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* Special build task to handle various jQuery build requirements.
* Compiles JS modules into one bundle, sets the custom AMD name,
* and includes/excludes specified modules
"use strict";
const fs = require( "node:fs/promises" );
const path = require( "node:path" );
const util = require( "node:util" );
const exec = util.promisify( require( "node:child_process" ).exec );
const requirejs = require( "requirejs" );
const excludedFromSlim = require( "./lib/slim-exclude" );
const pkg = require( "../../package.json" );
const isCleanWorkingDir = require( "./lib/isCleanWorkingDir" );
const minify = require( "./minify" );
const getTimestamp = require( "./lib/getTimestamp" );
const verifyNodeVersion = require( "./lib/verifyNodeVersion" );
const srcFolder = path.resolve( __dirname, "../../src" );
const rdefineEnd = /\}\s*?\);[^}\w]*$/;
const minimum = [ "core" ];
// Exclude specified modules if the module matching the key is removed
const removeWith = {
ajax: [ "manipulation/_evalUrl", "deprecated/ajax-event-alias" ],
callbacks: [ "deferred" ],
css: [ "effects", "dimensions", "offset" ],
"css/showHide": [ "effects" ],
deferred: {
remove: [ "ajax", "effects", "queue", "core/ready" ],
include: [ "core/ready-no-deferred" ]
event: [ "deprecated/ajax-event-alias", "deprecated/event" ],
selector: [ "css/hiddenVisibleSelectors", "effects/animatedSelector" ]
async function read( filename ) {
return fs.readFile( path.join( srcFolder, filename ), "utf8" );
// Remove the src folder and file extension
// and ensure unix-style path separators
function moduleName( filename ) {
return filename
.replace( `${ srcFolder }${ path.sep }`, "" )
.replace( /\.js$/, "" )
.split( path.sep )
.join( path.posix.sep );
async function readdirRecursive( dir, all = [] ) {
let files;
try {
files = await fs.readdir( path.join( srcFolder, dir ), {
withFileTypes: true
} );
} catch ( e ) {
return all;
for ( const file of files ) {
const filepath = path.join( dir, file.name );
if ( file.isDirectory() ) {
all.push( ...( await readdirRecursive( filepath ) ) );
} else {
all.push( moduleName( filepath ) );
return all;
async function getRequireConfig( { amd } = {} ) {
const wrapperSource = await read( "wrapper.js" );
// Catch `// @CODE` and subsequent comment lines event if they don't start
// in the first column.
const wrapper = wrapperSource.split(
/[\x20\t]*\/\/ @CODE\n(?:[\x20\t]*\/\/[^\n]+\n)*/
* Strip all definitions generated by requirejs
* Convert "var" modules to var declarations
* "var module" means the module only contains a return
* statement that should be converted to a var declaration
* This is indicated by including the file in any "var" folder
* @param {String} name
* @param {String} path
* @param {String} contents The contents to be written (including their AMD wrappers)
function convert( name, path, contents ) {
// Convert var modules
if ( /.\/var\//.test( path.replace( process.cwd(), "" ) ) ) {
contents = contents
"var " +
( /var\/([\w-]+)/.exec( name )[ 1 ] ) +
" ="
.replace( rdefineEnd, "" );
} else {
contents = contents
.replace( /\s*return\s+[^\}]+(\}\s*?\);[^\w\}]*)$/, "$1" )
// Multiple exports
.replace( /\s*exports\.\w+\s*=\s*\w+;/g, "" );
// Remove define wrappers, closure ends, and empty declarations
contents = contents
.replace( /define\([^{]*?{\s*(?:("|')use strict\1(?:;|))?/, "" )
.replace( rdefineEnd, "" );
// Remove anything wrapped with
// /* ExcludeStart */ /* ExcludeEnd */
// or a single line directly after a // BuildExclude comment
contents = contents
.replace( /\/\*\s*ExcludeStart\s*\*\/[\w\W]*?\/\*\s*ExcludeEnd\s*\*\//ig, "" )
.replace( /\/\/\s*BuildExclude\n\r?[\w\W]*?\n\r?/ig, "" );
// Remove empty definitions
contents = contents
.replace( /define\(\s*\[[^\]]*\]\s*\)[\W\n]+$/, "" );
// AMD Name
if ( amd != null && /^exports\/amd$/.test( name ) ) {
if ( amd ) {
console.log( "Naming jQuery with AMD name: " + amd );
} else {
console.log( "AMD name now anonymous" );
// Remove the comma for anonymous defines
contents = contents
.replace( /(\s*)"jquery"(\,\s*)/, amd ? "$1\"" + amd + "\"$2" : "" );
return contents;
return {
baseUrl: "src",
name: "jquery",
// Allow strict mode
useStrict: true,
// We have multiple minify steps
optimize: "none",
// Include dependencies loaded with require
findNestedDependencies: true,
// Avoid inserting define() placeholder
skipModuleInsertion: true,
// Avoid breaking semicolons inserted by r.js
skipSemiColonInsertion: true,
wrap: {
start: wrapper[ 0 ].replace( /\/\*\s*eslint(?: |-).*\s*\*\/\n/, "" ),
end: wrapper[ 1 ]
rawText: {},
onBuildWrite: convert
function unique( array ) {
return [ ...new Set( array ) ];
async function checkExclude( exclude, include ) {
const included = [ ...include ];
const excluded = [ ...exclude ];
for ( const module of exclude ) {
if ( minimum.indexOf( module ) !== -1 ) {
throw new Error( `Module \"${ module }\" is a minimum requirement.` );
// Exclude all files in the dir of the same name
// These are the removable dependencies
// It's fine if the directory is not there
// `selector` is a special case as we don't just remove
// the module, but we replace it with `selector-native`
// which re-uses parts of the `src/selector` folder.
// "sizzle" is legacy for selector
if ( module !== "selector" && module !== "sizzle" ) {
const files = await readdirRecursive( module );
excluded.push( ...files );
// Check removeWith list
const additional = removeWith[ module ];
if ( additional ) {
const [ additionalExcluded, additionalIncluded ] = await checkExclude(
additional.remove || additional,
additional.include || []
excluded.push( ...additionalExcluded );
included.push( ...additionalIncluded );
return [ unique( excluded ), unique( included ) ];
async function build( {
dir = "dist",
exclude = [],
filename = "jquery.js",
include = [],
slim = false,
} = {} ) {
// Add the short commit hash to the version string
// when the version is not for a release.
if ( !version ) {
const { stdout } = await exec( "git rev-parse --short HEAD" );
const isClean = await isCleanWorkingDir();
// Add "+SHA" if the version is not set.
// Add ".dirty" as well if the working dir is not clean.
version = `${ pkg.version }+${ stdout.trim() }${ isClean ? "" : ".dirty" }`;
await fs.mkdir( dir, { recursive: true } );
// Exclude slim modules when slim is true
const [ excluded, included ] = await checkExclude(
slim ? exclude.concat( excludedFromSlim ) : exclude,
const config = await getRequireConfig( { amd } );
// Replace exports/global with a noop noConflict
if ( excluded.includes( "exports/global" ) ) {
const index = excluded.indexOf( "exports/global" );
config.rawText[ "exports/global" ] = "define( [\n\t\"../core\"\n], " +
"function( jQuery ) {\n\tjQuery.noConflict = function() {};\n} );";
excluded.splice( index, 1 );
// "sizzle" is legacy for selector
if ( excluded.indexOf( "selector" ) > -1 || excluded.indexOf( "sizzle" ) > -1 ) {
config.rawText.selector = "define( [ \"./selector-native\" ] );";
if ( excluded.length ) {
// Append excluded modules to version.
// Skip adding exclusions for slim builds.
// Don't worry about semver syntax for these.
if ( excluded.length ) {
version += " -" + excluded.join( ",-" );
// Have to use shallow or core will get excluded since it is a dependency
config.excludeShallow = excluded;
if ( included.length ) {
config.include = included;
// Append extra included modules to version.
if ( included.length ) {
version += " +" + included.join( ",+" );
// Overwrite the default inclusions with the explicit ones provided
config.rawText.jquery = "define( [\n" +
included.map( module => "\t\"./" + module + "\"" ).join( ",\n" ) +
"\n] );";
* Handle Final output from the optimizer
* @param {String} compiled
config.out = async function( compiled ) {
const compiledContents = compiled
// Embed Version
.replace( /@VERSION/g, version )
// Embed Date
// yyyy-mm-ddThh:mmZ
.replace( /@DATE/g, new Date().toISOString().replace( /:\d+\.\d+Z$/, "Z" ) );
// Write concatenated source to file
await fs.writeFile(
path.join( dir, filename ),
await new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => {
requirejs.optimize( config, () => {
// Wait a beat. For some reason, the write can
// take a moment after this to complete in Node 10.
setTimeout( resolve, 100 );
}, ( error ) => {
console.error( error );
reject( error );
} );
} );
console.log( `[${ getTimestamp() }] ${ filename } v${ version } created.` );
await minify( { filename, dir } );
async function buildDefaultFiles( {
version = process.env.VERSION
} = {} ) {
await Promise.all( [
build( { version } ),
build( { filename: "jquery.slim.js", slim: true, version } )
] );
// Earlier Node.js versions do not support the ESM format.
if ( !verifyNodeVersion() ) {
const { compareSize } = await import( "./compare_size.mjs" );
return compareSize( {
files: [
} );
module.exports = { build, buildDefaultFiles };