local _PACKAGE = (...):match("^(.+)[%./][^%./]+") or "" local class = require(_PACKAGE.."/class") local normal_map = require(_PACKAGE..'/normal_map') local vector = require(_PACKAGE..'/vector') local shadowLength = 100000 local body = class() body.glowShader = love.graphics.newShader(_PACKAGE.."/shaders/glow.glsl") body.materialShader = love.graphics.newShader(_PACKAGE.."/shaders/material.glsl") function body:init(id, type, ...) local args = {...} self.id = id self.type = type self.shine = true self.red = 0 self.green = 0 self.blue = 0 self.alpha = 1.0 self.glowRed = 255 self.glowGreen = 255 self.glowBlue = 255 self.glowStrength = 0.0 self.tileX = 0 self.tileY = 0 if self.type == "circle" then self.x = args[1] or 0 self.y = args[2] or 0 self:setShadowType('circle', args[3], args[4], args[5]) elseif self.type == "rectangle" then self.x = args[1] or 0 self.y = args[2] or 0 self:setShadowType('rectangle', args[3], args[4]) elseif self.type == "polygon" then self:setShadowType('polygon', ...) elseif self.type == "image" then self.img = args[1] self.x = args[2] or 0 self.y = args[3] or 0 if self.img then self.imgWidth = self.img:getWidth() self.imgHeight = self.img:getHeight() self.ix = self.imgWidth * 0.5 self.iy = self.imgHeight * 0.5 end self:setShadowType('rectangle', args[4] or self.imgWidth, args[5] or self.imgHeight, args[6], args[7]) self.reflective = true elseif self.type == "refraction" then self:initNormal(...) self.refraction = true elseif self.type == "reflection" then self:initNormal(...) self.reflection = true end end function body:initNormal(...) local args = {...} self.normal = args[1] self.x = args[2] or 0 self.y = args[3] or 0 if self.normal then self.normalWidth = self.normal:getWidth() self.normalHeight = self.normal:getHeight() self.width = args[4] or self.normalWidth self.height = args[5] or self.normalHeight self.nx = self.normalWidth * 0.5 self.ny = self.normalHeight * 0.5 self.normal:setWrap("repeat", "repeat") self.normalVert = { {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {self.width, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0}, {self.width, self.height, 1.0, 1.0}, {0.0, self.height, 0.0, 1.0} } self.normalMesh = love.graphics.newMesh(self.normalVert, self.normal, "fan") else self.width = args[4] or 64 self.height = args[5] or 64 end self.ox = self.width * 0.5 self.oy = self.height * 0.5 end -- refresh function body:refresh() if self.x and self.y and self.width and self.height and self.ox and self.oy then self.data = { self.x - self.ox, self.y - self.oy, self.x - self.ox + self.width, self.y - self.oy, self.x - self.ox + self.width, self.y - self.oy + self.height, self.x - self.ox, self.y - self.oy + self.height } end end -- set position function body:setPosition(x, y) if x ~= self.x or y ~= self.y then self.x = x self.y = y self:refresh() end end -- set x position function body:setX(x) if x ~= self.x then self.x = x self:refresh() end end -- set y position function body:setY(y) if y ~= self.y then self.y = y self:refresh() end end -- get x position function body:getX() return self.x end -- get y position function body:getY(y) return self.y end -- get width function body:getWidth() return self.width end -- get height function body:getHeight() return self.height end -- get image width function body:getImageWidth() return self.imgWidth end -- get image height function body:getImageHeight() return self.imgHeight end -- set dimension function body:setDimension(width, height) self.width = width self.height = height self:refresh() end -- set offset function body:setOffset(ox, oy) if ox ~= self.ox or oy ~= self.oy then self.ox = ox self.oy = oy self:refresh() end end -- set offset function body:setImageOffset(ix, iy) if ix ~= self.ix or iy ~= self.iy then self.ix = ix self.iy = iy self:refresh() end end -- set offset function body:setNormalOffset(nx, ny) if nx ~= self.nx or ny ~= self.ny then self.nx = nx self.ny = ny self:refresh() end end -- set glow color function body:setGlowColor(red, green, blue) self.glowRed = red self.glowGreen = green self.glowBlue = blue end -- set glow alpha function body:setGlowStrength(strength) self.glowStrength = strength end -- get radius function body:getRadius() return self.radius end -- set radius function body:setRadius(radius) if radius ~= self.radius then self.radius = radius end end -- set polygon data function body:setPoints(...) self.data = {...} end -- get polygon data function body:getPoints() return unpack(self.data) end -- set shadow on/off function body:setShadow(b) self.castsNoShadow = not b end -- set shine on/off function body:setShine(b) self.shine = b end -- set glass color function body:setColor(red, green, blue) self.red = red self.green = green self.blue = blue end -- set glass alpha function body:setAlpha(alpha) self.alpha = alpha end -- set reflection on/off function body:setReflection(reflection) self.reflection = reflection end -- set refraction on/off function body:setRefraction(refraction) self.refraction = refraction end -- set reflective on other objects on/off function body:setReflective(reflective) self.reflective = reflective end -- set refractive on other objects on/off function body:setRefractive(refractive) self.refractive = refractive end -- set image function body:setImage(img) if img then self.img = img self.imgWidth = self.img:getWidth() self.imgHeight = self.img:getHeight() self.ix = self.imgWidth * 0.5 self.iy = self.imgHeight * 0.5 end end -- set normal function body:setNormalMap(normal, width, height, nx, ny) if normal then self.normal = normal self.normal:setWrap("repeat", "repeat") self.normalWidth = width or self.normal:getWidth() self.normalHeight = height or self.normal:getHeight() self.nx = nx or self.normalWidth * 0.5 self.ny = ny or self.normalHeight * 0.5 self.normalVert = { {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {self.normalWidth, 0.0, self.normalWidth / self.normal:getWidth(), 0.0}, {self.normalWidth, self.normalHeight, self.normalWidth / self.normal:getWidth(), self.normalHeight / self.normal:getHeight()}, {0.0, self.normalHeight, 0.0, self.normalHeight / self.normal:getHeight()} } self.normalMesh = love.graphics.newMesh(self.normalVert, self.normal, "fan") else self.normalMesh = nil end end -- set height map function body:setHeightMap(heightMap, strength) self:setNormalMap(normal_map.fromHeightMap(heightMap, strength)) end -- generate flat normal map function body:generateNormalMapFlat(mode) self:setNormalMap(normal_map.generateFlat(self.img, mode)) end -- generate faded normal map function body:generateNormalMapGradient(horizontalGradient, verticalGradient) self:setNormalMap(normal_map.generateGradient(self.img, horizontalGradient, verticalGradient)) end -- generate normal map function body:generateNormalMap(strength) self:setNormalMap(normal_map.fromHeightMap(self.img, strength)) end -- set material function body:setMaterial(material) if material then self.material = material end end -- set normal function body:setGlowMap(glow) self.glow = glow self.glowStrength = 1.0 end -- set tile offset function body:setNormalTileOffset(tx, ty) self.tileX = tx / self.normalWidth self.tileY = ty / self.normalHeight self.normalVert = { {0.0, 0.0, self.tileX, self.tileY}, {self.normalWidth, 0.0, self.tileX + 1.0, self.tileY}, {self.normalWidth, self.normalHeight, self.tileX + 1.0, self.tileY + 1.0}, {0.0, self.normalHeight, self.tileX, self.tileY + 1.0} } end -- get type function body:getType() return self.type end -- get type function body:setShadowType(type, ...) self.shadowType = type local args = {...} if self.shadowType == "circle" then self.radius = args[1] or 16 self.ox = args[2] or 0 self.oy = args[3] or 0 elseif self.shadowType == "rectangle" then self.width = args[1] or 64 self.height = args[2] or 64 self.ox = args[3] or self.width * 0.5 self.oy = args[4] or self.height * 0.5 self:refresh() elseif self.shadowType == "polygon" then self.data = args or {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} print(self.data) elseif self.shadowType == "image" then if self.img then self.width = self.imgWidth self.height = self.imgHeight self.shadowVert = { {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {self.width, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0}, {self.width, self.height, 1.0, 1.0}, {0.0, self.height, 0.0, 1.0} } if not self.shadowMesh then self.shadowMesh = love.graphics.newMesh(self.shadowVert, self.img, "fan") self.shadowMesh:setVertexColors(true) end else self.width = 64 self.height = 64 end self.shadowX = args[1] or 0 self.shadowY = args[2] or 0 self.fadeStrength = args[3] or 0.0 end end function body:drawShadow(light, l,t,w,h) if self.alpha < 1.0 then love.graphics.setBlendMode("multiplicative") love.graphics.setColor(self.red, self.green, self.blue) if self.shadowType == "circle" then love.graphics.circle("fill", self.x - self.ox, self.y - self.oy, self.radius) elseif self.shadowType == "rectangle" then love.graphics.rectangle("fill", self.x - self.ox, self.y - self.oy, self.width, self.height) elseif self.shadowType == "polygon" then love.graphics.polygon("fill", unpack(self.data)) end end if self.shadowType == "image" and self.img then love.graphics.setBlendMode("alpha") local length = 1.0 local shadowRotation = math.atan2((self.x) - light.x, (self.y + self.oy) - light.y) self.shadowVert = { { math.sin(shadowRotation) * self.imgHeight * length, (length * math.cos(shadowRotation) + 1.0) * self.imgHeight + (math.cos(shadowRotation) + 1.0) * self.shadowY, 0, 0, self.red, self.green, self.blue, self.alpha * self.fadeStrength * 255 }, { self.imgWidth + math.sin(shadowRotation) * self.imgHeight * length, (length * math.cos(shadowRotation) + 1.0) * self.imgHeight + (math.cos(shadowRotation) + 1.0) * self.shadowY, 1, 0, self.red, self.green, self.blue, self.alpha * self.fadeStrength * 255 }, { self.imgWidth, self.imgHeight + (math.cos(shadowRotation) + 1.0) * self.shadowY, 1, 1, self.red, self.green, self.blue, self.alpha * 255 }, { 0, self.imgHeight + (math.cos(shadowRotation) + 1.0) * self.shadowY, 0, 1, self.red, self.green, self.blue, self.alpha * 255 } } self.shadowMesh:setVertices(self.shadowVert) love.graphics.draw(self.shadowMesh, self.x - self.ox + l, self.y - self.oy + t) end end function body:drawPixelShadow(l,t,w,h) if self.type == "image" and self.normalMesh then love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255) love.graphics.draw(self.normalMesh, self.x - self.nx, self.y - self.ny) end end function body:drawGlow(l,t,w,h) if self.glowStrength > 0.0 then love.graphics.setColor(self.glowRed * self.glowStrength, self.glowGreen * self.glowStrength, self.glowBlue * self.glowStrength) else love.graphics.setColor(0, 0, 0) end if self.type == "circle" then love.graphics.circle("fill", self.x, self.y, self.radius) elseif self.type == "rectangle" then love.graphics.rectangle("fill", self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height) elseif self.type == "polygon" then love.graphics.polygon("fill", unpack(self.data)) elseif self.type == "image" and self.img then if self.glowStrength > 0.0 and self.glow then love.graphics.setShader(self.glowShader) self.glowShader:send("glowImage", self.glow) self.glowShader:send("glowTime", love.timer.getTime() * 0.5) love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255) else love.graphics.setShader() love.graphics.setColor(0, 0, 0) end love.graphics.draw(self.img, self.x - self.ix, self.y - self.iy) end love.graphics.setShader() end function body:drawRefraction(l,t,w,h) if self.refraction and self.normal then love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255) if self.tileX == 0.0 and self.tileY == 0.0 then love.graphics.draw(normal, self.x - self.nx + l, self.y - self.ny + t) else self.normalMesh:setVertices(self.normalVert) love.graphics.draw(self.normalMesh, self.x - self.nx + l, self.y - self.ny + t) end end love.graphics.setColor(0, 0, 0) if not self.refractive then if self.type == "circle" then love.graphics.circle("fill", self.x, self.y, self.radius) elseif self.type == "rectangle" then love.graphics.rectangle("fill", self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height) elseif self.type == "polygon" then love.graphics.polygon("fill", unpack(self.data)) elseif self.type == "image" and self.img then love.graphics.draw(self.img, self.x - self.ix + l, self.y - self.iy + t) end end end function body:drawReflection(l,t,w,h) if self.reflection and self.normal then love.graphics.setColor(255, 0, 0) self.normalMesh:setVertices(self.normalVert) love.graphics.draw(self.normalMesh, self.x - self.nx + l, self.y - self.ny + t) end if self.reflective and self.img then love.graphics.setColor(0, 255, 0) love.graphics.draw(self.img, self.x - self.ix + l, self.y - self.iy + t) elseif not self.reflection and self.img then love.graphics.setColor(0, 0, 0) love.graphics.draw(self.img, self.x - self.ix + l, self.y - self.iy + t) end end function body:drawMaterial(l,t,w,h) if self.material and self.normal then love.graphics.setShader(self.materialShader) love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255) self.materialShader:send("material", self.material) love.graphics.draw(self.normal, self.x - self.nx + l, self.y - self.ny + t) love.graphics.setShader() end end function body:calculateShadow(light) if self.shadowType == "rectangle" or self.shadowType == "polygon" then return self:calculatePolyShadow(light) elseif self.shadowType == "circle" then return self:calculateCircleShadow(light) end end function body:calculatePolyShadow(light) if self.castsNoShadow then return nil end local curPolygon = self.data local edgeFacingTo = {} for k = 1, #curPolygon, 2 do local indexOfNextVertex = (k + 2) % #curPolygon local normal = {-curPolygon[indexOfNextVertex+1] + curPolygon[k + 1], curPolygon[indexOfNextVertex] - curPolygon[k]} local lightToPoint = {curPolygon[k] - light.x, curPolygon[k + 1] - light.y} normal = vector.normalize(normal) lightToPoint = vector.normalize(lightToPoint) local dotProduct = vector.dot(normal, lightToPoint) if dotProduct > 0 then table.insert(edgeFacingTo, true) else table.insert(edgeFacingTo, false) end end local curShadowGeometry = {} for k = 1, #edgeFacingTo do local nextIndex = (k + 1) % #edgeFacingTo if nextIndex == 0 then nextIndex = #edgeFacingTo end if edgeFacingTo[k] and not edgeFacingTo[nextIndex] then curShadowGeometry[1] = curPolygon[nextIndex*2-1] curShadowGeometry[2] = curPolygon[nextIndex*2] local lightVecFrontBack = vector.normalize({curPolygon[nextIndex*2-1] - light.x, curPolygon[nextIndex*2] - light.y}) curShadowGeometry[3] = curShadowGeometry[1] + lightVecFrontBack[1] * shadowLength curShadowGeometry[4] = curShadowGeometry[2] + lightVecFrontBack[2] * shadowLength elseif not edgeFacingTo[k] and edgeFacingTo[nextIndex] then curShadowGeometry[7] = curPolygon[nextIndex*2-1] curShadowGeometry[8] = curPolygon[nextIndex*2] local lightVecBackFront = vector.normalize({curPolygon[nextIndex*2-1] - light.x, curPolygon[nextIndex*2] - light.y}) curShadowGeometry[5] = curShadowGeometry[7] + lightVecBackFront[1] * shadowLength curShadowGeometry[6] = curShadowGeometry[8] + lightVecBackFront[2] * shadowLength end end if curShadowGeometry[1] and curShadowGeometry[2] and curShadowGeometry[3] and curShadowGeometry[4] and curShadowGeometry[5] and curShadowGeometry[6] and curShadowGeometry[7] and curShadowGeometry[8] then curShadowGeometry.alpha = self.alpha curShadowGeometry.red = self.red curShadowGeometry.green = self.green curShadowGeometry.blue = self.blue return curShadowGeometry else return nil end end function body:calculateCircleShadow(light) if self.castsNoShadow then return nil end local length = math.sqrt(math.pow(light.x - (self.x - self.ox), 2) + math.pow(light.y - (self.y - self.oy), 2)) if length >= self.radius and length <= light.range then local curShadowGeometry = {} local angle = math.atan2(light.x - (self.x - self.ox), (self.y - self.oy) - light.y) + math.pi / 2 local x2 = ((self.x - self.ox) + math.sin(angle) * self.radius) local y2 = ((self.y - self.oy) - math.cos(angle) * self.radius) local x3 = ((self.x - self.ox) - math.sin(angle) * self.radius) local y3 = ((self.y - self.oy) + math.cos(angle) * self.radius) curShadowGeometry[1] = x2 curShadowGeometry[2] = y2 curShadowGeometry[3] = x3 curShadowGeometry[4] = y3 curShadowGeometry[5] = x3 - (light.x - x3) * shadowLength curShadowGeometry[6] = y3 - (light.y - y3) * shadowLength curShadowGeometry[7] = x2 - (light.x - x2) * shadowLength curShadowGeometry[8] = y2 - (light.y - y2) * shadowLength curShadowGeometry.alpha = self.alpha curShadowGeometry.red = self.red curShadowGeometry.green = self.green curShadowGeometry.blue = self.blue return curShadowGeometry else return nil end end return body