2015-05-05 08:53:17 -07:00

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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

module("core", { teardown: moduleTeardown });
test("Basic requirements", function() {
ok( Array.prototype.push, "Array.push()" );
ok( Function.prototype.apply, "Function.apply()" );
ok( document.getElementById, "getElementById" );
ok( document.getElementsByTagName, "getElementsByTagName" );
ok( RegExp, "RegExp" );
ok( jQuery, "jQuery" );
ok( $, "$" );
test("jQuery()", function() {
var elem, i,
obj = jQuery("div"),
code = jQuery("<code/>"),
img = jQuery("<img/>"),
div = jQuery("<div/><hr/><code/><b/>"),
exec = false,
expected = 23,
attrObj = {
"text": "test",
"class": "test2",
"id": "test3"
// The $(html, props) signature can stealth-call any $.fn method, check for a
// few here but beware of modular builds where these methods may be excluded.
if ( jQuery.fn.click ) {
attrObj["click"] = function() { ok( exec, "Click executed." ); };
if ( jQuery.fn.width ) {
attrObj["width"] = 10;
if ( jQuery.fn.css ) {
expected += 2;
attrObj["css"] = { "paddingLeft": 1, "paddingRight": 1 };
if ( jQuery.fn.attr ) {
attrObj.attr = { "desired": "very" };
expect( expected );
// Basic constructor's behavior
equal( jQuery().length, 0, "jQuery() === jQuery([])" );
equal( jQuery(undefined).length, 0, "jQuery(undefined) === jQuery([])" );
equal( jQuery(null).length, 0, "jQuery(null) === jQuery([])" );
equal( jQuery("").length, 0, "jQuery('') === jQuery([])" );
deepEqual( jQuery(obj).get(), obj.get(), "jQuery(jQueryObj) == jQueryObj" );
// Invalid #id goes to Sizzle which will throw an error (gh-1682)
try {
jQuery( "#" );
} catch ( e ) {
ok( true, "Threw an error on #id with no id" );
// can actually yield more than one, when iframes are included, the window is an array as well
equal( jQuery(window).length, 1, "Correct number of elements generated for jQuery(window)" );
// disabled since this test was doing nothing. i tried to fix it but i'm not sure
// what the expected behavior should even be. FF returns "\n" for the text node
// make sure this is handled
var crlfContainer = jQuery('<p>\r\n</p>');
var x = crlfContainer.contents().get(0).nodeValue;
equal( x, what???, "Check for \\r and \\n in jQuery()" );
/* // Disabled until we add this functionality in
var pass = true;
try {
} catch(e){
pass = false;
ok( pass, "jQuery('&lt;tag&gt;') needs optional document parameter to ease cross-frame DOM wrangling, see #968" );*/
equal( code.length, 1, "Correct number of elements generated for code" );
equal( code.parent().length, 0, "Make sure that the generated HTML has no parent." );
equal( img.length, 1, "Correct number of elements generated for img" );
equal( img.parent().length, 0, "Make sure that the generated HTML has no parent." );
equal( div.length, 4, "Correct number of elements generated for div hr code b" );
equal( div.parent().length, 0, "Make sure that the generated HTML has no parent." );
equal( jQuery([1,2,3]).get(1), 2, "Test passing an array to the factory" );
equal( jQuery(document.body).get(0), jQuery("body").get(0), "Test passing an html node to the factory" );
elem = jQuery(" <em>hello</em>")[0];
equal( elem.nodeName.toLowerCase(), "em", "leading space" );
elem = jQuery("\n\n<em>world</em>")[0];
equal( elem.nodeName.toLowerCase(), "em", "leading newlines" );
elem = jQuery( "<div/>", attrObj );
if ( jQuery.fn.width ) {
equal( elem[0].style.width, "10px", "jQuery() quick setter width");
if ( jQuery.fn.css ) {
equal( elem[0].style.paddingLeft, "1px", "jQuery quick setter css");
equal( elem[0].style.paddingRight, "1px", "jQuery quick setter css");
if ( jQuery.fn.attr ) {
equal( elem[0].getAttribute("desired"), "very", "jQuery quick setter attr");
equal( elem[0].childNodes.length, 1, "jQuery quick setter text");
equal( elem[0].firstChild.nodeValue, "test", "jQuery quick setter text");
equal( elem[0].className, "test2", "jQuery() quick setter class");
equal( elem[0].id, "test3", "jQuery() quick setter id");
exec = true;
// manually clean up detached elements
for ( i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) {
elem = jQuery("<input type='text' value='TEST' />");
equal( elem[0].defaultValue, "TEST", "Ensure cached nodes are cloned properly (Bug #6655)" );
elem = jQuery( "<input type='hidden'>", {} );
strictEqual( elem[ 0 ].ownerDocument, document,
"Empty attributes object is not interpreted as a document (trac-8950)" );
test("jQuery(selector, context)", function() {
deepEqual( jQuery("div p", "#qunit-fixture").get(), q("sndp", "en", "sap"), "Basic selector with string as context" );
deepEqual( jQuery("div p", q("qunit-fixture")[0]).get(), q("sndp", "en", "sap"), "Basic selector with element as context" );
deepEqual( jQuery("div p", jQuery("#qunit-fixture")).get(), q("sndp", "en", "sap"), "Basic selector with jQuery object as context" );
test( "globalEval", function() {
expect( 3 );
jQuery.globalEval("globalEvalTest = 1;");
equal( window.globalEvalTest, 1, "Test variable assignments are global" );
jQuery.globalEval("var globalEvalTest = 2;");
equal( window.globalEvalTest, 2, "Test variable declarations are global" );
jQuery.globalEval("this.globalEvalTest = 3;");
equal( window.globalEvalTest, 3, "Test context (this) is the window object" );
test( "globalEval with 'use strict'", function() {
expect( 1 );
jQuery.globalEval("'use strict'; var strictEvalTest = 1;");
equal( window.strictEvalTest, 1, "Test variable declarations are global (strict mode)" );
test( "globalEval execution after script injection (#7862)", 1, function() {
var now,
script = document.createElement( "script" );
script.src = "data/longLoadScript.php?sleep=2";
now = jQuery.now();
document.body.appendChild( script );
jQuery.globalEval( "var strictEvalTest = " + jQuery.now() + ";");
ok( window.strictEvalTest - now < 500, "Code executed synchronously" );
// This is not run in AMD mode
if ( jQuery.noConflict ) {
test("noConflict", function() {
var $$ = jQuery;
strictEqual( jQuery, jQuery.noConflict(), "noConflict returned the jQuery object" );
strictEqual( window["jQuery"], $$, "Make sure jQuery wasn't touched." );
strictEqual( window["$"], original$, "Make sure $ was reverted." );
jQuery = $ = $$;
strictEqual( jQuery.noConflict(true), $$, "noConflict returned the jQuery object" );
strictEqual( window["jQuery"], originaljQuery, "Make sure jQuery was reverted." );
strictEqual( window["$"], original$, "Make sure $ was reverted." );
ok( $$().pushStack([]), "Make sure that jQuery still works." );
window["jQuery"] = jQuery = $$;
test("trim", function() {
var nbsp = String.fromCharCode(160);
equal( jQuery.trim("hello "), "hello", "trailing space" );
equal( jQuery.trim(" hello"), "hello", "leading space" );
equal( jQuery.trim(" hello "), "hello", "space on both sides" );
equal( jQuery.trim(" " + nbsp + "hello " + nbsp + " "), "hello", "&nbsp;" );
equal( jQuery.trim(), "", "Nothing in." );
equal( jQuery.trim( undefined ), "", "Undefined" );
equal( jQuery.trim( null ), "", "Null" );
equal( jQuery.trim( 5 ), "5", "Number" );
equal( jQuery.trim( false ), "false", "Boolean" );
equal( jQuery.trim(" "), "", "space should be trimmed" );
equal( jQuery.trim("ipad\xA0"), "ipad", "nbsp should be trimmed" );
equal( jQuery.trim("\uFEFF"), "", "zwsp should be trimmed" );
equal( jQuery.trim("\uFEFF \xA0! | \uFEFF"), "! |", "leading/trailing should be trimmed" );
test("type", function() {
expect( 28 );
equal( jQuery.type(null), "null", "null" );
equal( jQuery.type(undefined), "undefined", "undefined" );
equal( jQuery.type(true), "boolean", "Boolean" );
equal( jQuery.type(false), "boolean", "Boolean" );
equal( jQuery.type(Boolean(true)), "boolean", "Boolean" );
equal( jQuery.type(0), "number", "Number" );
equal( jQuery.type(1), "number", "Number" );
equal( jQuery.type(Number(1)), "number", "Number" );
equal( jQuery.type(""), "string", "String" );
equal( jQuery.type("a"), "string", "String" );
equal( jQuery.type(String("a")), "string", "String" );
equal( jQuery.type({}), "object", "Object" );
equal( jQuery.type(/foo/), "regexp", "RegExp" );
equal( jQuery.type(new RegExp("asdf")), "regexp", "RegExp" );
equal( jQuery.type([1]), "array", "Array" );
equal( jQuery.type(new Date()), "date", "Date" );
equal( jQuery.type(new Function("return;")), "function", "Function" );
equal( jQuery.type(function(){}), "function", "Function" );
equal( jQuery.type(new Error()), "error", "Error" );
equal( jQuery.type(window), "object", "Window" );
equal( jQuery.type(document), "object", "Document" );
equal( jQuery.type(document.body), "object", "Element" );
equal( jQuery.type(document.createTextNode("foo")), "object", "TextNode" );
equal( jQuery.type(document.getElementsByTagName("*")), "object", "NodeList" );
// Avoid Lint complaints
var MyString = String,
MyNumber = Number,
MyBoolean = Boolean,
MyObject = Object;
equal( jQuery.type(new MyBoolean(true)), "boolean", "Boolean" );
equal( jQuery.type(new MyNumber(1)), "number", "Number" );
equal( jQuery.type(new MyString("a")), "string", "String" );
equal( jQuery.type(new MyObject()), "object", "Object" );
asyncTest("isPlainObject", function() {
var pass, iframe, doc,
fn = function() {};
// The use case that we want to match
ok( jQuery.isPlainObject({}), "{}" );
// Not objects shouldn't be matched
ok( !jQuery.isPlainObject(""), "string" );
ok( !jQuery.isPlainObject(0) && !jQuery.isPlainObject(1), "number" );
ok( !jQuery.isPlainObject(true) && !jQuery.isPlainObject(false), "boolean" );
ok( !jQuery.isPlainObject(null), "null" );
ok( !jQuery.isPlainObject(undefined), "undefined" );
// Arrays shouldn't be matched
ok( !jQuery.isPlainObject([]), "array" );
// Instantiated objects shouldn't be matched
ok( !jQuery.isPlainObject(new Date()), "new Date" );
// Functions shouldn't be matched
ok( !jQuery.isPlainObject(fn), "fn" );
// Again, instantiated objects shouldn't be matched
ok( !jQuery.isPlainObject(new fn()), "new fn (no methods)" );
// Makes the function a little more realistic
// (and harder to detect, incidentally)
fn.prototype["someMethod"] = function(){};
// Again, instantiated objects shouldn't be matched
ok( !jQuery.isPlainObject(new fn()), "new fn" );
// DOM Element
ok( !jQuery.isPlainObject( document.createElement("div") ), "DOM Element" );
// Window
ok( !jQuery.isPlainObject( window ), "window" );
pass = false;
try {
jQuery.isPlainObject( window.location );
pass = true;
} catch ( e ) {}
ok( pass, "Does not throw exceptions on host objects" );
// Objects from other windows should be matched
window.iframeDone = function( otherObject, detail ) {
window.iframeDone = undefined;
iframe.parentNode.removeChild( iframe );
ok( jQuery.isPlainObject(new otherObject()), "new otherObject" + ( detail ? " - " + detail : "" ) );
try {
iframe = jQuery("#qunit-fixture")[0].appendChild( document.createElement("iframe") );
doc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;
doc.write("<body onload='window.parent.iframeDone(Object);'>");
} catch(e) {
window.iframeDone( Object, "iframes not supported" );
test("isFunction", function() {
var mystr, myarr, myfunction, fn, obj, nodes, first, input, a;
// Make sure that false values return false
ok( !jQuery.isFunction(), "No Value" );
ok( !jQuery.isFunction( null ), "null Value" );
ok( !jQuery.isFunction( undefined ), "undefined Value" );
ok( !jQuery.isFunction( "" ), "Empty String Value" );
ok( !jQuery.isFunction( 0 ), "0 Value" );
// Check built-ins
ok( jQuery.isFunction(String), "String Function("+String+")" );
ok( jQuery.isFunction(Array), "Array Function("+Array+")" );
ok( jQuery.isFunction(Object), "Object Function("+Object+")" );
ok( jQuery.isFunction(Function), "Function Function("+Function+")" );
// When stringified, this could be misinterpreted
mystr = "function";
ok( !jQuery.isFunction(mystr), "Function String" );
// When stringified, this could be misinterpreted
myarr = [ "function" ];
ok( !jQuery.isFunction(myarr), "Function Array" );
// When stringified, this could be misinterpreted
myfunction = { "function": "test" };
ok( !jQuery.isFunction(myfunction), "Function Object" );
// Make sure normal functions still work
fn = function(){};
ok( jQuery.isFunction(fn), "Normal Function" );
obj = document.createElement("object");
// Firefox says this is a function
ok( !jQuery.isFunction(obj), "Object Element" );
// Since 1.3, this isn't supported (#2968)
//ok( jQuery.isFunction(obj.getAttribute), "getAttribute Function" );
nodes = document.body.childNodes;
// Safari says this is a function
ok( !jQuery.isFunction(nodes), "childNodes Property" );
first = document.body.firstChild;
// Normal elements are reported ok everywhere
ok( !jQuery.isFunction(first), "A normal DOM Element" );
input = document.createElement("input");
input.type = "text";
document.body.appendChild( input );
// Since 1.3, this isn't supported (#2968)
//ok( jQuery.isFunction(input.focus), "A default function property" );
document.body.removeChild( input );
a = document.createElement("a");
a.href = "some-function";
document.body.appendChild( a );
// This serializes with the word 'function' in it
ok( !jQuery.isFunction(a), "Anchor Element" );
document.body.removeChild( a );
// Recursive function calls have lengths and array-like properties
function callme(callback){
function fn(response){
ok( jQuery.isFunction(fn), "Recursive Function Call" );
fn({ some: "data" });
test( "isNumeric", function() {
expect( 38 );
var t = jQuery.isNumeric,
ToString = function( value ) {
this.toString = function() {
return String( value );
ok( t( "-10" ), "Negative integer string" );
ok( t( "0" ), "Zero string" );
ok( t( "5" ), "Positive integer string" );
ok( t( -16 ), "Negative integer number" );
ok( t( 0 ), "Zero integer number" );
ok( t( 32 ), "Positive integer number" );
ok( t( "040" ), "Octal integer literal string" );
ok( t( "0xFF" ), "Hexadecimal integer literal string" );
ok( t( 0xFFF ), "Hexadecimal integer literal" );
ok( t( "-1.6" ), "Negative floating point string" );
ok( t( "4.536" ), "Positive floating point string" );
ok( t( -2.6 ), "Negative floating point number" );
ok( t( 3.1415 ), "Positive floating point number" );
ok( t( 1.5999999999999999 ), "Very precise floating point number" );
ok( t( 8e5 ), "Exponential notation" );
ok( t( "123e-2" ), "Exponential notation string" );
ok( t( new ToString( "42" ) ), "Custom .toString returning number" );
equal( t( "" ), false, "Empty string" );
equal( t( " " ), false, "Whitespace characters string" );
equal( t( "\t\t" ), false, "Tab characters string" );
equal( t( "abcdefghijklm1234567890" ), false, "Alphanumeric character string" );
equal( t( "xabcdefx" ), false, "Non-numeric character string" );
equal( t( true ), false, "Boolean true literal" );
equal( t( false ), false, "Boolean false literal" );
equal( t( "bcfed5.2" ), false, "Number with preceding non-numeric characters" );
equal( t( "7.2acdgs" ), false, "Number with trailling non-numeric characters" );
equal( t( undefined ), false, "Undefined value" );
equal( t( null ), false, "Null value" );
equal( t( NaN ), false, "NaN value" );
equal( t( Infinity ), false, "Infinity primitive" );
equal( t( Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY ), false, "Positive Infinity" );
equal( t( Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY ), false, "Negative Infinity" );
equal( t( new ToString( "Devo" ) ), false, "Custom .toString returning non-number" );
equal( t( {} ), false, "Empty object" );
equal( t( [] ), false, "Empty array" );
equal( t( [ 42 ] ), false, "Array with one number" );
equal( t( function(){} ), false, "Instance of a function" );
equal( t( new Date() ), false, "Instance of a Date" );
test("isXMLDoc - HTML", function() {
ok( !jQuery.isXMLDoc( document ), "HTML document" );
ok( !jQuery.isXMLDoc( document.documentElement ), "HTML documentElement" );
ok( !jQuery.isXMLDoc( document.body ), "HTML Body Element" );
var body,
iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
document.body.appendChild( iframe );
try {
body = jQuery(iframe).contents()[0];
try {
ok( !jQuery.isXMLDoc( body ), "Iframe body element" );
} catch(e) {
ok( false, "Iframe body element exception" );
} catch(e) {
ok( true, "Iframe body element - iframe not working correctly" );
document.body.removeChild( iframe );
test("XSS via location.hash", function() {
jQuery["_check9521"] = function(x){
ok( x, "script called from #id-like selector with inline handler" );
delete jQuery["_check9521"];
try {
// This throws an error because it's processed like an id
jQuery( "#<img id='check9521' src='no-such-.gif' onerror='jQuery._check9521(false)'>" ).appendTo("#qunit-fixture");
} catch (err) {
test("isXMLDoc - XML", function() {
var xml = createDashboardXML();
ok( jQuery.isXMLDoc( xml ), "XML document" );
ok( jQuery.isXMLDoc( xml.documentElement ), "XML documentElement" );
ok( jQuery.isXMLDoc( jQuery("tab", xml)[0] ), "XML Tab Element" );
test("isWindow", function() {
expect( 14 );
ok( jQuery.isWindow(window), "window" );
ok( jQuery.isWindow(document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0].contentWindow), "iframe.contentWindow" );
ok( !jQuery.isWindow(), "empty" );
ok( !jQuery.isWindow(null), "null" );
ok( !jQuery.isWindow(undefined), "undefined" );
ok( !jQuery.isWindow(document), "document" );
ok( !jQuery.isWindow(document.documentElement), "documentElement" );
ok( !jQuery.isWindow(""), "string" );
ok( !jQuery.isWindow(1), "number" );
ok( !jQuery.isWindow(true), "boolean" );
ok( !jQuery.isWindow({}), "object" );
ok( !jQuery.isWindow({ setInterval: function(){} }), "fake window" );
ok( !jQuery.isWindow(/window/), "regexp" );
ok( !jQuery.isWindow(function(){}), "function" );
test("jQuery('html')", function() {
expect( 18 );
var s, div, j;
jQuery["foo"] = false;
s = jQuery("<script>jQuery.foo='test';</script>")[0];
ok( s, "Creating a script" );
ok( !jQuery["foo"], "Make sure the script wasn't executed prematurely" );
ok( jQuery["foo"], "Executing a scripts contents in the right context" );
// Test multi-line HTML
div = jQuery("<div>\r\nsome text\n<p>some p</p>\nmore text\r\n</div>")[0];
equal( div.nodeName.toUpperCase(), "DIV", "Make sure we're getting a div." );
equal( div.firstChild.nodeType, 3, "Text node." );
equal( div.lastChild.nodeType, 3, "Text node." );
equal( div.childNodes[1].nodeType, 1, "Paragraph." );
equal( div.childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeType, 3, "Paragraph text." );
ok( jQuery("<link rel='stylesheet'/>")[0], "Creating a link" );
ok( !jQuery("<script/>")[0].parentNode, "Create a script" );
ok( jQuery("<input/>").attr("type", "hidden"), "Create an input and set the type." );
j = jQuery("<span>hi</span> there <!-- mon ami -->");
ok( j.length >= 2, "Check node,textnode,comment creation (some browsers delete comments)" );
ok( !jQuery("<option>test</option>")[0].selected, "Make sure that options are auto-selected #2050" );
ok( jQuery("<div></div>")[0], "Create a div with closing tag." );
ok( jQuery("<table></table>")[0], "Create a table with closing tag." );
equal( jQuery( "element[attribute='<div></div>']" ).length, 0,
"When html is within brackets, do not recognize as html." );
//equal( jQuery( "element[attribute=<div></div>]" ).length, 0,
// "When html is within brackets, do not recognize as html." );
equal( jQuery( "element:not(<div></div>)" ).length, 0,
"When html is within parens, do not recognize as html." );
equal( jQuery( "\\<div\\>" ).length, 0, "Ignore escaped html characters" );
test("jQuery(tag-hyphenated elements) gh-1987", function() {
expect( 17 );
jQuery.each( "thead tbody tfoot colgroup caption tr th td".split(" "), function( i, name ) {
var j = jQuery("<" + name + "-d></" + name + "-d>");
ok( j[0], "Create a tag-hyphenated elements" );
ok( jQuery.nodeName(j[0], name.toUpperCase() + "-D"), "Tag-hyphenated element has expected node name" );
var j = jQuery("<tr-multiple-hyphens></tr-multiple-hyphens>");
ok( jQuery.nodeName(j[0], "TR-MULTIPLE-HYPHENS"), "Element with multiple hyphens in its tag has expected node name" );
test("jQuery('massive html #7990')", function() {
expect( 3 );
var i,
li = "<li>very very very very large html string</li>",
html = ["<ul>"];
for ( i = 0; i < 30000; i += 1 ) {
html[html.length] = li;
html[html.length] = "</ul>";
html = jQuery(html.join(""))[0];
equal( html.nodeName.toLowerCase(), "ul");
equal( html.firstChild.nodeName.toLowerCase(), "li");
equal( html.childNodes.length, 30000 );
test("jQuery('html', context)", function() {
var $div = jQuery("<div/>")[0],
$span = jQuery("<span/>", $div);
equal($span.length, 1, "verify a span created with a div context works, #1763");
test("jQuery(selector, xml).text(str) - loaded via xml document", function() {
var xml = createDashboardXML(),
// tests for #1419 where ie was a problem
tab = jQuery("tab", xml).eq(0);
equal( tab.text(), "blabla", "verify initial text correct" );
equal( tab.text(), "newtext", "verify new text correct" );
test("end()", function() {
equal( "Yahoo", jQuery("#yahoo").parent().end().text(), "check for end" );
ok( jQuery("#yahoo").end(), "check for end with nothing to end" );
var x = jQuery("#yahoo");
equal( "Yahoo", jQuery("#yahoo").text(), "check for non-destructive behaviour" );
test("length", function() {
equal( jQuery("#qunit-fixture p").length, 6, "Get Number of Elements Found" );
test("get()", function() {
deepEqual( jQuery("#qunit-fixture p").get(), q("firstp","ap","sndp","en","sap","first"), "Get All Elements" );
test("toArray()", function() {
deepEqual( jQuery("#qunit-fixture p").toArray(),
"Convert jQuery object to an Array" );
test("inArray()", function() {
var selections = {
p: q("firstp", "sap", "ap", "first"),
em: q("siblingnext", "siblingfirst"),
div: q("qunit-testrunner-toolbar", "nothiddendiv", "nothiddendivchild", "foo"),
a: q("mark", "groups", "google", "simon1"),
empty: []
tests = {
p: { elem: jQuery("#ap")[0], index: 2 },
em: { elem: jQuery("#siblingfirst")[0], index: 1 },
div: { elem: jQuery("#nothiddendiv")[0], index: 1 },
a: { elem: jQuery("#simon1")[0], index: 3 }
falseTests = {
p: jQuery("#liveSpan1")[0],
em: jQuery("#nothiddendiv")[0],
empty: ""
jQuery.each( tests, function( key, obj ) {
equal( jQuery.inArray( obj.elem, selections[ key ] ), obj.index, "elem is in the array of selections of its tag" );
// Third argument (fromIndex)
equal( !!~jQuery.inArray( obj.elem, selections[ key ], 5 ), false, "elem is NOT in the array of selections given a starting index greater than its position" );
equal( !!~jQuery.inArray( obj.elem, selections[ key ], 1 ), true, "elem is in the array of selections given a starting index less than or equal to its position" );
equal( !!~jQuery.inArray( obj.elem, selections[ key ], -3 ), true, "elem is in the array of selections given a negative index" );
jQuery.each( falseTests, function( key, elem ) {
equal( !!~jQuery.inArray( elem, selections[ key ] ), false, "elem is NOT in the array of selections" );
test("get(Number)", function() {
equal( jQuery("#qunit-fixture p").get(0), document.getElementById("firstp"), "Get A Single Element" );
strictEqual( jQuery("#firstp").get(1), undefined, "Try get with index larger elements count" );
test("get(-Number)",function() {
equal( jQuery("p").get(-1), document.getElementById("first"), "Get a single element with negative index" );
strictEqual( jQuery("#firstp").get(-2), undefined, "Try get with index negative index larger then elements count" );
test("each(Function)", function() {
var div, pass, i;
div = jQuery("div");
div.each(function(){this.foo = "zoo";});
pass = true;
for ( i = 0; i < div.length; i++ ) {
if ( div.get(i).foo !== "zoo" ) {
pass = false;
ok( pass, "Execute a function, Relative" );
test("slice()", function() {
var $links = jQuery("#ap a");
deepEqual( $links.slice(1,2).get(), q("groups"), "slice(1,2)" );
deepEqual( $links.slice(1).get(), q("groups", "anchor1", "mark"), "slice(1)" );
deepEqual( $links.slice(0,3).get(), q("google", "groups", "anchor1"), "slice(0,3)" );
deepEqual( $links.slice(-1).get(), q("mark"), "slice(-1)" );
deepEqual( $links.eq(1).get(), q("groups"), "eq(1)" );
deepEqual( $links.eq("2").get(), q("anchor1"), "eq('2')" );
deepEqual( $links.eq(-1).get(), q("mark"), "eq(-1)" );
test("first()/last()", function() {
var $links = jQuery("#ap a"), $none = jQuery("asdf");
deepEqual( $links.first().get(), q("google"), "first()" );
deepEqual( $links.last().get(), q("mark"), "last()" );
deepEqual( $none.first().get(), [], "first() none" );
deepEqual( $none.last().get(), [], "last() none" );
test("map()", function() {
expect( 2 );
jQuery("#ap").map(function() {
return jQuery( this ).find("a").get();
q( "google", "groups", "anchor1", "mark" ),
"Array Map"
jQuery("#ap > a").map(function() {
return this.parentNode;
q( "ap","ap","ap" ),
"Single Map"
test("jQuery.map", function() {
expect( 25 );
var i, label, result, callback;
result = jQuery.map( [ 3, 4, 5 ], function( v, k ) {
return k;
equal( result.join(""), "012", "Map the keys from an array" );
result = jQuery.map( [ 3, 4, 5 ], function( v ) {
return v;
equal( result.join(""), "345", "Map the values from an array" );
result = jQuery.map( { a: 1, b: 2 }, function( v, k ) {
return k;
equal( result.join(""), "ab", "Map the keys from an object" );
result = jQuery.map( { a: 1, b: 2 }, function( v ) {
return v;
equal( result.join(""), "12", "Map the values from an object" );
result = jQuery.map( [ "a", undefined, null, "b" ], function( v ) {
return v;
equal( result.join(""), "ab", "Array iteration does not include undefined/null results" );
result = jQuery.map( { a: "a", b: undefined, c: null, d: "b" }, function( v ) {
return v;
equal( result.join(""), "ab", "Object iteration does not include undefined/null results" );
result = {
Zero: function() {},
One: function( a ) { a = a; },
Two: function( a, b ) { a = a; b = b; }
callback = function( v, k ) {
equal( k, "foo", label + "-argument function treated like object" );
for ( i in result ) {
label = i;
result[ i ].foo = "bar";
jQuery.map( result[ i ], callback );
result = {
"undefined": undefined,
"null": null,
"false": false,
"true": true,
"empty string": "",
"nonempty string": "string",
"string \"0\"": "0",
"negative": -1,
"excess": 1
callback = function( v, k ) {
equal( k, "length", "Object with " + label + " length treated like object" );
for ( i in result ) {
label = i;
jQuery.map( { length: result[ i ] }, callback );
result = {
"sparse Array": Array( 4 ),
"length: 1 plain object": { length: 1, "0": true },
"length: 2 plain object": { length: 2, "0": true, "1": true },
NodeList: document.getElementsByTagName("html")
callback = function( v, k ) {
if ( result[ label ] ) {
delete result[ label ];
equal( k, "0", label + " treated like array" );
for ( i in result ) {
label = i;
jQuery.map( result[ i ], callback );
result = false;
jQuery.map( { length: 0 }, function() {
result = true;
ok( !result, "length: 0 plain object treated like array" );
result = false;
jQuery.map( document.getElementsByTagName("asdf"), function() {
result = true;
ok( !result, "empty NodeList treated like array" );
result = jQuery.map( Array(4), function( v, k ){
return k % 2 ? k : [k,k,k];
equal( result.join(""), "00012223", "Array results flattened (#2616)" );
test("jQuery.merge()", function() {
expect( 10 );
jQuery.merge( [], [] ),
"Empty arrays"
jQuery.merge( [ 1 ], [ 2 ] ),
[ 1, 2 ],
"Basic (single-element)"
jQuery.merge( [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ] ),
[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ],
"Basic (multiple-element)"
jQuery.merge( [ 1, 2 ], [] ),
[ 1, 2 ],
"Second empty"
jQuery.merge( [], [ 1, 2 ] ),
[ 1, 2 ],
"First empty"
// Fixed at [5998], #3641
jQuery.merge( [ -2, -1 ], [ 0, 1, 2 ] ),
[ -2, -1 , 0, 1, 2 ],
"Second array including a zero (falsy)"
// After fixing #5527
jQuery.merge( [], [ null, undefined ] ),
[ null, undefined ],
"Second array including null and undefined values"
jQuery.merge( { length: 0 }, [ 1, 2 ] ),
{ length: 2, 0: 1, 1: 2 },
"First array like"
jQuery.merge( [ 1, 2 ], { length: 1, 0: 3 } ),
[ 1, 2, 3 ],
"Second array like"
jQuery.merge( [], document.getElementById("lengthtest").getElementsByTagName("input") ),
[ document.getElementById("length"), document.getElementById("idTest") ],
"Second NodeList"
test("jQuery.grep()", function() {
var searchCriterion = function( value ) {
return value % 2 === 0;
deepEqual( jQuery.grep( [], searchCriterion ), [], "Empty array" );
deepEqual( jQuery.grep( new Array(4), searchCriterion ), [], "Sparse array" );
deepEqual( jQuery.grep( [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ], searchCriterion ), [ 2, 4, 6 ], "Satisfying elements present" );
deepEqual( jQuery.grep( [ 1, 3, 5, 7], searchCriterion ), [], "Satisfying elements absent" );
deepEqual( jQuery.grep( [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ], searchCriterion, true ), [ 1, 3, 5 ], "Satisfying elements present and grep inverted" );
deepEqual( jQuery.grep( [ 1, 3, 5, 7], searchCriterion, true ), [1, 3, 5, 7], "Satisfying elements absent and grep inverted" );
deepEqual( jQuery.grep( [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ], searchCriterion, false ), [ 2, 4, 6 ], "Satisfying elements present but grep explicitly uninverted" );
deepEqual( jQuery.grep( [ 1, 3, 5, 7 ], searchCriterion, false ), [], "Satisfying elements absent and grep explicitly uninverted" );
test("jQuery.extend(Object, Object)", function() {
var empty, optionsWithLength, optionsWithDate, myKlass,
customObject, optionsWithCustomObject, MyNumber, ret,
nullUndef, target, recursive, obj,
defaults, defaultsCopy, options1, options1Copy, options2, options2Copy, merged2,
settings = { "xnumber1": 5, "xnumber2": 7, "xstring1": "peter", "xstring2": "pan" },
options = { "xnumber2": 1, "xstring2": "x", "xxx": "newstring" },
optionsCopy = { "xnumber2": 1, "xstring2": "x", "xxx": "newstring" },
merged = { "xnumber1": 5, "xnumber2": 1, "xstring1": "peter", "xstring2": "x", "xxx": "newstring" },
deep1 = { "foo": { "bar": true } },
deep2 = { "foo": { "baz": true }, "foo2": document },
deep2copy = { "foo": { "baz": true }, "foo2": document },
deepmerged = { "foo": { "bar": true, "baz": true }, "foo2": document },
arr = [1, 2, 3],
nestedarray = { "arr": arr };
jQuery.extend(settings, options);
deepEqual( settings, merged, "Check if extended: settings must be extended" );
deepEqual( options, optionsCopy, "Check if not modified: options must not be modified" );
jQuery.extend(settings, null, options);
deepEqual( settings, merged, "Check if extended: settings must be extended" );
deepEqual( options, optionsCopy, "Check if not modified: options must not be modified" );
jQuery.extend(true, deep1, deep2);
deepEqual( deep1["foo"], deepmerged["foo"], "Check if foo: settings must be extended" );
deepEqual( deep2["foo"], deep2copy["foo"], "Check if not deep2: options must not be modified" );
equal( deep1["foo2"], document, "Make sure that a deep clone was not attempted on the document" );
ok( jQuery.extend(true, {}, nestedarray)["arr"] !== arr, "Deep extend of object must clone child array" );
// #5991
ok( jQuery.isArray( jQuery.extend(true, { "arr": {} }, nestedarray)["arr"] ), "Cloned array have to be an Array" );
ok( jQuery.isPlainObject( jQuery.extend(true, { "arr": arr }, { "arr": {} })["arr"] ), "Cloned object have to be an plain object" );
empty = {};
optionsWithLength = { "foo": { "length": -1 } };
jQuery.extend(true, empty, optionsWithLength);
deepEqual( empty["foo"], optionsWithLength["foo"], "The length property must copy correctly" );
empty = {};
optionsWithDate = { "foo": { "date": new Date() } };
jQuery.extend(true, empty, optionsWithDate);
deepEqual( empty["foo"], optionsWithDate["foo"], "Dates copy correctly" );
/** @constructor */
myKlass = function() {};
customObject = new myKlass();
optionsWithCustomObject = { "foo": { "date": customObject } };
empty = {};
jQuery.extend(true, empty, optionsWithCustomObject);
ok( empty["foo"] && empty["foo"]["date"] === customObject, "Custom objects copy correctly (no methods)" );
// Makes the class a little more realistic
myKlass.prototype = { "someMethod": function(){} };
empty = {};
jQuery.extend(true, empty, optionsWithCustomObject);
ok( empty["foo"] && empty["foo"]["date"] === customObject, "Custom objects copy correctly" );
MyNumber = Number;
ret = jQuery.extend(true, { "foo": 4 }, { "foo": new MyNumber(5) } );
ok( parseInt(ret.foo, 10) === 5, "Wrapped numbers copy correctly" );
nullUndef = jQuery.extend({}, options, { "xnumber2": null });
ok( nullUndef["xnumber2"] === null, "Check to make sure null values are copied");
nullUndef = jQuery.extend({}, options, { "xnumber2": undefined });
ok( nullUndef["xnumber2"] === options["xnumber2"], "Check to make sure undefined values are not copied");
nullUndef = jQuery.extend({}, options, { "xnumber0": null });
ok( nullUndef["xnumber0"] === null, "Check to make sure null values are inserted");
target = {};
recursive = { foo:target, bar:5 };
jQuery.extend(true, target, recursive);
deepEqual( target, { bar:5 }, "Check to make sure a recursive obj doesn't go never-ending loop by not copying it over" );
ret = jQuery.extend(true, { foo: [] }, { foo: [0] } ); // 1907
equal( ret.foo.length, 1, "Check to make sure a value with coercion 'false' copies over when necessary to fix #1907" );
ret = jQuery.extend(true, { foo: "1,2,3" }, { foo: [1, 2, 3] } );
ok( typeof ret.foo !== "string", "Check to make sure values equal with coercion (but not actually equal) overwrite correctly" );
ret = jQuery.extend(true, { foo:"bar" }, { foo:null } );
ok( typeof ret.foo !== "undefined", "Make sure a null value doesn't crash with deep extend, for #1908" );
obj = { foo:null };
jQuery.extend(true, obj, { foo:"notnull" } );
equal( obj.foo, "notnull", "Make sure a null value can be overwritten" );
function func() {}
jQuery.extend(func, { key: "value" } );
equal( func.key, "value", "Verify a function can be extended" );
defaults = { xnumber1: 5, xnumber2: 7, xstring1: "peter", xstring2: "pan" };
defaultsCopy = { xnumber1: 5, xnumber2: 7, xstring1: "peter", xstring2: "pan" };
options1 = { xnumber2: 1, xstring2: "x" };
options1Copy = { xnumber2: 1, xstring2: "x" };
options2 = { xstring2: "xx", xxx: "newstringx" };
options2Copy = { xstring2: "xx", xxx: "newstringx" };
merged2 = { xnumber1: 5, xnumber2: 1, xstring1: "peter", xstring2: "xx", xxx: "newstringx" };
settings = jQuery.extend({}, defaults, options1, options2);
deepEqual( settings, merged2, "Check if extended: settings must be extended" );
deepEqual( defaults, defaultsCopy, "Check if not modified: options1 must not be modified" );
deepEqual( options1, options1Copy, "Check if not modified: options1 must not be modified" );
deepEqual( options2, options2Copy, "Check if not modified: options2 must not be modified" );
test("jQuery.extend(true,{},{a:[], o:{}}); deep copy with array, followed by object", function() {
var result, initial = {
// This will make "copyIsArray" true
array: [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ],
// If "copyIsArray" doesn't get reset to false, the check
// will evaluate true and enter the array copy block
// instead of the object copy block. Since the ternary in the
// "copyIsArray" block will will evaluate to false
// (check if operating on an array with ), this will be
// replaced by an empty array.
object: {}
result = jQuery.extend( true, {}, initial );
deepEqual( result, initial, "The [result] and [initial] have equal shape and values" );
ok( !jQuery.isArray( result.object ), "result.object wasn't paved with an empty array" );
test("jQuery.each(Object,Function)", function() {
expect( 23 );
var i, label, seen, callback;
seen = {};
jQuery.each( [ 3, 4, 5 ], function( k, v ) {
seen[ k ] = v;
deepEqual( seen, { "0": 3, "1": 4, "2": 5 }, "Array iteration" );
seen = {};
jQuery.each( { name: "name", lang: "lang" }, function( k, v ) {
seen[ k ] = v;
deepEqual( seen, { name: "name", lang: "lang" }, "Object iteration" );
seen = [];
jQuery.each( [ 1, 2, 3 ], function( k, v ) {
seen.push( v );
if ( k === 1 ) {
return false;
deepEqual( seen, [ 1, 2 ] , "Broken array iteration" );
seen = [];
jQuery.each( {"a": 1, "b": 2,"c": 3 }, function( k, v ) {
seen.push( v );
return false;
deepEqual( seen, [ 1 ], "Broken object iteration" );
seen = {
Zero: function() {},
One: function( a ) { a = a; },
Two: function( a, b ) { a = a; b = b; }
callback = function( k ) {
equal( k, "foo", label + "-argument function treated like object" );
for ( i in seen ) {
label = i;
seen[ i ].foo = "bar";
jQuery.each( seen[ i ], callback );
seen = {
"undefined": undefined,
"null": null,
"false": false,
"true": true,
"empty string": "",
"nonempty string": "string",
"string \"0\"": "0",
"negative": -1,
"excess": 1
callback = function( k ) {
equal( k, "length", "Object with " + label + " length treated like object" );
for ( i in seen ) {
label = i;
jQuery.each( { length: seen[ i ] }, callback );
seen = {
"sparse Array": Array( 4 ),
"length: 1 plain object": { length: 1, "0": true },
"length: 2 plain object": { length: 2, "0": true, "1": true },
NodeList: document.getElementsByTagName("html")
callback = function( k ) {
if ( seen[ label ] ) {
delete seen[ label ];
equal( k, "0", label + " treated like array" );
return false;
for ( i in seen ) {
label = i;
jQuery.each( seen[ i ], callback );
seen = false;
jQuery.each( { length: 0 }, function() {
seen = true;
ok( !seen, "length: 0 plain object treated like array" );
seen = false;
jQuery.each( document.getElementsByTagName("asdf"), function() {
seen = true;
ok( !seen, "empty NodeList treated like array" );
i = 0;
jQuery.each( document.styleSheets, function() {
equal( i, document.styleSheets.length, "Iteration over document.styleSheets" );
test( "JIT compilation does not interfere with length retrieval (gh-2145)", function() {
expect( 4 );
var i;
// Trigger JIT compilation of jQuery.each and therefore isArraylike in iOS.
// Convince JSC to use one of its optimizing compilers
// by providing code which can be LICM'd into nothing.
for ( i = 0; i < 1000; i++ ) {
jQuery.each( [] );
i = 0;
jQuery.each( { 1: "1", 2: "2", 3: "3" }, function( index ) {
equal( ++i, index, "Iteration over object with solely " +
"numeric indices (gh-2145 JIT iOS 8 bug)" );
equal( i, 3, "Iteration over object with solely " +
"numeric indices (gh-2145 JIT iOS 8 bug)" );
test("jQuery.makeArray", function(){
equal( jQuery.makeArray(jQuery("html>*"))[0].nodeName.toUpperCase(), "HEAD", "Pass makeArray a jQuery object" );
equal( jQuery.makeArray(document.getElementsByName("PWD")).slice(0,1)[0].name, "PWD", "Pass makeArray a nodelist" );
equal( (function() { return jQuery.makeArray(arguments); })(1,2).join(""), "12", "Pass makeArray an arguments array" );
equal( jQuery.makeArray([1,2,3]).join(""), "123", "Pass makeArray a real array" );
equal( jQuery.makeArray().length, 0, "Pass nothing to makeArray and expect an empty array" );
equal( jQuery.makeArray( 0 )[0], 0 , "Pass makeArray a number" );
equal( jQuery.makeArray( "foo" )[0], "foo", "Pass makeArray a string" );
equal( jQuery.makeArray( true )[0].constructor, Boolean, "Pass makeArray a boolean" );
equal( jQuery.makeArray( document.createElement("div") )[0].nodeName.toUpperCase(), "DIV", "Pass makeArray a single node" );
equal( jQuery.makeArray( {length:2, 0:"a", 1:"b"} ).join(""), "ab", "Pass makeArray an array like map (with length)" );
ok( !!jQuery.makeArray( document.documentElement.childNodes ).slice(0,1)[0].nodeName, "Pass makeArray a childNodes array" );
// function, is tricky as it has length
equal( jQuery.makeArray( function(){ return 1;} )[0](), 1, "Pass makeArray a function" );
//window, also has length
equal( jQuery.makeArray(window)[0], window, "Pass makeArray the window" );
equal( jQuery.makeArray(/a/)[0].constructor, RegExp, "Pass makeArray a regex" );
// Some nodes inherit traits of nodelists
ok( jQuery.makeArray(document.getElementById("form")).length >= 13,
"Pass makeArray a form (treat as elements)" );
test("jQuery.inArray", function(){
equal( jQuery.inArray( 0, false ), -1 , "Search in 'false' as array returns -1 and doesn't throw exception" );
equal( jQuery.inArray( 0, null ), -1 , "Search in 'null' as array returns -1 and doesn't throw exception" );
equal( jQuery.inArray( 0, undefined ), -1 , "Search in 'undefined' as array returns -1 and doesn't throw exception" );
test("jQuery.isEmptyObject", function(){
equal(true, jQuery.isEmptyObject({}), "isEmptyObject on empty object literal" );
equal(false, jQuery.isEmptyObject({a:1}), "isEmptyObject on non-empty object literal" );
// What about this ?
// equal(true, jQuery.isEmptyObject(null), "isEmptyObject on null" );
test("jQuery.proxy", function(){
expect( 9 );
var test2, test3, test4, fn, cb,
test = function(){ equal( this, thisObject, "Make sure that scope is set properly." ); },
thisObject = { foo: "bar", method: test };
// Make sure normal works
test.call( thisObject );
// Basic scoping
jQuery.proxy( test, thisObject )();
// Another take on it
jQuery.proxy( thisObject, "method" )();
// Make sure it doesn't freak out
equal( jQuery.proxy( null, thisObject ), undefined, "Make sure no function was returned." );
// Partial application
test2 = function( a ){ equal( a, "pre-applied", "Ensure arguments can be pre-applied." ); };
jQuery.proxy( test2, null, "pre-applied" )();
// Partial application w/ normal arguments
test3 = function( a, b ){ equal( b, "normal", "Ensure arguments can be pre-applied and passed as usual." ); };
jQuery.proxy( test3, null, "pre-applied" )( "normal" );
// Test old syntax
test4 = { "meth": function( a ){ equal( a, "boom", "Ensure old syntax works." ); } };
jQuery.proxy( test4, "meth" )( "boom" );
// jQuery 1.9 improved currying with `this` object
fn = function() {
equal( Array.prototype.join.call( arguments, "," ), "arg1,arg2,arg3", "args passed" );
equal( this.foo, "bar", "this-object passed" );
cb = jQuery.proxy( fn, null, "arg1", "arg2" );
cb.call( thisObject, "arg3" );
test("jQuery.parseHTML", function() {
expect( 23 );
var html, nodes;
deepEqual( jQuery.parseHTML(), [], "Without arguments" );
deepEqual( jQuery.parseHTML( undefined ), [], "Undefined" );
deepEqual( jQuery.parseHTML( null ), [], "Null" );
deepEqual( jQuery.parseHTML( false ), [], "Boolean false" );
deepEqual( jQuery.parseHTML( 0 ), [], "Zero" );
deepEqual( jQuery.parseHTML( true ), [], "Boolean true" );
deepEqual( jQuery.parseHTML( 42 ), [], "Positive number" );
deepEqual( jQuery.parseHTML( "" ), [], "Empty string" );
throws(function() {
jQuery.parseHTML( "<div></div>", document.getElementById("form") );
}, "Passing an element as the context raises an exception (context should be a document)");
nodes = jQuery.parseHTML( jQuery("body")[0].innerHTML );
ok( nodes.length > 4, "Parse a large html string" );
equal( jQuery.type( nodes ), "array", "parseHTML returns an array rather than a nodelist" );
html = "<script>undefined()</script>";
equal( jQuery.parseHTML( html ).length, 0, "Ignore scripts by default" );
equal( jQuery.parseHTML( html, true )[0].nodeName.toLowerCase(), "script", "Preserve scripts when requested" );
html += "<div></div>";
equal( jQuery.parseHTML( html )[0].nodeName.toLowerCase(), "div", "Preserve non-script nodes" );
equal( jQuery.parseHTML( html, true )[0].nodeName.toLowerCase(), "script", "Preserve script position");
equal( jQuery.parseHTML("text")[0].nodeType, 3, "Parsing text returns a text node" );
equal( jQuery.parseHTML( "\t<div></div>" )[0].nodeValue, "\t", "Preserve leading whitespace" );
equal( jQuery.parseHTML(" <div/> ")[0].nodeType, 3, "Leading spaces are treated as text nodes (#11290)" );
html = jQuery.parseHTML( "<div>test div</div>" );
equal( html[ 0 ].parentNode.nodeType, 11, "parentNode should be documentFragment" );
equal( html[ 0 ].innerHTML, "test div", "Content should be preserved" );
equal( jQuery.parseHTML("<span><span>").length, 1, "Incorrect html-strings should not break anything" );
equal( jQuery.parseHTML("<td><td>")[ 1 ].parentNode.nodeType, 11,
"parentNode should be documentFragment for wrapMap (variable in manipulation module) elements too" );
ok( jQuery.parseHTML("<#if><tr><p>This is a test.</p></tr><#/if>") || true, "Garbage input should not cause error" );
if ( jQuery.support.createHTMLDocument ) {
asyncTest("jQuery.parseHTML", function() {
expect ( 1 );
jQuery.globalEval("parseHTMLError = false;");
jQuery.parseHTML( "<img src=x onerror='parseHTMLError = true'>" );
window.setTimeout(function() {
equal( window.parseHTMLError, false, "onerror eventhandler has not been called." );
}, 2000);
test("jQuery.parseJSON", function() {
expect( 20 );
strictEqual( jQuery.parseJSON( null ), null, "primitive null" );
strictEqual( jQuery.parseJSON("0.88"), 0.88, "Number" );
jQuery.parseJSON("\" \\\" \\\\ \\/ \\b \\f \\n \\r \\t \\u007E \\u263a \""),
" \" \\ / \b \f \n \r \t ~ \u263A ",
"String escapes"
deepEqual( jQuery.parseJSON("{}"), {}, "Empty object" );
deepEqual( jQuery.parseJSON("{\"test\":1}"), { "test": 1 }, "Plain object" );
deepEqual( jQuery.parseJSON("[0]"), [ 0 ], "Simple array" );
jQuery.parseJSON("[ \"string\", -4.2, 2.7180e0, 3.14E-1, {}, [], true, false, null ]"),
[ "string", -4.2, 2.718, 0.314, {}, [], true, false, null ],
"Array of all data types"
jQuery.parseJSON( "{ \"string\": \"\", \"number\": 4.2e+1, \"object\": {}," +
"\"array\": [[]], \"boolean\": [ true, false ], \"null\": null }"),
{ string: "", number: 42, object: {}, array: [[]], boolean: [ true, false ], "null": null },
"Dictionary of all data types"
deepEqual( jQuery.parseJSON("\n{\"test\":1}\t"), { "test": 1 },
"Leading and trailing whitespace are ignored" );
throws(function() {
}, null, "Undefined raises an error" );
throws(function() {
jQuery.parseJSON( "" );
}, null, "Empty string raises an error" );
throws(function() {
}, null, "Single-quoted string raises an error" );
// Broken on IE8
throws(function() {
jQuery.parseJSON("\" \\a \"");
}, null, "Invalid string escape raises an error" );
// Broken on IE8, Safari 5.1 Windows
throws(function() {
}, null, "Unescaped control character raises an error" );
// Broken on IE8
throws(function() {
}, null, "Number with no integer component raises an error" );
throws(function() {
var result = jQuery.parseJSON("0101");
// Support: IE9+
// Ensure base-10 interpretation on browsers that erroneously accept leading-zero numbers
if ( result === 101 ) {
throw new Error("close enough");
}, null, "Leading-zero number raises an error or is parsed as decimal" );
throws(function() {
}, null, "Unquoted property raises an error" );
throws(function() {
}, null, "Single-quoted property raises an error" );
throws(function() {
}, null, "Array element elision raises an error" );
throws(function() {
}, null, "Comma expression raises an error" );
throws(function() {
}, null, "Newline-containing comma expression raises an error" );
throws(function() {
}, null, "Automatic semicolon insertion raises an error" );
strictEqual( jQuery.parseJSON([ 0 ]), 0, "Input cast to string" );
test("jQuery.parseXML", 8, function(){
var xml, tmp;
try {
xml = jQuery.parseXML( "<p>A <b>well-formed</b> xml string</p>" );
tmp = xml.getElementsByTagName( "p" )[ 0 ];
ok( !!tmp, "<p> present in document" );
tmp = tmp.getElementsByTagName( "b" )[ 0 ];
ok( !!tmp, "<b> present in document" );
strictEqual( tmp.childNodes[ 0 ].nodeValue, "well-formed", "<b> text is as expected" );
} catch (e) {
strictEqual( e, undefined, "unexpected error" );
try {
xml = jQuery.parseXML( "<p>Not a <<b>well-formed</b> xml string</p>" );
ok( false, "invalid xml not detected" );
} catch( e ) {
strictEqual( e.message, "Invalid XML: <p>Not a <<b>well-formed</b> xml string</p>", "invalid xml detected" );
try {
xml = jQuery.parseXML( "" );
strictEqual( xml, null, "empty string => null document" );
xml = jQuery.parseXML();
strictEqual( xml, null, "undefined string => null document" );
xml = jQuery.parseXML( null );
strictEqual( xml, null, "null string => null document" );
xml = jQuery.parseXML( true );
strictEqual( xml, null, "non-string => null document" );
} catch( e ) {
ok( false, "empty input throws exception" );
test("jQuery.camelCase()", function() {
var tests = {
"foo-bar": "fooBar",
"foo-bar-baz": "fooBarBaz",
"girl-u-want": "girlUWant",
"the-4th-dimension": "the-4thDimension",
"-o-tannenbaum": "OTannenbaum",
"-moz-illa": "MozIlla",
"-ms-take": "msTake"
jQuery.each( tests, function( key, val ) {
equal( jQuery.camelCase( key ), val, "Converts: " + key + " => " + val );
testIframeWithCallback( "Conditional compilation compatibility (#13274)", "core/cc_on.html", function( cc_on, errors, $ ) {
expect( 3 );
ok( true, "JScript conditional compilation " + ( cc_on ? "supported" : "not supported" ) );
deepEqual( errors, [], "No errors" );
ok( $(), "jQuery executes" );
// iOS7 doesn't fire the load event if the long-loading iframe gets its source reset to about:blank.
// This makes this test fail but it doesn't seem to cause any real-life problems so blacklisting
// this test there is preferred to complicating the hard-to-test core/ready code further.
if ( !/iphone os 7_/i.test( navigator.userAgent ) ) {
testIframeWithCallback( "document ready when jQuery loaded asynchronously (#13655)", "core/dynamic_ready.html", function( ready ) {
expect( 1 );
equal( true, ready, "document ready correctly fired when jQuery is loaded after DOMContentLoaded" );
testIframeWithCallback( "Tolerating alias-masked DOM properties (#14074)", "core/aliased.html",
function( errors ) {
expect( 1 );
deepEqual( errors, [], "jQuery loaded" );
testIframeWithCallback( "Don't call window.onready (#14802)", "core/onready.html",
function( error ) {
expect( 1 );
equal( error, false, "no call to user-defined onready" );