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synced 2024-11-23 02:54:22 +00:00
So far, we've been running browser tests on GitHub Actions in Chrome
and Firefox. Regular Safari is not available in GitHub Actions but
Playwright WebKit comes close to a dev version of Safari.
With this change, our GitHub CI & local test runs will invoke tests on
all actively developed browser engines on all PRs.
Also, our GitHub Actions browser tests are now running on Node.js 18.
Detection of the Playwright WebKit browser in support unit tests is done
by checking if the `test_browser` query parameter is set to `"Playwright"`;
this is a `karma-webkit-launcher` feature. Detecting that browser via
user agent as we normally do is hard as the UA on Linux is very similar
to a real Safari one but it actually uses a newer version of the engine.
In addition, we now allow to pass custom browsers when one needs it;
e.g., to run the tests in all three engines on Linux/macOS, run:
grunt && BROWSERS=ChromeHeadless,FirefoxHeadless,WebkitHeadless grunt karma:main
Closes gh-5190
(cherry picked from commit b02a257f98
583 lines
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583 lines
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QUnit.module( "support", { afterEach: moduleTeardown } );
var computedSupport = getComputedSupport( jQuery.support );
function getComputedSupport( support ) {
var prop,
result = {};
for ( prop in support ) {
if ( typeof support[ prop ] === "function" ) {
result[ prop ] = support[ prop ]();
} else {
result[ prop ] = support[ prop ];
return result;
if ( includesModule( "css" ) ) {
"body background is not lost if set prior to loading jQuery (trac-9239)",
function( assert, jQuery, window, document, color, support ) {
assert.expect( 2 );
var okValue = {
"#000000": true,
"rgb(0, 0, 0)": true
assert.ok( okValue[ color ], "color was not reset (" + color + ")" );
assert.deepEqual( jQuery.extend( {}, support ), computedSupport,
"Same support properties" );
// This test checks CSP only for browsers with "Content-Security-Policy" header support
// i.e. no old WebKit or old Firefox
"Check CSP (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Security/CSP) restrictions",
function( assert, jQuery, window, document, support ) {
var done = assert.async();
assert.expect( 2 );
assert.deepEqual( jQuery.extend( {}, support ), computedSupport,
"No violations of CSP polices" );
supportjQuery.get( baseURL + "support/csp.log" ).done( function( data ) {
assert.equal( data, "", "No log request should be sent" );
supportjQuery.get( baseURL + "mock.php?action=cspClean" ).done( done );
} );
( function() {
var browserKey, expected,
userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent,
expectedMap = {
edge: {
ajax: true,
boxSizingReliable: true,
checkClone: true,
checkOn: true,
clearCloneStyle: true,
cssSupportsSelector: false,
cors: true,
createHTMLDocument: true,
disconnectedMatch: true,
focusin: false,
getById: true,
noCloneChecked: true,
option: true,
optSelected: true,
pixelBoxStyles: true,
pixelPosition: true,
radioValue: true,
reliableMarginLeft: true,
reliableTrDimensions: false,
scope: false,
scrollboxSize: true,
sortDetached: true,
sortStable: true
ie_10_11: {
ajax: true,
boxSizingReliable: false,
checkClone: true,
checkOn: true,
clearCloneStyle: false,
cssSupportsSelector: false,
cors: true,
createHTMLDocument: true,
disconnectedMatch: true,
focusin: true,
getById: true,
noCloneChecked: false,
option: true,
optSelected: false,
pixelBoxStyles: true,
pixelPosition: true,
radioValue: false,
reliableMarginLeft: true,
reliableTrDimensions: false,
scope: false,
scrollboxSize: true,
sortDetached: true,
sortStable: true
ie_9: {
ajax: true,
boxSizingReliable: false,
checkClone: true,
checkOn: true,
clearCloneStyle: false,
cssSupportsSelector: false,
cors: false,
createHTMLDocument: true,
disconnectedMatch: false,
focusin: true,
getById: false,
noCloneChecked: false,
option: false,
optSelected: false,
pixelBoxStyles: true,
pixelPosition: true,
radioValue: false,
reliableMarginLeft: true,
reliableTrDimensions: false,
scope: false,
scrollboxSize: false,
sortDetached: true,
sortStable: true
chrome: {
ajax: true,
boxSizingReliable: true,
checkClone: true,
checkOn: true,
clearCloneStyle: true,
cssSupportsSelector: false,
cors: true,
createHTMLDocument: true,
disconnectedMatch: true,
focusin: false,
getById: true,
noCloneChecked: true,
option: true,
optSelected: true,
pixelBoxStyles: true,
pixelPosition: true,
radioValue: true,
reliableMarginLeft: true,
reliableTrDimensions: true,
scope: true,
scrollboxSize: true,
sortDetached: true,
sortStable: true
safari: {
ajax: true,
boxSizingReliable: true,
checkClone: true,
checkOn: true,
clearCloneStyle: true,
cssSupportsSelector: false,
cors: true,
createHTMLDocument: true,
disconnectedMatch: true,
focusin: false,
getById: true,
noCloneChecked: true,
option: true,
optSelected: true,
pixelBoxStyles: true,
pixelPosition: true,
radioValue: true,
reliableMarginLeft: true,
reliableTrDimensions: true,
scope: true,
scrollboxSize: true,
sortDetached: true,
sortStable: true
webkit: {
ajax: true,
boxSizingReliable: true,
checkClone: true,
checkOn: true,
clearCloneStyle: true,
cssSupportsSelector: true,
cors: true,
createHTMLDocument: true,
disconnectedMatch: true,
focusin: false,
getById: true,
noCloneChecked: true,
option: true,
optSelected: true,
pixelBoxStyles: true,
pixelPosition: true,
radioValue: true,
reliableMarginLeft: true,
reliableTrDimensions: true,
scope: true,
scrollboxSize: true,
sortDetached: true,
sortStable: true
safari_9_10: {
ajax: true,
boxSizingReliable: true,
checkClone: true,
checkOn: true,
clearCloneStyle: true,
cssSupportsSelector: false,
cors: true,
createHTMLDocument: true,
disconnectedMatch: true,
focusin: false,
getById: true,
noCloneChecked: true,
option: true,
optSelected: true,
pixelBoxStyles: false,
pixelPosition: false,
radioValue: true,
reliableMarginLeft: true,
reliableTrDimensions: true,
scope: true,
scrollboxSize: true,
sortDetached: true,
sortStable: true
firefox: {
ajax: true,
boxSizingReliable: true,
checkClone: true,
checkOn: true,
clearCloneStyle: true,
cssSupportsSelector: true,
cors: true,
createHTMLDocument: true,
disconnectedMatch: true,
focusin: false,
getById: true,
noCloneChecked: true,
option: true,
optSelected: true,
pixelBoxStyles: true,
pixelPosition: true,
radioValue: true,
reliableMarginLeft: true,
reliableTrDimensions: false,
scope: true,
scrollboxSize: true,
sortDetached: true,
sortStable: true
firefox_102: {
ajax: true,
boxSizingReliable: true,
checkClone: true,
checkOn: true,
clearCloneStyle: true,
cssSupportsSelector: false,
cors: true,
createHTMLDocument: true,
disconnectedMatch: true,
focusin: false,
getById: true,
noCloneChecked: true,
option: true,
optSelected: true,
pixelBoxStyles: true,
pixelPosition: true,
radioValue: true,
reliableMarginLeft: true,
reliableTrDimensions: false,
scope: true,
scrollboxSize: true,
sortDetached: true,
sortStable: true
firefox_60: {
ajax: true,
boxSizingReliable: true,
checkClone: true,
checkOn: true,
clearCloneStyle: true,
cssSupportsSelector: false,
cors: true,
createHTMLDocument: true,
disconnectedMatch: true,
focusin: false,
getById: true,
noCloneChecked: true,
option: true,
optSelected: true,
pixelBoxStyles: true,
pixelPosition: true,
radioValue: true,
reliableMarginLeft: false,
reliableTrDimensions: true,
scope: true,
scrollboxSize: true,
sortDetached: true,
sortStable: true
ios: {
ajax: true,
boxSizingReliable: true,
checkClone: true,
checkOn: true,
clearCloneStyle: true,
cssSupportsSelector: false,
cors: true,
createHTMLDocument: true,
disconnectedMatch: true,
focusin: false,
getById: true,
noCloneChecked: true,
option: true,
optSelected: true,
pixelBoxStyles: true,
pixelPosition: true,
radioValue: true,
reliableMarginLeft: true,
reliableTrDimensions: true,
scope: true,
scrollboxSize: true,
sortDetached: true,
sortStable: true
ios_9_10: {
ajax: true,
boxSizingReliable: true,
checkClone: true,
checkOn: true,
clearCloneStyle: true,
cssSupportsSelector: false,
cors: true,
createHTMLDocument: true,
disconnectedMatch: true,
focusin: false,
getById: true,
noCloneChecked: true,
option: true,
optSelected: true,
pixelBoxStyles: false,
pixelPosition: false,
radioValue: true,
reliableMarginLeft: true,
reliableTrDimensions: true,
scope: true,
scrollboxSize: true,
sortDetached: true,
sortStable: true
ios_8: {
ajax: true,
boxSizingReliable: true,
checkClone: true,
checkOn: true,
clearCloneStyle: true,
cssSupportsSelector: false,
cors: true,
createHTMLDocument: false,
disconnectedMatch: true,
focusin: false,
getById: true,
noCloneChecked: true,
option: true,
optSelected: true,
pixelBoxStyles: false,
pixelPosition: false,
radioValue: true,
reliableMarginLeft: true,
reliableTrDimensions: true,
scope: true,
scrollboxSize: true,
sortDetached: true,
sortStable: true
ios_7: {
ajax: true,
boxSizingReliable: true,
checkClone: true,
checkOn: true,
clearCloneStyle: true,
cssSupportsSelector: false,
cors: true,
createHTMLDocument: true,
disconnectedMatch: true,
focusin: false,
getById: true,
noCloneChecked: true,
option: true,
optSelected: true,
pixelBoxStyles: false,
pixelPosition: false,
radioValue: true,
reliableMarginLeft: true,
reliableTrDimensions: true,
scope: true,
scrollboxSize: true,
sortDetached: true,
sortStable: true
android: {
ajax: true,
boxSizingReliable: true,
checkClone: false,
checkOn: false,
clearCloneStyle: true,
cssSupportsSelector: false,
cors: true,
createHTMLDocument: true,
disconnectedMatch: true,
focusin: false,
getById: true,
noCloneChecked: true,
option: true,
optSelected: true,
pixelBoxStyles: false,
pixelPosition: false,
radioValue: true,
reliableMarginLeft: false,
reliableTrDimensions: true,
scope: false,
scrollboxSize: true,
sortDetached: false,
sortStable: false
// Make the slim build pass tests.
for ( browserKey in expectedMap ) {
if ( !includesModule( "ajax" ) ) {
delete expectedMap[ browserKey ].ajax;
delete expectedMap[ browserKey ].cors;
// Make the selector-native build pass tests.
for ( browserKey in expectedMap ) {
if ( !includesModule( "selector" ) ) {
delete expectedMap[ browserKey ].cssSupportsSelector;
delete expectedMap[ browserKey ].disconnectedMatch;
delete expectedMap[ browserKey ].getById;
delete expectedMap[ browserKey ].scope;
delete expectedMap[ browserKey ].sortDetached;
delete expectedMap[ browserKey ].sortStable;
if ( /edge\//i.test( userAgent ) ) {
expected = expectedMap.edge;
} else if ( /(msie 10\.0|trident\/7\.0)/i.test( userAgent ) ) {
expected = expectedMap.ie_10_11;
} else if ( /msie 9\.0/i.test( userAgent ) ) {
expected = expectedMap.ie_9;
} else if ( /chrome/i.test( userAgent ) ) {
// Catches Chrome on Android as well (i.e. the default
// Android browser on Android >= 4.4).
expected = expectedMap.chrome;
} else if ( /\b(?:9|10)\.\d+(\.\d+)* safari/i.test( userAgent ) ) {
expected = expectedMap.safari_9_10;
} else if ( /firefox\/[456]\d\b/i.test( userAgent ) ) {
expected = expectedMap.firefox_60;
} else if ( /firefox\/(?:[789]\d|102)\b/i.test( userAgent ) ) {
expected = expectedMap.firefox_102;
} else if ( /firefox/i.test( userAgent ) ) {
expected = expectedMap.firefox;
} else if ( /android 4\.[0-3]/i.test( userAgent ) ) {
expected = expectedMap.android;
} else if ( /iphone os (?:9|10)_/i.test( userAgent ) ) {
expected = expectedMap.ios_9_10;
} else if ( /iphone os 8_/i.test( userAgent ) ) {
expected = expectedMap.ios_8;
} else if ( /iphone os 7_/i.test( userAgent ) ) {
expected = expectedMap.ios_7;
} else if ( /(?:iphone|ipad);.*(?:iphone)? os \d+_/i.test( userAgent ) ) {
expected = expectedMap.ios;
} else if ( typeof URLSearchParams !== "undefined" &&
// `karma-webkit-launcher` adds `test_browser=Playwright` to the query string.
// The normal way of using user agent to detect the browser won't help
// as on macOS Playwright doesn't specify the `Safari` token but on Linux
// it does.
// See https://github.com/google/karma-webkit-launcher#detected-if-safari-or-playwright-is-used
new URLSearchParams( document.referrer || window.location.search ).get(
) === "Playwright"
) {
expected = expectedMap.webkit;
} else if ( /\b\d+(\.\d+)+ safari/i.test( userAgent ) ) {
expected = expectedMap.safari;
QUnit.test( "Verify that support tests resolve as expected per browser", function( assert ) {
if ( !expected ) {
assert.expect( 1 );
assert.ok( false, "Known client: " + userAgent );
var i, prop,
j = 0;
for ( prop in computedSupport ) {
// Add an assertion per undefined support prop as it may
// not even exist on computedSupport but we still want to run
// the check.
for ( prop in expected ) {
if ( expected[ prop ] === undefined ) {
assert.expect( j );
for ( i in expected ) {
if ( includesModule( "ajax" ) || i !== "ajax" && i !== "cors" ) {
assert.equal( computedSupport[ i ], expected[ i ],
"jQuery.support['" + i + "']: " + computedSupport[ i ] +
", expected['" + i + "']: " + expected[ i ] +
";\nUser Agent: " + navigator.userAgent );
} else {
assert.ok( true, "no ajax; skipping jQuery.support['" + i + "']" );
} );
QUnit.test( "Verify most support tests are failing in one " +
"of tested browsers", function( assert ) {
var prop, browserKey, supportTestName,
i = 0,
supportProps = {},
failingSupportProps = {},
whitelist = {
ajax: true
for ( prop in computedSupport ) {
// Add an assertion per undefined support prop as it may
// not even exist on computedSupport but we still want to run
// the check.
for ( prop in expected ) {
if ( expected[ prop ] === undefined ) {
assert.expect( i );
// Record all support props and the failing ones and ensure everyone
// except a few on a whitelist are failing at least once.
for ( browserKey in expectedMap ) {
for ( supportTestName in expectedMap[ browserKey ] ) {
supportProps[ supportTestName ] = true;
if ( !expectedMap[ browserKey ][ supportTestName ] ) {
failingSupportProps[ supportTestName ] = true;
for ( supportTestName in supportProps ) {
assert.ok( whitelist[ supportTestName ] || failingSupportProps[ supportTestName ],
"jQuery.support['" + supportTestName + "'] always succeeds; remove it?" );
} );
} )();