local List = {} function List:new(x, y, w, h) o = { x = x, y = y, w = w, h = h, items = {}, } setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end function List:add(item, file, cb) local x, y = self.x+2, self.y+((self.h+1)*(#self.items-1)+1) local w, h = self.w-3, self.h table.insert(self.items, {item = item, file = file, cb = cb, x = x, y = y, w = w, h = h, hover = false}) end function List:update(dt) local mx, my = love.mouse.getPosition() for i, item in ipairs(self.items) do item.hover = mx >= item.x and mx <= (item.x+item.w) and my >= item.y and my <= (item.y+item.h) end end function List:mousepressed(mx, my, b) for i, item in ipairs(self.items) do if item.hover then return item.cb() end end end function List:draw() love.graphics.setFont(self.font) love.graphics.setColor(0.18, 0.61, 1) for i, item in ipairs(self.items) do love.graphics.setColor(0, 0, 0, item.hover and 0.49 or 0.24) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", item.x+1, item.y+1, item.w-3, item.h) love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, item.hover and 1 or 0.49) love.graphics.print(item.item, item.x+10, item.y+6) end end return List