Michał Gołębiowski-Owczarek e35fb62db4
Core: Drop support for Edge Legacy (i.e. non-Chromium Microsoft Edge)
Drop support for Edge Legacy: the non-Chromium, EdgeHTML-based Microsoft
Edge version. Also, restrict some workarounds that were applied
unconditionally in all browsers to run only in IE now. This slightly
increases the size but reduces the performance burden on modern browsers
that don't need the workarounds.

Also, clean up some comments & remove some obsolete workarounds.

Fixes gh-4568
Closes gh-4792
2020-09-22 17:49:28 +02:00

100 lines
2.7 KiB

// Use the right jQuery source on the test page (and iframes)
( function() {
/* global loadTests: false */
var dynamicImportSource, config, src,
FILEPATH = "/test/jquery.js",
activeScript = [].slice.call( document.getElementsByTagName( "script" ), -1 )[ 0 ],
parentUrl = activeScript && activeScript.src ?
activeScript.src.replace( /[?#].*/, "" ) + FILEPATH.replace( /[^/]+/g, ".." ) + "/" :
QUnit = window.QUnit,
require = window.require;
function getQUnitConfig() {
var config = Object.create( null );
// Default to unminified jQuery for directly-opened iframes
if ( !QUnit ) {
config.dev = true;
} else {
// QUnit.config is populated from QUnit.urlParams but only at the beginning
// of the test run. We need to read both.
QUnit.config.urlConfig.forEach( function( entry ) {
config[ entry.id ] = QUnit.config[ entry.id ] != null ?
QUnit.config[ entry.id ] :
QUnit.urlParams[ entry.id ];
} );
return config;
// Define configuration parameters controlling how jQuery is loaded
if ( QUnit ) {
QUnit.config.urlConfig.push( {
id: "esmodules",
label: "Load as modules",
tooltip: "Load the jQuery module file (and its dependencies)"
}, {
id: "amd",
label: "Load with AMD",
tooltip: "Load the AMD jQuery file (and its dependencies)"
}, {
id: "dev",
label: "Load unminified",
tooltip: "Load the development (unminified) jQuery file"
} );
config = getQUnitConfig();
src = config.dev ?
"dist/jquery.js" :
// Honor ES modules loading on the main window (detected by seeing QUnit on it).
// This doesn't apply to iframes because they synchronously expect jQuery to be there.
if ( config.esmodules && QUnit ) {
// Support: IE 11+
// IE doesn't support the dynamic import syntax so it would crash
// with a SyntaxError here.
dynamicImportSource = "" +
"import( `${ parentUrl }src/jquery.js` )\n" +
" .then( ( { default: jQuery } ) => {\n" +
" window.jQuery = jQuery;\n" +
" if ( typeof loadTests === \"function\" ) {\n" +
" // Include tests if specified\n" +
" loadTests();\n" +
" }\n" +
" } )\n" +
" .catch( error => {\n" +
" console.error( error );\n" +
" QUnit.done();\n" +
" } );";
eval( dynamicImportSource );
// Apply similar treatment for AMD modules
} else if ( config.amd && QUnit ) {
require.config( {
baseUrl: parentUrl
} );
src = "amd/jquery";
// Include tests if specified
if ( typeof loadTests !== "undefined" ) {
require( [ src ], loadTests );
} else {
require( [ src ] );
// Otherwise, load synchronously
} else {
document.write( "<script id='jquery-js' nonce='jquery+hardcoded+nonce' src='" + parentUrl + src + "'><\x2Fscript>" );
} )();