Michał Gołębiowski-Owczarek d0ce00cdfa
Core: Migrate from AMD to ES modules 🎉
Migrate all source AMD modules to ECMAScript modules. The final bundle
is compiled by a custom build process that uses Rollup under the hood.

Test files themselves are still loaded via RequireJS as that has to work in
IE 11.

Tests can now be run in "Load as modules" mode which replaces the previous
"Load with AMD" option. That option of running tests doesn't work in IE
and Edge as it requires support for dynamic imports.

Some of the changes required by the migration:
* check `typeof` of `noGlobal` instead of using the variable directly
  as it's not available when modules are used
* change the nonce module to be an object as ECMASscript module exports
  are immutable
* remove some unused exports
* import `./core/parseHTML.js` directly in `jquery.js` so that it's not
  being cut out when the `ajax` module is excluded in a custom compilation

Closes gh-4541
2019-11-18 21:15:03 +01:00

331 lines
7.6 KiB

"use strict";
module.exports = function( grunt ) {
function readOptionalJSON( filepath ) {
var stripJSONComments = require( "strip-json-comments" ),
data = {};
try {
data = JSON.parse( stripJSONComments(
fs.readFileSync( filepath, { encoding: "utf8" } )
) );
} catch ( e ) {}
return data;
var fs = require( "fs" ),
gzip = require( "gzip-js" ),
isTravis = process.env.TRAVIS,
travisBrowsers = process.env.BROWSERS && process.env.BROWSERS.split( "," );
if ( !grunt.option( "filename" ) ) {
grunt.option( "filename", "jquery.js" );
grunt.initConfig( {
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON( "package.json" ),
dst: readOptionalJSON( "dist/.destination.json" ),
"compare_size": {
files: [ "dist/jquery.js", "dist/jquery.min.js" ],
options: {
compress: {
gz: function( contents ) {
return gzip.zip( contents, {} ).length;
cache: "build/.sizecache.json"
babel: {
options: {
sourceMap: "inline",
retainLines: true,
plugins: [ "@babel/transform-for-of" ]
nodeSmokeTests: {
files: {
build: {
all: {
dest: "dist/jquery.js",
minimum: [
// Exclude specified modules if the module matching the key is removed
removeWith: {
ajax: [ "manipulation/_evalUrl", "event/ajax" ],
callbacks: [ "deferred" ],
css: [ "effects", "dimensions", "offset" ],
"css/showHide": [ "effects" ],
deferred: {
remove: [ "ajax", "effects", "queue", "core/ready" ],
include: [ "core/ready-no-deferred" ]
jsonlint: {
pkg: {
src: [ "package.json" ]
eslint: {
options: {
// See https://github.com/sindresorhus/grunt-eslint/issues/119
quiet: true
// We have to explicitly declare "src" property otherwise "newer"
// task wouldn't work properly :/
dist: {
src: "dist/jquery.js"
dev: {
src: [ "src/**/*.js", "Gruntfile.js", "test/**/*.js", "build/**/*.js" ]
testswarm: {
tests: [
// A special module with basic tests, meant for not fully
// supported environments like jsdom. We run it everywhere,
// though, to make sure tests are not broken.
karma: {
options: {
customContextFile: "test/karma.context.html",
customDebugFile: "test/karma.debug.html",
customLaunchers: {
ChromeHeadlessNoSandbox: {
base: "ChromeHeadless",
flags: [ "--no-sandbox" ]
frameworks: [ "qunit" ],
middleware: [ "mockserver" ],
plugins: [
"middleware:mockserver": [
require( "./test/middleware-mockserver.js" )
files: [
// Replacement for testinit.js#loadTests()
{ pattern: "dist/jquery.*", included: false, served: true },
{ pattern: "src/**", type: "module", included: false, served: true },
{ pattern: "node_modules/**", included: false, served: true },
pattern: "test/**/*.@(js|css|jpg|html|xml|svg)",
included: false,
served: true
reporters: [ "dots" ],
autoWatch: false,
concurrency: 3,
captureTimeout: 20 * 1000,
singleRun: true
main: {
browsers: isTravis && travisBrowsers || [ "ChromeHeadless", "FirefoxHeadless" ]
jsdom: {
options: {
files: [
// We don't support various loading methods like AMD,
// choosing a version etc. for jsdom.
// Replacement for testinit.js#loadTests()
// jsdom only runs basic tests
pattern: "test/**/*.@(js|css|jpg|html|xml|svg)",
included: false,
served: true
browsers: [ "jsdom" ]
// To debug tests with Karma:
// 1. Run 'grunt karma:chrome-debug' or 'grunt karma:firefox-debug'
// (any karma subtask that has singleRun=false)
// 2. Press "Debug" in the opened browser window to start
// the tests. Unlike the other karma tasks, the debug task will
// keep the browser window open.
"chrome-debug": {
browsers: [ "Chrome" ],
singleRun: false
"firefox-debug": {
browsers: [ "Firefox" ],
singleRun: false
"ie-debug": {
browsers: [ "IE" ],
singleRun: false
watch: {
files: [ "<%= eslint.dev.src %>" ],
tasks: [ "dev" ]
uglify: {
all: {
files: {
"dist/<%= grunt.option('filename').replace('.js', '.min.js') %>":
"dist/<%= grunt.option('filename') %>"
options: {
preserveComments: false,
sourceMap: true,
"dist/<%= grunt.option('filename').replace('.js', '.min.map') %>",
report: "min",
output: {
"ascii_only": true
banner: "/*! jQuery v<%= pkg.version %> | " +
"(c) JS Foundation and other contributors | jquery.org/license */",
compress: {
"hoist_funs": false,
loops: false
} );
// Load grunt tasks from NPM packages
require( "load-grunt-tasks" )( grunt );
// Integrate jQuery specific tasks
grunt.loadTasks( "build/tasks" );
grunt.registerTask( "lint", [
// Running the full eslint task without breaking it down to targets
// would run the dist target first which would point to errors in the built
// file, making it harder to fix them. We want to check the built file only
// if we already know the source files pass the linter.
] );
grunt.registerTask( "lint:newer", [
// Don't replace it with just the task; see the above comment.
] );
grunt.registerTask( "test:fast", "node_smoke_tests" );
grunt.registerTask( "test:slow", [
] );
grunt.registerTask( "test", [
] );
grunt.registerTask( "dev", [
] );
grunt.registerTask( "default", [
] );