# light_world.lua This is the light modeling done by Priorblue [here](https://bitbucket.org/PriorBlue/love2d-light-and-shadow-engine), only it has been largely refactored and edited to allow for scaling and proper translation. ## Installation Copy and rename the lib folder into your project. ## How to use ```lua local LightWorld = require "lib/light_world" -- create light world lightWorld = LightWorld({ drawBackground = drawBackground, --the callback to use for drawing the background drawForground = drawForground, --the callback to use for drawing the foreground ambient = {55,55,55}, --the general ambient light in the environment }) function love.draw() love.graphics.push() love.graphics.translate(x, y) love.graphics.scale(scale) lightWorld:draw(x,y,scale) love.graphics.pop() end ``` For more information please check out the [wiki](https://github.com/tanema/light_world.lua/wiki) and see the examples directory to see how it is fully used. This project can be run with love to see the demonstrations in action. ## Features ## * **[Preview (Video)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6V5Dtsa6Nd4)** * polygon shadow calculation [Preview](http://onepixelahead.de/love2d_polyshadow.png) * circle shadow calculation * image shadow calculation [Preview](http://onepixelahead.de/love2d_polyshadow18.png) * shadow blur * light color, range, smooth and glow [Preview](http://onepixelahead.de/love2d_polyshadow2.png) * ambient light * self shadowing on images with normal maps [Preview](http://onepixelahead.de/love2d_polyshadow_pixelshadow.png) * dynamic glow effect on images and circle/poly objects [Preview](http://onepixelahead.de/love2d_polyshadow_glow.png) [Preview](http://onepixelahead.de/love2d_polyshadow15.gif) * generate flat or gradient normal maps [Preview](http://onepixelahead.de/love2d_polyshadow7.png) * convert height maps to normal maps [Preview](http://onepixelahead.de/love2d_polyshadow8.png) * generate a normal map directly from the image (usually gives poor results) * shadow color and alpha (glass) [Preview](http://onepixelahead.de/love2d_polyshadow9.png) * directional light [Preview](http://onepixelahead.de/love2d_polyshadow12.png) * refractions (moveable) [Preview](http://onepixelahead.de/love2d_polyshadow13.gif) * chromatic aberration [Preview](http://onepixelahead.de/love2d_polyshadow16.gif) * postshader with many included postshaders, plus easy to extend ## License A License has been included in this project