Michał Gołębiowski 3f5f5433d5 Tests: Disable a whitespace-setting test in Edge 14
Working around this problem would require us to skip setting whitespace-only
values except when they're valid which would be very fragile. Another option
would be to set the value and see if it succeeded and then react to that.

We've tried something like that in the past to be able to overwrite !important
styles (see 24e5879) but it broke the CSS cascade (see
https://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/14836#comment:5) and was triggering
MutationObserver callbacks too often so it was reverted in PR gh-1532.

Ref gh-3204
Ref gh-1532
2016-09-12 18:36:48 +02:00

1560 lines
56 KiB

if ( jQuery.css ) {
QUnit.module( "css", { teardown: moduleTeardown } );
QUnit.test( "css(String|Hash)", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 42 );
assert.equal( jQuery( "#qunit-fixture" ).css( "display" ), "block", "Check for css property \"display\"" );
var $child, div, div2, width, height, child, prctval, checkval, old;
$child = jQuery( "#nothiddendivchild" ).css( { "width": "20%", "height": "20%" } );
assert.notEqual( $child.css( "width" ), "20px", "Retrieving a width percentage on the child of a hidden div returns percentage" );
assert.notEqual( $child.css( "height" ), "20px", "Retrieving a height percentage on the child of a hidden div returns percentage" );
div = jQuery( "<div/>" );
// These should be "auto" (or some better value)
// temporarily provide "0px" for backwards compat
assert.equal( div.css( "width" ), "0px", "Width on disconnected node." );
assert.equal( div.css( "height" ), "0px", "Height on disconnected node." );
div.css( { "width": 4, "height": 4 } );
assert.equal( div.css( "width" ), "4px", "Width on disconnected node." );
assert.equal( div.css( "height" ), "4px", "Height on disconnected node." );
div2 = jQuery( "<div style='display:none;'><input type='text' style='height:20px;'/><textarea style='height:20px;'/><div style='height:20px;'></div></div>" ).appendTo( "body" );
assert.equal( div2.find( "input" ).css( "height" ), "20px", "Height on hidden input." );
assert.equal( div2.find( "textarea" ).css( "height" ), "20px", "Height on hidden textarea." );
assert.equal( div2.find( "div" ).css( "height" ), "20px", "Height on hidden div." );
// handle negative numbers by setting to zero #11604
jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( { "width": 1, "height": 1 } );
width = parseFloat( jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( "width" ) );
height = parseFloat( jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( "height" ) );
jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( { "overflow":"hidden", "width": -1, "height": -1 } );
assert.equal( parseFloat( jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( "width" ) ), 0, "Test negative width set to 0" );
assert.equal( parseFloat( jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( "height" ) ), 0, "Test negative height set to 0" );
assert.equal( jQuery( "<div style='display: none;'/>" ).css( "display" ), "none", "Styles on disconnected nodes" );
jQuery( "#floatTest" ).css( { "float": "right" } );
assert.equal( jQuery( "#floatTest" ).css( "float" ), "right", "Modified CSS float using \"float\": Assert float is right" );
jQuery( "#floatTest" ).css( { "font-size": "30px" } );
assert.equal( jQuery( "#floatTest" ).css( "font-size" ), "30px", "Modified CSS font-size: Assert font-size is 30px" );
jQuery.each( "0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1".split( "," ), function( i, n ) {
jQuery( "#foo" ).css( { "opacity": n } );
assert.equal( jQuery( "#foo" ).css( "opacity" ), parseFloat( n ), "Assert opacity is " + parseFloat( n ) + " as a String" );
jQuery( "#foo" ).css( { "opacity": parseFloat( n ) } );
assert.equal( jQuery( "#foo" ).css( "opacity" ), parseFloat( n ), "Assert opacity is " + parseFloat( n ) + " as a Number" );
} );
jQuery( "#foo" ).css( { "opacity": "" } );
assert.equal( jQuery( "#foo" ).css( "opacity" ), "1", "Assert opacity is 1 when set to an empty String" );
assert.equal( jQuery( "#empty" ).css( "opacity" ), "0", "Assert opacity is accessible" );
jQuery( "#empty" ).css( { "opacity": "1" } );
assert.equal( jQuery( "#empty" ).css( "opacity" ), "1", "Assert opacity is taken from style attribute when set" );
div = jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" );
child = jQuery( "#nothiddendivchild" );
assert.equal( parseInt( div.css( "fontSize" ), 10 ), 16, "Verify fontSize px set." );
assert.equal( parseInt( div.css( "font-size" ), 10 ), 16, "Verify fontSize px set." );
assert.equal( parseInt( child.css( "fontSize" ), 10 ), 16, "Verify fontSize px set." );
assert.equal( parseInt( child.css( "font-size" ), 10 ), 16, "Verify fontSize px set." );
child.css( "height", "100%" );
assert.equal( child[ 0 ].style.height, "100%", "Make sure the height is being set correctly." );
child.attr( "class", "em" );
assert.equal( parseInt( child.css( "fontSize" ), 10 ), 32, "Verify fontSize em set." );
// Have to verify this as the result depends upon the browser's CSS
// support for font-size percentages
child.attr( "class", "prct" );
prctval = parseInt( child.css( "fontSize" ), 10 );
checkval = 0;
if ( prctval === 16 || prctval === 24 ) {
checkval = prctval;
assert.equal( prctval, checkval, "Verify fontSize % set." );
assert.equal( typeof child.css( "width" ), "string", "Make sure that a string width is returned from css('width')." );
old = child[ 0 ].style.height;
// Test NaN
child.css( "height", parseFloat( "zoo" ) );
assert.equal( child[ 0 ].style.height, old, "Make sure height isn't changed on NaN." );
// Test null
child.css( "height", null );
assert.equal( child[ 0 ].style.height, old, "Make sure height isn't changed on null." );
old = child[ 0 ].style.fontSize;
// Test NaN
child.css( "font-size", parseFloat( "zoo" ) );
assert.equal( child[ 0 ].style.fontSize, old, "Make sure font-size isn't changed on NaN." );
// Test null
child.css( "font-size", null );
assert.equal( child[ 0 ].style.fontSize, old, "Make sure font-size isn't changed on null." );
assert.strictEqual( child.css( "x-fake" ), undefined, "Make sure undefined is returned from css(nonexistent)." );
div = jQuery( "<div/>" ).css( { position: "absolute", "z-index": 1000 } ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
assert.strictEqual( div.css( "z-index" ), "1000",
"Make sure that a string z-index is returned from css('z-index') (#14432)." );
} );
QUnit.test( "css() explicit and relative values", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 29 );
var $elem = jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" );
$elem.css( { "width": 1, "height": 1, "paddingLeft": "1px", "opacity": 1 } );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "width" ), "1px", "Initial css set or width/height works (hash)" );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "paddingLeft" ), "1px", "Initial css set of paddingLeft works (hash)" );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "opacity" ), "1", "Initial css set of opacity works (hash)" );
$elem.css( { width: "+=9" } );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "width" ), "10px", "'+=9' on width (hash)" );
$elem.css( { "width": "-=9" } );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "width" ), "1px", "'-=9' on width (hash)" );
$elem.css( { "width": "+=9px" } );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "width" ), "10px", "'+=9px' on width (hash)" );
$elem.css( { "width": "-=9px" } );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "width" ), "1px", "'-=9px' on width (hash)" );
$elem.css( "width", "+=9" );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "width" ), "10px", "'+=9' on width (params)" );
$elem.css( "width", "-=9" );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "width" ), "1px", "'-=9' on width (params)" );
$elem.css( "width", "+=9px" );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "width" ), "10px", "'+=9px' on width (params)" );
$elem.css( "width", "-=9px" );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "width" ), "1px", "'-=9px' on width (params)" );
$elem.css( "width", "-=-9px" );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "width" ), "10px", "'-=-9px' on width (params)" );
$elem.css( "width", "+=-9px" );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "width" ), "1px", "'+=-9px' on width (params)" );
$elem.css( { "paddingLeft": "+=4" } );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "paddingLeft" ), "5px", "'+=4' on paddingLeft (hash)" );
$elem.css( { "paddingLeft": "-=4" } );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "paddingLeft" ), "1px", "'-=4' on paddingLeft (hash)" );
$elem.css( { "paddingLeft": "+=4px" } );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "paddingLeft" ), "5px", "'+=4px' on paddingLeft (hash)" );
$elem.css( { "paddingLeft": "-=4px" } );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "paddingLeft" ), "1px", "'-=4px' on paddingLeft (hash)" );
$elem.css( { "padding-left": "+=4" } );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "paddingLeft" ), "5px", "'+=4' on padding-left (hash)" );
$elem.css( { "padding-left": "-=4" } );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "paddingLeft" ), "1px", "'-=4' on padding-left (hash)" );
$elem.css( { "padding-left": "+=4px" } );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "paddingLeft" ), "5px", "'+=4px' on padding-left (hash)" );
$elem.css( { "padding-left": "-=4px" } );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "paddingLeft" ), "1px", "'-=4px' on padding-left (hash)" );
$elem.css( "paddingLeft", "+=4" );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "paddingLeft" ), "5px", "'+=4' on paddingLeft (params)" );
$elem.css( "paddingLeft", "-=4" );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "paddingLeft" ), "1px", "'-=4' on paddingLeft (params)" );
$elem.css( "padding-left", "+=4px" );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "paddingLeft" ), "5px", "'+=4px' on padding-left (params)" );
$elem.css( "padding-left", "-=4px" );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "paddingLeft" ), "1px", "'-=4px' on padding-left (params)" );
$elem.css( { "opacity": "-=0.5" } );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "opacity" ), "0.5", "'-=0.5' on opacity (hash)" );
$elem.css( { "opacity": "+=0.5" } );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "opacity" ), "1", "'+=0.5' on opacity (hash)" );
$elem.css( "opacity", "-=0.5" );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "opacity" ), "0.5", "'-=0.5' on opacity (params)" );
$elem.css( "opacity", "+=0.5" );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "opacity" ), "1", "'+=0.5' on opacity (params)" );
} );
QUnit.test( "css() non-px relative values (gh-1711)", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 17 );
var cssCurrent,
units = {},
$child = jQuery( "#nothiddendivchild" ),
add = function( prop, val, unit ) {
var difference,
adjustment = ( val < 0 ? "-=" : "+=" ) + Math.abs( val ) + unit,
message = prop + ": " + adjustment,
cssOld = cssCurrent,
expected = cssOld + val * units[ prop ][ unit ];
// Apply change
$child.css( prop, adjustment );
cssCurrent = parseFloat( $child.css( prop ) );
// Require a difference of no more than one pixel
difference = Math.abs( cssCurrent - expected );
if ( difference <= 1 ) {
assert.ok( true, message );
// ...or fail with actual and expected values
} else {
assert.ok( false, message + " (actual " + cssCurrent + ", expected " + expected + ")" );
getUnits = function( prop ) {
units[ prop ] = {
"px": 1,
"em": parseFloat( $child.css( prop, "100em" ).css( prop ) ) / 100,
"pt": parseFloat( $child.css( prop, "100pt" ).css( prop ) ) / 100,
"pc": parseFloat( $child.css( prop, "100pc" ).css( prop ) ) / 100,
"cm": parseFloat( $child.css( prop, "100cm" ).css( prop ) ) / 100,
"mm": parseFloat( $child.css( prop, "100mm" ).css( prop ) ) / 100,
"%": parseFloat( $child.css( prop, "100%" ).css( prop ) ) / 100
jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( { height: 1, padding: 0, width: 400 } );
$child.css( { height: 1, padding: 0 } );
getUnits( "width" );
cssCurrent = parseFloat( $child.css( "width", "50%" ).css( "width" ) );
add( "width", 25, "%" );
add( "width", -50, "%" );
add( "width", 10, "em" );
add( "width", 10, "pt" );
add( "width", -2.3, "pt" );
add( "width", 5, "pc" );
add( "width", -5, "em" );
add( "width", +2, "cm" );
add( "width", -15, "mm" );
add( "width", 21, "px" );
getUnits( "lineHeight" );
cssCurrent = parseFloat( $child.css( "lineHeight", "1em" ).css( "lineHeight" ) );
add( "lineHeight", 2, "em" );
add( "lineHeight", -10, "px" );
add( "lineHeight", 20, "pt" );
add( "lineHeight", 30, "pc" );
add( "lineHeight", 1, "cm" );
add( "lineHeight", -20, "mm" );
add( "lineHeight", 50, "%" );
} );
QUnit.test( "css(String, Object)", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 19 );
var j, div, display, ret, success;
jQuery( "#floatTest" ).css( "float", "left" );
assert.equal( jQuery( "#floatTest" ).css( "float" ), "left", "Modified CSS float using \"float\": Assert float is left" );
jQuery( "#floatTest" ).css( "font-size", "20px" );
assert.equal( jQuery( "#floatTest" ).css( "font-size" ), "20px", "Modified CSS font-size: Assert font-size is 20px" );
jQuery.each( "0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1".split( "," ), function( i, n ) {
jQuery( "#foo" ).css( "opacity", n );
assert.equal( jQuery( "#foo" ).css( "opacity" ), parseFloat( n ), "Assert opacity is " + parseFloat( n ) + " as a String" );
jQuery( "#foo" ).css( "opacity", parseFloat( n ) );
assert.equal( jQuery( "#foo" ).css( "opacity" ), parseFloat( n ), "Assert opacity is " + parseFloat( n ) + " as a Number" );
} );
jQuery( "#foo" ).css( "opacity", "" );
assert.equal( jQuery( "#foo" ).css( "opacity" ), "1", "Assert opacity is 1 when set to an empty String" );
// using contents will get comments regular, text, and comment nodes
j = jQuery( "#nonnodes" ).contents();
j.css( "overflow", "visible" );
assert.equal( j.css( "overflow" ), "visible", "Check node,textnode,comment css works" );
assert.equal( jQuery( "#t2037 .hidden" ).css( "display" ), "none", "Make sure browser thinks it is hidden" );
div = jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" );
display = div.css( "display" );
ret = div.css( "display", undefined );
assert.equal( ret, div, "Make sure setting undefined returns the original set." );
assert.equal( div.css( "display" ), display, "Make sure that the display wasn't changed." );
success = true;
try {
jQuery( "#foo" ).css( "backgroundColor", "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)" );
catch ( e ) {
success = false;
assert.ok( success, "Setting RGBA values does not throw Error (#5509)" );
jQuery( "#foo" ).css( "font", "7px/21px sans-serif" );
assert.strictEqual( jQuery( "#foo" ).css( "line-height" ), "21px",
"Set font shorthand property (#14759)" );
} );
QUnit.test( "css(String, Object) with negative values", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 4 );
jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( "margin-top", "-10px" );
jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( "margin-left", "-10px" );
assert.equal( jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( "margin-top" ), "-10px", "Ensure negative top margins work." );
assert.equal( jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( "margin-left" ), "-10px", "Ensure negative left margins work." );
jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( "position", "absolute" );
jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( "top", "-20px" );
jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( "left", "-20px" );
assert.equal( jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( "top" ), "-20px", "Ensure negative top values work." );
assert.equal( jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( "left" ), "-20px", "Ensure negative left values work." );
} );
QUnit.test( "css(Array)", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 2 );
var expectedMany = {
"overflow": "visible",
"width": "16px"
expectedSingle = {
"width": "16px"
elem = jQuery( "<div></div>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
assert.deepEqual( elem.css( expectedMany ).css( [ "overflow", "width" ] ), expectedMany, "Getting multiple element array" );
assert.deepEqual( elem.css( expectedSingle ).css( [ "width" ] ), expectedSingle, "Getting single element array" );
} );
QUnit.test( "css(String, Function)", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 3 );
var index,
sizes = [ "10px", "20px", "30px" ];
jQuery( "<div id='cssFunctionTest'><div class='cssFunction'></div>" +
"<div class='cssFunction'></div>" +
"<div class='cssFunction'></div></div>" )
.appendTo( "body" );
index = 0;
jQuery( "#cssFunctionTest div" ).css( "font-size", function() {
var size = sizes[ index ];
return size;
} );
index = 0;
jQuery( "#cssFunctionTest div" ).each( function() {
var computedSize = jQuery( this ).css( "font-size" ),
expectedSize = sizes[ index ];
assert.equal( computedSize, expectedSize, "Div #" + index + " should be " + expectedSize );
} );
jQuery( "#cssFunctionTest" ).remove();
} );
QUnit.test( "css(String, Function) with incoming value", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 3 );
var index,
sizes = [ "10px", "20px", "30px" ];
jQuery( "<div id='cssFunctionTest'><div class='cssFunction'></div>" +
"<div class='cssFunction'></div>" +
"<div class='cssFunction'></div></div>" )
.appendTo( "body" );
index = 0;
jQuery( "#cssFunctionTest div" ).css( "font-size", function() {
var size = sizes[ index ];
return size;
} );
index = 0;
jQuery( "#cssFunctionTest div" ).css( "font-size", function( i, computedSize ) {
var expectedSize = sizes[ index ];
assert.equal( computedSize, expectedSize, "Div #" + index + " should be " + expectedSize );
return computedSize;
} );
jQuery( "#cssFunctionTest" ).remove();
} );
QUnit.test( "css(Object) where values are Functions", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 3 );
var index,
sizes = [ "10px", "20px", "30px" ];
jQuery( "<div id='cssFunctionTest'><div class='cssFunction'></div>" +
"<div class='cssFunction'></div>" +
"<div class='cssFunction'></div></div>" )
.appendTo( "body" );
index = 0;
jQuery( "#cssFunctionTest div" ).css( { "fontSize": function() {
var size = sizes[ index ];
return size;
} } );
index = 0;
jQuery( "#cssFunctionTest div" ).each( function() {
var computedSize = jQuery( this ).css( "font-size" ),
expectedSize = sizes[ index ];
assert.equal( computedSize, expectedSize, "Div #" + index + " should be " + expectedSize );
} );
jQuery( "#cssFunctionTest" ).remove();
} );
QUnit.test( "css(Object) where values are Functions with incoming values", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 3 );
var index,
sizes = [ "10px", "20px", "30px" ];
jQuery( "<div id='cssFunctionTest'><div class='cssFunction'></div>" +
"<div class='cssFunction'></div>" +
"<div class='cssFunction'></div></div>" )
.appendTo( "body" );
index = 0;
jQuery( "#cssFunctionTest div" ).css( { "fontSize": function() {
var size = sizes[ index ];
return size;
} } );
index = 0;
jQuery( "#cssFunctionTest div" ).css( { "font-size": function( i, computedSize ) {
var expectedSize = sizes[ index ];
assert.equal( computedSize, expectedSize, "Div #" + index + " should be " + expectedSize );
return computedSize;
} } );
jQuery( "#cssFunctionTest" ).remove();
} );
// .show(), .hide(), can be excluded from the build
if ( jQuery.fn.show && jQuery.fn.hide ) {
QUnit.test( "show()", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 18 );
var hiddendiv, div, pass, test;
hiddendiv = jQuery( "div.hidden" );
assert.equal( jQuery.css( hiddendiv[ 0 ], "display" ), "none", "hiddendiv is display: none" );
hiddendiv.css( "display", "block" );
assert.equal( jQuery.css( hiddendiv[ 0 ], "display" ), "block", "hiddendiv is display: block" );
assert.equal( jQuery.css( hiddendiv[ 0 ], "display" ), "block", "hiddendiv is display: block" );
hiddendiv.css( "display", "" );
pass = true;
div = jQuery( "#qunit-fixture div" );
div.show().each( function() {
if ( this.style.display === "none" ) {
pass = false;
} );
assert.ok( pass, "Show" );
"<div id='show-tests'>" +
"<div><p><a href='#'></a></p><code></code><pre></pre><span></span></div>" +
"<table><thead><tr><th></th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td></td></tr></tbody></table>" +
).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ).find( "*" ).css( "display", "none" );
test = {
"div": "block",
"p": "block",
"a": "inline",
"code": "inline",
"pre": "block",
"span": "inline",
"table": "table",
"thead": "table-header-group",
"tbody": "table-row-group",
"tr": "table-row",
"th": "table-cell",
"td": "table-cell",
"ul": "block",
"li": "list-item"
jQuery.each( test, function( selector, expected ) {
var elem = jQuery( selector, "#show-tests" ).show();
assert.equal( elem.css( "display" ), expected, "Show using correct display type for " + selector );
} );
// Make sure that showing or hiding a text node doesn't cause an error
jQuery( "<div>test</div> text <span>test</span>" ).show().remove();
jQuery( "<div>test</div> text <span>test</span>" ).hide().remove();
} );
QUnit.test( "show/hide detached nodes", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 19 );
var div, span, tr;
div = jQuery( "<div>" ).hide();
assert.equal( div.css( "display" ), "none", "hide() updates inline style of a detached div" );
div.appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
assert.equal( div.css( "display" ), "none",
"A hidden-while-detached div is hidden after attachment" );
assert.equal( div.css( "display" ), "block",
"A hidden-while-detached div can be shown after attachment" );
div = jQuery( "<div class='hidden'>" );
div.show().appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
assert.equal( div.css( "display" ), "none",
"A shown-while-detached div can be hidden by the CSS cascade" );
div = jQuery( "<div><div class='hidden'></div></div>" ).children( "div" );
div.show().appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
assert.equal( div.css( "display" ), "none",
"A shown-while-detached div inside a visible div can be hidden by the CSS cascade" );
span = jQuery( "<span class='hidden'/>" );
span.show().appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
assert.equal( span.css( "display" ), "none",
"A shown-while-detached span can be hidden by the CSS cascade" );
div = jQuery( "div.hidden" );
assert.ok( !div[ 0 ].style.display,
"show() does not update inline style of a cascade-hidden-before-detach div" );
div.appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
assert.equal( div.css( "display" ), "none",
"A shown-while-detached cascade-hidden div is hidden after attachment" );
span = jQuery( "<span class='hidden'/>" );
span.appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ).detach().show().appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
assert.equal( span.css( "display" ), "none",
"A shown-while-detached cascade-hidden span is hidden after attachment" );
div = jQuery( document.createElement( "div" ) );
div.show().appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
assert.ok( !div[ 0 ].style.display, "A shown-while-detached div has no inline style" );
assert.equal( div.css( "display" ), "block",
"A shown-while-detached div has default display after attachment" );
div = jQuery( "<div style='display: none'>" );
assert.equal( div[ 0 ].style.display, "",
"show() updates inline style of a detached inline-hidden div" );
div.appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
assert.equal( div.css( "display" ), "block",
"A shown-while-detached inline-hidden div has default display after attachment" );
div = jQuery( "<div><div style='display: none'></div></div>" ).children( "div" );
div.show().appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
assert.equal( div.css( "display" ), "block",
"A shown-while-detached inline-hidden div inside a visible div has default display " +
"after attachment" );
span = jQuery( "<span style='display: none'/>" );
assert.equal( span[ 0 ].style.display, "",
"show() updates inline style of a detached inline-hidden span" );
span.appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
assert.equal( span.css( "display" ), "inline",
"A shown-while-detached inline-hidden span has default display after attachment" );
div = jQuery( "<div style='display: inline'/>" );
div.show().appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
assert.equal( div.css( "display" ), "inline",
"show() does not update inline style of a detached inline-visible div" );
tr = jQuery( "<tr/>" );
jQuery( "#table" ).append( tr );
assert.ok( !tr[ 0 ].style.display, "Not-hidden detached tr elements have no inline style" );
span = jQuery( "<span/>" ).hide().show();
assert.ok( !span[ 0 ].style.display, "Not-hidden detached span elements have no inline style" );
} );
QUnit.test( "hide hidden elements (bug #7141)", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 3 );
var div = jQuery( "<div style='display:none'></div>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
assert.equal( div.css( "display" ), "none", "Element is hidden by default" );
assert.ok( !jQuery._data( div, "olddisplay" ), "olddisplay is undefined after hiding an already-hidden element" );
assert.equal( div.css( "display" ), "block", "Show a double-hidden element" );
} );
QUnit.test( "show() after hide() should always set display to initial value (#14750)", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 1 );
var div = jQuery( "<div />" ),
fixture = jQuery( "#qunit-fixture" );
fixture.append( div );
div.css( "display", "inline" ).hide().show().css( "display", "list-item" ).hide().show();
assert.equal( div.css( "display" ), "list-item", "should get last set display value" );
} );
QUnit.test( "show/hide 3.0, default display", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 36 );
var i,
$elems = jQuery( "<div/>" )
.appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" )
.html( "<div data-expected-display='block'/>" +
"<span data-expected-display='inline'/>" +
"<ul><li data-expected-display='list-item'/></ul>" )
.find( "[data-expected-display]" );
$elems.each( function() {
var $elem = jQuery( this ),
name = this.nodeName,
expected = this.getAttribute( "data-expected-display" ),
sequence = [];
if ( this.className ) {
name += "." + this.className;
if ( this.getAttribute( "style" ) ) {
name += "[style='" + this.getAttribute( "style" ) + "']";
name += " ";
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
sequence.push( ".show()" );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "display" ), expected,
name + sequence.join( "" ) + " computed" );
assert.equal( this.style.display, "", name + sequence.join( "" ) + " inline" );
sequence.push( ".hide()" );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "display" ), "none",
name + sequence.join( "" ) + " computed" );
assert.equal( this.style.display, "none", name + sequence.join( "" ) + " inline" );
} );
} );
QUnit.test( "show/hide 3.0, default body display", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 2 );
var hideBody = supportjQuery( "<style>body{display:none}</style>" ).appendTo( document.head ),
body = jQuery( document.body );
assert.equal( body.css( "display" ), "none", "Correct initial display" );
assert.equal( body.css( "display" ), "block", "Correct display after .show()" );
} );
QUnit.test( "show/hide 3.0, cascade display", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 36 );
var i,
$elems = jQuery( "<div/>" )
.appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" )
.html( "<span class='block'/><div class='inline'/><div class='list-item'/>" )
$elems.each( function() {
var $elem = jQuery( this ),
name = this.nodeName,
sequence = [];
if ( this.className ) {
name += "." + this.className;
if ( this.getAttribute( "style" ) ) {
name += "[style='" + this.getAttribute( "style" ) + "']";
name += " ";
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
sequence.push( ".show()" );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "display" ), this.className,
name + sequence.join( "" ) + " computed" );
assert.equal( this.style.display, "", name + sequence.join( "" ) + " inline" );
sequence.push( ".hide()" );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "display" ), "none",
name + sequence.join( "" ) + " computed" );
assert.equal( this.style.display, "none", name + sequence.join( "" ) + " inline" );
} );
} );
QUnit.test( "show/hide 3.0, inline display", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 96 );
var i,
$elems = jQuery( "<div/>" )
.appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" )
.html( "<span data-expected-display='block' style='display:block'/>" +
"<span class='list-item' data-expected-display='block' style='display:block'/>" +
"<div data-expected-display='inline' style='display:inline'/>" +
"<div class='list-item' data-expected-display='inline' style='display:inline'/>" +
"<ul>" +
"<li data-expected-display='block' style='display:block'/>" +
"<li class='inline' data-expected-display='block' style='display:block'/>" +
"<li data-expected-display='inline' style='display:inline'/>" +
"<li class='block' data-expected-display='inline' style='display:inline'/>" +
"</ul>" )
.find( "[data-expected-display]" );
$elems.each( function() {
var $elem = jQuery( this ),
name = this.nodeName,
expected = this.getAttribute( "data-expected-display" ),
sequence = [];
if ( this.className ) {
name += "." + this.className;
if ( this.getAttribute( "style" ) ) {
name += "[style='" + this.getAttribute( "style" ) + "']";
name += " ";
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
sequence.push( ".show()" );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "display" ), expected,
name + sequence.join( "" ) + " computed" );
assert.equal( this.style.display, expected, name + sequence.join( "" ) + " inline" );
sequence.push( ".hide()" );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "display" ), "none",
name + sequence.join( "" ) + " computed" );
assert.equal( this.style.display, "none", name + sequence.join( "" ) + " inline" );
} );
} );
QUnit.test( "show/hide 3.0, cascade hidden", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 72 );
var i,
$elems = jQuery( "<div/>" )
.appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" )
.html( "<div class='hidden' data-expected-display='block'/>" +
"<div class='hidden' data-expected-display='block' style='display:none'/>" +
"<span class='hidden' data-expected-display='inline'/>" +
"<span class='hidden' data-expected-display='inline' style='display:none'/>" +
"<ul>" +
"<li class='hidden' data-expected-display='list-item'/>" +
"<li class='hidden' data-expected-display='list-item' style='display:none'/>" +
"</ul>" )
.find( "[data-expected-display]" );
$elems.each( function() {
var $elem = jQuery( this ),
name = this.nodeName,
expected = this.getAttribute( "data-expected-display" ),
sequence = [];
if ( this.className ) {
name += "." + this.className;
if ( this.getAttribute( "style" ) ) {
name += "[style='" + this.getAttribute( "style" ) + "']";
name += " ";
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
sequence.push( ".hide()" );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "display" ), "none",
name + sequence.join( "" ) + " computed" );
assert.equal( this.style.display, "none", name + sequence.join( "" ) + " inline" );
sequence.push( ".show()" );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "display" ), expected,
name + sequence.join( "" ) + " computed" );
assert.equal( this.style.display, expected, name + sequence.join( "" ) + " inline" );
} );
} );
QUnit.test( "show/hide 3.0, inline hidden", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 84 );
var i,
$elems = jQuery( "<div/>" )
.appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" )
.html( "<span data-expected-display='inline' style='display:none'/>" +
"<span class='list-item' data-expected-display='list-item' style='display:none'/>" +
"<div data-expected-display='block' style='display:none'/>" +
"<div class='list-item' data-expected-display='list-item' style='display:none'/>" +
"<ul>" +
"<li data-expected-display='list-item' style='display:none'/>" +
"<li class='block' data-expected-display='block' style='display:none'/>" +
"<li class='inline' data-expected-display='inline' style='display:none'/>" +
"</ul>" )
.find( "[data-expected-display]" );
$elems.each( function() {
var $elem = jQuery( this ),
name = this.nodeName,
expected = this.getAttribute( "data-expected-display" ),
sequence = [];
if ( this.className ) {
name += "." + this.className;
if ( this.getAttribute( "style" ) ) {
name += "[style='" + this.getAttribute( "style" ) + "']";
name += " ";
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
sequence.push( ".hide()" );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "display" ), "none",
name + sequence.join( "" ) + " computed" );
assert.equal( this.style.display, "none", name + sequence.join( "" ) + " inline" );
sequence.push( ".show()" );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "display" ), expected,
name + sequence.join( "" ) + " computed" );
assert.equal( this.style.display, "", name + sequence.join( "" ) + " inline" );
} );
} );
QUnit[ jQuery.find.compile && jQuery.fn.toggle ? "test" : "skip" ]( "toggle()", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 9 );
var div, oldHide,
x = jQuery( "#foo" );
assert.ok( x.is( ":visible" ), "is visible" );
assert.ok( x.is( ":hidden" ), "is hidden" );
assert.ok( x.is( ":visible" ), "is visible again" );
x.toggle( true );
assert.ok( x.is( ":visible" ), "is visible" );
x.toggle( false );
assert.ok( x.is( ":hidden" ), "is hidden" );
x.toggle( true );
assert.ok( x.is( ":visible" ), "is visible again" );
div = jQuery( "<div style='display:none'><div></div></div>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
x = div.find( "div" );
assert.strictEqual( x.toggle().css( "display" ), "none", "is hidden" );
assert.strictEqual( x.toggle().css( "display" ), "block", "is visible" );
// Ensure hide() is called when toggled (#12148)
oldHide = jQuery.fn.hide;
jQuery.fn.hide = function() {
assert.ok( true, name + " method called on toggle" );
return oldHide.apply( this, arguments );
x.toggle( name === "show" );
jQuery.fn.hide = oldHide;
} );
QUnit[ jQuery.find.compile && jQuery.fn.toggle ? "test" : "skip" ]( "detached toggle()", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 6 );
var detached = jQuery( "<p><a/><p>" ).find( "*" ).addBack(),
hiddenDetached = jQuery( "<p><a/></p>" ).find( "*" ).addBack().css( "display", "none" ),
cascadeHiddenDetached = jQuery( "<p><a/></p>" ).find( "*" ).addBack().addClass( "hidden" );
detached.appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
assert.equal( detached[ 0 ].style.display, "none", "detached element" );
assert.equal( detached[ 1 ].style.display, "none", "element in detached tree" );
hiddenDetached.appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
assert.equal( hiddenDetached[ 0 ].style.display, "", "detached, hidden element" );
assert.equal( hiddenDetached[ 1 ].style.display, "", "hidden element in detached tree" );
cascadeHiddenDetached.appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
assert.equal( cascadeHiddenDetached[ 0 ].style.display, "none",
"detached, cascade-hidden element" );
assert.equal( cascadeHiddenDetached[ 1 ].style.display, "none",
"cascade-hidden element in detached tree" );
} );
QUnit.test( "jQuery.css(elem, 'height') doesn't clear radio buttons (bug #1095)", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 4 );
var $checkedtest = jQuery( "#checkedtest" );
jQuery.css( $checkedtest[ 0 ], "height" );
assert.ok( jQuery( "input[type='radio']", $checkedtest ).first().attr( "checked" ), "Check first radio still checked." );
assert.ok( !jQuery( "input[type='radio']", $checkedtest ).last().attr( "checked" ), "Check last radio still NOT checked." );
assert.ok( jQuery( "input[type='checkbox']", $checkedtest ).first().attr( "checked" ), "Check first checkbox still checked." );
assert.ok( !jQuery( "input[type='checkbox']", $checkedtest ).last().attr( "checked" ), "Check last checkbox still NOT checked." );
} );
QUnit.test( "internal ref to elem.runtimeStyle (bug #7608)", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 1 );
var result = true;
try {
jQuery( "#foo" ).css( { "width": "0%" } ).css( "width" );
} catch ( e ) {
result = false;
assert.ok( result, "elem.runtimeStyle does not throw exception" );
} );
QUnit.test( "computed margins (trac-3333; gh-2237)", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 2 );
var $div = jQuery( "#foo" ),
$child = jQuery( "#en" );
$div.css( {
"width": "1px",
"marginRight": 0
} );
assert.equal( $div.css( "marginRight" ), "0px",
"marginRight correctly calculated with a width and display block" );
$div.css( {
position: "absolute",
top: 0,
left: 0,
width: "100px"
} );
$child.css( {
width: "50px",
margin: "auto"
} );
assert.equal( $child.css( "marginLeft" ), "25px", "auto margins are computed to pixels" );
} );
QUnit.test( "box model properties incorrectly returning % instead of px, see #10639 and #12088", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 2 );
var container = jQuery( "<div/>" ).width( 400 ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ),
el = jQuery( "<div/>" ).css( { "width": "50%", "marginRight": "50%" } ).appendTo( container ),
el2 = jQuery( "<div/>" ).css( { "width": "50%", "minWidth": "300px", "marginLeft": "25%" } ).appendTo( container );
assert.equal( el.css( "marginRight" ), "200px", "css('marginRight') returning % instead of px, see #10639" );
assert.equal( el2.css( "marginLeft" ), "100px", "css('marginLeft') returning incorrect pixel value, see #12088" );
} );
QUnit.test( "jQuery.cssProps behavior, (bug #8402)", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 2 );
var div = jQuery( "<div>" ).appendTo( document.body ).css( {
"position": "absolute",
"top": 0,
"left": 10
} );
jQuery.cssProps.top = "left";
assert.equal( div.css( "top" ), "10px", "the fixed property is used when accessing the computed style" );
div.css( "top", "100px" );
assert.equal( div[ 0 ].style.left, "100px", "the fixed property is used when setting the style" );
// cleanup jQuery.cssProps
jQuery.cssProps.top = undefined;
} );
QUnit.test( "widows & orphans #8936", function( assert ) {
var $p = jQuery( "<p>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
assert.expect( 2 );
$p.css( {
"widows": 3,
"orphans": 3
} );
assert.equal( $p.css( "widows" ) || jQuery.style( $p[ 0 ], "widows" ), 3, "widows correctly set to 3" );
assert.equal( $p.css( "orphans" ) || jQuery.style( $p[ 0 ], "orphans" ), 3, "orphans correctly set to 3" );
} );
QUnit.test( "can't get css for disconnected in IE<9, see #10254 and #8388", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 2 );
var span, div;
span = jQuery( "<span/>" ).css( "background-image", "url(data/1x1.jpg)" );
assert.notEqual( span.css( "background-image" ), null, "can't get background-image in IE<9, see #10254" );
div = jQuery( "<div/>" ).css( "top", 10 );
assert.equal( div.css( "top" ), "10px", "can't get top in IE<9, see #8388" );
} );
QUnit.test( "Ensure styles are retrieving from parsed html on document fragments", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 1 );
var $span = jQuery(
jQuery.parseHTML( "<span style=\"font-family: Cuprum,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: #999999;\">some text</span>" )
assert.equal( $span.css( "font-size" ), "14px", "Font-size retrievable on parsed HTML node" );
} );
QUnit.test( "can't get background-position in IE<9, see #10796", function( assert ) {
var div = jQuery( "<div/>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ),
units = [
"0 0",
"12px 12px",
"13px 12em",
"12em 13px",
"12em center",
"+12em center",
"12.2em center",
"center center"
l = units.length,
i = 0;
assert.expect( l );
for ( ; i < l; i++ ) {
div.css( "background-position", units [ i ] );
assert.ok( div.css( "background-position" ), "can't get background-position in IE<9, see #10796" );
} );
if ( jQuery.fn.offset ) {
QUnit.test( "percentage properties for left and top should be transformed to pixels, see #9505", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 2 );
var parent = jQuery( "<div style='position:relative;width:200px;height:200px;margin:0;padding:0;border-width:0'></div>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ),
div = jQuery( "<div style='position: absolute; width: 20px; height: 20px; top:50%; left:50%'></div>" ).appendTo( parent );
assert.equal( div.css( "top" ), "100px", "position properties not transformed to pixels, see #9505" );
assert.equal( div.css( "left" ), "100px", "position properties not transformed to pixels, see #9505" );
} );
QUnit.test( "Do not append px (#9548, #12990, #2792)", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 3 );
var $div = jQuery( "<div>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
$div.css( "fill-opacity", 1 );
assert.equal( $div.css( "fill-opacity" ), 1, "Do not append px to 'fill-opacity'" );
$div.css( "column-count", 1 );
if ( $div.css( "column-count" ) !== undefined ) {
assert.equal( $div.css( "column-count" ), 1, "Do not append px to 'column-count'" );
} else {
assert.ok( true, "No support for column-count CSS property" );
$div.css( "animation-iteration-count", 2 );
if ( $div.css( "animation-iteration-count" ) !== undefined ) {
// if $div.css( "animation-iteration-count" ) return "1",
// it actually return the default value of animation-iteration-count
assert.equal( $div.css( "animation-iteration-count" ), 2, "Do not append px to 'animation-iteration-count'" );
} else {
assert.ok( true, "No support for animation-iteration-count CSS property" );
} );
QUnit.test( "css('width') and css('height') should respect box-sizing, see #11004", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 4 );
var el_dis = jQuery( "<div style='width:300px;height:300px;margin:2px;padding:2px;box-sizing:border-box;'>test</div>" ),
el = el_dis.clone().appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
assert.equal( el.css( "width" ), el.css( "width", el.css( "width" ) ).css( "width" ), "css('width') is not respecting box-sizing, see #11004" );
assert.equal( el_dis.css( "width" ), el_dis.css( "width", el_dis.css( "width" ) ).css( "width" ), "css('width') is not respecting box-sizing for disconnected element, see #11004" );
assert.equal( el.css( "height" ), el.css( "height", el.css( "height" ) ).css( "height" ), "css('height') is not respecting box-sizing, see #11004" );
assert.equal( el_dis.css( "height" ), el_dis.css( "height", el_dis.css( "height" ) ).css( "height" ), "css('height') is not respecting box-sizing for disconnected element, see #11004" );
} );
"css('width') should work correctly before document ready (#14084)",
function( assert, jQuery, window, document, cssWidthBeforeDocReady ) {
assert.expect( 1 );
assert.strictEqual( cssWidthBeforeDocReady, "100px", "elem.css('width') works correctly before document ready" );
( function() {
var supportsFractionalGBCR,
qunitFixture = document.getElementById( "qunit-fixture" ),
div = document.createElement( "div" );
div.style.width = "3.3px";
qunitFixture.appendChild( div );
supportsFractionalGBCR = div.getBoundingClientRect().width.toFixed( 1 ) === "3.3";
qunitFixture.removeChild( div );
QUnit.test( "css('width') and css('height') should return fractional values for nodes in the document", function( assert ) {
if ( !supportsFractionalGBCR ) {
assert.expect( 1 );
assert.ok( true, "This browser doesn't support fractional values in getBoundingClientRect()" );
assert.expect( 2 );
var el = jQuery( "<div class='test-div'></div>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
jQuery( "<style>.test-div { width: 33.3px; height: 88.8px; }</style>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
assert.equal( Number( el.css( "width" ).replace( /px$/, "" ) ).toFixed( 1 ), "33.3",
"css('width') should return fractional values" );
assert.equal( Number( el.css( "height" ).replace( /px$/, "" ) ).toFixed( 1 ), "88.8",
"css('height') should return fractional values" );
} );
QUnit.test( "css('width') and css('height') should return fractional values for disconnected nodes", function( assert ) {
if ( !supportsFractionalGBCR ) {
assert.expect( 1 );
assert.ok( true, "This browser doesn't support fractional values in getBoundingClientRect()" );
assert.expect( 2 );
var el = jQuery( "<div style='width: 33.3px; height: 88.8px;'></div>" );
assert.equal( Number( el.css( "width" ).replace( /px$/, "" ) ).toFixed( 1 ), "33.3",
"css('width') should return fractional values" );
assert.equal( Number( el.css( "height" ).replace( /px$/, "" ) ).toFixed( 1 ), "88.8",
"css('height') should return fractional values" );
} );
} )();
QUnit.test( "certain css values of 'normal' should be convertable to a number, see #8627", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 3 );
var el = jQuery( "<div style='letter-spacing:normal;font-weight:normal;'>test</div>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
assert.ok( jQuery.isNumeric( parseFloat( el.css( "letterSpacing" ) ) ), "css('letterSpacing') not convertable to number, see #8627" );
assert.ok( jQuery.isNumeric( parseFloat( el.css( "fontWeight" ) ) ), "css('fontWeight') not convertable to number, see #8627" );
assert.equal( typeof el.css( "fontWeight" ), "string", ".css() returns a string" );
} );
// Support: IE 9 only
// Only run this test in IE9
if ( document.documentMode === 9 ) {
QUnit.test( ".css('filter') returns a string in IE9, see #12537", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 1 );
assert.equal( jQuery( "<div style='-ms-filter:\"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#FFFFFF, endColorstr=#ECECEC)\";'></div>" ).css( "filter" ), "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#FFFFFF, endColorstr=#ECECEC)", "IE9 returns the correct value from css('filter')." );
} );
QUnit.test( "cssHooks - expand", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 15 );
var result,
properties = {
margin: [ "marginTop", "marginRight", "marginBottom", "marginLeft" ],
borderWidth: [ "borderTopWidth", "borderRightWidth", "borderBottomWidth", "borderLeftWidth" ],
padding: [ "paddingTop", "paddingRight", "paddingBottom", "paddingLeft" ]
jQuery.each( properties, function( property, keys ) {
var hook = jQuery.cssHooks[ property ],
expected = {};
jQuery.each( keys, function( _, key ) {
expected[ key ] = 10;
} );
result = hook.expand( 10 );
assert.deepEqual( result, expected, property + " expands properly with a number" );
jQuery.each( keys, function( _, key ) {
expected[ key ] = "10px";
} );
result = hook.expand( "10px" );
assert.deepEqual( result, expected, property + " expands properly with '10px'" );
expected[ keys[ 1 ] ] = expected[ keys[ 3 ] ] = "20px";
result = hook.expand( "10px 20px" );
assert.deepEqual( result, expected, property + " expands properly with '10px 20px'" );
expected[ keys[ 2 ] ] = "30px";
result = hook.expand( "10px 20px 30px" );
assert.deepEqual( result, expected, property + " expands properly with '10px 20px 30px'" );
expected[ keys[ 3 ] ] = "40px";
result = hook.expand( "10px 20px 30px 40px" );
assert.deepEqual( result, expected, property + " expands properly with '10px 20px 30px 40px'" );
} );
} );
QUnit.test( "css opacity consistency across browsers (#12685)", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 3 );
var el,
fixture = jQuery( "#qunit-fixture" );
// Append style element
jQuery( "<style>.opacity_t12685 { opacity: 0.1; }</style>" ).appendTo( fixture );
el = jQuery( "<div class='opacity_t12685'></div>" ).appendTo( fixture );
assert.equal( Math.round( el.css( "opacity" ) * 100 ), 10, "opacity from style sheet" );
el.css( "opacity", 0.3 );
assert.equal( Math.round( el.css( "opacity" ) * 100 ), 30, "override opacity" );
el.css( "opacity", "" );
assert.equal( Math.round( el.css( "opacity" ) * 100 ), 10, "remove opacity override" );
} );
QUnit[ jQuery.find.compile ? "test" : "skip" ]( ":visible/:hidden selectors", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 17 );
var $div, $table, $a;
assert.ok( jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).is( ":visible" ), "Modifying CSS display: Assert element is visible" );
jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( { display: "none" } );
assert.ok( !jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).is( ":visible" ), "Modified CSS display: Assert element is hidden" );
jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( { "display": "block" } );
assert.ok( jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).is( ":visible" ), "Modified CSS display: Assert element is visible" );
assert.ok( !jQuery( window ).is( ":visible" ), "Calling is(':visible') on window does not throw an exception (#10267)." );
assert.ok( !jQuery( document ).is( ":visible" ), "Calling is(':visible') on document does not throw an exception (#10267)." );
assert.ok( jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).is( ":visible" ), "Modifying CSS display: Assert element is visible" );
jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( "display", "none" );
assert.ok( !jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).is( ":visible" ), "Modified CSS display: Assert element is hidden" );
jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).css( "display", "block" );
assert.ok( jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).is( ":visible" ), "Modified CSS display: Assert element is visible" );
assert.ok( jQuery( "#siblingspan" ).is( ":visible" ), "Span with no content is visible" );
$div = jQuery( "<div><span></span></div>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
assert.equal( $div.find( ":visible" ).length, 1, "Span with no content is visible" );
$div.css( { width: 0, height: 0, overflow: "hidden" } );
assert.ok( $div.is( ":visible" ), "Div with width and height of 0 is still visible (gh-2227)" );
// Safari 6-7 and iOS 6-7 report 0 width for br elements
// When newer browsers propagate, re-enable this test
// $br = jQuery( "<br/>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
// ok( $br.is( ":visible" ), "br element is visible" );
$table = jQuery( "#table" );
$table.html( "<tr><td style='display:none'>cell</td><td>cell</td></tr>" );
assert.equal( jQuery( "#table td:visible" ).length, 1, "hidden cell is not perceived as visible (#4512). Works on table elements" );
$table.css( "display", "none" ).html( "<tr><td>cell</td><td>cell</td></tr>" );
assert.equal( jQuery( "#table td:visible" ).length, 0, "hidden cell children not perceived as visible (#4512)" );
assert.t( "Is Visible", "#qunit-fixture div:visible:lt(2)", [ "foo", "nothiddendiv" ] );
assert.t( "Is Not Hidden", "#qunit-fixture:hidden", [] );
assert.t( "Is Hidden", "#form input:hidden", [ "hidden1", "hidden2" ] );
$a = jQuery( "<a href='#'><h1>Header</h1></a>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
assert.ok( $a.is( ":visible" ), "Anchor tag with flow content is visible (gh-2227)" );
} );
QUnit.test( "Keep the last style if the new one isn't recognized by the browser (#14836)", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 2 );
var el;
el = jQuery( "<div></div>" ).css( "position", "absolute" ).css( "position", "fake value" );
assert.equal( el.css( "position" ), "absolute", "The old style is kept when setting an unrecognized value" );
el = jQuery( "<div></div>" ).css( "position", "absolute" ).css( "position", " " );
// Support: Edge 14
// Edge collapses whitespace-only values when setting a style property and
// there is no easy way for us to work around it. Just skip the test there
// and hope for the better future.
if ( /edge\//i.test( navigator.userAgent ) ) {
assert.ok( true, "Skipped (Edge 14 handles whitespace-only values incorrectly)" );
} else {
assert.equal( el.css( "position" ), "absolute", "The old style is kept when setting to a space" );
} );
QUnit.test( "Reset the style if set to an empty string", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 1 );
var el = jQuery( "<div></div>" ).css( "position", "absolute" ).css( "position", "" );
// Some browsers return an empty string; others "static". Both those cases mean the style
// was reset successfully so accept them both.
assert.equal( el.css( "position" ) || "static", "static",
"The style can be reset by setting to an empty string" );
} );
"Clearing a Cloned Element's Style Shouldn't Clear the Original Element's Style (#8908)",
function( assert ) {
var baseUrl = document.location.href.replace( /([^\/]*)$/, "" );
var done = assert.async();
var styles = [ {
name: "backgroundAttachment",
value: [ "fixed" ],
expected: [ "scroll" ]
}, {
name: "backgroundColor",
value: [ "rgb(255, 0, 0)", "rgb(255,0,0)", "#ff0000" ],
expected: [ "transparent" ]
}, {
// Firefox returns auto's value
name: "backgroundImage",
value: [ "url('test.png')", "url(" + baseUrl + "test.png)", "url(\"" + baseUrl + "test.png\")" ],
expected: [ "none", "url(\"http://static.jquery.com/files/rocker/images/logo_jquery_215x53.gif\")" ]
}, {
name: "backgroundPosition",
value: [ "5% 5%" ],
expected: [ "0% 0%", "-1000px 0px", "-1000px 0%" ]
}, {
// Firefox returns no-repeat
name: "backgroundRepeat",
value: [ "repeat-y" ],
expected: [ "repeat", "no-repeat" ]
}, {
name: "backgroundClip",
value: [ "padding-box" ],
expected: [ "border-box" ]
}, {
name: "backgroundOrigin",
value: [ "content-box" ],
expected: [ "padding-box" ]
}, {
name: "backgroundSize",
value: [ "80px 60px" ],
expected: [ "auto auto" ]
} ];
jQuery.each( styles, function( index, style ) {
var $clone, $clonedChildren,
$source = jQuery( "#firstp" ),
source = $source[ 0 ],
$children = $source.children();
style.expected = style.expected.concat( [ "", "auto" ] );
if ( source.style[ style.name ] === undefined ) {
assert.ok( true, style.name + ": style isn't supported and therefore not an issue" );
assert.ok( true );
return true;
$source.css( style.name, style.value[ 0 ] );
$children.css( style.name, style.value[ 0 ] );
$clone = $source.clone();
$clonedChildren = $clone.children();
$clone.css( style.name, "" );
$clonedChildren.css( style.name, "" );
window.setTimeout( function() {
assert.notEqual( $clone.css( style.name ), style.value[ 0 ], "Cloned css was changed" );
assert.ok( jQuery.inArray( $source.css( style.name ) !== -1, style.value ),
"Clearing clone.css() doesn't affect source.css(): " + style.name +
"; result: " + $source.css( style.name ) +
"; expected: " + style.value.join( "," ) );
assert.ok( jQuery.inArray( $children.css( style.name ) !== -1, style.value ),
"Clearing clonedChildren.css() doesn't affect children.css(): " + style.name +
"; result: " + $children.css( style.name ) +
"; expected: " + style.value.join( "," ) );
}, 100 );
} );
window.setTimeout( done, 1000 );
// Support: IE <=10 only
// We have to jump through the hoops here in order to test work with "order" CSS property,
// that some browsers do not support. This test is not, strictly speaking, correct,
// but it's the best that we can do.
( function() {
var style = document.createElement( "div" ).style,
exist = "order" in style || "WebkitOrder" in style;
if ( exist ) {
QUnit.test( "Don't append px to CSS \"order\" value (#14049)", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 1 );
var $elem = jQuery( "<div/>" );
$elem.css( "order", 2 );
assert.equal( $elem.css( "order" ), "2", "2 on order" );
} );
} )();
QUnit.test( "Do not throw on frame elements from css method (#15098)", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 1 );
var frameWin, frameDoc,
frameElement = document.createElement( "iframe" ),
frameWrapDiv = document.createElement( "div" );
frameWrapDiv.appendChild( frameElement );
document.body.appendChild( frameWrapDiv );
frameWin = frameElement.contentWindow;
frameDoc = frameWin.document;
frameDoc.write( "<!doctype html><html><body><div>Hi</div></body></html>" );
frameWrapDiv.style.display = "none";
try {
jQuery( frameDoc.body ).css( "direction" );
assert.ok( true, "It didn't throw" );
} catch ( _ ) {
assert.ok( false, "It did throw" );
} );
( function() {
var vendorPrefixes = [ "Webkit", "Moz", "ms" ];
function resetCssPropsFor( name ) {
delete jQuery.cssProps[ name ];
jQuery.each( vendorPrefixes, function( index, prefix ) {
delete jQuery.cssProps[ prefix + name[ 0 ].toUpperCase() + name.slice( 1 ) ];
} );
QUnit.test( "Don't default to a cached previously used wrong prefixed name (gh-2015)", function( assert ) {
// Note: this test needs a property we know is only supported in a prefixed version
// by at least one of our main supported browsers. This may get out of date so let's
// use -(webkit|moz)-appearance as well as those two are not on a standards track.
var appearanceName, transformName, elem, elemStyle,
transformVal = "translate(5px, 2px)",
emptyStyle = document.createElement( "div" ).style;
if ( "appearance" in emptyStyle ) {
appearanceName = "appearance";
} else {
jQuery.each( vendorPrefixes, function( index, prefix ) {
var prefixedProp = prefix + "Appearance";
if ( prefixedProp in emptyStyle ) {
appearanceName = prefixedProp;
} );
if ( "transform" in emptyStyle ) {
transformName = "transform";
} else {
jQuery.each( vendorPrefixes, function( index, prefix ) {
var prefixedProp = prefix + "Transform";
if ( prefixedProp in emptyStyle ) {
transformName = prefixedProp;
} );
assert.expect( !!appearanceName + !!transformName + 1 );
resetCssPropsFor( "appearance" );
resetCssPropsFor( "transform" );
elem = jQuery( "<div/>" )
.css( {
msAppearance: "none",
appearance: "none",
// Only the ms prefix is used to make sure we haven't e.g. set
// webkitTransform ourselves in the test.
msTransform: transformVal,
transform: transformVal
} );
elemStyle = elem[ 0 ].style;
if ( appearanceName ) {
assert.equal( elemStyle[ appearanceName ], "none", "setting properly-prefixed appearance" );
if ( transformName ) {
assert.equal( elemStyle[ transformName ], transformVal, "setting properly-prefixed transform" );
assert.equal( elemStyle[ "undefined" ], undefined, "Nothing writes to node.style.undefined" );
} );
QUnit.test( "Don't detect fake set properties on a node when caching the prefixed version", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 1 );
var elem = jQuery( "<div/>" ),
style = elem[ 0 ].style;
style.MozFakeProperty = "old value";
elem.css( "fakeProperty", "new value" );
assert.equal( style.MozFakeProperty, "old value", "Fake prefixed property is not cached" );
} );
} )();