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synced 2024-12-09 08:04:24 +00:00
- reuse BrowserStack workers. - add support for "latest" and "latest-1" in browser version filters - add support for specifying non-final browser versions, such as beta versions - more accurate eslint for files in test/runner - switched `--no-isolate` command flag to `--isolate`. Now that browser instances are shared, it made more sense to me to default to no isolation unless specified. This turned out to be cleaner because the only place we isolate is in browserstack.yml. - fixed an issue with retries where it wasn't always waiting for the retried test run - enable strict mode in test yargs command
447 lines
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447 lines
13 KiB
/* eslint no-multi-str: "off" */
"use strict";
var parentUrl = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host,
// baseURL is intentionally set to "data/" instead of "".
// This is not just for convenience (since most files are in data/)
// but also to ensure that urls without prefix fail.
baseURL = parentUrl + "/test/data/",
supportjQuery = this.jQuery,
// NOTE: keep it in sync with build/tasks/lib/slim-exclude.js
excludedFromSlim = [
// see RFC 2606
this.externalHost = "example.com";
this.hasPHP = true;
this.isLocal = window.location.protocol === "file:";
// Setup global variables before loading jQuery for testing .noConflict()
supportjQuery.noConflict( true );
window.originaljQuery = this.jQuery = undefined;
window.original$ = this.$ = "replaced";
* Returns an array of elements with the given IDs
* @example q( "main", "foo", "bar" )
* @result [<div id="main">, <span id="foo">, <input id="bar">]
this.q = function() {
var r = [],
i = 0;
for ( ; i < arguments.length; i++ ) {
r.push( document.getElementById( arguments[ i ] ) );
return r;
* Asserts that a select matches the given IDs
* @param {String} message - Assertion name
* @param {String} selector - jQuery selector
* @param {String} expectedIds - Array of ids to construct what is expected
* @param {(String|Node)=document} context - Selector context
* @example match("Check for something", "p", ["foo", "bar"]);
function match( message, selector, expectedIds, context, assert ) {
var elems = jQuery( selector, context ).get();
assert.deepEqual( elems, q.apply( q, expectedIds ), message + " (" + selector + ")" );
* Asserts that a select matches the given IDs.
* The select is not bound by a context.
* @param {String} message - Assertion name
* @param {String} selector - jQuery selector
* @param {String} expectedIds - Array of ids to construct what is expected
* @example t("Check for something", "p", ["foo", "bar"]);
QUnit.assert.t = function( message, selector, expectedIds ) {
match( message, selector, expectedIds, undefined, QUnit.assert );
* Asserts that a select matches the given IDs.
* The select is performed within the `#qunit-fixture` context.
* @param {String} message - Assertion name
* @param {String} selector - jQuery selector
* @param {String} expectedIds - Array of ids to construct what is expected
* @example selectInFixture("Check for something", "p", ["foo", "bar"]);
QUnit.assert.selectInFixture = function( message, selector, expectedIds ) {
match( message, selector, expectedIds, "#qunit-fixture", QUnit.assert );
this.createDashboardXML = function() {
var string = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> \
<dashboard> \
<locations class='foo'> \
<location for='bar' checked='different'> \
<infowindowtab normal='ab' mixedCase='yes'> \
<tab title='Location'><![CDATA[blabla]]></tab> \
<tab title='Users'><![CDATA[blublu]]></tab> \
</infowindowtab> \
</location> \
</locations> \
return jQuery.parseXML( string );
this.createWithFriesXML = function() {
var string = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> \
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/' \
xmlns:xsd='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' \
xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'> \
<soap:Body> \
<jsconf xmlns='http://www.example.com/ns1'> \
<response xmlns:ab='http://www.example.com/ns2'> \
<meta> \
<component id='seite1' class='component'> \
<properties xmlns:cd='http://www.example.com/ns3'> \
<property name='prop1'> \
<thing /> \
<value>1</value> \
</property> \
<property name='prop2'> \
<thing att='something' /> \
</property> \
<foo_bar>foo</foo_bar> \
</properties> \
</component> \
</meta> \
</response> \
</jsconf> \
</soap:Body> \
return jQuery.parseXML( string );
this.createXMLFragment = function() {
var frag,
xml = document.implementation.createDocument( "", "", null );
if ( xml ) {
frag = xml.createElement( "data" );
return frag;
window.fireNative = function( node, type ) {
var event = document.createEvent( "HTMLEvents" );
event.initEvent( type, true, true );
node.dispatchEvent( event );
* Add random number to url to stop caching
* Also prefixes with baseURL automatically.
* @example url("index.html")
* @result "data/index.html?10538358428943"
* @example url("mock.php?foo=bar")
* @result "data/mock.php?foo=bar&10538358345554"
function url( value ) {
return baseURL + value + ( /\?/.test( value ) ? "&" : "?" ) +
new Date().getTime() + "" + parseInt( Math.random() * 100000, 10 );
// Ajax testing helper
this.ajaxTest = function( title, expect, options, wrapper ) {
if ( !wrapper ) {
wrapper = QUnit.test;
wrapper.call( QUnit, title, function( assert ) {
assert.expect( expect );
var requestOptions;
if ( typeof options === "function" ) {
options = options( assert );
options = options || [];
requestOptions = options.requests || options.request || options;
if ( !Array.isArray( requestOptions ) ) {
requestOptions = [ requestOptions ];
var done = assert.async();
if ( options.setup ) {
var completed = false,
remaining = requestOptions.length,
complete = function() {
if ( !completed && --remaining === 0 ) {
completed = true;
delete ajaxTest.abort;
if ( options.teardown ) {
// Make sure all events will be called before done()
setTimeout( done );
requests = jQuery.map( requestOptions, function( options ) {
var request = ( options.create || jQuery.ajax )( options ),
callIfDefined = function( deferType, optionType ) {
var handler = options[ deferType ] || !!options[ optionType ];
return function( _, status ) {
if ( !completed ) {
if ( !handler ) {
assert.ok( false, "unexpected " + status );
} else if ( typeof handler === "function" ) {
handler.apply( this, arguments );
if ( options.afterSend ) {
options.afterSend( request, assert );
return request
.done( callIfDefined( "done", "success" ) )
.fail( callIfDefined( "fail", "error" ) )
.always( complete );
} );
ajaxTest.abort = function( reason ) {
if ( !completed ) {
completed = true;
delete ajaxTest.abort;
assert.ok( false, "aborted " + reason );
jQuery.each( requests, function( _i, request ) {
} );
} );
this.testIframe = function( title, fileName, func, wrapper, iframeStyles ) {
if ( !wrapper ) {
wrapper = QUnit.test;
wrapper.call( QUnit, title, function( assert ) {
var done = assert.async(),
$iframe = supportjQuery( "<iframe></iframe>" )
.css( { position: "absolute", top: "0", left: "-600px", width: "500px" } )
.attr( { id: "qunit-fixture-iframe", src: url( fileName ) } );
// Add other iframe styles
if ( iframeStyles ) {
$iframe.css( iframeStyles );
// Test iframes are expected to invoke this via startIframeTest (cf. iframeTest.js)
window.iframeCallback = function() {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments );
args.unshift( assert );
setTimeout( function() {
var result;
this.iframeCallback = undefined;
result = func.apply( this, args );
function finish() {
func = function() {};
// Wait for promises returned by `func`.
if ( result && result.then ) {
result.then( finish );
} else {
} );
// Attach iframe to the body for visibility-dependent code
// It will be removed by either the above code, or the testDone callback in testrunner.js
$iframe.prependTo( document.body );
} );
this.iframeCallback = undefined;
QUnit.config.autostart = false;
// Leverage QUnit URL parsing to detect "basic" testing mode
QUnit.basicTests = ( QUnit.urlParams.module + "" ) === "basic";
// Support: IE 11+
// A variable to make it easier to skip specific tests in IE, mostly
// testing integrations with newer Web features not supported by it.
QUnit.isIE = !!window.document.documentMode;
QUnit.testUnlessIE = QUnit.isIE ? QUnit.skip : QUnit.test;
// Returns whether a particular module like "ajax" or "deprecated"
// is included in the current jQuery build; it handles the slim build
// as well. The util was created so that we don't treat presence of
// particular APIs to decide whether to run a test as then if we
// accidentally remove an API, the tests would still not fail.
this.includesModule = function( moduleName ) {
var excludedModulesPart, excludedModules;
// A short-cut for the slim build, e.g. "4.0.0-pre+slim"
if ( jQuery.fn.jquery.indexOf( "+slim" ) > -1 ) {
// The module is included if it does NOT exist on the list
// of modules excluded in the slim build
return excludedFromSlim.indexOf( moduleName ) === -1;
// example version for `npm run build -- -e deprecated`:
// "v4.0.0-pre+14dc9347 -deprecated,-deprecated/ajax-event-alias,-deprecated/event"
excludedModulesPart = jQuery.fn.jquery
// Take the flags out of the version string.
// Example: "-deprecated,-deprecated/ajax-event-alias,-deprecated/event"
.split( " " )[ 1 ];
if ( !excludedModulesPart ) {
// No build part => the full build where everything is included.
return true;
excludedModules = excludedModulesPart
// Turn to an array.
// Example: [ "-deprecated", "-deprecated/ajax-event-alias", "-deprecated/event" ]
.split( "," )
// Remove the leading "-".
// Example: [ "deprecated", "deprecated/ajax-event-alias", "deprecated/event" ]
.map( function( moduleName ) {
return moduleName.slice( 1 );
} )
// Filter out deep names - ones that contain a slash.
// Example: [ "deprecated" ]
.filter( function( moduleName ) {
return moduleName.indexOf( "/" ) === -1;
} );
return excludedModules.indexOf( moduleName ) === -1;
this.loadTests = function() {
// QUnit.config is populated from QUnit.urlParams but only at the beginning
// of the test run. We need to read both.
var esmodules = QUnit.config.esmodules || QUnit.urlParams.esmodules;
var jsdom = QUnit.config.jsdom || QUnit.urlParams.jsdom;
if ( jsdom ) {
// JSDOM doesn't implement scrollTo
QUnit.config.scrolltop = false;
// Directly load tests that need evaluation before DOMContentLoaded.
if ( !jsdom && ( !esmodules || document.readyState === "loading" ) ) {
document.write( "<script src='" + parentUrl + "/test/unit/ready.js'><\x2Fscript>" );
} else {
QUnit.module( "ready", function() {
QUnit.skip( "jQuery ready tests skipped in async mode", function() {} );
} );
// Get testSubproject from testrunner first
require( [ parentUrl + "/test/data/testrunner.js" ], function() {
// Says whether jQuery positional selector extensions are supported.
// A full selector engine is required to support them as they need to
// be evaluated left-to-right. Remove that property when support for
// positional selectors is dropped.
QUnit.jQuerySelectorsPos = includesModule( "selector" );
// Says whether jQuery selector extensions are supported. Change that
// to `false` if your custom jQuery versions relies more on native qSA.
// This doesn't include support for positional selectors (see above).
QUnit.jQuerySelectors = includesModule( "selector" );
var i = 0,
tests = [
// A special module with basic tests, meant for not fully
// supported environments like jsdom. We run it everywhere,
// though, to make sure tests are not broken.
// Ensure load order (to preserve test numbers)
( function loadDep() {
var dep = tests[ i++ ];
if ( dep ) {
if ( !QUnit.basicTests || i === 1 ) {
require( [ parentUrl + "/test/" + dep ], loadDep );
// When running basic tests, replace other modules with dummies to avoid overloading
// impaired clients.
} else {
QUnit.module( dep.replace( /^.*\/|\.js$/g, "" ) );
} else {
* Run in noConflict mode
} )();
} );