2016-05-13 11:35:15 -04:00

121 lines
3.0 KiB

module.exports = function( Release, files, complete ) {
fs = require( "fs" ),
shell = require( "shelljs" ),
pkg = require( Release.dir.repo + "/package.json" ),
distRemote = Release.remote
// For local and github dists
.replace( /jquery(\.git|$)/, "jquery-dist$1" ),
// These files are included with the distribution
extras = [
* Clone the distribution repo
function clone() {
Release.chdir( Release.dir.base );
Release.dir.dist = Release.dir.base + "/dist";
console.log( "Using distribution repo: ", distRemote );
Release.exec( "git clone " + distRemote + " " + Release.dir.dist,
"Error cloning repo." );
// Distribution always works on master
Release.chdir( Release.dir.dist );
Release.exec( "git checkout master", "Error checking out branch." );
* Generate bower file for jquery-dist
function generateBower() {
return JSON.stringify( {
name: pkg.name,
main: pkg.main,
license: "MIT",
ignore: [
keywords: pkg.keywords
}, null, 2 );
* Copy necessary files over to the dist repo
function copy() {
// Copy dist files
var distFolder = Release.dir.dist + "/dist",
externalFolder = Release.dir.dist + "/external";
shell.mkdir( "-p", distFolder );
files.forEach( function( file ) {
shell.cp( "-f", Release.dir.repo + "/" + file, distFolder );
} );
// Copy Sizzle
shell.mkdir( "-p", externalFolder );
shell.cp( "-rf", Release.dir.repo + "/external/sizzle", externalFolder );
// Copy other files
extras.forEach( function( file ) {
shell.cp( "-rf", Release.dir.repo + "/" + file, Release.dir.dist );
} );
// Remove the wrapper from the dist repo
shell.rm( "-f", Release.dir.dist + "/src/wrapper.js" );
// Write generated bower file
fs.writeFileSync( Release.dir.dist + "/bower.json", generateBower() );
console.log( "Adding files to dist..." );
Release.exec( "git add .", "Error adding files." );
"git commit -m 'Release " + Release.newVersion + "'",
"Error committing files."
console.log( "Tagging release on dist..." );
Release.exec( "git tag " + Release.newVersion,
"Error tagging " + Release.newVersion + " on dist repo." );
Release.tagTime = Release.exec( "git log -1 --format='%ad'",
"Error getting tag timestamp." ).trim();
* Push files to dist repo
function push() {
Release.chdir( Release.dir.dist );
console.log( "Pushing release to dist repo..." );
Release.exec( "git push " + distRemote + " master --tags",
"Error pushing master and tags to git repo." );
// Set repo for npm publish
Release.dir.origRepo = Release.dir.repo;
Release.dir.repo = Release.dir.dist;
Release.walk( [
Release._section( "Copy files to distribution repo" ),
Release._section( "Pushing files to distribution repo" ),
], complete );