Michał Gołębiowski-Owczarek a2a73db99c
Tests: Make Android Browser 4.0-4.3 dimensions tests green
Android Browser disregards td's box-sizing, treating it like it was content-box.
Unlike in IE, offsetHeight shares the same issue so there's no easy way to
workaround the issue without incurring high size penalty. Let's at least check
we get the size as the browser sees it.

Also, fix the nearby support comment syntax.

Closes gh-4335
2019-03-27 15:47:33 +01:00

794 lines
36 KiB

( function() {
if ( !jQuery.fn.width ) {
QUnit.module( "dimensions", { afterEach: moduleTeardown } );
function pass( val ) {
return val;
function fn( val ) {
return function() {
return val;
======== local reference =======
pass and fn can be used to test passing functions to setters
See testWidth below for an example
pass( value, assert );
This function returns whatever value is passed in
fn( value, assert );
Returns a function that returns the value
function testWidth( val, assert ) {
assert.expect( 9 );
var $div, $empty;
$div = jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" );
$div.width( val( 30 ) );
assert.equal( $div.width(), 30, "Test set to 30 correctly" );
$div.css( "display", "none" );
assert.equal( $div.width(), 30, "Test hidden div" );
$div.css( "display", "" );
$div.width( val( -1 ) ); // handle negative numbers by setting to 0 #11604
assert.equal( $div.width(), 0, "Test negative width normalized to 0" );
$div.css( "padding", "20px" );
assert.equal( $div.width(), 0, "Test padding specified with pixels" );
$div.css( "border", "2px solid #fff" );
assert.equal( $div.width(), 0, "Test border specified with pixels" );
$div.css( { "display": "", "border": "", "padding": "" } );
jQuery( "#nothiddendivchild" ).css( { "width": 20, "padding": "3px", "border": "2px solid #fff" } );
assert.equal( jQuery( "#nothiddendivchild" ).width(), 20, "Test child width with border and padding" );
jQuery( "#nothiddendiv, #nothiddendivchild" ).css( { "border": "", "padding": "", "width": "" } );
$empty = jQuery();
assert.equal( $empty.width( val( 10 ) ), $empty, "Make sure that setting a width on an empty set returns the set." );
assert.strictEqual( $empty.width(), undefined, "Make sure 'undefined' is returned on an empty set" );
assert.equal( jQuery( window ).width(), document.documentElement.clientWidth, "Window width is equal to width reported by window/document." );
QUnit.test( "width()", function( assert ) {
testWidth( pass, assert );
} );
QUnit.test( "width(Function)", function( assert ) {
testWidth( fn, assert );
} );
QUnit.test( "width(Function(args))", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 2 );
var $div = jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" );
$div.width( 30 ).width( function( i, width ) {
assert.equal( width, 30, "Make sure previous value is correct." );
return width + 1;
} );
assert.equal( $div.width(), 31, "Make sure value was modified correctly." );
} );
function testHeight( val, assert ) {
assert.expect( 9 );
var $div, blah;
$div = jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" );
$div.height( val( 30 ) );
assert.equal( $div.height(), 30, "Test set to 30 correctly" );
$div.css( "display", "none" );
assert.equal( $div.height(), 30, "Test hidden div" );
$div.css( "display", "" );
$div.height( val( -1 ) ); // handle negative numbers by setting to 0 #11604
assert.equal( $div.height(), 0, "Test negative height normalized to 0" );
$div.css( "padding", "20px" );
assert.equal( $div.height(), 0, "Test padding specified with pixels" );
$div.css( "border", "2px solid #fff" );
assert.equal( $div.height(), 0, "Test border specified with pixels" );
$div.css( { "display": "", "border": "", "padding": "", "height": "1px" } );
jQuery( "#nothiddendivchild" ).css( { "height": 20, "padding": "3px", "border": "2px solid #fff" } );
assert.equal( jQuery( "#nothiddendivchild" ).height(), 20, "Test child height with border and padding" );
jQuery( "#nothiddendiv, #nothiddendivchild" ).css( { "border": "", "padding": "", "height": "" } );
blah = jQuery( "blah" );
assert.equal( blah.height( val( 10 ) ), blah, "Make sure that setting a height on an empty set returns the set." );
assert.strictEqual( blah.height(), undefined, "Make sure 'undefined' is returned on an empty set" );
assert.equal( jQuery( window ).height(), document.documentElement.clientHeight, "Window width is equal to width reported by window/document." );
QUnit.test( "height()", function( assert ) {
testHeight( pass, assert );
} );
QUnit.test( "height(Function)", function( assert ) {
testHeight( fn, assert );
} );
QUnit.test( "height(Function(args))", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 2 );
var $div = jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" );
$div.height( 30 ).height( function( i, height ) {
assert.equal( height, 30, "Make sure previous value is correct." );
return height + 1;
} );
assert.equal( $div.height(), 31, "Make sure value was modified correctly." );
} );
QUnit.test( "innerWidth()", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 7 );
var $div, div,
$win = jQuery( window ),
$doc = jQuery( document );
assert.equal( jQuery( window ).innerWidth(), $win.width(), "Test on window" );
assert.equal( jQuery( document ).innerWidth(), $doc.width(), "Test on document" );
assert.strictEqual( jQuery().innerWidth(), undefined, "Test on empty set" );
$div = jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" );
$div.css( {
"margin": 10,
"border": "2px solid #fff",
"width": 30
} );
assert.equal( $div.innerWidth(), 30, "Test with margin and border" );
$div.css( "padding", "20px" );
assert.equal( $div.innerWidth(), 70, "Test with margin, border and padding" );
$div.css( "display", "none" );
assert.equal( $div.innerWidth(), 70, "Test hidden div" );
// reset styles
$div.css( { "display": "", "border": "", "padding": "", "width": "", "height": "" } );
div = jQuery( "<div>" );
// Temporarily require 0 for backwards compat - should be auto
assert.equal( div.innerWidth(), 0, "Make sure that disconnected nodes are handled." );
} );
QUnit.test( "innerHeight()", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 7 );
var $div, div,
$win = jQuery( window ),
$doc = jQuery( document );
assert.equal( jQuery( window ).innerHeight(), $win.height(), "Test on window" );
assert.equal( jQuery( document ).innerHeight(), $doc.height(), "Test on document" );
assert.strictEqual( jQuery().innerHeight(), undefined, "Test on empty set" );
$div = jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" );
$div.css( {
"margin": 10,
"border": "2px solid #fff",
"height": 30
} );
assert.equal( $div.innerHeight(), 30, "Test with margin and border" );
$div.css( "padding", "20px" );
assert.equal( $div.innerHeight(), 70, "Test with margin, border and padding" );
$div.css( "display", "none" );
assert.equal( $div.innerHeight(), 70, "Test hidden div" );
// reset styles
$div.css( { "display": "", "border": "", "padding": "", "width": "", "height": "" } );
div = jQuery( "<div>" );
// Temporarily require 0 for backwards compat - should be auto
assert.equal( div.innerHeight(), 0, "Make sure that disconnected nodes are handled." );
} );
QUnit.test( "outerWidth()", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 12 );
var $div, div,
$win = jQuery( window ),
$doc = jQuery( document ),
winwidth = $win.prop( "innerWidth" );
assert.equal( jQuery( window ).outerWidth(), winwidth, "Test on window without margin option" );
assert.equal( jQuery( window ).outerWidth( true ), winwidth, "Test on window with margin option" );
assert.equal( jQuery( document ).outerWidth(), $doc.width(), "Test on document without margin option" );
assert.equal( jQuery( document ).outerWidth( true ), $doc.width(), "Test on document with margin option" );
assert.strictEqual( jQuery().outerWidth(), undefined, "Test on empty set" );
$div = jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" );
$div.css( "width", 30 );
assert.equal( $div.outerWidth(), 30, "Test with only width set" );
$div.css( "padding", "20px" );
assert.equal( $div.outerWidth(), 70, "Test with padding" );
$div.css( "border", "2px solid #fff" );
assert.equal( $div.outerWidth(), 74, "Test with padding and border" );
$div.css( "margin", "10px" );
assert.equal( $div.outerWidth(), 74, "Test with padding, border and margin without margin option" );
$div.css( "position", "absolute" );
assert.equal( $div.outerWidth( true ), 94, "Test with padding, border and margin with margin option" );
$div.css( "display", "none" );
assert.equal( $div.outerWidth( true ), 94, "Test hidden div with padding, border and margin with margin option" );
// reset styles
$div.css( { "position": "", "display": "", "border": "", "padding": "", "width": "", "height": "" } );
div = jQuery( "<div>" );
// Temporarily require 0 for backwards compat - should be auto
assert.equal( div.outerWidth(), 0, "Make sure that disconnected nodes are handled." );
} );
QUnit.test( "outerHeight()", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 12 );
var $div, div,
$win = jQuery( window ),
$doc = jQuery( document ),
winheight = $win.prop( "innerHeight" );
assert.equal( jQuery( window ).outerHeight(), winheight, "Test on window without margin option" );
assert.equal( jQuery( window ).outerHeight( true ), winheight, "Test on window with margin option" );
assert.equal( jQuery( document ).outerHeight(), $doc.height(), "Test on document without margin option" );
assert.equal( jQuery( document ).outerHeight( true ), $doc.height(), "Test on document with margin option" );
assert.strictEqual( jQuery().outerHeight(), undefined, "Test on empty set" );
$div = jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" );
$div.css( "height", 30 );
assert.equal( $div.outerHeight(), 30, "Test with only height set" );
$div.css( "padding", "20px" );
assert.equal( $div.outerHeight(), 70, "Test with padding" );
$div.css( "border", "2px solid #fff" );
assert.equal( $div.outerHeight(), 74, "Test with padding and border" );
$div.css( "margin", "10px" );
assert.equal( $div.outerHeight(), 74, "Test with padding, border and margin without margin option" );
$div.css( "position", "absolute" );
assert.equal( $div.outerHeight( true ), 94, "Test with padding, border and margin with margin option" );
$div.css( "display", "none" );
assert.equal( $div.outerHeight( true ), 94, "Test hidden div with padding, border and margin with margin option" );
// reset styles
$div.css( { "position": "", "display": "", "border": "", "padding": "", "width": "", "height": "" } );
div = jQuery( "<div>" );
// Temporarily require 0 for backwards compat - should be auto
assert.equal( div.outerWidth(), 0, "Make sure that disconnected nodes are handled." );
} );
QUnit.test( "child of a hidden elem (or unconnected node) has accurate inner/outer/Width()/Height() see #9441 #9300", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 16 );
// setup html
var $divNormal = jQuery( "<div>" ).css( { "width": "100px", "height": "100px", "border": "10px solid white", "padding": "2px", "margin": "3px" } ),
$divChild = $divNormal.clone(),
$divUnconnected = $divNormal.clone(),
$divHiddenParent = jQuery( "<div>" ).css( "display", "none" ).append( $divChild ).appendTo( "body" );
$divNormal.appendTo( "body" );
// tests that child div of a hidden div works the same as a normal div
assert.equal( $divChild.width(), $divNormal.width(), "child of a hidden element width() is wrong see #9441" );
assert.equal( $divChild.innerWidth(), $divNormal.innerWidth(), "child of a hidden element innerWidth() is wrong see #9441" );
assert.equal( $divChild.outerWidth(), $divNormal.outerWidth(), "child of a hidden element outerWidth() is wrong see #9441" );
assert.equal( $divChild.outerWidth( true ), $divNormal.outerWidth( true ), "child of a hidden element outerWidth( true ) is wrong see #9300" );
assert.equal( $divChild.height(), $divNormal.height(), "child of a hidden element height() is wrong see #9441" );
assert.equal( $divChild.innerHeight(), $divNormal.innerHeight(), "child of a hidden element innerHeight() is wrong see #9441" );
assert.equal( $divChild.outerHeight(), $divNormal.outerHeight(), "child of a hidden element outerHeight() is wrong see #9441" );
assert.equal( $divChild.outerHeight( true ), $divNormal.outerHeight( true ), "child of a hidden element outerHeight( true ) is wrong see #9300" );
// tests that child div of an unconnected div works the same as a normal div
assert.equal( $divUnconnected.width(), $divNormal.width(), "unconnected element width() is wrong see #9441" );
assert.equal( $divUnconnected.innerWidth(), $divNormal.innerWidth(), "unconnected element innerWidth() is wrong see #9441" );
assert.equal( $divUnconnected.outerWidth(), $divNormal.outerWidth(), "unconnected element outerWidth() is wrong see #9441" );
assert.equal( $divUnconnected.outerWidth( true ), $divNormal.outerWidth( true ), "unconnected element outerWidth( true ) is wrong see #9300" );
assert.equal( $divUnconnected.height(), $divNormal.height(), "unconnected element height() is wrong see #9441" );
assert.equal( $divUnconnected.innerHeight(), $divNormal.innerHeight(), "unconnected element innerHeight() is wrong see #9441" );
assert.equal( $divUnconnected.outerHeight(), $divNormal.outerHeight(), "unconnected element outerHeight() is wrong see #9441" );
assert.equal( $divUnconnected.outerHeight( true ), $divNormal.outerHeight( true ), "unconnected element outerHeight( true ) is wrong see #9300" );
// teardown html
} );
QUnit.test( "getting dimensions shouldn't modify runtimeStyle see #9233", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 1 );
var $div = jQuery( "<div>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ),
div = $div.get( 0 ),
runtimeStyle = div.runtimeStyle;
if ( runtimeStyle ) {
div.runtimeStyle.marginLeft = "12em";
div.runtimeStyle.left = "11em";
$div.outerWidth( true );
if ( runtimeStyle ) {
assert.equal( div.runtimeStyle.left, "11em", "getting dimensions modifies runtimeStyle, see #9233" );
} else {
assert.ok( true, "this browser doesn't support runtimeStyle, see #9233" );
} );
QUnit.test( "table dimensions", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 2 );
var table = jQuery( "<table><colgroup><col/><col/></colgroup><tbody><tr><td></td><td>a</td></tr><tr><td></td><td>a</td></tr></tbody></table>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ),
tdElem = table.find( "td" ).first(),
colElem = table.find( "col" ).first().width( 300 );
table.find( "td" ).css( { "margin": 0, "padding": 0 } );
assert.equal( tdElem.width(), tdElem.width(), "width() doesn't alter dimension values of empty cells, see #11293" );
assert.equal( colElem.width(), 300, "col elements have width(), see #12243" );
} );
QUnit.test( "SVG dimensions (basic content-box)", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 8 );
var svg = jQuery( "<svg style='width: 100px; height: 100px;'></svg>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
assert.equal( svg.width(), 100 );
assert.equal( svg.height(), 100 );
assert.equal( svg.innerWidth(), 100 );
assert.equal( svg.innerHeight(), 100 );
assert.equal( svg.outerWidth(), 100 );
assert.equal( svg.outerHeight(), 100 );
assert.equal( svg.outerWidth( true ), 100 );
assert.equal( svg.outerHeight( true ), 100 );
} );
QUnit.test( "SVG dimensions (content-box)", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 8 );
var svg = jQuery( "<svg style='width: 100px; height: 100px; box-sizing: content-box; border: 1px solid white; padding: 2px; margin: 3px'></svg>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
assert.equal( svg.width(), 100 );
assert.equal( svg.height(), 100 );
assert.equal( svg.innerWidth(), 104 );
assert.equal( svg.innerHeight(), 104 );
assert.equal( svg.outerWidth(), 106 );
assert.equal( svg.outerHeight(), 106 );
assert.equal( svg.outerWidth( true ), 112 );
assert.equal( svg.outerHeight( true ), 112 );
} );
QUnit.test( "SVG dimensions (border-box)", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 8 );
var svg = jQuery( "<svg style='width: 100px; height: 100px; box-sizing: border-box; border: 1px solid white; padding: 2px; margin: 3px'></svg>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
assert.equal( svg.width(), 94, "width" );
assert.equal( svg.height(), 94, "height" );
assert.equal( svg.innerWidth(), 98, "innerWidth" );
assert.equal( svg.innerHeight(), 98, "innerHeight" );
assert.equal( svg.outerWidth(), 100, "outerWidth" );
assert.equal( svg.outerHeight(), 100, "outerHeight" );
assert.equal( svg.outerWidth( true ), 106, "outerWidth( true )" );
assert.equal( svg.outerHeight( true ), 106, "outerHeight( true )" );
} );
QUnit.test( "box-sizing:border-box child of a hidden elem (or unconnected node) has accurate inner/outer/Width()/Height() see #10413", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 16 );
// setup html
var $divNormal = jQuery( "<div>" ).css( { "boxSizing": "border-box", "width": "100px", "height": "100px", "border": "10px solid white", "padding": "2px", "margin": "3px" } ),
$divChild = $divNormal.clone(),
$divUnconnected = $divNormal.clone(),
$divHiddenParent = jQuery( "<div>" ).css( "display", "none" ).append( $divChild ).appendTo( "body" );
$divNormal.appendTo( "body" );
// tests that child div of a hidden div works the same as a normal div
assert.equal( $divChild.width(), $divNormal.width(), "child of a hidden element width() is wrong see #10413" );
assert.equal( $divChild.innerWidth(), $divNormal.innerWidth(), "child of a hidden element innerWidth() is wrong see #10413" );
assert.equal( $divChild.outerWidth(), $divNormal.outerWidth(), "child of a hidden element outerWidth() is wrong see #10413" );
assert.equal( $divChild.outerWidth( true ), $divNormal.outerWidth( true ), "child of a hidden element outerWidth( true ) is wrong see #10413" );
assert.equal( $divChild.height(), $divNormal.height(), "child of a hidden element height() is wrong see #10413" );
assert.equal( $divChild.innerHeight(), $divNormal.innerHeight(), "child of a hidden element innerHeight() is wrong see #10413" );
assert.equal( $divChild.outerHeight(), $divNormal.outerHeight(), "child of a hidden element outerHeight() is wrong see #10413" );
assert.equal( $divChild.outerHeight( true ), $divNormal.outerHeight( true ), "child of a hidden element outerHeight( true ) is wrong see #10413" );
// tests that child div of an unconnected div works the same as a normal div
assert.equal( $divUnconnected.width(), $divNormal.width(), "unconnected element width() is wrong see #10413" );
assert.equal( $divUnconnected.innerWidth(), $divNormal.innerWidth(), "unconnected element innerWidth() is wrong see #10413" );
assert.equal( $divUnconnected.outerWidth(), $divNormal.outerWidth(), "unconnected element outerWidth() is wrong see #10413" );
assert.equal( $divUnconnected.outerWidth( true ), $divNormal.outerWidth( true ), "unconnected element outerWidth( true ) is wrong see #10413" );
assert.equal( $divUnconnected.height(), $divNormal.height(), "unconnected element height() is wrong see #10413" );
assert.equal( $divUnconnected.innerHeight(), $divNormal.innerHeight(), "unconnected element innerHeight() is wrong see #10413" );
assert.equal( $divUnconnected.outerHeight(), $divNormal.outerHeight(), "unconnected element outerHeight() is wrong see #10413" );
assert.equal( $divUnconnected.outerHeight( true ), $divNormal.outerHeight( true ), "unconnected element outerHeight( true ) is wrong see #10413" );
// teardown html
} );
QUnit.test( "passing undefined is a setter #5571", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 4 );
assert.equal( jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).height( 30 ).height( undefined ).height(), 30, ".height(undefined) is chainable (#5571)" );
assert.equal( jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).height( 30 ).innerHeight( undefined ).height(), 30, ".innerHeight(undefined) is chainable (#5571)" );
assert.equal( jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).height( 30 ).outerHeight( undefined ).height(), 30, ".outerHeight(undefined) is chainable (#5571)" );
assert.equal( jQuery( "#nothiddendiv" ).width( 30 ).width( undefined ).width(), 30, ".width(undefined) is chainable (#5571)" );
} );
QUnit.test( "setters with and without box-sizing:border-box", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 120 );
var parent = jQuery( "#foo" ).css( { width: "200px", height: "200px", "font-size": "16px" } ),
el_bb = jQuery( "<div style='margin:5px;padding:1px;border:2px solid black;box-sizing:border-box;'></div>" ).appendTo( parent ),
el = jQuery( "<div style='margin:5px;padding:1px;border:2px solid black;'></div>" ).appendTo( parent ),
el_bb_np = jQuery( "<div style='margin:5px; padding:0px; border:0px solid green;box-sizing:border-box;'></div>" ).appendTo( parent ),
el_np = jQuery( "<div style='margin:5px; padding:0px; border:0px solid green;'></div>" ).appendTo( parent );
jQuery.each( {
"number": { set: 100, expected: 100 },
"em": { set: "10em", expected: 160 },
"percentage": { set: "50%", expected: 100 }
}, function( units, values ) {
assert.equal( el_bb.width( values.set ).width(), values.expected, "test border-box width(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_bb.innerWidth( values.set ).width(), values.expected - 2, "test border-box innerWidth(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_bb.outerWidth( values.set ).width(), values.expected - 6, "test border-box outerWidth(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_bb.outerWidth( values.set, false ).width(), values.expected - 6, "test border-box outerWidth(" + units + ", false) by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_bb.outerWidth( values.set, true ).width(), values.expected - 16, "test border-box outerWidth(" + units + ", true) by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_bb.height( values.set ).height(), values.expected, "test border-box height(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_bb.innerHeight( values.set ).height(), values.expected - 2, "test border-box innerHeight(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_bb.outerHeight( values.set ).height(), values.expected - 6, "test border-box outerHeight(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_bb.outerHeight( values.set, false ).height(), values.expected - 6, "test border-box outerHeight(" + units + ", false) by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_bb.outerHeight( values.set, true ).height(), values.expected - 16, "test border-box outerHeight(" + units + ", true) by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el.width( values.set ).width(), values.expected, "test non-border-box width(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el.innerWidth( values.set ).width(), values.expected - 2, "test non-border-box innerWidth(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el.outerWidth( values.set ).width(), values.expected - 6, "test non-border-box outerWidth(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el.outerWidth( values.set, false ).width(), values.expected - 6, "test non-border-box outerWidth(" + units + ", false) by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el.outerWidth( values.set, true ).width(), values.expected - 16, "test non-border-box outerWidth(" + units + ", true) by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el.height( values.set ).height(), values.expected, "test non-border-box height(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el.innerHeight( values.set ).height(), values.expected - 2, "test non-border-box innerHeight(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el.outerHeight( values.set ).height(), values.expected - 6, "test non-border-box outerHeight(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el.outerHeight( values.set, false ).height(), values.expected - 6, "test non-border-box outerHeight(" + units + ", false) by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el.outerHeight( values.set, true ).height(), values.expected - 16, "test non-border-box outerHeight(" + units + ", true) by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_bb_np.width( values.set ).width(), values.expected, "test border-box width and negative padding(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_bb_np.innerWidth( values.set ).width(), values.expected, "test border-box innerWidth and negative padding(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_bb_np.outerWidth( values.set ).width(), values.expected, "test border-box outerWidth and negative padding(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_bb_np.outerWidth( values.set, false ).width(), values.expected, "test border-box outerWidth and negative padding(" + units + ", false) by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_bb_np.outerWidth( values.set, true ).width(), values.expected - 10, "test border-box outerWidth and negative padding(" + units + ", true) by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_bb_np.height( values.set ).height(), values.expected, "test border-box height and negative padding(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_bb_np.innerHeight( values.set ).height(), values.expected, "test border-box innerHeight and negative padding(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_bb_np.outerHeight( values.set ).height(), values.expected, "test border-box outerHeight and negative padding(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_bb_np.outerHeight( values.set, false ).height(), values.expected, "test border-box outerHeight and negative padding(" + units + ", false) by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_bb_np.outerHeight( values.set, true ).height(), values.expected - 10, "test border-box outerHeight and negative padding(" + units + ", true) by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_np.width( values.set ).width(), values.expected, "test non-border-box width and negative padding(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_np.innerWidth( values.set ).width(), values.expected, "test non-border-box innerWidth and negative padding(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_np.outerWidth( values.set ).width(), values.expected, "test non-border-box outerWidth and negative padding(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_np.outerWidth( values.set, false ).width(), values.expected, "test non-border-box outerWidth and negative padding(" + units + ", false) by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_np.outerWidth( values.set, true ).width(), values.expected - 10, "test non-border-box outerWidth and negative padding(" + units + ", true) by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_np.height( values.set ).height(), values.expected, "test non-border-box height and negative padding(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_np.innerHeight( values.set ).height(), values.expected, "test non-border-box innerHeight and negative padding(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_np.outerHeight( values.set ).height(), values.expected, "test non-border-box outerHeight and negative padding(" + units + ") by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_np.outerHeight( values.set, false ).height(), values.expected, "test non-border-box outerHeight and negative padding(" + units + ", false) by roundtripping" );
assert.equal( el_np.outerHeight( values.set, true ).height(), values.expected - 10, "test non-border-box outerHeight and negative padding(" + units + ", true) by roundtripping" );
} );
} );
"window vs. large document",
function( assert, jQuery, window, document ) {
assert.expect( 2 );
assert.ok( jQuery( document ).height() > jQuery( window ).height(), "document height is larger than window height" );
assert.ok( jQuery( document ).width() > jQuery( window ).width(), "document width is larger than window width" );
QUnit.test( "allow modification of coordinates argument (gh-1848)", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 1 );
var offsetTop,
element = jQuery( "<div/>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
element.offset( function( index, coords ) {
coords.top = 100;
return coords;
} );
offsetTop = element.offset().top;
assert.ok( Math.abs( offsetTop - 100 ) < 0.02,
"coordinates are modified (got offset.top: " + offsetTop + ")" );
} );
QUnit.test( "outside view position (gh-2836)", function( assert ) {
// This test ported from gh-2836 example
assert.expect( 1 );
var parent,
html = [
"<div id=div-gh-2836>",
].join( "" ),
stop = assert.async();
parent = jQuery( html );
parent.appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
parent.one( "scroll", function() {
var pos = parent.find( "div" ).eq( 3 ).position();
assert.strictEqual( pos.top, -100 );
} );
parent.scrollTop( 400 );
} );
QUnit.test( "width/height on element with transform (gh-3193)", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 2 );
var $elem = jQuery( "<div style='width: 200px; height: 200px; transform: scale(2);' />" )
.appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
assert.equal( $elem.width(), 200, "Width ignores transforms" );
assert.equal( $elem.height(), 200, "Height ignores transforms" );
} );
QUnit.test( "width/height on an inline element with no explicitly-set dimensions (gh-3571)", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 8 );
var $elem = jQuery( "<span style='border: 2px solid black;padding: 1px;margin: 3px;'>Hello, I'm some text.</span>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
jQuery.each( [ "Width", "Height" ], function( i, method ) {
var val = $elem[ method.toLowerCase() ]();
assert.notEqual( val, 0, method + " should not be zero on inline element." );
assert.equal( $elem[ "inner" + method ](), val + 2, "inner" + method + " should include padding" );
assert.equal( $elem[ "outer" + method ](), val + 6, "outer" + method + " should include padding and border" );
assert.equal( $elem[ "outer" + method ]( true ), val + 12, "outer" + method + "(true) should include padding, border, and margin" );
} );
} );
QUnit.test( "width/height on an inline element with percentage dimensions (gh-3611)",
function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 4 );
jQuery( "<div id='gh3611' style='width: 100px;'>" +
"<span style='width: 100%; padding: 0 5px'>text</span>" +
"</div>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
var $elem = jQuery( "#gh3611 span" ),
actualWidth = $elem[ 0 ].getBoundingClientRect().width,
marginWidth = $elem.outerWidth( true ),
borderWidth = $elem.outerWidth(),
paddingWidth = $elem.innerWidth(),
contentWidth = $elem.width();
assert.equal( Math.round( borderWidth ), Math.round( actualWidth ),
".outerWidth(): " + borderWidth + " approximates " + actualWidth );
assert.equal( marginWidth, borderWidth, ".outerWidth(true) matches .outerWidth()" );
assert.equal( paddingWidth, borderWidth, ".innerWidth() matches .outerWidth()" );
assert.equal( contentWidth, borderWidth - 10, ".width() excludes padding" );
QUnit.test( "width/height on a table row with phantom borders (gh-3698)", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 4 );
jQuery( "<table id='gh3698' style='border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 0;'><tbody>" +
"<tr style='margin: 0; border: 10px solid black; padding: 0'>" +
"<td style='margin: 0; border: 0; padding: 0; height: 42px; width: 42px;'></td>" +
"</tr>" +
"</tbody></table>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
var $elem = jQuery( "#gh3698 tr" );
jQuery.each( [ "Width", "Height" ], function( i, method ) {
assert.equal( $elem[ "outer" + method ](), 42,
"outer" + method + " should match content dimensions" );
assert.equal( $elem[ "outer" + method ]( true ), 42,
"outer" + method + "(true) should match content dimensions" );
} );
} );
QUnit.test( "interaction with scrollbars (gh-3589)", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 48 );
var i,
suffix = "",
updater = function( adjustment ) {
return function( i, old ) {
return old + adjustment;
parent = jQuery( "<div/>" )
.css( { position: "absolute", width: "1000px", height: "1000px" } )
.appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ),
fraction = jQuery.support.boxSizingReliable() ?
jQuery( "<div style='width:4.5px;'/>" ).appendTo( parent ).width() % 1 :
borderWidth = 1,
padding = 2,
size = 100 + fraction,
plainBox = jQuery( "<div />" )
.css( {
"box-sizing": "content-box",
position: "absolute",
overflow: "scroll",
width: size + "px",
height: size + "px"
} ),
contentBox = plainBox
.css( {
border: borderWidth + "px solid blue",
padding: padding + "px"
} ),
borderBox = contentBox
.css( { "box-sizing": "border-box" } ),
relativeBorderBox = borderBox
.css( { position: "relative" } ),
$boxes = jQuery(
[ plainBox[ 0 ], contentBox[ 0 ], borderBox[ 0 ], relativeBorderBox[ 0 ] ]
).appendTo( parent ),
// Support: IE 9 only
// Computed width seems to report content width even with "box-sizing: border-box", and
// "overflow: scroll" actually _shrinks_ the element (gh-3699).
borderBoxLoss =
borderBox.clone().css( { overflow: "auto" } ).appendTo( parent )[ 0 ].offsetWidth -
borderBox[ 0 ].offsetWidth;
if ( borderBoxLoss > 0 ) {
borderBox[ 0 ].style.width = ( size + borderBoxLoss ) + "px";
borderBox[ 0 ].style.height = ( size + borderBoxLoss ) + "px";
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
if ( i === 1 ) {
suffix = " after increasing inner* by " + i;
size += i;
$boxes.innerWidth( updater( i ) ).innerHeight( updater( i ) );
} else if ( i === 2 ) {
suffix = " after increasing outer* by " + i;
size += i;
$boxes.outerWidth( updater( i ) ).outerHeight( updater( i ) );
assert.equal( plainBox.innerWidth(), size,
"plain content-box innerWidth includes scroll gutter" + suffix );
assert.equal( plainBox.innerHeight(), size,
"plain content-box innerHeight includes scroll gutter" + suffix );
assert.equal( plainBox.outerWidth(), size,
"plain content-box outerWidth includes scroll gutter" + suffix );
assert.equal( plainBox.outerHeight(), size,
"plain content-box outerHeight includes scroll gutter" + suffix );
assert.equal( contentBox.innerWidth(), size + 2 * padding,
"content-box innerWidth includes scroll gutter" + suffix );
assert.equal( contentBox.innerHeight(), size + 2 * padding,
"content-box innerHeight includes scroll gutter" + suffix );
assert.equal( contentBox.outerWidth(), size + 2 * padding + 2 * borderWidth,
"content-box outerWidth includes scroll gutter" + suffix );
assert.equal( contentBox.outerHeight(), size + 2 * padding + 2 * borderWidth,
"content-box outerHeight includes scroll gutter" + suffix );
assert.equal( borderBox.innerWidth(), size - 2 * borderWidth,
"border-box innerWidth includes scroll gutter" + suffix );
assert.equal( borderBox.innerHeight(), size - 2 * borderWidth,
"border-box innerHeight includes scroll gutter" + suffix );
assert.equal( borderBox.outerWidth(), size,
"border-box outerWidth includes scroll gutter" + suffix );
assert.equal( borderBox.outerHeight(), size,
"border-box outerHeight includes scroll gutter" + suffix );
assert.equal( relativeBorderBox.innerWidth(), size - 2 * borderWidth,
"relative border-box innerWidth includes scroll gutter" + suffix );
assert.equal( relativeBorderBox.innerHeight(), size - 2 * borderWidth,
"relative border-box innerHeight includes scroll gutter" + suffix );
assert.equal( relativeBorderBox.outerWidth(), size,
"relative border-box outerWidth includes scroll gutter" + suffix );
assert.equal( relativeBorderBox.outerHeight(), size,
"relative border-box outerHeight includes scroll gutter" + suffix );
} );
QUnit.test( "outerWidth/Height for table cells and textarea with border-box in IE 11 (gh-4102)", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 5 );
var $table = jQuery( "<table class='border-box' style='border-collapse: separate' />" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ),
$thead = jQuery( "<thead />" ).appendTo( $table ),
$firstTh = jQuery( "<th style='width: 200px;padding: 5px' />" ),
$secondTh = jQuery( "<th style='width: 190px;padding: 5px' />" ),
$thirdTh = jQuery( "<th style='width: 180px;padding: 5px' />" ),
// Support: Firefox 63, Edge 16-17, Android 8, iOS 7-11
// These browsers completely ignore the border-box and height settings
// The computed height is instead just line-height + border
// Either way, what we're doing in css.js is correct
$td = jQuery( "<td style='height: 20px;padding: 5px;border: 1px solid;line-height:18px'>text</td>" ),
$tbody = jQuery( "<tbody />" ).appendTo( $table ),
$textarea = jQuery( "<textarea style='height: 0;padding: 2px;border: 1px solid;box-sizing: border-box' />" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
jQuery( "<tr />" ).appendTo( $thead ).append( $firstTh );
jQuery( "<tr />" ).appendTo( $thead ).append( $secondTh );
jQuery( "<tr />" ).appendTo( $thead ).append( $thirdTh );
jQuery( "<tr><td></td></tr>" ).appendTo( $tbody ).append( $td );
assert.strictEqual( $firstTh.outerWidth(), 200, "First th has outerWidth 200." );
assert.strictEqual( $secondTh.outerWidth(), 200, "Second th has outerWidth 200." );
assert.strictEqual( $thirdTh.outerWidth(), 200, "Third th has outerWidth 200." );
// Support: Android 4.0-4.3 only
// Android Browser disregards td's box-sizing, treating it like it was content-box.
// Unlike in IE, offsetHeight shares the same issue so there's no easy way to workaround
// the issue without incurring high size penalty. Let's at least check we get the size
// as the browser sees it.
if ( /android 4\.[0-3]/i.test( navigator.userAgent ) ) {
assert.ok( [ 30, 32 ].indexOf( $td.outerHeight() ) > -1,
"outerHeight of td with border-box should include padding." );
} else {
assert.strictEqual( $td.outerHeight(), 30, "outerHeight of td with border-box should include padding." );
assert.strictEqual( $textarea.outerHeight(), 6, "outerHeight of textarea with border-box should include padding and border." );
} );
} )();