-- -- EXF: Example Framework -- -- This should make examples easier and more enjoyable to use. -- All examples in one application! Yaay! -- -- Updated by Dresenpai require "lib/postshader" local LightWorld = require "lib/light_world" exf = {} exf.current = nil exf.available = {} function love.load() exf.list = List:new() exf.smallfont = love.graphics.newFont(love._vera_ttf,12) exf.bigfont = love.graphics.newFont(love._vera_ttf, 24) exf.list.font = exf.smallfont exf.bigball = love.graphics.newImage("gfx/love-big-ball.png") -- Find available demos. local files = love.filesystem.getDirectoryItems("examples") local n = 0 for i, v in ipairs(files) do n = n + 1 table.insert(exf.available, v); local file = love.filesystem.newFile(v, love.file_read) file:open("r") local contents = love.filesystem.read("examples/" .. v, 100) local s, e, c = string.find(contents, "Example: ([%a%p ]-)[\r\n]") file:close(file) if not c then c = "Untitled" end local title = exf.getn(n) .. " " .. c .. " (" .. v .. ")" exf.list:add(title, v) end exf.list:done() exf.resume() end function love.update(dt) end function love.draw() end function love.keypressed(k) end function love.keyreleased(k) end function love.mousepressed(x, y, b) end function love.mousereleased(x, y, b) end function exf.empty() end function exf.update(dt) exf.list:update(dt) lightMouse:setPosition(love.mouse.getX(), love.mouse.getY()) end function exf.draw() lightWorld:draw() end function exf.drawBackground() love.graphics.setBackgroundColor(0, 0, 0) love.graphics.setColor(48, 156, 225) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", 0, 0, love.window.getWidth(), love.window.getHeight()) love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255, 191) love.graphics.setFont(exf.bigfont) love.graphics.print("Examples:", 50, 50) love.graphics.setFont(exf.smallfont) love.graphics.print("Browse and click on the example you \nwant to run. To return the the example \nselection screen, press escape.", 500, 80) exf.list:draw() end function exf.drawForground() love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255) love.graphics.draw(exf.bigball, 800 - 128, 600 - 128, love.timer.getTime(), 1, 1, exf.bigball:getWidth() * 0.5, exf.bigball:getHeight() * 0.5) end function exf.keypressed(k) end function exf.keyreleased(k) end function exf.mousepressed(x, y, b) exf.list:mousepressed(x, y, b) end function exf.mousereleased(x, y, b) exf.list:mousereleased(x, y, b) end function exf.getn(n) local s = "" n = tonumber(n) local r = n if r <= 0 then error("Example IDs must be bigger than 0. (Got: " .. r .. ")") end if r >= 10000 then error("Example IDs must be less than 10000. (Got: " .. r .. ")") end while r < 1000 do s = s .. "0" r = r * 10 end s = s .. n return s end function exf.intable(t, e) for k, v in ipairs(t) do if v == e then return true end end return false end function exf.start(item, file) local e_id = string.sub(item, 1, 4) local e_rest = string.sub(item, 5) local unused1, unused2, n = string.find(item, "(%s)%.lua") if exf.intable(exf.available, file) then if not love.filesystem.exists("examples/" .. file) then print("Could not load game .. " .. file) else -- Clear all callbacks. love.load = exf.empty love.update = exf.empty love.draw = exf.empty love.keypressed = exf.empty love.keyreleased = exf.empty love.mousepressed = exf.empty love.mousereleased = exf.empty love.filesystem.load("examples/" .. file)() exf.clear() --love.window.setTitle(e_rest) -- Redirect keypress local o_keypressed = love.keypressed love.keypressed = function(k) if k == "escape" then exf.resume() end o_keypressed(k) end love.load() end else print("Example ".. e_id .. " does not exist.") end end function exf.clear() love.graphics.setBackgroundColor(0,0,0) love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255) love.graphics.setLineWidth(1) love.graphics.setLineStyle("smooth") --love.graphics.setLine(1, "smooth") --love.graphics.setColorMode("replace") love.graphics.setBlendMode("alpha") love.mouse.setVisible(true) end function exf.resume() load = nil love.update = exf.update love.draw = exf.draw love.keypressed = exf.keypressed love.keyreleased = exf.keyreleased love.mousepressed = exf.mousepressed love.mousereleased = exf.mousereleased love.mouse.setVisible(true) love.window.setTitle("LOVE Example Browser") -- create light world lightWorld = LightWorld({ drawBackground = exf.drawBackground, drawForground = exf.drawForground }) lightWorld:setAmbientColor(127, 127, 127) -- create light lightMouse = lightWorld:newLight(0, 0, 255, 127, 63, 500) lightMouse:setSmooth(2) -- create shadow bodys circleTest = lightWorld:newCircle(800 - 128, 600 - 128, exf.bigball:getWidth()*0.5) end function inside(mx, my, x, y, w, h) return mx >= x and mx <= (x+w) and my >= y and my <= (y+h) end ---------------------- -- List object ---------------------- List = {} function List:new() o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self o.items = {} o.files = {} o.x = 50 o.y = 70 o.width = 400 o.height = 500 o.item_height = 23 o.sum_item_height = 0 o.bar_size = 20 o.bar_pos = 0 o.bar_max_pos = 0 o.bar_width = 15 o.bar_lock = nil return o end function List:add(item, file) table.insert(self.items, item) table.insert(self.files, file) end function List:done() self.items.n = #self.items -- Recalc bar size. self.bar_pos = 0 local num_items = (self.height/self.item_height) local ratio = num_items/self.items.n self.bar_size = self.height * ratio self.bar_max_pos = self.height - self.bar_size - 3 -- Calculate height of everything. self.sum_item_height = (self.item_height+1) * self.items.n + 2 end function List:hasBar() return self.sum_item_height > self.height end function List:getBarRatio() return self.bar_pos/self.bar_max_pos end function List:getOffset() local ratio = self.bar_pos/self.bar_max_pos return math.floor((self.sum_item_height-self.height)*ratio + 0.5) end function List:update(dt) if self.bar_lock then local dy = math.floor(love.mouse.getY()-self.bar_lock.y+0.5) self.bar_pos = self.bar_pos + dy if self.bar_pos < 0 then self.bar_pos = 0 elseif self.bar_pos > self.bar_max_pos then self.bar_pos = self.bar_max_pos end self.bar_lock.y = love.mouse.getY() end end function List:mousepressed(mx, my, b) if self:hasBar() then if b == "l" then local x, y, w, h = self:getBarRect() if inside(mx, my, x, y, w, h) then self.bar_lock = { x = mx, y = my } end end local per_pixel = (self.sum_item_height-self.height)/self.bar_max_pos local bar_pixel_dt = math.floor(((self.item_height)*3)/per_pixel + 0.5) if b == "wd" then self.bar_pos = self.bar_pos + bar_pixel_dt if self.bar_pos > self.bar_max_pos then self.bar_pos = self.bar_max_pos end elseif b == "wu" then self.bar_pos = self.bar_pos - bar_pixel_dt if self.bar_pos < 0 then self.bar_pos = 0 end end end if b == "l" and inside(mx, my, self.x+2, self.y+1, self.width-3, self.height-3) then local tx, ty = mx-self.x, my + self:getOffset() - self.y local index = math.floor((ty/self.sum_item_height)*self.items.n) local i = self.items[index+1] local f = self.files[index+1] if f then exf.start(i, f) end end end function List:mousereleased(x, y, b) if self:hasBar() then if b == "l" then self.bar_lock = nil end end end function List:getBarRect() return self.x+self.width+2, self.y+1+self.bar_pos, self.bar_width-3, self.bar_size end function List:getItemRect(i) return self.x+2, self.y+((self.item_height+1)*(i-1)+1)-self:getOffset(), self.width-3, self.item_height end function List:draw() love.graphics.setLineWidth(2) love.graphics.setLineStyle("rough") love.graphics.setFont(self.font) love.graphics.setColor(48, 156, 225) local mx, my = love.mouse.getPosition() -- Get interval to display. local start_i = math.floor( self:getOffset()/(self.item_height+1) ) + 1 local end_i = start_i+math.floor( self.height/(self.item_height+1) ) + 1 if end_i > self.items.n then end_i = self.items.n end love.graphics.setScissor(self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height) -- Items. for i = start_i,end_i do local x, y, w, h = self:getItemRect(i) local hover = inside(mx, my, x, y, w, h) if hover then love.graphics.setColor(0, 0, 0, 127) else love.graphics.setColor(0, 0, 0, 63) end love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x+1, y+i+1, w-3, h) if hover then love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255) else love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255, 127) end local e_id = string.sub(self.items[i], 1, 5) local e_rest = string.sub(self.items[i], 5) love.graphics.print(e_id, x+10, y+i+6) --Updated y placement -- Used to change position of Example IDs love.graphics.print(e_rest, x+50, y+i+6) --Updated y placement -- Used to change position of Example Titles end love.graphics.setScissor() -- Bar. if self:hasBar() then local x, y, w, h = self:getBarRect() local hover = inside(mx, my, x, y, w, h) if hover or self.bar_lock then love.graphics.setColor(0, 0, 0, 127) else love.graphics.setColor(0, 0, 0, 63) end love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, w, h) end -- Border. love.graphics.setColor(0, 0, 0, 63) love.graphics.rectangle("line", self.x+self.width, self.y, self.bar_width, self.height) love.graphics.rectangle("line", self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height) end