
include: [ "core/ready-no-deferred" ]
event: [ "deprecated/ajax-event-alias", "deprecated/event" ],
selector: [ "css/hiddenVisibleSelectors", "effects/animatedSelector" ]
async function read( filename ) {
return fs.promises.readFile( path.join( srcFolder, filename ), "utf8" );
// Remove the src folder and file extension
// and ensure unix-style path separators
function moduleName( filename ) {
return filename
.replace( `${ srcFolder }${ path.sep }`, "" )
.replace( /\.js$/, "" )
.split( path.sep )
.join( path.posix.sep );
async function readdirRecursive( dir, all = [] ) {
let files;
try {
files = await fs.promises.readdir( path.join( srcFolder, dir ), {
withFileTypes: true
} );
} catch ( e ) {
return all;
for ( const file of files ) {
const filepath = path.join( dir, file.name );
if ( file.isDirectory() ) {
all.push( ...( await readdirRecursive( filepath ) ) );
} else {
all.push( moduleName( filepath ) );
return all;
async function getOutputRollupOptions( {
esm = false,
factory = false
} = {} ) {
const wrapperFileName = `wrapper${
factory ? "-factory" : ""
esm ? "-esm" : ""
const wrapperSource = await read( wrapperFileName );
// Catch `// @CODE` and subsequent comment lines event if they don't start
// in the first column.
const wrapper = wrapperSource.split(
/[\x20\t]*\/\/ @CODE\n(?:[\x20\t]*\/\/[^\n]+\n)*/
return {
// The ESM format is not actually used as we strip it during the
// build, inserting our own wrappers; it's just that it doesn't
// generate any extra wrappers so there's nothing for us to remove.
format: "esm",
intro: wrapper[ 0 ].replace( /\n*$/, "" ),
outro: wrapper[ 1 ].replace( /^\n*/, "" )
function unique( array ) {
return [ ...new Set( array ) ];
async function checkExclude( exclude, include ) {
const included = [ ...include ];
const excluded = [ ...exclude ];
for ( const module of exclude ) {
if ( minimum.indexOf( module ) !== -1 ) {
throw new Error( `Module \"${ module }\" is a minimum requirement.` );
// Exclude all files in the dir of the same name
// These are the removable dependencies
// It's fine if the directory is not there
// `selector` is a special case as we don't just remove
// the module, but we replace it with `selector-native`
// which re-uses parts of the `src/selector` dir.
if ( module !== "selector" ) {
const files = await readdirRecursive( module );
excluded.push( ...files );
// Check removeWith list
const additional = removeWith[ module ];
if ( additional ) {
const [ additionalExcluded, additionalIncluded ] = await checkExclude(
additional.remove || additional,
additional.include || []
excluded.push( ...additionalExcluded );
included.push( ...additionalIncluded );
return [ unique( excluded ), unique( included ) ];
async function writeCompiled( { code, dir, filename, version } ) {
const compiledContents = code
// Embed Version
.replace( /@VERSION/g, version )
// Embed Date
// yyyy-mm-ddThh:mmZ
.replace( /@DATE/g, new Date().toISOString().replace( /:\d+\.\d+Z$/, "Z" ) );
await fs.promises.writeFile( path.join( dir, filename ), compiledContents );
console.log( `[${ getTimestamp() }] ${ filename } v${ version } created.` );
// Build jQuery ECMAScript modules
async function build( {
dir = "dist",
exclude = [],
filename = "jquery.js",
include = [],
esm = false,
factory = false,
slim = false,
watch = false
} = {} ) {
const pureSlim = slim && !exclude.length && !include.length;
const fileOverrides = new Map();
function setOverride( filePath, source ) {
// We want normalized paths in overrides as they will be matched
// against normalized paths in the file overrides Rollup plugin.
fileOverrides.set( path.resolve( filePath ), source );
// Add the short commit hash to the version string
// when the version is not for a release.
if ( !version ) {
const { stdout } = await exec( "git rev-parse --short HEAD" );
const isClean = await isCleanWorkingDir();
// "+[slim.]SHA" is semantically correct
// Add ".dirty" as well if the working dir is not clean
version = `${ pkg.version }+${ slim ? "slim." : "" }${ stdout.trim() }${
isClean ? "" : ".dirty"
} else if ( slim ) {
version += "+slim";
await fs.promises.mkdir( dir, { recursive: true } );
// Exclude slim modules when slim is true
const [ excluded, included ] = await checkExclude(
slim ? exclude.concat( excludedFromSlim ) : exclude,
// Replace exports/global with a noop noConflict
if ( excluded.includes( "exports/global" ) ) {
const index = excluded.indexOf( "exports/global" );
`${ srcFolder }/exports/global.js`,
"import { jQuery } from \"../core.js\";\n\n" +
"jQuery.noConflict = function() {};"
excluded.splice( index, 1 );
// Set a desired AMD name.
if ( amd != null ) {
if ( amd ) {
console.log( "Naming jQuery with AMD name: " + amd );
} else {
console.log( "AMD name now anonymous" );
// Replace the AMD name in the AMD export
// No name means an anonymous define
const amdExportContents = await read( "exports/amd.js" );
`${ srcFolder }/exports/amd.js`,
// Remove the comma for anonymous defines
amd ? `$1\"${ amd }\"$2` : " "
// Append excluded modules to version.
// Skip adding exclusions for slim builds.
// Don't worry about semver syntax for these.
if ( !pureSlim && excluded.length ) {
version += " -" + excluded.join( ",-" );
// Append extra included modules to version.
if ( !pureSlim && included.length ) {
version += " +" + included.join( ",+" );
const inputOptions = {
input: `${ srcFolder }/jquery.js`
const includedImports = included
.map( ( module ) => `import "./${ module }.js";` )
.join( "\n" );
const jQueryFileContents = await read( "jquery.js" );
if ( include.length ) {
// If include is specified, only add those modules.
setOverride( inputOptions.input, includedImports );
} else {
// Remove the jQuery export from the entry file, we'll use our own
// custom wrapper.
jQueryFileContents.replace( /\n*export \{ jQuery, jQuery as \$ };\n*/, "\n" ) +
// Replace excluded modules with empty sources.
for ( const module of excluded ) {
`${ srcFolder }/${ module }.js`,
// The `selector` module is not removed, but replaced
// with `selector-native`.
module === "selector" ? await read( "selector-native.js" ) : ""
const outputOptions = await getOutputRollupOptions( { esm, factory } );
if ( watch ) {
const watcher = rollup.watch( {
output: [ outputOptions ],
plugins: [ rollupFileOverrides( fileOverrides ) ],
watch: {
include: `${ srcFolder }/**`,
skipWrite: true
} );
watcher.on( "event", async( event ) => {
switch ( event.code ) {
case "ERROR":
console.error( event.error );
case "BUNDLE_END":
const {
output: [ { code } ]
} = await event.result.generate( outputOptions );
await writeCompiled( {
} );
// Don't minify factory files; they are not meant
// for the browser anyway.
if ( !factory ) {
await minify( { dir, filename, esm } );
} );
return watcher;
} else {
const bundle = await rollup.rollup( {
plugins: [ rollupFileOverrides( fileOverrides ) ]
} );
const {
output: [ { code } ]
} = await bundle.generate( outputOptions );
await writeCompiled( { code, dir, filename, version } );
// Don't minify factory files; they are not meant
// for the browser anyway.
if ( !factory ) {
await minify( { dir, filename, esm } );
} else {
// We normally process for dist during minification to save
// file reads. However, some files are not minified and then
// we need to do it separately.
const contents = await fs.promises.readFile(
path.join( dir, filename ),
processForDist( contents, filename );
async function buildDefaultFiles( {
version = process.env.VERSION,
} = {} ) {
await Promise.all( [
build( { version, watch } ),
build( { filename: "jquery.slim.js", slim: true, version, watch } ),
build( {
dir: "dist-module",
filename: "jquery.module.js",
esm: true,
} ),
build( {
dir: "dist-module",
filename: "jquery.slim.module.js",
esm: true,
slim: true,
} ),
build( {
filename: "jquery.factory.js",
factory: true,
} ),
build( {
filename: "jquery.factory.slim.js",
slim: true,
factory: true,
} ),
build( {
dir: "dist-module",
filename: "jquery.factory.module.js",
esm: true,
factory: true,
} ),
build( {
dir: "dist-module",
filename: "jquery.factory.slim.module.js",
esm: true,
slim: true,
factory: true,
} )
] );
// Earlier Node.js versions do not support the ESM format.
if ( !verifyNodeVersion() ) {
const { compareSize } = await import( "./compare_size.mjs" );
return compareSize( {
files: [
} );
module.exports = { build, buildDefaultFiles };