--[[ The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2014 Marcus Ihde Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ]] local _PACKAGE = string.gsub(...,"%.","/") or "" if string.len(_PACKAGE) > 0 then _PACKAGE = _PACKAGE .. "/" end local class = require(_PACKAGE..'class') local Light = require(_PACKAGE..'light') local Body = require(_PACKAGE..'body') local util = require(_PACKAGE..'util') local normal_map = require(_PACKAGE..'normal_map') local PostShader = require(_PACKAGE..'postshader') require(_PACKAGE..'postshader') local light_world = class() light_world.blurv = love.graphics.newShader(_PACKAGE.."shaders/blurv.glsl") light_world.blurh = love.graphics.newShader(_PACKAGE.."shaders/blurh.glsl") light_world.refractionShader = love.graphics.newShader(_PACKAGE.."shaders/refraction.glsl") light_world.reflectionShader = love.graphics.newShader(_PACKAGE.."shaders/reflection.glsl") function light_world:init(options) self.lights = {} self.body = {} self.post_shader = PostShader() self.ambient = {0, 0, 0} self.refractionStrength = 8.0 self.reflectionStrength = 16.0 self.reflectionVisibility = 1.0 self.blur = 2.0 self.glowBlur = 1.0 self.glowTimer = 0.0 self.glowDown = false self.drawBackground = function() end self.drawForeground = function() end options = options or {} for k, v in pairs(options) do self[k] = v end self:refreshScreenSize() end function light_world:refreshScreenSize(w, h) w, h = w or love.window.getWidth(), h or love.window.getHeight() self.render_buffer = love.graphics.newCanvas(w, h) self.shadow = love.graphics.newCanvas(w, h) self.shadow2 = love.graphics.newCanvas(w, h) self.normal = love.graphics.newCanvas(w, h) self.normal2 = love.graphics.newCanvas(w, h) self.shine = love.graphics.newCanvas(w, h) self.shine2 = love.graphics.newCanvas(w, h) self.normalMap = love.graphics.newCanvas(w, h) self.glowMap = love.graphics.newCanvas(w, h) self.glowMap2 = love.graphics.newCanvas(w, h) self.refractionMap = love.graphics.newCanvas(w, h) self.refractionMap2 = love.graphics.newCanvas(w, h) self.reflectionMap = love.graphics.newCanvas(w, h) self.reflectionMap2 = love.graphics.newCanvas(w, h) self.blurv:send("screen", {w, h}) self.blurh:send("screen", {w, h}) self.refractionShader:send("screen", {w, h}) self.reflectionShader:send("screen", {w, h}) for i = 1, #self.lights do self.lights[i]:refresh(w, h) end self.post_shader:refreshScreenSize(w, h) end function light_world:draw(l,t,s) l,t,s = (l or 0), (t or 0), s or 1 local w, h = love.graphics.getWidth(), love.graphics.getHeight() util.drawto(self.render_buffer, l, t, s, function() self.drawBackground( l,t,w,h,s) self:drawShadow( l,t,w,h,s) self.drawForeground( l,t,w,h,s) self:drawMaterial( l,t,w,h,s) self:drawShine( l,t,w,h,s) self:drawNormalShading(l,t,w,h,s) self:drawGlow( l,t,w,h,s) self:drawRefraction( l,t,w,h,s) self:drawReflection( l,t,w,h,s) end) self.post_shader:drawWith(self.render_buffer, l, t, s) end function light_world:drawBlur(blendmode, blur, canvas, canvas2, l, t, w, h, s) if blur <= 0 then return end canvas2:clear() self.blurv:send("steps", blur) self.blurh:send("steps", blur) util.drawCanvasToCanvas(canvas, canvas2, {shader = self.blurv, blendmode = blendmode}) util.drawCanvasToCanvas(canvas2, canvas, {shader = self.blurh, blendmode = blendmode}) end -- draw shadow function light_world:drawShadow(l,t,w,h,s) if not self.isShadows and not self.isLight then return end -- draw ambient util.drawto(self.shadow, l, t, s, function() love.graphics.setColor(unpack(self.ambient)) love.graphics.setBlendMode("alpha") love.graphics.rectangle("fill", -l/s, -t/s, w/s, h/s) for i = 1, #self.lights do self.lights[i]:drawShadow(l,t,w,h,s,self.body, self.shadow) end end) light_world:drawBlur("alpha", self.blur, self.shadow, self.shadow2, l, t, w, h, s) util.drawCanvasToCanvas(self.shadow, self.render_buffer, {blendmode = "multiplicative"}) end -- draw shine function light_world:drawShine(l,t,w,h,s) if not self.isShadows then return end -- update shine util.drawto(self.shine, l, t, s, function() love.graphics.setColor(unpack(self.ambient)) love.graphics.setBlendMode("alpha") love.graphics.rectangle("fill", -l/s, -t/s, w/s, h/s) for i = 1, #self.lights do self.lights[i]:drawShine(l,t,w,h,s,self.body,self.shine) end end) --light_world:drawBlur("additive", self.blur, self.shine, self.shine2, l, t, w, h, s) util.drawCanvasToCanvas(self.shine, self.render_buffer, {blendmode = "multiplicative"}) end -- draw normal shading function light_world:drawNormalShading(l,t,w,h,s) if not self.isShadows then return end -- create normal map self.normalMap:clear() util.drawto(self.normalMap, l, t, s, function() for i = 1, #self.body do self.body[i]:drawNormalShading() end end) self.normal2:clear() for i = 1, #self.lights do self.lights[i]:drawNormalShading(l,t,w,h,s, self.normalMap, self.normal2) end self.normal:clear(255, 255, 255) util.drawCanvasToCanvas(self.normal2, self.normal, {blendmode = "alpha"}) util.drawto(self.normal, l, t, s, function() love.graphics.setBlendMode("additive") love.graphics.setColor({self.ambient[1], self.ambient[2], self.ambient[3]}) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", -l/s, -t/s, w/s,h/s) end) util.drawCanvasToCanvas(self.normal, self.render_buffer, {blendmode = "multiplicative"}) end -- draw material function light_world:drawMaterial(l,t,w,h,s) for i = 1, #self.body do self.body[i]:drawMaterial() end end -- draw glow function light_world:drawGlow(l,t,w,h,s) if not self.isShadows then return end -- create glow map self.glowMap:clear(0, 0, 0) util.drawto(self.glowMap, l, t, s, function() if self.glowDown then self.glowTimer = math.max(0.0, self.glowTimer - love.timer.getDelta()) if self.glowTimer == 0.0 then self.glowDown = not self.glowDown end else self.glowTimer = math.min(self.glowTimer + love.timer.getDelta(), 1.0) if self.glowTimer == 1.0 then self.glowDown = not self.glowDown end end for i = 1, #self.body do self.body[i]:drawGlow() end end) light_world:drawBlur("alpha", self.glowBlur, self.glowMap, self.glowMap2, l, t, w, h, s) util.drawCanvasToCanvas(self.glowMap, self.render_buffer, {blendmode = "additive"}) end -- draw refraction function light_world:drawRefraction(l,t,w,h,s) if not self.isRefraction then return end -- create refraction map self.refractionMap:clear() util.drawto(self.refractionMap, l, t, s, function() for i = 1, #self.body do self.body[i]:drawRefraction() end end) util.drawCanvasToCanvas(self.render_buffer, self.refractionMap2) self.refractionShader:send("backBuffer", self.refractionMap2) self.refractionShader:send("refractionStrength", self.refractionStrength) util.drawCanvasToCanvas(self.refractionMap, self.render_buffer, {shader = self.refractionShader}) end -- draw reflection function light_world:drawReflection(l,t,w,h,s) if not self.isReflection then return end -- create reflection map self.reflectionMap:clear(0, 0, 0) util.drawto(self.reflectionMap, l, t, s, function() for i = 1, #self.body do self.body[i]:drawReflection() end end) util.drawCanvasToCanvas(self.render_buffer, self.reflectionMap2) self.reflectionShader:send("backBuffer", self.reflectionMap2) self.reflectionShader:send("reflectionStrength", self.reflectionStrength) self.reflectionShader:send("reflectionVisibility", self.reflectionVisibility) util.drawCanvasToCanvas(self.reflectionMap, self.render_buffer, {shader = self.reflectionShader}) end -- new light function light_world:newLight(x, y, red, green, blue, range) self.lights[#self.lights + 1] = Light(x, y, red, green, blue, range) self.isLight = true return self.lights[#self.lights] end function light_world:clear() light_world:clearLights() light_world:clearBodies() end -- clear lights function light_world:clearLights() self.lights = {} self.isLight = false end -- clear objects function light_world:clearBodies() self.body = {} self.isShadows = false self.isRefraction = false self.isReflection = false end function light_world:setBackgroundMethod(fn) self.drawBackground = fn or function() end end function light_world:setForegroundMethod(fn) self.drawForeground = fn or function() end end -- set ambient color function light_world:setAmbientColor(red, green, blue) self.ambient = {red, green, blue} end -- set blur function light_world:setBlur(blur) self.blur = blur end -- set blur function light_world:setShadowBlur(blur) self.blur = blur end -- set glow blur function light_world:setGlowStrength(strength) self.glowBlur = strength end -- set refraction blur function light_world:setRefractionStrength(strength) self.refractionStrength = strength end -- set reflection strength function light_world:setReflectionStrength(strength) self.reflectionStrength = strength end -- set reflection visibility function light_world:setReflectionVisibility(visibility) self.reflectionVisibility = visibility end -- new rectangle function light_world:newRectangle(x, y, w, h) self.isShadows = true return self:newBody("rectangle", x, y, w, h) end -- new circle function light_world:newCircle(x, y, r) self.isShadows = true return self:newBody("circle", x, y, r) end -- new polygon function light_world:newPolygon(...) self.isShadows = true return self:newBody("polygon", ...) end -- new image function light_world:newImage(img, x, y, width, height, ox, oy) self.isShadows = true return self:newBody("image", img, x, y, width, height, ox, oy) end -- new refraction function light_world:newRefraction(normal, x, y, width, height) self.isRefraction = true return self:newBody("refraction", normal, x, y, width, height) end -- new refraction from height map function light_world:newRefractionHeightMap(heightMap, x, y, strength) local normal = normal_map.fromHeightMap(heightMap, strength) self.isRefraction = true return self.newRefraction(p, normal, x, y) end -- new reflection function light_world:newReflection(normal, x, y, width, height) self.isReflection = true return self:newBody("reflection", normal, x, y, width, height) end -- new reflection from height map function light_world:newReflectionHeightMap(heightMap, x, y, strength) local normal = normal_map.fromHeightMap(heightMap, strength) self.isReflection = true return self.newReflection(p, normal, x, y) end -- new body function light_world:newBody(type, ...) local id = #self.body + 1 self.body[id] = Body(id, type, ...) return self.body[#self.body] end -- get body count function light_world:getBodyCount() return #self.body end -- get light function light_world:getBody(n) return self.body[n] end -- get light count function light_world:getLightCount() return #self.lights end -- get light function light_world:getLight(n) return self.lights[n] end function light_world:remove(to_kill) if to_kill:is_a(Body) then for i = 1, #self.body do if self.body[i] == to_kill then table.remove(self.body, i) return true end end elseif to_kill:is_a(Light) then for i = 1, #self.lights do if self.lights[i] == to_kill then table.remove(self.lights, i) return true end end end -- failed to find it return false end return light_world